Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach

„blah blah...", speaking

'blah blah...', thinking

"blah blah...", Hollow voice

Hello everyone this is one of the many chapters I will update since the first part of my exam is over now. I pulled a few all nighters to get these done so I hope you will like them.

This message will also be posted in my other updates.

On the other hand I have a note about this story at the end of this chapter. Please don't hate me for it but I just had to do it.

So let's get on to me answering the reviews I got from you and again thank you.

insomniac1970 – Thanks. Yeah I figured that I should have dragged the talk a bit more but I simply hadn't a clue on how to write a authentic girl talk since I'm a guy.

Darkverger1 – Thank you. I just had to place this little reference there since I promised to do it at least in one chapter. And no I won't leave a story unfinished even if it killed me.

With that being said let's get this chapter up and running.

Please Review and please don't hold back. Tell me if something bothered you, I can handle the truth.

Tatsuki POV

I felt tired. So tired. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. To many thoughts rushed through my head. Ichigo was back. He was a Arrancar now. He liked another woman. She wants to share him. The other Arrancars offering him a place in the new Huenco Mundo. And finally me sleeping in the same room as Yoruichi and him. It was simply way to much. At the moment I sat on the couch in the living room and stared at the wall.

"You know you could have come to cuddle with us a bit.", a purring voice whispered near my ear making me jump in shock.

"Yoruichi-san!", I tried to catch my breath while my hand rested over my hammering heart.

"So why didn't you want to cuddle?", she purred again and leaned over the backrest in a cat like manner.

"I just... I just couldn't. I don't think it's alright if we... you know...", I knead my hands.

"You mean share?", she smiled.

I only nodded not trusting my voice.

"You know that I don't mind about sharing as long as I get my daily share of vitamin I.", her purring voice send shivers down my spine.

"What are you two talking about.", Rukia yawned as she stepped into the living room.

I began to glow like a lighthouse believing that she could have heard us while Yoruichi just gave her a predatory smile. Rukia looked a bit confused.

"What did I miss?", she asked now completely awake.

"No... no... nothi... nothing.", I stuttered and waved my hands before me.

"Oh we were just discussing on who gets laid by Ichigo when.", Yoruichi purred shamelessly and my I was sure that I blushed to an even deeper red.

Rukia starred at us for a few seconds with a blank face till her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She began to point between the two of us.

"You... and... Ichigo?", she stuttered the shock clear on her face.

"Oh yes and I can't wait till I get my little playtime with him. You too right Tatsuki-chan?", her cat like smile grew even more.

I kept fighting my blush as it wandered down my body making me glow slightly. Rukia only stared at us in awe... or confusion. I couldn't really tell at the moment.

"Come here Rukia-chan. Maybe you can help me unfreeze this deep-frozen virgin over there.", Yoruichi purred again and patted the seat beside her.

Rukia only nodded dumbfounded and sat beside the dark skinned woman while I tried to comprehend what she just said.

'For that you will pay.', I thought angry and sat on the armchair beside the couch.

Ichigo POV

I sat on the roof and stared at the rising sun. The last night had been really relaxing. I don't know why, it just was. Long before sunrise I had sneaked out and sat here since then. I felt at peace.

"So how did you manage to score with Yoruichi-san and that human friend of yours?", Renji asked from behind me.

"Oh you really would like to know huh?", I smiled.

Last night I had finally realized what the girls had talked about. Tatsuki was persistent to sleep in my room along with You-chan. I may have been clueless before but since I fused with Hichigo that changed.

"Oh come on man. Can't you tell your old buddy how you did it?", Renji mock pleaded with a big smile as he sat beside me.

"Oh?", I rose an eyebrow.

"So you can finally score on Rukia?", I teased and his face dropped for a second before a blush adorned his face.

"H... how?", he stuttered horror written over his face.

"Since I became a Arrancar many things have changed my friend. I see more then most would want me to now.", I smiled and struggled to compose himself again.

"So you three?", he asked and made a heart shaped form with his fingers.

"What are you? A 10 year old girly?", I deadpanned.

