Alrighty so the first chapter of YX very, late in XY's life time but better late than never so let's get it on!

I own nothing except the stuff I made up!

I-Detour to Aquacorde

Tai rushed through the hall, "Okay this is fixable we just have to get a connecting flight! No biggie!" he called to Rio as they rushed up to an attendant's desk, "Hi there, hey listen I got on the wrong plane I wanted to go to Unova, but somehow I got my plane mixed up is there one I can take there?"

"I understand, hold on let me see." The receptionist replied, typing into the computer. "Oh dear,"

"What's wrong?" Tai asked.

"All flights to Unova, have been canceled due to severe storming." She replied, "I'm very sorry,"

"No it's fine." Tai replied wondering what to do he decided just to find a Professor he could talk too.

Tai had figured that the Professor of the region Sycamore was it, had lived in a small town called Vaniville town based on what he knew from Kanto through Unova he was able to get a Taxi there for a pretty good deal when he arrived however he looked around.

"Excuse me miss, do you know where we can find Professor, Sycamore's lab?" Tai asked.

The lady had short brown hair a black T-Shirt and a mint green sweater tied around her waist and black pants. "Sycamore…I'm sorry, sweetie but that's in Luminose city." She replied Tai looked as though Christmas had been canceled.

"Thanks." He squeaked out before turning and running after the Taxi that was taking off, "NO, NO, NO, NO WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!"

"Braaauuuuuuuooo!" Rio called as they chased the Taxi into the Night.


In the next town, a trio of kids, one husky with a Vanillite image on a black shirt with a fin like off-black hair style and orange pants. The shortest had grey eyes with orange hair with bangs and side hangings that framed his face thickly he had a green camera around his neck and a green and white polo shirt, with a lime green back pack and shoes and black pants.

The third was a girl with a pink shirt with a row of black bows down the front and black edged sleeves with a frilly black arm band. Her shorts had black frills on them as well. Her hair was curly like horns with a spike of bangs in the front showing off her innocent big green eyes she craned an eyebrow at the red, black, white and blue mass lying on one of the park patio tables. "Is he dead?"

"Hey, Kid are you dead?!" yelled the tallest of the three the husky boy.

"AAAH!" Tai yelped jumping into a tippy toed karate position which didn't last long due to lack of balance. "Oh no…" BAM! Right into the ground, the boy groaned pulling himself up. "You guys scared me." He muttered.

"We're sorry, we were just surprised by you sleeping on the table and we've never seen you before." The youngest boy added.

"Yeah, and you looked kind of dead." The girl added.

"Kind of dead?" Tai asked.

"Raauu?" Rio asked yawning from where he was.

"Oh! A Riolu!" the boy shouted before; snapping, a picture of the Riolu with his Camera. "I want to take a picture of every Pokémon I meet; I'm Trevor by the way."



"My name's Tai, I'm from Pallet Town. This is Rio."

"Raaariii!" Rio barked happily.

"Well, it's pretty ironic that you ended up sleeping here this is our usually meeting place." Shauna replied.

"Oh it is, is, it." Tai whistled, "Neat." He stated sitting down Rio jumping into his lap.

"So you're from Pallet town right?" Tierno asked. "Wow that's all the way in Kanto; did you come all this way to start your Pokémon journey?"

"Well, yes and no. This will be the first region I collect badges and enter the league for," Tai replied. "But I did travel around the Orre Region with my Brother."

"You're brother? Oh that means you and him! You're one of the trainers who stopped Cipher last year!" Shauna exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, my Brother and friend Michael deserve more credit than I do." Tai replied rubbing the back of his head. "Anyway enough about that; tell me what you guys are up to." Tai replied.

"Tierno has some serious Dance moves." Shauna stated as Terino suddenly started to break dance.

"WHOA HO HO!" Tai stated amazed.

"RAAA!" Rio added.

"Trevor; never misses a single question on his tests but he's a bit shy." Shauna replied, as Trevor seemed to try to make, himself smaller.

"Sounds like you're really smart." Tai replied.

"Yeah…" Trevor replied shyly.

"Shauna here wants to become a PokéVison extraordinaire." Tireno added. "Ya, know I'd feel like we'd be a closer crew if we had nicknames."

"Nicknames are fun!" Tai stated interested.

"Okay how about T-Meister?" Tierno asked.

"NO!" Shauna shouted, "Lil' T for sure!" Shauna argued,

"Trevor what do you think!?" they both asked him getting right in his face.

