Summary : Just in time to save their relationship, Sheldon realizes he needs to change in order to keep Amy as his girlfriend. He needs to prove to her that he can be the boyfriend she desires, and he starts by making promises ; 101 Promises to Amy Farrah Fowler.

Sidenote : Shamy focussed, will consist of the gang, set after season 7 finale, romance, fluff and arguments to be expected.

Promise 01 : I will change myself for the better.

It was the first time Sheldon and Amy were able to talk privately since he had returned to 4A after his small break. They had already shared a few words within the day, but as evening crept in, their group of friends began to head home one by one. Rajesh slipped by first, claiming he was going to meet up with Emily for a night full of movies and pizza. Bernadette and Howard followed, heading home together, understanding that Sheldon would most likely want time to himself for the rest of the night. Leonard and Penny were still located in the living room, since now living together. Amy, however, asked to meet up with Sheldon in his room.

He had no idea how lonely and miserable these past months have been for her. Any normal couple wouldn't have to go through this, Amy would constantly tell herself. If Leonard left Penny without notice, she'd probably leave him without a second thought. Same goes for Howard and Bernadette, most likely a lot more violent. But why did Amy have to put up with her boyfriend being a giant pain in the ass?

She'd easily agree that she and Sheldon didn't have the most intimate relationship going, although just because they didn't show their commitment to each other through physical contact, why did people still consider their relationship a joke? Still, after all these years, why did people laugh about 'Shamy'? Why did everyone expect Amy's hatred for Sheldon to fade away the longer he was gone? And most surprisingly, why did they expect her to fall into his arms once he walked through the door?

As the two of them sat side by side on his bed, a comfortable gap between them, silence began to fill the room. The only sound heard was the slight mumbling of the television in the background, coming from the living room. Sheldon sat awkwardly, glancing at all his neatly organized collectibles, yet knowing his girlfriend wasn't at all happy with him. She had a foul attitude throughout the day, hardly even excited to see him back. Amy, however, struggled to sit still and calm, her blood boiling the more they sat quiet.


"What the hell, Sheldon?!"

With his shoulders jumping in fright, Sheldon's eyes widened as Amy's voice blasted through his room ever so suddenly. Realizing his mouth was hanging agape, he quickly pressed his lips together, glancing away as he gulped down the lump in his throat, Amy now stood towering over him with nothing but a seriously pissed expression.

Sure, he had guessed the female was annoyed that he left, but he thought his surprising return was going to bring at least a smile to her face. Although, he knew he wasn't the best at human emotions – His own and others. It was common for him to misinterpret the facial expressions of those around him, and quite frankly, it managed to get him in trouble plenty of times.

Sheldon felt trapped and cornered like a young pup who had done wrong. He wasn't the best at sensing emotions, but he knew to keep his mouth shut right now, or face the wrath of Amy Farrah Fowler.

"Do you think that leaving is in any form acceptable?" The brunette snapped coldly, her eyebrows deeply furrowed. Sheldon could have sworn he seen fire in her eyes. "No, no. Tolerable. Do you think that leaving was tolerable for me, Sheldon?"

All Sheldon could do was shrink, hands on his lap and eyes on the floor, resembling the young version of himself who would constantly be scolded by his mother. He knew he had done wrong, but dread and panic unconsciously allowed him to board that train. So many people have informed him that he acts, and speaks, before he thinks, but even this time, he had the chance to think when meeting with Leonard and Penny at the station. Despite that, he still left, and he knew that's where he messed up.

He had so much to say, but couldn't manage to find the words. He knew one wrong word or even the wrong tone to his voice could set off the bomb within Amy. "I'm sorry." Was all that escaped his dry lips, in a weak and pathetic mumble. As he parted his mouth to continue his apology, he was yet again interrupted.

"Sorry? You left me, Sheldon. I'm your girlfriend, have you know!" The shouting continued as though Leonard and Penny weren't a room away, as though were no neighbors to disturb.