"But to answer your question not yet. You-chan and I have been dating shortly after she came here and Tatsuki only found out about me a while ago. Yet I somehow hope that it will work out with us three. Must be coming from my perverted Hollow self.", I explained and groaned at the end.

"So you got two hot woman that want a piece of you? Good job kiddo.", he laughed.

I only shook my head with a smile knowing that he would get his ass kicked for these kind of statements. Despite his crush on Rukia he just couldn't shut his mouth. Kami knows what his mouth will get him into in the future.

"So what are you gonna do now?", he suddenly asked.

"Keep on living with my girls. Making a life for myself and keeping the two of them happy. Maybe making a family in the near future.", I shrugged enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin.

"Sounds cool man.", he sighed and also stared at the rising sun.

"Are you gonna meet up with the others anytime soon?", he asked not looking at me.

"I'm gonna meet up with Chad in a few minutes. Orihime and Ishida have to much to make up for for the moment.", I sighed and stretched my back.

"What have you been doing since I'm gone?", I asked.

"Oh not much. It has been peaceful since the end of the war. Just usual duty and trying to find a way to get under Dannys skin.", he laughed and I did too.

"Any luck so far?"

"Not really.", he stated dejected.

"Don't be so down man. You will get your chance.", I laughed.

"I guess I should go and talk to Chad. He should be finished with his daily training by now.", I stopped up and dusted off my clothes.

"Do that and I will listen in on what the ladies are talking about.", Renji smiled proud.

"Don't blame it on me when they kick your ass for spying on them.", I shrugged and vanished in a Sonido.

Seconds later I reappeared at the balcony of Chads apartment. I leaned against the wall beside the door and waited. Minutes later it opened and the tall frame of my friend stepped out.

"Morning Chad.", I waved and he nodded.

"How have ya been?", I continued.

"Not bad. I see I was right about you being familiar.", he stated and I could have sworn that I saw a small smile on his lips.

"Good senses old friend. I hope that I didn't hit you all to hard back then.", I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"It's quite alright Ichigo.", he stated monotone with a nod.

"What will you be doing now?", he asked and eyed the orange tinted sky.

"I guess I will think over Harribels offer to join Huenco Mundo and talk it through with my girls.", I shrugged.

"Girls?". He rose and eyebrow.

"Yeah it seems like Yoruichi and Tatsuki both have a thing for me. Yoruichi and I have been dating for a while now but since Tatsuki is also interested in me we are thinking of a three way relationship.", I laughed.

For the first time in my life I saw Chad look at me with big eyes. It seems like I finally managed to surprise the stoic Chad. We stood there in silence till I coughed.

"Listen man. I have to get going. I have another visit to make and I also have to patrol the city.", I apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry Ichigo.", he nodded and I launched myself in the air opening a Garganta in the process.

"See ya later man.", I yelled and the portal closed behind me.

The dark void between the worlds was somehow calming. It gave a sense of peace. Even if there was no life or any existing matter I liked it here. A few minutes of running passed and a new portal opened before me. With a jump I flew through it and stopped high above the desert of Huenco Mundo. The red pillars of Las Noches stood in all their glory right under me.

"Guess I came out a bit to high.", I laughed and rubbed my head sheepish.

"So you came Kurosaki.", a monotone voice stated behind me.

I wasn't surprised since I sensed him the moment he appeared.

"Hey there. It has been a while huh Ulquiorra?", I smiled and turned to him.

I came face to face with the white skinned emotionless man that I had fought before.

"It certainly has.", he stated dry seemingly bored.

"Oh come on Ulquiorra. We haven't seen each over since the war. Not that I would have thought to see you ever again after you dissolved into mist. How did you come back by the way?", I asked eager to know how this man, I held in respect for our last fight, had survived his seemingly ultimate death.

"I don't know but it seems like I have some unfinished business that brought me back here.", he explained calm and emotionless like usual.

"Oh? That sounds interesting?", I stated and eyed him curious.

"Have you come to a conclusion about our offer Kurosaki?", he asked.

