AN: This is for everyone that wanted a little more of Sheldon's inner Texan!

"I think I need a moment here…" Amy whispered, feeling a little faint at the thought of finally getting what she had longed for after so long. She flopped down onto the couch and waved a hand in front of her flushed face. "What's with the rest of the bags?" Amy said, trying to wrestle a little control back. Sheldon was pacing the floor in an attempt to stop himself from just flinging her over his shoulder and breathed in and out slowly as he attempted to tuck the tails of his shirt back into his jeans.

"Well Meemaw said that as you'd never been to Texas you may prefer a California man." Sheldon bent down to rummage in one of the bags and Amy hooted again as she saw the black denims stretch tightly across his firm buttocks. Sheldon grinned as he pulled something out of the bag and hid it from view. "Close your eyes a sec."

"Okay." Amy closed her eyes and resisted peeking even when she heard the distinct sound of the rustling of material. Sheldon made a few changes to his appearance and then told her to open. "Oh my!" Amy gasped when she saw what he'd done, Sheldon had taken off his Stetson and removed his string tie; he'd opened the top few snaps on his shirt and wrapped a black silk cloth over his head; finishing off the look with a black velvet mask over his eyes.

"Don Diego de la Vega at your service, senorita. You may have heard me tales of me referring to my other name…" Sheldon bowed low over her hand and pressed a lush kiss against the back of it.

"Zorro…" Amy whispered and Sheldon straightened back up, winking down at her.

"I know it's not completely authentic; I should be wearing a billowing black shirt and pants but…"

"You look great…" Amy said as her fingers crept up to trace the soft velvet of the mask. "What is it with women that fall for men in disguises? Lois Lane with Superman, Pepper Potts with Iron Man and then Victoria Escalante with Zorro…As for me, I'd much rather have the man behind the mask any day of the week."

"Thank Goodness! That velvet was beginning to make me sneeze!" Sheldon ripped of the mask and sat down on the couch, tugging Amy to his side and pressing a gentle kiss to her upturned mouth, keeping it soft and sweet just like their date night kisses. "Should I show you what else I brought today?"

"There's more?" Amy pulled back a little and raised her eyebrows, Sheldon nodded and pulled a large paper bag over to the couch.

"This one I kept as my emergency reserve…" Sheldon opened the top of the bag and flashed Amy it's contents. "You always said that you liked me in this."

"I did…I do…" Amy gently ran her fingers over the soft texture of the tuxedo jacket and then closed the bag up again, turning to Sheldon with a soft smile. "I love that you dressed up for me and you do look fantastic in your boots and jeans…but I think I love you best of all when you are completely you. Your superhero t-shirt over your thermal long sleeve shirt, carefully combed back hair and your cargo pants; that's the man I fell in love with and whenever I picture us together…that's the man I see."

"So you don't like all of this?" Sheldon's hand waved down his crisp white shirt and black jeans, and Amy leant over to trail over the buttons that were still fastened.

"I think that you should never ever wear this outfit outside of the bedroom…." She whispered huskily against his ear as her fingers tried to slide the buttons through the holes. Sheldon smirked a little as she started to grumble lightly when the buttons wouldn't co-operate.

"Let me help you out with that…" He wrenched the shirt wide open, revealing the smattering of hair on his chest that narrowed to a thin trail that disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. "Snaps…not buttons."

"No undershirt…veerrry nice." Amy crooned as her fingers ran over his exposed chest, lightly dragging through his dark chest hair and feeling it crinkle under her touch.

"We never did get around to that California hello…" Sheldon murmured, bringing her face up so that he could gaze into her sparkling eyes. Amy grinned up at him and dropped one eye slowly into a wink.

"I suppose I could give you the full experience rather than just the highlights. You'd have to imagine that I was dressed in a teeny tiny bikini to get the proper idea…"

"What if you showed me with your underwear? I have a very vivid imagination, I could fill in the blanks…" Sheldon said huskily, his hands doing a little exploring of their own as he started flicking open the buttons of her blouse one by one, groaning aloud when he saw yet another layer beneath. "Dang it, woman, you wear far too many clothes!"

"Let me give you a hand with that, Tex." Amy pushed his hands aside and simply lifted her blouse and undershirt over her head; scrambling off the couch to divest herself of her sheer tights and skirt as well. Walking over to the doorway leading to the bedroom, Amy slid her hair grips out of her hair, tossing it lightly over her shoulder and turned her back to fiddle with her bra. Sheldon's mouth ran dry as he saw her silken skin almost completely exposed to his avid gaze.

"I saw a couple of teenage girls do this down at the beach once when they were looking at the new lifeguard on beach patrol…" Amy finished adjusting herself and threw Sheldon a look over her shoulder, keeping her front turned to the door. "Ready?" Sheldon swallowed hard, his fingers curling around to bite into his palms. Amy slowly turned around and Sheldon nearly swallowed his tongue as he saw that she had pulled her bra cups down slightly so that her ample breasts were pushed close together and threatening to spill out over the top of the cups. Amy placed her hand on her hip as she thrust one leg forward slightly, her gaze running down his body and lingering on where his groin pushed forward.

"Heeellloooo…." She cooed the word out slowly and Sheldon felt his pulse start to race. He pushed up from the couch and in one stride had crossed the living room to crush her to him, bending her over his arm and devouring her mouth. His arms reached down to slide under her knees and in one swift move he brought her up into his arms and carried her through to the bedroom.

"Did I ever tell you that Howard showed me a few magic tricks once?" Sheldon murmured as he set Amy gently down in the middle of her bed and leant back slightly. Amy shook her head as her hands pulled his shirt off his shoulders. Sheldon tugged it free of his pants and together they flung it over his back to lie crumpled and forgotten on the floor. Sheldon gave a wave of his hand and opened his fingers to reveal a strip of condoms.