"I'm sorry, honestly." Sheldon rushed out, now raising his gaze to meet hers, but only to glance away upon seeing Amy shoot him a deadly glare, arms tightly crossed just below her chest. "I'm sorry for boarding that train."

If humans could physically explode with emotion, Amy would be in small chunks laying upon the bedroom floor by now. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did he simply not understand how angry and serious she was right now?

"Boarding the train?" Amy spat sarcastically, nodding her head ever so slightly with each syllable of Sheldon's repeated words. "I am not upset with you boarding the train, Sheldon. I'm upset by the fact you didn't confide in me first. I'm upset by the fact you barely contacted me, give or take the odd email or text. I'm upset by the fact that you spoke to Leonard often, even Penny, but not even your own girlfriend. I'm upset by the fact that, since you've returned, you've barely spoken to me. You gave me a greeting as you walked through the door and a few smiles over your shoulder while everyone fussed over you."

After Amy had released all the worries eating away in side of her, she started to calm down. Did she really have to spell out his wrong doings to him? Her arms slowly fell to her side, her shoulders dropped and her facial expressions softened ; It was obvious that her anger and frustrations had all been released, now changed to mere disappointment.

"That's why I'm upset." The female ended her statement, her words calm and gentle as tears built up, threatening to fall down her rosy cheeks.

Sheldon couldn't lift his head; he couldn't bear to look at her when he knew he was at fault. Seeing her angry was one thing, but seeing her hurt, because of him, was heartbreaking. He never knew that one person alone, even himself, could affect someone in such a way, and it was a terrible guilt to have resting on his chest. This was why he never sought a relationship – Too much complications, as easily demonstrated with Leonard and Penny's relationship.

He still couldn't find anything to reply. He was at fault, he understood that, and there was absolutely no excuse for all of his actions.

As the silence soon returned, Amy could only look down at her shoes and sigh. She knew she couldn't put up with this anymore. She had always coped with his ways, but it was started to have too big of a result on her. She understood why he boarded the train completely, but she didn't understand why he never thought to message her more frequently, or even give her an explanation. She couldn't cope with this treatment anymore. Amy wanted him in her life, but she needed more from him and she knew he couldn't give it to her.

"If nothing else is to be said, I'll take my leave" She whispered, her voice cracking, which had caught the attention of the male. She hesitated for a mere moment, hoping Sheldon would reach for her and stop her, but he failed to reply to her words. Quickly wiping away a tear, the female rushed out of the bedroom and quietly shut the door after her, taking a few small breaths as she entered the dim living area.

She subtly picked up her bag that happened to be resting on the large white chair, lifting it up as she placed it across her shoulder, at the same time glancing up at the couple happily sat on the couch. Penny's head was resting on Leonard's chest, her legs tucked up while Leonard's arm rested behind her head and over her shoulder, both covered in a soft blanket. Leonard seemed to be staring intently at the television screen, while Penny peacefully asleep on her significant other.

Boy, was Amy glad the two had got engaged and were finally taking a leap forward, but she couldn't help but envy the both of them. What would it take for Sheldon to allow her to rest on him – To fall asleep in his arms and for him to be perfectly okay with it, to not complain? Were they ever going to get married and move in? Or as everyone else seemed to have thought, was their relationship really a joke?

She's always daydreamed of Sheldon and Amy taking their relationship to the next level, imaging herself and Sheldon cuddled up in bed, his hands protectively covering her, or the day when she'd have her bestie and Bernadette to fuss over her, fixing her hair and painting her nails as she slipped on her beautiful white wedding dress. However, as each lonely day passed without Sheldon, her daydreams stopped. Now she couldn't even imagine Sheldon holding her as Amy slept on the couch.

With her head held low, Amy passed the happy couple, taking the route behind the couch as not to disturb them both. The door clicked upon opening, surprising Leonard who had been too interested in his show to notice. "Amy." He grinned like a cheeky child, but suddenly remembered his sleeping fiancée beside him, continuing in a whisper. "You're heading off already? You can stay the night if you want, spend more time with Sheldon." The man offered, oblivious to the argument the couple had just a few meters away.