"Not yet. I have yet to talk to my mates about it. They have as much of a choice in this as I have.", I explained calm thinking about what these two might say about it.

"That is noble of you. To think about your mates like this.", he said.

"So come on lets catch up a bit. I always wanted to know more about the seemingly emotionless Ulquiorra since our fight.", I laughed and at his confused look.

It's been 5 days since my meeting with Ulquiorra and to say that I was surprised was a understatement. While we talked we walked pass Harribel and her fraction. From the corner of my eye I saw how the emotionless Espada gave his dark skinned comrade a short yet longing look. She didn't seem to notice it though. A full grown grin tried to work itself on my lips but I suppressed it. No need to let him in on that I know his little secret. The big bad Ulquiorra Cifer had a crush on the dark skinned beauty Harribel. Oh this was blackmail gold. We talked and I didn't make any indications that I knew about it but before I left I passed by Harribel again and gave her a little hint to look out for little number 4. She seemingly got the hint since she blushed madly.

After I returned to the world of the living I had made my way back home only to come across a badly beaten Renji who mumble something about scary and sexy women and cat like personalities. He seemingly had been caught and punished for listening in on the girls. That day I had told them about the offer and we discussed it. Rukia and Renji weren't really happy about me joining the Arrancars but they couldn't argue with me since the Seireitei would kill me without a doubt. I had also declined the Arrancars offer to join them since we had decided to live here in the living world as long as Tatsuki was alive. Had we gone to Huenco Mundo she would have become a Hollow sooner or later and neither of us wanted that. Yet I promised them to visit from time to time to help them out if they needed it. Sadly it has also been leaked that the mysterious Arrancar was me. Thanks to Renji, Rukia and Yoruichi the old man had accepted to make a exception and give me a chance to talk to him. This talk was were I'm right now. Seated in front of Captain-Commander Yamato and all the Captains of the Gotei 13 in my new Gigai. Oh yeah. Dad got me a new body the day after I went to Huenco Mundo.

"So what do you want to talk about boy?", Yamato asked stern.

"It nice to see you too Captain-Commander.", I greeted nonchalant.

"Don't mock me boy!", he growled and slammed his staff on the floor.

"I didn't mean to mock you. I just wanted to loosen up the situation.", I sighed and leaned back into my chair.

To my surprise SoiFon didn't jump me right there for my disrespect. She just gave me a stern look which I understood. Be careful of how you speak to him!

'I guess Danny did wonders to her temperament.', I thought.

"Ok lets get to the point. I want to offer a peace treaty between the Seireitei and Huenco Mundo.", I was interrupted by many gasps.

"I have talked with their new leaders and they have agreed to this treaty. All that is actually needed is your acceptance. Yet if you don't want a treaty with them they won't hold it against you seeing your past with each other.", I explained getting many confused or angry glares.

"And what do you gain from this boy?", Yamato asked calm but I could feel his anger.

"I gain nothing since I'm a neutral. Yet I wish to ask a favor if you were to accept this offer.", I explained calm as Yuzu came in the room placing a tea in front of everyone.

The captains nodded their heads as a thanks towards her and she smiled before she left the room again.

"What kind of favor would that be?", Unohana asked after she tasted the tea.

The smile on her face showed that she approved of the taste.

"I would like to reside here in the living world till my girlfriend Tatsuki dies. After she dies and goes to the Seireitei I ask of your permission to enter the Seireitei to live with her. I may be a Arrancar but I don't mean anyone any harm.", I explained the situation.

The calm look the old man gave me was a bit unnerving. Yes I was surely stronger then him but he had the advantage of experience on his side. If we were to fight I couldn't say for sure who would win. Silence filled the room with only the occasional sound of cups meeting saucers.

"So what do we gain from this treaty?", Yamato finally asked.

"The Arrancars promise not to search out any Shinigami to attack them without any provocation. Along with that they offer their help should the Seireitei ever be in a time of need. In return they only wish for the same they offer you.", I gave them the offer.

"And how can they give such a promise? There are just to many.", Toshiro asked suspicious.