"WAAAH, you- you want me to name someone I just met!? Uhhhh well….maybe Tai should choose it's his nick name after all. But if you really want to know, I was thinking something like Big T…." he stated hiding his face.

"So Tai what'll it be?" Shauna asked.

"Hmmmm, me thinks….T.K. for Tai Ketchum!" Tai stated.

"Oooh I like that!" Shauna stated. "It fits perfectly!"

"I think so too." Trevor added.

"Yeah, has a nice ring to it." Trieno stated.

"Hey Trevor, can we see the Pokémon I wanna meet my new Partner soon." Shauna stated.

"Oooh Partner? Starter Pokémon am I right? I only know the starter sets up to Unova, where you can choose from Oshawott, Tepig and Snivy. I can't wait to see what Kalos, has to offer!" Tai stated making the trio a little nervous.

"What?" Tai asked.

"Well, you're gonna have to wait a bit longer, this isn't the Kalos starter set." Trevor told him.

"Oh." Tai muttered deflated. "Then who are they?" Tai asked.

"I'll show you, come out everyone!" Tierno shouted throwing Pokeballs up into the air.



"Squirtle, Squirtle!"

"Whoa," Tai squeed. "Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur!"

"Yeah, being from Kanto, you'd know them right away." Trevor stated.

"Heck ya!" Tai replied. he noticed the Charmander walk up to Trevor and rub it's head against his arm.

"Hey, little guy." Trevor replied.

"You should get Charmander, it really seems to like you." Tai stated.

"You think so?" Trevor asked.

"Wow, he's so cute!" Shauna replied hugging Bulbasaur. Tierno and Squirtle started to Dance,

"Man that shell has some righteous dancing potential!" Teirno stated.

"SQUIRTLE!" Squirtle shouted. Tai turned to see Trevor happily holding Charmander.

"That's awesome. Hey by any chance, do you know the way to Luminose City? I was originally supposed to be going to Unova but I got my flights mixed up and bad weather kept me from finding another flight. Anyway, I figured that his Lab would be out here somewhere but it wasn't, the Taxi took off and I spent all night trying to catch it and ended up passing out around here and that's where you three come in." Tai explained.

"Oh well, you're-"

"Aquacorde Town." Said a new voice the group turned to see a boy about thirteen with navy spiky hair like a Porcupine and dark crimson eyes. He had a red jacket with a jagged white bust and white pin stripes on the sleeves, Red sneakers with black stripes and a pair of dark blue pants that had a tight hold around his calves. "Aquacorde Town, that's the name of the town you're in."

"Well, I'm new so." Tai replied apathetically.

"Are you a trainer too?" Shauna asked.

"Yeah, by the way have you kids seen a pair of goons with black clothes with a big red R on them?" he asked.

"No, Tai's the only one-"

"Team Rocket right?! I know two goons that have white versions of what your describing, why?" Tai asked.

"They've been seen lurking around town there are even Rumors they've stolen Pokemon from little kids." Hugh replied.

"Oh no!" Shauna stated hugging Bulbasaur Tierno and Trevor as well as the three starters looked nervous.

"Don't worry," Tai said to them. "You're looking to take them out right? I'll help you!" Tai replied.

"Thanks, but no thanks kid. I just wanted intel you'd just be in the way." The boy replied.

"I would not, I'm a lot tougher than you think!" Tai snapped.

"Hmph." The boy replied staring straight into Tai's eyes,

"You're on." Tai replied.

"On what?" Shauna asked.

"I've heard of this!" Trevor stated. "When two trainers make eye contact, they have to battle!"

"It's unwritten custom!" Tierno added. "I'll be the referee."

"This will be a one on one battle no substitutions." Hugh replied.

"Rio you're on!" Tai called.

"Raaf!" Rio stated getting into a fighting stance.

"Heh, good attitude." The boy admitted. "But that won't be enough to win this fight go Pokeball!"

POP "SEEERRRRRRR!" in a flash of light a Serperior appeared. This one however was clearly shiny. the lower half was a lime green the yellow parts and markings were a paler yellow. The upper half of the body and tail were a pure teal.

"Alright Battle START!" Tierno shouted.

Tai VS. Hugh!

"I'll let you have the first move." The boy replied.

"Heh, Rio Aura Sphere!" Tai shouted.