Amy glanced down at the floor, trying to compose herself before she spoke. "I think I'm going to head straight off to bed." She lifted her head as confidently as she could muster, yet struggling to keep good eye contact. She quickly resumed her leave, but stopped before heading out the door. "Thank you."

With a small sigh, she headed down the flights of stairs, each step feeling as though someone was stabbing at her heart. She knew what she had to do, despite every thought within her telling her otherwise, but she knew it'd benefit her more in the long run.

With shaky, unsteady hands, she took out her phone and began writing a new message, disregarding the fact she had now stepped outdoors and the rain was pouring down onto the screen of her phone. Peeling her attention off the text message, she unlocked her car upon reaching it and crawled into the drivers seat.

The streetlights softly lightened up the dimness of the car, the darkness somewhat representing the female's emotions, not to mention the rain hitting the car, rolling down the windows, leaving a blurry view to the outside world. Amy's face was lit up from the brightness of her mobile, the tears in her eyes shining as she struggled to focus on the wet screen of her phone.

Who would have thought Amy Farrah Fowler, the once chubby, dorky kid would have such a dilemma in the future?

Sheldon sat still on his bed, yet to move after Amy's departure. He didn't know how to react in this situation – He couldn't recall ever seeing her cry. The problem was still in need of being resolved but he didn't know how to make it up to her. This was probably the biggest argument the two have had, and Sheldon had no knowledge when it came to relationships. Normally he'd give her a small gift that would overwhelm her so much she'd have forgotten about why she was first angry, but he knew it'd take a lot more to put a smile back on her face. No tiara or his famous 'Cooper Coupons' would work in a situation like this.

As a small sigh of confusion left his lips, he dropped his shoulders and stared intently at the blank color of his wall. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say, and he'd feel too embarrassed to confront Leonard or Penny about this situation. This needed resolving by himself realising what to do, not advice from others.

His thoughts were soon disturbed when a small notification sounded from his phone that was placed on his small cabinet drawer nearby. He glanced at the phone for a brief moment before reaching behind him to pick it up, frowning upon seeing Amy's name appear on the screen.

19:32 From : Amy Farrah Fowler
I'd like to terminate the relationship agreement.

Her words struck him straight at his heart. He nearly chocked at that moment, trying to take in what she had just said. She didn't mean it, did she? Did his departure really have that much of a negative effect on his girlfriend? Or, apparently, his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. Sheldon Cooper was a man of little emotion, he knew a small deal about women, and he wasn't the best at expressing his thoughts – But he did know that he was fond of Amy Farrah Fowler, and although unsure of his feelings for the woman, he knew he'd much prefer her in his life than her not.

It took him a little moment to process her words before he placed his phone down and shot out of the door, knowing he'd need to talk to her in person and not through technology. He was soon greeted by Leonard, who had a puzzled expression drawn upon his face. "Oh, Amy just left. She looked rather upset." He explained, pointing towards the door as he spoke, but only received a hum in response from Sheldon.

Amy quickly wiped her eyes, both palms of her hands now damp from the tears she couldn't help but release from her system. She was never one to cry in front of others, she had always felt ashamed, even to the point where she didn't particularly like crying alone. Although this time she couldn't help herself; she had been debating about what to do with Sheldon the whole time he was gone, and a sudden return of the male put her on the spot.

She knew that being around Sheldon, keeping him as a friend would be too much of a task for her, but she didn't want to separate Sheldon from his friends either. The idea of inviting Leonard, Penny, Howard, Bernadette and Rajesh to dinner while Sheldon was alone at his apartment would kill her.

As she calmed herself down, she soon strapped herself in the car safely, turned on the engine and began reversing out of the parking spot. The female knew she shouldn't exactly drive when her emotions were high since she was much more likely to cause a collision due to her distracted mind, but she just wanted to get home and collapse into bed, maybe gulp back a glass or two of wine.

Soon, the passenger door swung open and she was soon surprised by a presence. At first, she screamed in fear, her hands raised off the steering wheel and her foot lifted off the pedal, but she soon relaxed upon noticing the silhouette as he leaned closer; now lit up by the streetlights.