"Yes, they have a huge amount of Hollows under their command that follow their rules. Yet there are those who don't follow their leadership. You can't asses the worth of this treaty just from that. Hollows as you know are sometimes hardly intelligent. Only those who have gained some level of strength are strong enough to become self aware. However the Hollow hunt won't end with this treaty. The danger of the Arrancars may be banned with it but new Hollows will still be born and they will act upon their own instincts till they are tamed.", I explained calm even though I talked about hunting my own kind.

"So we can still kill them?", Kenpachi asked with his usual grin.

"I ask you not to search out any fight with the Arrancars. They wish for peace and attacking them is no peace. Lower Hollows on the other hand are none of our concern since they are loyal to their leaders till their death.", I shrugged and finally took a sip of my tea.

I watched the different reactions of the captains and smiled. All of them seemed to approve of this treaty. All in their own ways. Some seeing them as a worthy allies. Exchanging knowledge with each other could help them to make the Seireitei stronger. Fuck even Yamato seemed to like the idea.

'What the fuck?', I thought as I saw his smile.

"This treaty actually sounds good. This could be the beginning of a new era of peace.", the old man smiled.

He looked at his captains and one after another nodded in agreement.

"We accept the peace treaty with Huenco Mundo and your request to enter the Seireitei freely.", the old man stated firm and stood up.

"Thank you very much Captain-Commander. I will inform the leaders of Huenco Mundo.", I also stood up and gave them a respectful deep bow.

As they left I could only smile. Many of the captains gave me approving smiles and nods as they left.

"So you really did it?", Tatsuki asked as she came into the room.

"Yeah. I can't actually believe it.", I sighed and fell back into my chair.

She smiled and sat onto my lap. Yes that was also something that happened about 5 days ago. While I was catching up with Ulquiorra the girls had a seemingly long talk and from the blush on Rukias face when I came home it was about some pretty kinky stuff. That night we had the wildest love session I could have ever imagined. Ever since that night we had awakened something primal and lusting inside of the stoic Tatsuki.


I sighed. The girls had told me to relax a bit before going to my room. I had accepted their idea but they immediately left the room. About twenty minutes had passed since I fell on the couch to relax but I simply couldn't. Something told me to get up and get my ass up to my room. Slowly I made my way upstairs. It had been a long yet funny day. As I opened the door to my room I froze on the spot. There before me sat two completely naked girls on the bed and looked at me with a blush evident on their faces. The weak light illuminated their slender bodies. I took a step back and looked down the hallway.

'This is definitive my room so why...', I trailed off as my brain caught up with the situation.

I stepped back inside my room and closed the door behind me. My back was turned to the girls and I tried to hold onto the already thin reason I had left because of my first sight.

"Ichi-chan.", Yoruichi purred into my ear as her arms snaked around my chest.

That did it. My reason said goodbye and see ya later and with a wave it took a vacation. I broke out of the hug whirled around and grabbed her. With a Shunpo we were on the bed by a madly blushing Tatsuki. I knew that Yoruichi had convinced her to do this. How I didn't know and I really didn't care at the moment. The first thing I did as we crashed on the bed was to engage Yoruichi in a tongue battle as my hand wandered down her body and I squeezed her tits. She moaned into my mouth but didn't break the kiss. A reluctant touch made me break the kiss and I look to the side. There sat Tatsuki trying really hard not to faint of embarrassment. With one hand I pulled her to Yoruichis side and both girls lain under me looking up to me.

"My my my Ichi-chan is really a beast.", my dark skinned beauty purred as she traced my abs with her soft fingers.

Tatsuki only nodded but tried to hide her breasts with her arm. I grabbed her wrist and pulled the arm aside. Then I leaned down and kissed her while I massaged Yoruichis and Tatsukis breast. They both moaned loudly. Yet nothing would break me out of my trance. I wanted them and I wanted them now. The only thing that might have been able to stop me would have been these two but they also seemed to be way into it now. I broke off my kiss with my childhood turned girlfriend as Yoruichi slung her arms around Tatsuki and pulled her closer. Her arms snaked downwards and wrapped around her thighs. With a gentle force she opened Tatsukis legs and showed me my friends sweet spot. Tatsuki glowed like a lighthouse and hid her face behind her hands whimpering in embarrassment.