"Use Mirror Coat!" the boy replied not so much as blinking Serpieror obeyed the order and suddenly turned a silvery color as the Aura Sphere was stopped in it's tracks and sent rushing back at Rio.

"Dodge it!" Tai shouted Rio wasted no time jumping away the attack rushed into a nearby tree and blew it sky high sending it down some distance away. "WHOA!"

"Mirror Coat is a move that reflects special attacks and sends them back double the power, I take it you didn't know that two seconds ago." The boy asked.

"No I didn't, Rio use Shadow Claw!" Tai shouted.

"RAAAAAAAAA!" he shouted managing to get a hit on Serperior.

"Dragon Pulse!" the boy ordered.

"Rio Quick attack straight up and get away!" Tai shouted.

"RAAA!" like greased lightning the emanation rocketed straight up and barely dodged the attack.

"Looks like I've got you cornered use a special attack Serpieror sends it right back." Hugh replied. "Attack me directly and you get burned at close range, and I've also got this! Synthesis!"

"Perrrrrrrrrrior!" he shouted absorbing sunlight the damage Rio managed to inflict on him gone.

"Ra!" Rio shouted.

"Who is this guy!?" Tai growled in his thoughts. "We're not giving up! Rio use quick attack!" Tai replied.

"Ra!" Rio shouted zipping around and landing hits on Serperior.

"While you're on it use Aura Sphere!" Tai shouted.

"RRRRR AAAH!" he shouted hitting Serperior in the back with the attack and jumping away.

"Nice!" Tai called. Rio gave him a thumbs up.

"Alright then, we'll take it up a notch use Leaf storm!" the boy commanded.

"Serrr PERIOR!" he shouted unleashing the storm of leaves that hit Rio hard and sent him into the wall.

"Rio you okay!?" he called Rio got up shaking off the damage.

"Ra!" Rio replied.

Tai grinned. "Alright, Aura Sphere once more!" Tai shouted.

"Rrrr RAAH!" Rio shouted unleashing the attack and right at him.

"Mirror Coat!" the boy shouted.

"Perriror!" he shouted.

"Hope this works….Rio catch it with Shadow claw and send it back!" Tai shouted.

"What?!" Hugh shouted.

"RA!" he shouted activating his claws and grabbing it the force of the attack sent Rio back a little but he managed to throw it at Serperior hitting the grass snake hard.

"Synthesis!" the boy shouted Serperior summoned more sunlight and healed itself up perfectly. "Now use Dragon Pulse and give it a spin!" he shouted.

"ERRR PERIOR!" he shouted the Dragon Pulse spinning like a ferocious dragon that Rio couldn't dodge it sent him into the ground.

"Rio!" Tai shouted.

"Rrrr RA!" Rio shouted standing up.

"You still good to go!?" Tai asked.

"Ra!" Rio replied.

"You're both pretty stubborn huh?" the boy asked with an arched eyebrow.

"You have no idea!" Tai stated. "Shadow Claw again!" Tai shouted.

"Raaa RIIIIIIRA!" he shouted landing the attack.

"Use Leaf storm!" the boy shouted.

"PERRR!" he shouted hitting Rio, to quickly to dodge!

"Rio, Aura sphere!" Tai shouted.

"Rrr RAH!" Rio shouted flipping himself in the air and launching the attack.

"Use Mirror Coat!" the boy shouted.

"Serrrrper!" he shouted sending the Aura Sphere back.

"Just like before Shadow Claw!" Tai shouted.

"I thought you might do that again." the boy thought as the powered up Aura Sphere with bits of Shadow Claw rushed at them, "Use Mirror Coat again!"

"SEERRRRP!" he shouted using the attack and sending it back at Rio. To their horror the attack was way too big to dodge or even block and just like that, it crashed right into Rio.

"Rio!" Tai shouted. Lying there in a crater was Rio with swirls in his eyes.

"Rio is unable to battle! Serperior wins!" Tierno called.

"Nice work Serperior." The boy stated recalling him.

"Serp." He replied as he was sucked back into the Pokeball.

"Rio." Tai muttered picking him up, "are you okay?"

"Raaa." Rio replied weakly.

"Don't worry about it you were great." Tai replied. "We lost because I didn't know what to do about Mirror Coat and Synthesis."

"It's also quite clear that guy had a lot more experience than you did." Trevor added.

"Yeah…" Tai replied.

"Is there a Pokemon Center nearby?" Tai asked.