"What that necessary?" Sheldon commented with a frown once he had tucked both legs inside the vehicle, shutting the door behind him. It took him a moment to settle in and get comfortable, feeling as though something was digging into his behind. He removed Amy's phone from beneath him and placed it in his lap for the time being, finally taking a clear look at the other.

It was obvious she had been crying; the tear stains running down her cheeks were sparkling in the light.

Amy's gaze followed Sheldon's hand as he raised his arm up, closing in on her face, making her eyes flutter shut. She could say he was a pain in the ass all she wanted, but he never failed to make her heart flutter. Moments like this made her wish she had never sent him such a message. If only he could be as thoughtful and caring towards her more often.

The female's hopes died down when realizing that Sheldon's extended arm wasn't to sweetly wipe a tear from her eye, but was instead to push the corner of her glasses up ever so slightly. With an almost inaudible sigh, she rolled her eyes, now looking ahead. "What do you want?"

"Well," Sheldon began, licking his dry lips as he gently drummed his finger against his knee, preparing himself. "I don't feel as though that text message was needed."

Amy's eyes widened in disbelief, looking quite obviously offended by his statement. "A–Are you saying that I'm overreacting, Sheldon Cooper? Because if you were in my situation you'd–"

"Let me rephrase that." He soon interrupted, lifting a finger up from the hand that rested at his knee, noticing the words processed in his brain sounded a little different when spoken aloud. "What I'm meaning to say is that it's no longer needed, Amy. I've had a little thought. I'll change. From now on."

Sheldon's words were soft and delicate, that tone of voice she'd only hear once they were having their private talks. He seemed sincere, talking the truth, but Amy was constantly being let down by the man, so she knew not to expect much from him. Besides, Sheldon's idea of 'extreme intimacy' was occasional kissing and hugging, which wasn't a lot in other's books, so the change he sounds willing to achieve probably wouldn't be too different from his current self.

"Go on."

Sheldon gave a small nod of his head before turning his body anticlockwise at a forty five degree angle, almost facing the female. "You need to understand that I'm not familiar with grasping my emotions – Not as familiar as other's seem to be. I don't know much about how I'm feeling towards you, Amy, but I'm fond of you; your company is one that I enjoy greatly. I'm not at a stage where I'm willing to let go of you, and I still want you in my life."

Amy's gaze lowered to her lap, feeling her eyes begin to sting with the return of the tears. It was rare to see Sheldon as serious and heartfelt as this – With the exception of science, comic books and television shows. When talking about their relationship with such a tone, she knew he meant it. Despite his arrogant and quite frankly rude facade, she liked the Sheldon beneath, the Sheldon that spoke about his feelings as so.

"I'll appreciate you more, and I don't intend on going back on my word. I'll start to change my ways for you, so I can be a better person, a better friend, and a better boyfriend." The male continued, still gazing into the green, almost hazel, orbs of the other. He licked his lips once more before continuing. "With one exception."

She knew there was a twist. Amy shut her eyes for a brief moment, hoping it wasn't something ridiculous, but prepared herself for the worst. It was Sheldon, after all, the most unpredictable man she'd happen to come across. With a small nod, telling him to continue, her eyes met his.

"That you tell me. When I'm doing something wrong, that is." He concluded with a few nods, pursing his lips in thought as how to deliver his lines. "When you tell me what I'm doing wrong, I begin to realize. So as long as you tell me, I'll be able to change for you." He added, offering a small smile.

Amy melted as his lips curved into a subtle grin, immediately looking down to try and distract herself. Boy, if she could kiss him freely, their lips would be attached at all times. "Of course." She whispered, however, Sheldon couldn't see the reaction of her face, her straight brown locks falling in front of his view.

As they paused, he gently reached forward and tucked her hair behind her shoulder so he could manage to see the face he was talking to, but her hair only managed to slip back over her shoulder and fall upon her chest again. Sounding a chuckle, Amy gently lifted her head and tucked the hair behind her ear.