"Oh now you have done it.", I growled with a lusting smile.

I laid my hands on her thighs and bowed down. I stuck out my tongue and the moment it touched her pussy she tensed up. A shudder ran through her body and I began my adventure of discovering her form and taste. To my surprise Tatsukis skin and juices tasted like the sweetest honey. I knew that she couldn't hold it in any longer as a loud moan escaped her lips. The second one was muffled and I glanced upwards only to see the girls in a wild tongue battle. To me it seemed like that their reason had also left them and they engaged in their primal urges. My hand wandered in between Yoruichis thighs and brushed against her clit. While my tongue entered Tatsuki my fingers did the same with Yoruichi. Both gasped in surprise and Yoruichi actually let go of Tatsuki.

"Ohhhhh that's gooood...", she moaned.

"You taste like honey Tatsuki.", I growled and she blushed like mad.

Then I switched positions. Now it was Yoruichis turn to get discovered by my tongue while my fingers pleasured Tatsuki. Yet again I was surprised. Yoruichi tasted like vanilla. Not what I would have guessed. I thought she would taste like lemons because that was what she tasted like when we kissed.

This time they shoved me away and I landed on my back with both of them fingering with my clothes trying to get them off. I only smiled since my clothes were made from my reiatsu. Immediately they turned into black smoke and vanished. Both of them didn't care about that right now and stared at my erected dick and naked body. I saw the lust written in their eyes. An insatiable lust.

"Come and get it girls.", I challenged them.

They jumped my without a second thought. Yoruichi was faster though and claimed my penis while Tatsuki kneeled over my face, offering me her pussy. She bowed down towards lower end and licked the base of my dick while Yoruichi gave me a blowjob. I groaned as I felt the pleasure filled my body. Eagerly I attacked Tatsukis pussy and pressed my tongue deep inside of her. For the first time I actually noticed how long my tongue was. I reached deep inside of her and a loud moan came from her.

"I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!", Yoruichi yelled.

I couldn't see what she was gonna do but I felt it not five seconds later. A tight, warm and wet feeling wrapped itself around my dick. Yoruichi had inserted my dick into her pussy. She was riding me. A yell of pure bliss came from her. Tatsuki sat up and saw a bit of what was going on above me. The two were making out while riding me on both ends.

'Oh fucking shit. That is hot.', I thought and a powerful moan came from me.

I watched as their breasts bounced in the heat of their movements. I witnessed how the brave and strong Tatsuki kissed and moaned into another womans mouth while massaging her breasts and getting her own massaged. It was like a picture straight from paradise. My arms slipped upwards around her waist towards her butt and I gave it a firm squeeze. A loud eep came from her and they both began to ride me even harder. I felt my climax coming closer and closer.

"You-chan I'm about to blast!", I yelled.

A loud scream of pleasure came from us three as we came. I felt her pussy tighten my while cum shot into my dark skinned angel. Tatsuki actually squirted like a fountain.

We all panted but none of us wanted to stop. We changed positions and Tatsuki lain on her back her legs spread far open and I rammed my dick into her breaking her hymen in one go. She screamed, not in pain but in pleasure as I reached her deepest parts. Yoruichi meanwhile positioned herself atop Tatsukis face to get licked by her and faced me in a fierce tongue battle. With my right hand I gripped her right breast in a firm grip giving it a hard squeeze while my other hand wandered down towards her soft butt. She moaned but I wanted more. I wanted her to go crazy. So I took the next step. My hand on her butt actually went between her buttocks and I stroked her asshole with my index finger. She groaned and her attacking tongue lost some of its force. With that I knew that I had found one of her weak spots. Unbelievable that the strong Yoruichi liked it up her ass. So I slowly pressed one finger into her rear and she actually eeped. Slowly pushing it in and out, I thought it would be good to step it up a bit so I slipped another finger in there. She climaxed and immediately and squirted like crazy drenching the moaning Tatsuki under her. Not once did I stop pumping into Tatsukis tight pussy. The pleasure was to much for me to handle anymore. Tatsukis pussy was actually pretty tight and she clenched my dick on the right spots making it pretty hard to resist shooting my load immediately.

