Awww... I feel bad for my sweet little angel. ^u^"

Anyway Sakura-sakiyuri, I hope you enjoy this!

Merek sniffled a bit, hating the sound with a passion, slowly finishing up some paper work. For some reason, he couldn't stand sitting around and doing paper work right now. He felt like falling asleep really. Not that he was a slacker or anything with this line of work. He just didn't feel like he could work with a pen and paper right now. It felt like his brain was going to explode. Like he couldn't think anymore, or he simply couldn't keep his eyes open. And it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

" Hey Merkie! "

A high strung voice called out to him, and if anyone hadn't seen the angel prior to his chipper calling, they would've assumed it was Gold Winchester. But Merek knew that voice all too well. It was none other than Salem Johnson.

Slowly the time angel turned to come face to face with the spazzy-gothic angel that was Salem. The angel in question had snow white hair with many purple streaks on the points his hair and his bangs, a black turtle neck with a white skull at the collar, two red belts that crossed over each other with many black lines in them, light black jeans and black boots with red at the top of them with a similar pattern on them as his belts. His eyes were a brilliant purple shade, and his neon yellow wings were almost as large as Merek's. But not nearly as strong.

Merek sighed greatly at the sight of the younger angel, wishing it had been anyone else who had come to him. He didn't HATE Salem, he just couldn't stand his high strung behavior. The only reason he dealt with Golds high strung behavior was because Gold was bipolar and he couldn't help it. That, and Gold could be serious when he wanted to be. Salem was just spazztic for the sake of being spazztic. Merek often wondered why Flash wanted him to mentor the annoying angel.

" Yes Salem? "

Merek asked in a monotone, his voice altered greatly due to how badly his nose was stuffed up. He figured it was allergies though.

" Flash said he wanted to see you! "

Salem said in a strangely cheery voice, suddenly flying over and grabbing Merek from beneath his arms.

" Come on! Before the big man gets PO'd! "

As the space angel began to fly away, Merek began to squirm, trying with all his might to pull away from his arms. After all, he was more than capable of flying by himself. Sure he'd admit his wings were a bit stiff today, but flying should help that! And why was Salem carrying him anyway? What was the point of it? Soon Merek ceased struggling, finding himself out of breath much sooner than he thought he'd be. Was he just tired? Sure his stomach was in knots, which probably had something to do with it, but he also hadn't eaten that day so he could just be out of stamina because of his lack of eating! Yeah... yeah that had to be it.

Finally the two neared Flash's throne, Merek slightly surprised to find Blake standing beside Flash and Septimus. The time angel growled inwardly, wondering why Flash bothered keeping him around. Sure Blake was good with magic, but still! Merek just didn't like that guy. He remembered Salem teasing him and saying Merek just didn't like him because of how much Blake actually did for Flash, but Merek simply shrugged it off as nothing. He wasn't jealous of that... that... ugh... he couldn't think of a proper label right now. He just didn't have it in him to insult right now...

Salem slowly lowered Merek to his knees, to which the angel was grateful for. He didn't feel like being full on dropped right now. Looking up, he found Blake nod to Flash before turning and walking in his direction. Merek sneered at the Wiccan, wondering what he was up to. Blake, as if reading his mind, simply smirked and answered his question.

" If you must know, Flash has informed me one of the vessel children's seal is weakening. I need to go take care of it. "

With that, Blake simply walked off, Merek soon crossing his arms and pouting for a moment before he remembered he WAS in Flash's presence. Thinking quickly, he sprung to his feet, ignoring the head rush he got from doing so. The time angel walked forward a bit and bowed slightly to Flash before straightening up.

" You asked for me sir? "

Flash smiled and nodded, slowly getting to his feet. The man walked right up to the front of Merek, staring at him calmly.

" Merek, it has come to my attention you may not be feeling your best. "

Merek chuckled slightly, honestly growing nervous.

" Wh-what? "

He said quickly, his voice cracking greatly.

" I assure you sir, I'm perfectly f- "

The angels face scrunched for a second before he sneezed, a small sound wave piercing through the air. This was a sound that went heard and unbothered to an angels ears, but it would've been unbearable to anyone else's. Merek liked to call it, an angels true voice, as only angels could stand it's sound.

Flash didn't even flinch to this mini outburst, as he had fully expected it really. He soon blinked, however, as Merek lent over and began to cough.

" You are anything but fine Merek. "

The man said sternly.

" You must go to my sons house on earth and rest there. They are out on a mission for a couple of days, and the house is free. "

" B-but sir I- "

Merek tried, breathing heavily and unevenly due to the coughing before Flash suddenly glared.

" Merek. "

Flash snapped calmly, grabbing the time angels chin and forced him to look him in the eyes.

" That is an order. "

Mereks eyes grew wide in horror before they lowered sadly. He couldn't disobey an order from Flash...

" ... yes sir... "

Slowly the time angel pulled away and began trudging his way to the hole in the clouds. He hated resting while the others worked. Just because he was old, didn't mean he couldn't pull his weight. If anything, he pulled everyone's weight. And besides, he couldn't relax anyway. Not while everyone was working hard anyway.

Salem started to laugh at him as he neared, looking like he was getting quite a kick out of this really.

" Oh fun! The tough, work-a-holic Merkie is going to rest and relax! "

He laughed, failing to notice Merek's eye twitch.

" Oh, I'd buy a ticket to see THAT train wre- "

Mereks arm suddenly shot forward, punching the space angel square in the jaw and simply kept walking. Flash sighed at his behavior and slid back into his throne. ' Ah Merek... ' He thought bitterly. ' Such a great companion, but you just do not know how to take it easy. Nor do you know how to let others in and help you. Hopefully this illness will teach you these lessons. '

Merek? Learn to relax and let others in? Hah! Good luck with that!

Im just having a little fun. Anyway, hope this was a decent first chapter! :D