"Yeah, we'll take you there!" Tierno replied.

Soon Tai was sitting at the Pokemon Center waiting for Rio to come out, eventually the buzzer went off.

"Rio!" Tai called seeing Rio sit on the stretcher as it was pushed out towards him the young fighting type jumped into Tai's arms.

"Your Riolu will be just fine." Nurse Joy assured.


"Thanks Nurse Joy." Tai replied, "That's a Wigglytuff right?"

"That's right Wigglytuff are the Pokemon center assistants in the Kalos region." Joy replied.

"That's awesome." Tai replied. "Anyway thanks again!" Tai replied letting Rio down and heading out, passing he saw a phone nearby. "I'd better call home."


"That was Shauna!" Tai called as he raced out towards the sound of the screams. The three starters were up in the air by a Gothorita's Psychic.

"You two so you're the thieves!" Tai shouted.

"You've gotten an answer few wish to have." Said the one on the right.

"To tell you more is that of the task." Said the one on the left;

"An Evil that shatters the will of the Valiant!" shouted the girl on the right who removed her disguise.

"Forcing the light to convert to the shadows." Shouted the boy who also removed his disguise.

"You'll fear us for eternity!" they stated together.

"Black Clothes with a big red R!" he shouted in his mind Ash had also told him about two other Rocket members that seemed to rival Jessie and James in the past their Uniforms were mostly black with white collars and white gloves and boots with a salmon pin stripe on the rims the girl had thigh high boots with a dress version of her partner's outfit black shirt and pants with a belt.

"Thunderous Destruction across the land Cassidy!" she shouted.

"A blazing fiery wrath it's Butch!" he shouted.

"A powerful tempest combined we are!" They stated together. "Take fear of the name TEAM ROCKET!" they declared.

"I should've known! I've heard of you two Cassidy and Thaddeus!" Tai declared.

Butch almost face faulted. "It's not Thaddeus it's Butch! Didn't you just hear our intro!?" he snapped.

"Sorry, I space out whenever you goons rattle off one of those stupid mottos." Tai replied cleaning out his ear.

"Well, aren't you a rude little-"Cassidy snapped then stared at Tai for a minute finding him familiar all too Familiar…"Wait are you….could you possibly be." At this Tai growled and he and Rio got into fighting stances.

"Don't. you. dare!" Tai snarled.

"HA! You are him!" Cassidy stated.

"Cassidy if we caught this kid and brought him back to the boss we'd finally get back on his good side!" Butch shouted.

"Like, that's gonna happen." Tai snarled.

Cassidy merely smirked. Gothorita forget those three, "We've got an even bigger catch!"

"Goth." She replied the three Kanto starters falling fortunately their trainers caught them.

"Where are the Pokémon you did take!?" Tai growled.

"You'll find out if you come with us." Cassidy sneered.

"I'd rather beat the answer out of you two!" Tai snarled.

"Ooh, aren't you a feisty one!" Butch sneered.

"That makes it all the more fun!" Cassidy added.

"Go Mienshao!" Butch shouted.

"MEEEIEINN!" the weasel like creature screamed.

"Tai heads up!" Trevor shouted throwing him a small red rectangle device.

"What's this thing?" Tai asked blinking.

"A Pokedex!" Trevor shouted.

"Alright!" Tai shouted using it instantly on Gothorita and Mienshao."

"Gothorita, the manipulate Pokémon, and the evolved form of Gothita : Star light is the source of this Pokémon's true power, and marks star positions with floating stones rumor has it that this Pokémon controls young children on these nights. Gothorita is a Psychic type."

"Meinshao, the Martial Arts Pokémon: The fur on its arms is wielded like whips; the combo attacks of this Pokémon are so fast they cannot be seen with the naked eye, Meinshao is a fighting type."

"Alright then, Blitz, Muddy, I choose you!" Tai shouted throwing a Pokeball.

POP! "Den nay, nay!" she shouted.

POP! "Mudkip!"

"Whoa, he's got a Mudkip and a Dedenne!" Trevor awed.

"Muddy, use Strength on Gothorita and Blitz, Play Rough on Meinshao!"

"Deeennaaayy/KIIIP! The two shouted rushing at the two.

"Dodge it!" the two replied the two pokemon moved effortlessly the moves missing completely.

"Meinshao use Aura Sphere!" Butch shouted.

"Gothorita use Thunderbolt on that Mudkip!"

