Entering the Smash Bros fanfic area, I was surprised to see that this pairing had not been done before. It's kind of obvious, if you think about it.

A word of warning, I specialize in MalexMale pairings, so both Greninja and Yoshi are male, hopefully you guys will enjoy this short multi-chapter story of mine.

Also, as weird as this may be, I will be including characters from past games in my Smash stories. For some reason, I just imagine that they were excused from the tournament, but they decided to stay around :P

It Was an Accident! - Chapter 1

It was silent in the Smash Mansion that morning, so silent that you could hear the faint whir of the wind, the soft rustling of a stray piece of paper, the sizzle of Peach's frying pan as it silently cooked up some bacon for breakfast. When Yoshi entered the kitchen, he was rather surprised by the lack of talking coming from his fellow smashers. Most of them were just silently eating, and he thought he could see Mario tense up as he entered.

The green dinosaur quietly slipped into an empty chair near the end of the table, rather confused by the whole thing. Why was everyone being so silent? Had something happened? Was something going to happen? Usually the mornings were filled with screaming, smashing, banging, and that was just Ness and Lucas. The dinosaur looked at the table and saw a piece of toast directly in front of him. Slowly, he reached out to grab the morning meal, bringing it towards his mouth.

The crunch of the toast caused everyone to glare at him, subconsciously making him shrink back in his seat. He quickly put the toast down, looking at everyone with weirded out eyes. To his right, he saw that Meta-Knight was silently watching the table next to him. He quickly leaned over to the knight, before asking, "What's going on?"

The other smasher turned his head, ever so slowly, so as not to draw any attention, before whispering, "Peach wants us all on our best behaviour this morning. For some reason, she flipped out when Lucas banged into her, when she was bringing food in with Rock. She whacked Mario with her frying pan..."

The green dinosaur nodded slowly, looking around for Rock, spotting the Blue Bomber sitting near Villager, looking absolutely petrified. If Robots could sweat, he'd be sweating tenfold, Yoshi bet.

Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened, and Peach walked out, a small smile on her face, acting as royally as she normally would. She didn't look angry at all, but when she saw him, her eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly gulped.

"Oh, Yoshi, good to see you could... join us," She sweetly smiled. "There was a little... spat earlier, and I've got a bit of a headache, so could you maybe keep the noise down this morning?"

The princess then started laying out the plates for all of the smashers, but when she passed Lucas, she merely rolled her eyes and walked away from him, not even bothering to give him a plate. The boy tried to put up his hand to speak, but he faltered short, looking down at the table. Yoshi frowned at this, and he quickly pointed Lucas out to Meta-Knight.

"He's just a kid. Peach can't do that to him," The dinosaur commented, Meta-Knight nodding slowly.

"I know. But for his sake, he should wait it out. We can get him some food after our royal moodiness has left the room."

"Dig in everyone," Peach called out, her voice ladled with a fake sweetness that seemed intolerable to the Yoshi.

He looked at his food, frowning for a moment, taking another look at Lucas, who was being ignored by everyone. Why do I have to be the good guy here?

"Peach, sorry, I'm not feeling to good today, I'll have to pass on the food," He sighed, trying to make himself look weaker than normal.

"Oh, I didn't realize Yoshi. Just take your food and put it in the kitchen," She smiled, although her eyes showed a look of extreme irritation.

Yoshi got his plate, looking at Lucas for a moment, then back to Peach. "Actually, since Lucas didn't get any food this morning, I was thinking of letting him have my food. It would be a shame to let a plate of food go to waste, especially since Lucas is a kid and all." And with that he walked over to Lucas, handed him the plate of bacon and sausages, and then nodded to him silently. Lucas could only smile slightly, before turning to his newly obtained food.

When he looked at Peach, her face was priceless. She looked like someone had just stomped on her face and stolen her crown. She still smiled as he walked towards the main door, but her eyes seemed to be tinged with red, he only hoped he wouldn't be brawling her any time soon.

As he left the dining hall, his attention was drawn towards the main hall area. He could see that Master Hand had come down from his residence to the mansion, probably to issue the day's orders. When the hand saw Yoshi, he quickly sighed with relief.

"Thank goodness, are you done yet? Breakfast was meant to have ended half an hour ago," Master Hand groaned, looking towards the Dining Hall.

"Hardly, Peach is in one of her moods since Lucas accidentally knocked over the first batch of food. She even tried to skip his meal, so I just gave him mine and left."

"Great... Just when I need you all. We have a newcomer joining our ranks today, and I was hoping you would all be free. Alas, I guess you'll have to do then Yoshi," Master Hand sighed, motioning towards the door.

A slight knocking could be heard moments later, and Yoshi quickly shrugged and went to answer it. Pulling open the large wooden doors of the mansion, he was met face to face by one of the weirdest looking contenders he had seen in a long time. It looked like a large frog, had dark blue-ish skin, with some yellow patches of fur on its chest and other places. But the real feature was the giant pink scarf that was wrapped around its neck.