"TATSUKI!", I yelled as I felt her pussy tighten even more and I could no longer suppress my load.

With another loud yell of pleasure I came into my childhood friend turned girlfriend and once again she squirted like crazy drenching us all in her juices. Not that we cared. We were to engulfed into what we were doing.

flashback end

After that we continued for hours. The stuff we did that night was so wild that I thought we had woke up the whole neighborhood. Thankfully You-chan had placed a soundproof barrier around my room beforehand. If she hadn't my family would have never let me life it down. We were content with our situation.

time skip 90 years

I walked down the streets of the Seireitei. A true era of peace had begun after the Seireitei and Huenco Mundo allied themselves with each other. It was a pretty unreal idea in the beginning but it soon showed that these two mortal enemies could coexist in the same realm. So now here I was. A fully matured, 6'3" tall and unrestricted Arrancar walking down my kinds former enemies streets to go home to my family. After Tatsuki had died at the high age of 83 she had become a Shinigami. I had made many friends over the years and we even got rid of this accursed Quincy once and for all. With Ishidas death about 85 years ago his lineage had died off leaving only my bastardized version behind. That idiot was never able to look over the edge of his plate and died fighting for his beliefs. He died a death I actually wished him for the fact that he still tried to kill me even after he found out who I was. He died alone, being devoured by a Hollow. No one wanted to associate with him anymore since he had gone mad. Now he wandered the wide desert of Huenco Mundo trying to find a reason for his existence. Inoue had overcome her initial shock and tried her everything to reconnect with me. I allowed it seeing that she only wanted to protect me as she abandoned me back then. She also became a Shinigami but years before Tatsuki. Her heart gave out at the age of 42. After that I took her to Danny to guide her. Later I heard that she was dating Grimmjow and had gone to Huenco Mundo to life there with him, raising their children. I was surprised that Grimmjow actually settled down and sealed away some of his fire.

Suddenly three blurs shot past me ripping me from my thoughts. I chuckled as I saw who it was. These three were the pariahs of both worlds. The siblings of despair, as many called them. True they got their name from their father but they really did their best to stay true to that name. No they didn't hurt anyone but their pranks caused a different kind of despair.

Mishka was the oldest of the triplets. She had at least 5'5" tall and had healthy brown skin like her mother but inherited the green eyes from her father. She had long short blond hair pretty much like mine back then. Her Hollow Hole was in her belly wight under her C-cup breasts. Lastly her Hollow fragment adorned the top of her right eye like a sharks jaw.

Samsa was more like her father. She was also 5'2" tall but had white skin and a pair of mismatched eyes. Her right eye was dark green while her right had a light mint colored green. Her long black hair had wisps of blond growing here and there. Then as if to succeed her mother she had her Hollow Hole also where her womb should be. Yet compared to Mishka she was flat as a board giving her more of a tomboy appearance despite her hair. Her fragment stuck to her right collar bone and encased her shoulder like a clawed hand.

And finally Patina the youngest of the three was 4'1" tall with black hair and brown skin. She had light green eyes like her mother but also had her fathers tear mark under her right eye. Her huge D-Cup bosom seemed overgrown for her size but it never hindered her, not even during acrobatics. Also she was a bit special since her Hollow Hole was also welted into her fragment. It was a tight white collar with a ring on the front and the back showing the Hole in her throat.

These three may have been trouble makers but I really cherished them. For one I was their godfather and would set hell in motion to help them and second they had somehow begun to idolize me after I saved them when they were only 8 years old. They had played a prank on a Vasto Lorde and he didn't seem to like it at all. As he was about to crush them he had a sudden cause of unwanted upper ventilation because I had ripped his head off before he could finish his attack. After that these three would always come to my house to hide after another prank to not get scolded by their parents. For all those who haven't realized it yet. Yes Harribel and Ulquiorra were indeed their parents. After five years I finally had him so far to propose to her and she accepted.