"MEEIIINNSAH!" he shouted unleashing the attack it knocked the two back.

"GOOOTHHRIITA!" she shouted the bolts roaring towards Muddy.

"Blitz Parabolic charge; Muddy get behind her for cover!" Tai called.

"Kip!" he stated getting close to Blitz while she unleashed the attack. It managed to hold off the Thunderbolt and strike Meinshao who yelped at the attack's contact.

"Nice work!" Tai called.

"Okay Muddy, use Rock Tomb!" Tai shouted.

"MUUUUUUDDD KIIIIIP!" he shouted unleashing the attack as rocks fell towards the two.

"Stop them with Psychic!" Cassidy shouted.

"Gooothhhh!" she shouted trapping the rocks.

"Now, Blitz Giga Impact!" Tai shouted.

"DENNNAAAAAY!" she shouted hitting Gothorita in the gut causing the rocks to fall on the two.

"Rgg that little brat!" Butch snarled "Meinshao use High Jump kick!"

"MEIIINSHAO!" he shouted leaping high into the air and striking Blitz as she recovered.

"NEEEEEEYYY!" Blitz shouted.

"Blitz!" Tai shouted. "You okay?"

"Ney nay!" she replied with a firm nod.

"Use Brick Break Meinshao!" Butch shouted.

"Gothirita use Zen Headbutt!" Cassidy shouted.

"SHAAOOO/RITTAAAA!" they shouted rushing at them.

"Dodge it!" Tai shouted.

"Nay/Mud!" they shouted narrowly dodging the attacks however the two managed to turn and strike them anyway.

"Guys!" Tai shouted. The two pulled themselves up as they growled at their opponents.

"Heh, alright go Primeape!" Butch shouted.

"PRIIIMMEEE! EHE HEH!" it shouted.

"Hey!" Tai snarled.

"Three against two in the middle of a battle is not fair!" Shauna shouted.

"Use Dragon Pulse!"

"SERRRRPPPERRR!" the blast roared past Tai's Pokémon into the Primeape knocking it into Butch.

"You again!" Tai shouted.

"So you two are from Team Rocket! Where is Purrlion?" the boy growled coming forward.

"Purlion we didn't take any Purlion you won't find one on us." Butch stated.

"How about just telling me where the Pokémon you stole are Jack!" Tai snapped.


"Whatever! Muddy use Water Gun and Blitz use Parabolic Charge!" Tai shouted.


"DENNAAAAAAAAAAYY!" they shouted the electricity converged on the water gun attack hitting the Rockets hard.

"Oooh that is it! Gothorita Dark Pulse!" Cassidy shouted.

"Meinshao use Aura Sphere!"


"Mirror Coat!" the boy shouted.

"Use Parabolic Charge and Rock Tomb! And Rio, use your Aura Sphere!" Tai commanded.

"RAH/NAAAY/KIPKIIIIP!" the three attacks swirled around with Serperior as he managed to blast them all back with Mirror Coat blasting them off.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" they shouted ding….falling from the star were a couple more Tai and the boy grabbed them one was a set of keys the other was a small box.

"What's in here?" Tai asked opening the box to reveal two Red and black feathers they were mostly red the black was a veiny pattern with a cottony like grey cloud on top of them.

"These are keys but to where?" the boy muttered.

"They might be for wherever the stolen Pokémon are." Trevor noted.

"Yeah but how do we find that now, that last attack blew them sky high." The boy huffed.

"The Sky high thing is normal, as for the keys well that's a good question." Tai sighed.

"Hey I just remembered. There were rumors of Shady Characters going in and out of a Warehouse not too far from here." Teirno stated.

"Let's check it out." Tai replied. Soon they found a large Warehouse full of cages with sick, sad and injured Pokémon.

"Oh my! This is terrible!" Shauna gasped.

"Somebody call Officer Jenny!" the boy stated.

"I'm on it." Trevor stated rushing to the nearest Payphone.

"Hey, we never got your name what is it?" Tai asked the boy.

"Hugh." He replied walking out. It wasn't long before Officer Jenny came, and gathered up the stolen Pokemon.

"Oh, here, Trevor you're gonna need this back." Tai replied handing him the Pokedex.

"Keep it, it was actually an extra one Sycamore gave me for a friend of ours but, he decided to go to Hoenn for his journey at the last minute." Trevor replied.

"Ahh I see. I just hope they're able to find all the trainers and owners okay."

