
Kyoko was in shock. Ren was Corn, Corn was Ren, Ren and Corn were Kuon Hizzuri son of the famous Kuu and Julie Hizzuri she thought had died and Mr. Kuu was sad about. He didn't hate her or feel like she was just a younger colleague. He just said he loved her. Her who had given up on love. Was it real, or was all this just some ficitional reality and she was asleep somewhere. Ren/Kuon in Kuon look spoke to her softly.

" I know this is a lot to take in right now, but I truly do love you. Please don't turn away from me. I couldn't bare the thought of not telling you anymore. I don't want to lie or reject my feelings for you anylonger."

He turned away slightly. His face usualy so genle or angry twisted slightly nervious about her answer. Kyoko just stood there staring. He loved her, He loved her…..HE LOVED HER! Ren turned towards her unable to bare the silence just in time to see her faint, and catch her as she fell.

"KYOKO!" he shouted in shock. "WHY!"

He looked at her unconscious face. A bluch creeped over his features. She was bright red from head to toe blushing. His only choice was to take her to his car and wait for her to wake up with a answer. It was going to be torcher for him.

20 minutes later in Ren's Car….

Kyoko's eyes started to flutter. The air was tense as Ren stared out the window hoping that when she woke up she wouldn't regect him. He turned toward her when he heard her moan a little. Her eyes opened up slightly. He couldn't take it. Ren started the car.

" I'll drive you home." He said to her.

His hands gripped the stearing wheel like a vice. His emotions from that intence 20 minutes were screaming that anymoment she would tell him that she didn't feel the same way. He knew when they reached back to her home that he would get his answer. They were five minutes away when she finally spoke.

"Um…..Cor,kuo,Ren….. " she hesitated.

"When its just us you can call me Corn like before." He said a little stiffly.

"Um, Corn, how long did you feel this way."

" The truth is… I felt I loved you since we were kids out in the woods playing, but I never realized my true feeling till I spent those few days before my acting test back when we were in Dark Moon." He responded in a hurried and embarrassed rush.

A blush creeped over his handsom face. He slowly pulled up infront of her home. Two minutes pass . He hears the side car door click open. His heart was racing as he felt his worst nightmare would become reality. A small hand reached around his head turning it. Soft lips pressed against his own. Kyoko moved away before he could prosess what had happened.

"To be honest I had developed a bit of a crush on you back then too." She said with a hint of a smile on her flushed face.

Kyoko left seconds later before he could respond. Ren was unaware at that moment, but he was about to risk never seeing her again.

Present day….

Kyoko and Moko walked towards LME together chatting. Kyoko was telling her best friend all about what had happened that prievious evening. Her face was pink at the memory.

"Ren Tusuruga confessed to you. He actually said to your face…I…Love… and You."

Kyoko knodded turning even more deep shade of pink. Moko all of a sudden moved in front of her, placed a hand on her sholder, then spoke the most embarrassing thing she could have ever said to Kyoko at any point in time.

"When you have sex and plan on getting married give me every detail moment by moment"

"MOKO! PLEASE, DON'T SAY IT OUTLOUD!" Kyoko burst out her face became bright red and she showed a almost horrified expression.

As they neared the front of LME they saw two men wearing Tanuki masks against the main entrance walls. At first they assumed they were part of the president's cosplayers and started to move past them into the building. Kyoko barely reacted in time for what happened next.

Three hours prier to the incident….

Ren Tusuruga had gotten very little sleep that evening. His mind kept replaying that final moment before she left his car. He swor as he realized he was becoming arrosed. She had somehow picked the perfect escape time. If she was still in his car and he was driving, he would have pulled over and taken her the second he regained his sences. He made up his mind to take her back to his apartment the second he went out with her again.

"HECK WITH THAT!" he shouted.

He wasn't going to wait he would take her this morning and have Yashiro clear both his and her scedules. Then he could take his time with her all day, but first he needed to find her. Ren looked at the clock. Kyoko should arrive at LME today in a few hours. I'll meet her there then highjack her before she can even leave the loby to report in. Ren took his time preparing for her to come over.

Ten minutes prier to the incident…

Ren could see her through the glass doors in the Loby. She was with her friend Moko. They paused briefly as Kyoko froze to something Moko said. She was turning a whole number of shades of pink to red. She was making a number of dramatic movements before seemingly denying something. They moved towards the door.

The Insident….

It happened in a moment. Moko had just opened the door to LME's front when Kyoko suddenly sprung forward and pushed her before flying backwards yelling something. Moko slid far from the door as it exploded. Other than being slightly scraped up she was fine. Kyoko…. Where was Kyoko. The firealarms went off and panic ensued. Through the flaming doorway Ren could see two men grabing Kyoko and dragging her towards a black car that pulled up. They were taking her. Ren leaped through the flames without a second thought and raced towards them. He was too late. They sped off before he could reach them. On the ground he spotted Kyoko's cellphone. He fell to his knees distraunt with worry and grief. He would not forgive himself if she was hurt or died because of him and his inability to do anything when she needed him most.

"Kyoko…where are you. Please come back"