There was a small pause where no words were exchanged, both parties seemly a little lost for words, although it was a comfortable silence. "Would you like me to come home with you?" Sheldon asked in a mutter, trying to bring up another conversation topic. "You've been crying."

With a small smile, she shook her head, wiping her eyes and cheeks. All she needed right now was time to clear her mind and have a nice night alone, despite the fact she appreciated the offer. Plus, she was sure Sheldon needed the night off too, spending the day travelling, having a small celebration with his friends and now having an argument with his girlfriend.

"I'm alright, thank you, Sheldon." She politely declined as Sheldon dipped his head and stepped out of the vehicle, placing her mobile back in its position on the seat.

"Goodnight, Amy." He gestured, before he shut the door and returned to his apartment. Amy watched his figure decrease in size as the distance between them grew, until eventually he disappeared into the lobby.

With a little breath, she resumed her travel back to her house, her thoughts now running wild within her mind. She was hoping this was the right decision, but she could only wait and see for the outcome. Amy didn't quite trust Sheldon's words as much as she wanted to. He said he'd change, but Sheldon was famous within their friendship group for declining change. The reason they even ended up in this position was due to the fact he couldn't stand the change and ran away – Although that being said, she was glad it was the reason they chose to stay together.

Memories came back into her mind about that time Amy tried helping Sheldon with his need for closure, thought she had succeeded, but noticed within a week that Sheldon had returned to his original state. Maybe this time he'd stick to his word and actually change, although Amy didn't want Sheldon to change for her, but for himself – The alter just being a bonus to their relationship.

Upon slowing down at a red light, she peered over at her phone, daring to check it. She was already getting too excited about Sheldon's new 'change', and knew she had to calm down and give him the time to do so.

As she bit her lip and checked the lock screen on her phone, her stomach turned when a familiar name showed up. Within a flash, she opened the message.

20:01 From : Sheldon
I decline your request.

A cheerful chuckle slipped past her lips at Sheldon's attempt on lightening the mood between them both with humor. It was a comforting feeling to know that Sheldon seemed to be okay with the whole change situation.

Before she had time to write a response, another message, from the same recipient, popped up on her screen.

20:04 From : Sheldon
Promise 01 : I will change myself for the better.

Amy's smile soon changed into a confused frown. Promise? She didn't recall him mentioning any promises in their most recent conversation. Was she supposed to figure it out for herself?

With a half-chuckle, half-sigh, she soon pressed at her screen, typing some sort of reply back to her boyfriend. She figured he was a mysterious being, so there was simply no point in questioning him. He'd tell her if he wanted her to know so badly, surely.

As the green light flashed in the corner of her eye, she carefully slipped her phone onto the passenger seat, heading off home where her bed seemed to be calling out for her. She knew tonight would be different; no constant check at her email of phone for a message from a far away Sheldon. No panicking or worrying as she struggled to shut her eyes. She had the reassurance that Sheldon was safe at his apartment, and things were starting to get better.

20:06 To : Sheldon
Goodnight, Sheldon.

Author's note : I've had this idea stuck in my head for a while now, so I thought I'd give it a shot. And yes, I'm actually planning on writing 101 chapters, sobs.

But I hate the way Sheldon treats Amy at times, and I understand it's for the comedy purposes of the show, but I'd like to see Sheldon understand and consider Amy's feelings a little more, so I thought I'd write about it. This fic is mainly going to focus on the romance, fluff or arguments between the two, but I'll try and corporate comedy also.

I also don't plan to change much about Sheldon or Amy's personality; he'll still be a little clueless when it comes to emotions, but he'll get into the routine of change and such. Amy will still be Amy, basically. Sheldon won't just become Mr. Romantic overnight, the change will come gradually, just like the intimacy did. Hopefully not three years though.

I actually can't imagine Amy as a chubby, dorky kid. All I can picture is young blossom, haha.

If you have the time, please leave a review of what you think or if you have any suggestions for future chapters. Also, if you have ideas on promises I could include, I'd be glad to hear them, since I only have like 30 right now, oops.