"Well, darlin…you know how much I strive for perfection." Sheldon smirked down at her as he tucked the condoms under the pillow. Amy's fingers tangled with his own as they reached for the button on his jeans and Amy glanced up with a smug smile.

"And not forgetting the fact that you love to repeat things in multiples of three…"

"Maybe I should have bought the whole box in then." Sheldon grinned as his fingers made light work of the button and zipper, sliding the denims over his lean hips and kicking them off as they tangled around his feet. He crawled back up on the bed and brought Amy over to lie on his chest, "We don't have to do this right now, we could just stay like this for a while."

"Are you kidding me? Now I have you practically naked in my bed, you really think I'm gonna let you out until we've put some of those condoms to good use?" Amy practically screeched at Sheldon and he flipped them over until he was lying within the v of her legs.

"Just checking…does this feel like I want to let you go anytime soon?" He rocked his hips forward and pressed his hardness against the fiery warmth emanating from her womanly core.

"I wish I had learnt to ride a horse when my mother wanted me too." Amy said suddenly, and when Sheldon looked down with a frown, she blushed slightly. "I've heard that women that ride astride don't really feel any pain when engaging for the first time."

"Darlin', I'm gonna take things real gentle with you…and when I'm through it won't be horses that you'll be wantin' to ride!" Sheldon pressed a string of hot, moist kisses all along Amy's collar bone as his mouth drifted lower until he was nudging her bra cups out of the way so that he could get to her breasts. "Soft and sweet, just like I had imagined." Sheldon nuzzled his cheeks over her chest as his fingers nimbly undid the clasp holding the two sides together; her breasts spilled out and Sheldon buried his face in between the soft mounds, bringing his hands up to massage them as his tongue learnt the different textures.

"Sheldon!" Amy gasped out, wrapping her fingers in his hair as she felt him drawing her nipple into the warm cavern of his mouth and starting to suckle strongly. Her hips started to rock upwards and one of Sheldon's hands left off its erotic massage to move lower down her body, pressing lightly on her thigh to get her to separate her legs a little further. His hips pushed forward widening the gap further and her nipple popped free of his mouth as he threw his head back to let out a low moan.

"Dear Lord, that feels good!" Amy tightened her grip in his hair as she tried to get his mouth back to work and Sheldon was all too happy to oblige. Amy pressed his head against her chest and he immediately started suckling at her neglected breast while his hands occupied themselves with removing the rest of their unwanted clothing. Their legs tangled together as they shucked off their briefs and both groaned loudly when they were finally skin on skin. Sheldon felt Amy's heat scorching the top of his thigh and she started rubbing herself up against his lean muscles, leaving a trail of moisture behind. Sheldon's mouth left Amy's breast as his head started moving lower, dropping tiny little kisses behind on his way to his intended destination.

"Sheldon what are you?" Amy tried to nudge his head away but Sheldon just looked up with a determined expression behind his heated gaze and his hands pressed firmly against her thighs, baring her entirely to his sight.

"You once said that you wanted me to kiss you where you had never been kissed before, and never let it be said that Sheldon Lee Cooper breaks a promise to his lady!"

"But, Sheldon…that's something that even most experienced couples don't do until much later in their relationship….Oh God!" Amy started to argue that perhaps neither of them were ready for that particular aspect when she felt one of Sheldon's fingers slip in between her folds and start up a gentle massage.

"Yeah, darlin? What was that?" Sheldon barely looked up from where he was watching his finger disappear into her soft curls, he could feel her warmth surrounding him and he withdrew it slightly before sliding it in a little further. He was fascinated by the changes that came upon her body with just that slight movement, he watched as her folds started to swell and glisten with moisture as they took on a rosy appearance. He added a second finger to the first and felt her walls ripple around them as they seemed to suck him deeper. "You're so warm." He murmured with delight and when he slid his fingers free the next time, he bent his head to lick gently at her delicate skin. "Oh God…" He murmured against her, trying to get as close as possible. "I don't think I've ever tasted something so good." He ran his tongue over her again, gently sliding just the tip of his tongue along her fold to lap at the moisture collected there. "Just a little more and then I'll stop…" He breathed her scent deep into his lungs as he buried his face between her legs, nuzzling deeply at her damp curls. His tongue flicked out and as Amy jerked her hips forward it slipped between her folds, further than he was planning. Once her full taste hit his taste buds, Sheldon started licking in earnest; sliding his tongue back and forth gathering up as much as her moisture as he could. His hands pressed her legs further apart and the movement revealed the hidden bud at the centre of her desire and Sheldon's tongue curled around it as he drew it into his mouth to lightly suckle on it. Amy screamed as she was suddenly overwhelmed by the sensation and Sheldon tasted her desire flooding his mouth as he gulped it down eagerly. He pulled his mouth reluctantly away, giving her one last lusty lick to clear away the last traces of her climax and sat back on his heels. Amy gave him a very satisfied smile and ran her hands over his hair dusted thighs, coming very close to where his erection was bobbing up with excitement.

"Condom?" She suggested quietly and he nodded; his hands stretching up to grope under the pillow for a condom, and he nearly tore the thing in half as he pulled it free of the wrapper and rolled it over his firm length.

"Are you ready?" Sheldon asked huskily, taking himself in hand and lining up with her slick entrance.

"Baby, I've been ready since the day I met you." Amy relaxed against the sheets and gave him a nod. Sheldon nudged at her opening and pushed forward a little so that just the tip of him was enclosed by her warmth. He leant forward to take her mouth in a soft kiss, clasping their hands together above Amy's head.

"I love you." Sheldon said softly, as he raised his head and Amy smiled softly back.

"I love you, too." As she replied, Sheldon moved forward sliding further into her and making them one for all of time.