"We'll do our best thank you for your help." Officer Jenny replied.

"Mane!" Manetric, agreed.

"No problem!" Tai replied.

Tai had to use his own Medicine to heal Muddy and Blitz after the battle knowing it would be crammed for the time being. He instead used his next visit to talk to Delia and Oak.

"Yeah….I mixed up the numbers of my flight." Tai told them sheepishly.

"Oh dear Tai…"Delia sighed.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get a flight there from here, but they said there were storms keeping people from going there." Tai replied.

"You should've called us at the Airport, I could've told you Professor Sycamore's lab was in Lumiose." Oak chastised.

"I'm sorry, I kind of panicked and well, I'm not sure what I was thinking to be honest." Tai replied. "At this rate I wouldn't get into the Unova League even if I did make it there." He muttered hanging his head.

"Tai…"Delia muttered surprised was the boy really going to call himself out as a failure for this? It was a bunch of mistakes yes, but…he was a child.

"So, I guess I'll just have to stay here and enter the Kalos League!" Tai declared.

"Well then best of Luck to you." Oak replied.

"Say hi to your brother for me if you see him!" Delia replied.

"I will…so you mad about the plane?" Tai asked.

"Well, I'm not happy. But you're safe that's what matters." Delia replied.

"Okay, Love you!" Tai stated smiling. He saw for sale in the gift shop a large oval shaped locket he could wear around his neck he bought and placed the feathers inside. "If Team Rocket had these then I need to keep them safe no telling what they would've done with these. So Until I figure it out I'll keep them with me, they'll good lucky charms."


"What?!" Giovanni snarled.

"It was a mistake." Cassidy replied nervously.

"One that CANNOT be tolerated!" Giovanni snarled. "Get those feathers back! At all costs, or consider yourselves out of Team Rocket! Is that understood?!"

"Yes sir." They replied humbly as the screens shut off. Giovanni stared into the window.

"Aura 001, I can't help but feel that you played a part in their failure. If this is true then you're existence will be a miserable one when I take command of you."


Tai grinned at the sun as it shined into the window. "I wonder how long before we catch up to Ash, I wonder what he'll say too." He sighed.

"Ra, ra." Rio comforted.

"Yeah, no time for frowning, Nurse Joy said I can sign up here and with the chaos of last night gone, I can go for it right now." He stated to his partner as he went up to their desk.

"So you want to register for the Kalos league Tai?" Nurse Joy asked.

"You bet!" Tai replied.

"Alright, please touch this panel with your Pokedex." He replied.

"Okay." Tai replied having pulled it out. "This was meant for someone else though I'm not sure how to change the data."

"That's not a problem." Joy replied messing with it and asking Tai his personal information the Pokedex suddenly showed his image on it's holographic place.

"This Pokedex belongs to Tai Ketchum of Pallet town, I am Dexette my function is to give Tai information on various species of Pokémon, if lost or stolen I cannot be replaced."

"Alright!" Tai grinned. "Let the registration begin!" he stated placing his Pokedex on the panel.

"Tajiri Thomas Ketchum from Pallet Town is now registered to enter the Kalos league, number of badges currently in your possession zero. We wish you the best of luck."

"Here, a Kalos region badge case, anyone who registers is eligible for one." Nurse Joy stated.

"Sweetness," Tai grinned. "Thanks!" he replied taking it.

"So Rio we're all set! Let's do our best! Kalos League here we come!" Tai cheered.

"RAAAAUUUU!" Rio cheered.

Serperior learns the Following this way…
Metal Coat- Egg move
Leaf Storm- Level 62
Synthesis- Move transfer/BW2 Move Tutor
Dragon Pulse- Move transfer/BW2 Move tutor

Meinshao learns the following this way
Aura Sphere-Level 70 or relearn with move re-learner
High Jump Kick-Level 56
Brick Break- TM 31

Gothorita learns the following this way…
Psychic-Level 39
Thunderbolt-TM 24
Dark Pulse- Egg move
Zen Headbutt-BW2 Move tutor/Transfer Move

Okay so you lot need to be honest with me does it seem like Rio got depowered because that was not my intention Hugh just has much more experience and he also packed a couple of strategic moves Tai had yet to deal with ^^; so many things begin tell me what you think! and yes Hugh will be in this story! because he wasn't in the anime! which is pretty much a crime in my eyes one that's right up there with Jay Walking but a crime nonetheless!