"Hey Ichi-jii.", they yelled before they vanished from sight again.

I only waved with a smile and continued my walk.

"So the great Kurosaki-sama pleases us with his presence. To what do we owe this pleasure.", a amused yet angry voice stated from the side of the road.

I followed the voice and came face to face with a lazy looking 6'9" tall white haired man who leaned against a wall.

"Hey Danny what's up?", I greeted and walked over to him.

"Don't what's up me Ichigo! Do you have any idea how often I came close to be castrated by Tatsuki and Yoruichi because you stopped sending reports and went missing for two weeks?", he growled and pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Hey it couldn't have been that bad, right?", I began to sweat under his glare.

True I was strong but Danny was just as strong and even faster then me. Fuck he didn't even have to use his zanpakuto to outrun me.


"Then why are you out here now?", and here I had to be a smart ass again.

I face palmed mentally as I felt his KI rising.


I did the best thing I could do at the moment. I ran. I ran as fast as humanly possible to get home and away from him. I didn't really care about my upcoming punishment since I just wanted to get away from him. He wasn't the representative and maybe future successor of the Captain-Commander for nothing. Minutes later I reached the compound my family lived at. As I entered I was ripped of my feet by two dark haired blurs. These blurs soon revealed themselves as my own children hugging me like there was no tomorrow. I felt the air being pressed out of me but I smiled. I hadn't seen them in about 3 months since I was busy with finding a new Arrancar that had been reported somewhere in Brazil. That bastard could hide like none other so it took some time.

"DADDY!", they both cheered given me toothy smiles.

Mizuni was my first child and like her mother she had untamed spiky dark hair that fell to the mid of her back. Her amber eyes shone with a equally untamed power. Yet despite being the older one she was 4'3" tall. She wore a orange kimono that was a bit to big for her.

Sivu on the other hand also looked like her mother. She had short purple hair and piercing yellow eyes. And despite being the younger one she stood at proud 5'7". She wore her usual ninja outfit seeing as she was under Dannys tutelage.

"I'm home girls.", I smiled only to get two fists to the head.

I looked up and met the eyes of two pretty pissed off woman. Tatsuki despite her age of dying had regained her youth after her death and stayed in her prime. Yoruichi was also stuck in her prime not that I would complain about it. Yet I began to sweat again as I saw their glares.

'Why are they looking at me like tha... oh FUCK!', my mind began to catch up with what Danny had said earlier.

"Hello Ichigo. I think...", Yoruichi began with an eerie smile.

"... we have something to talk about.", Tatsuki finished with the same smile while she cracked her knuckles.

Yes here I was, one of the strongest beings in existence fearing the punishment of my wives. These two could do a real number on me despite that my skin was hard as steel. Whenever they beat me up for messing up something like forgetting our wedding day or making them worried I come out black and blue.

"He... hey... gir... girls... how... how ar... are you?", I stuttered and paled.

While I feared for my health I felt that my children where heavenly unaware of my upcoming pain through the hands of their mothers. Powerful, fast, feared... and totally under the thumb of two woman.

'Well that's my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.', I thought with a smile as the two of them dragged me inside leaving our children standing there not knowing what was going on.

Before the door closed behind us I saw that Mizuni and Sivu were picked up by a white haired beauty, namely Danielle. She must have been nearby and was taking them with her to prevent them from seeing their parents going at their usual routine, as she called it.

The End

So everyone this is it. I'm really really REALLY SORRY but this is the end of the story. I just couldn't continue it anymore. I had reread it a few times and it somehow felt unsatisfying. I'm thankful to all of you who liked and supported this story and I want to apologize that I finished it with this chapter. Hopefully someone else will pick it up, rewrite it and give it the end it deserves. Please PM me if you do so that I know that this story will life on by the hands of someone else. Still I hope that you will continue to read my other stories despite me killing this one.

Now I can only say thank you for your support and goodbye for now.