"Yoshi, I'd like to introduce you to Greninja, our newest smasher. He's from the Kalos Region of the multiverse," Master Hand announced, the frog nodding slowly to the words.

"Well then, nice to meet you, uh, Greninja? It's good to see another Pokémon's joining the group," Yoshi smiled, holding out a hand.

"It's good to be here. This tournament has quite a following in Kalos, they broadcast it every year," Greninja replied in a male voice.

Okay, so this newcomer is a guy, well, that's cool, I guess. "So are you a ninja or something? Your scarf gives that impression."

"Actually... uh... that's my tongue."

There was a moment of silence, Yoshi's eyes widening in absolute surprise. "Your tongue? I thought my tongue was long... Wow... Wait a minute? If your tongue is always outside of your mouth, how can you speak so clearly?"

"Uh... Magic?" The frog muttered awkwardly, giving off a faint chuckle.

"Well, now that you both are acquainted, I can either let you show him around Yoshi, or I can get the other smashers in here for the real welcome," Master Hand stated, fingers pointing towards the dining hall.

"What do you want to do, Greninja? You sure you can handle everyone?" Yoshi grinned, motioning towards the kitchen, where the smashing of plates could be heard, and the frustrating screams of, what sounded like a demon, echoed through to the main room.

"What kind of monster made that noise?" The frog asked, eyes widened.

"Princess Peach."

The silence from before made its return, as Greninja merely paled as the screams continued. "Actually, maybe a tour would be the best idea... Let's put off the swarming, shall we..."

"You've made an excellent choice," Master Hand laughed. "But I love seeing newcomers get swarmed by the veterans. SMASHERS! WE HAVE A NEWCOMER!?"

Yoshi and Greninja quickly looked to the disembodied hand in anger, the hand laughing as he levitated up into the air. Yoshi could feel the ground vibrating underneath them... It was coming.

"The ground is shaking," Greninja gasped, feeling himself losing balance. "Is it an earthquake?"

"No, it's the smashers..." Yoshi mumbled, grabbing Greninja by the hand, pulling him up and to the side of the room. "C'mon, we need to get out of here before they corner us!"

"You make them sound like animals!" The frog replied, noticing the dining room door open.

"That's because some of them are," Yoshi grinned, yanking open a door to one of the side corridors, before slamming it shut.

Quickly, the dinosaur tried to spot a place where they could escape the smashers, noticing a slight of stairs going up to the second floor. "Okay, up the stairs, bedrooms are to the left, recreational areas are to the right. Did Master Hand tell you who you were roommates with?"

The frog merely held out a piece of paper for the Yoshi to read. As he scanned the normal legal stuff, he saw the room Greninja was in and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was sleeping in the same room as himself. "Huh, we're roommates. Figures," Yoshi smiled.

"Oh, interesting. Well, you seem sane," The Pokémon grinned. "I was expecting to be roomed with Jigglypuff or something, not exactly what I would have liked."

They both managed to make it to the top of the stairs, and Yoshi could see their room, when lo and behold, a figure came around the corner. Samus, out of her suit, walked slowly down the corridor, her brows raising. She gave a small chuckle before looking at the Shinobi Pokémon.

"I see you escaped the mess downstairs then. Trust me, I've seen it happen since the beginning, it's not a fun experience," The blonde laughed, turning to look at the hallway that led to the main hall. "I'd get into your room now if I were you, the others are searching the entire mansion, and once they find you, you're toast. I won't say anything though, I have morals."

And with that, Samus merely strolled off towards her own room. Yoshi gave a sigh of relief, and Greninja merely nodded in her direction, Samus giving back the slightest of nods in return. The two quickly entered their room, Yoshi locking the door in case the smashers figured out Greninja was with Yoshi. "There, you should be safe until lunch," The dinosaur sighed, walking over to his bed and dropping down on top of it. "Right side of the room's yours, left is mine."

"Thanks Yoshi, I appreciate the help. As you could guess, I'm not one to deal with lots of people."

"The whole ninja thing, yeah, I get that. Still... That tongue though..."

"Hey, it's fashionable," The frog grinned, swinging his tongue around like a lasso. "And it hurts in battle."

"But, if your tongue hits something, isn't it like you're licking it?" The dinosaur asked, making the frog pause.

"I never thought about that..." The frog looked at Yoshi through curious eyes. "You've made me think about a lot today in fact. It's a little disorienting, but I may just be tired..."

Yoshi looked to the ground, mumbling a short apology for the questions, getting another curious gaze from the Pokémon. "What? All I did was apologise..."

"And all I did was look at you, friend," Greninja stated calmly, lying down on his own bed. "I wonder how good you are in a brawl?"

Yoshi perked his head up at this, a grin forming on his face. This was the opportunity he needed to get to know his roommate, and it gave him some fighting practise too. It was too perfect to resist.

"Why don't you find out?"

Will Greninja accept Yoshi's brawl invitation? Is Peach ever going to be nice in this story? Is Greninja's tongue really what he says it is? Find out in the next chapter of "It Was an Accident!"

(Please Review, and I do love some constructive feedback - You get internet cookies if you do)
