Beh! My shot at a self-insert on the side! YAY. Another awakening fic, mind you. With the only pairing I can get myself to write OCxChrom! I mean I can pair other characters…but I have an add inability to not go with this pairing…Grrr…Damn me. I'm that girl.

Heh…Well, this is sort of 'based' on my ordinary life…Eh…Sort of! What I'll (hopefully) be like in a few years.

Just a rundown of what she looks like…

Height: Tall (Five feet, nine and a half inches)

Hair Color: Brown (curly, shoulder length)

Eye Color: Bright blue.

Chapter 1: A Day in the Ordinary Life

Ugh. Face meet desk. Good. Now, you're acquainted.

Did I mention that I hate Math? Well, not Math per se…but my teacher...Gods! I mean God…I've been ready way too many fics and books with more than one god.

We were working out of the textbook and I had just been proven wrong, utterly-might I add-by the teacher. Me Ms. Genius. I hate it so much. And my average is going to get killed. That's going to affect whether or not I can become a peer tutor. GREEAAAT.

Bell? Can you just ring already? I need some way to gauge the time remaining in this DOUBLE period. English class, my only reprieve, I dream of you as I dig through my pile of never ending math problems and homework.

I mean seriously! This eighteen-year-old has a life outside of doing homework! And this week was not coolio! I need time. The first varsity volleyball practices are this week. I don't have time for your near impossible math-figure-out-word sheets! Then there's track and field…And I'm getting my tutoree. That's not a word…Now it is…

I lifted my head as something hit the back of my neck. Probably an eraser. I turned to face the per-UGH. It was Brandon…

"Hey! Fedeltà! Don't let Mrs. M catch you sleeping!" ….That wasn't annoying or snarky. Oh, joy!

"I have a first name, ya know!" I sighed and pulled out my fanfic notebook. That's not weird. Nu-uh! "What's with you today? Acting all nice and such? Not annoying or anything…"

He snorted. "Please. If I had any interest in not annoying you, I wouldn't speak to you at all, Ms. Genius."

"…" I turned away. I'll just beat him up at the track meet today. Then we'll see.

I looked back down at my small spiral notebook. Hm. Now that will be an interesting topic. A Fire Emblem: Awakening fic with an annoying, snarky, Chrom. Oh, ho! That will be an interesting one indeed. A crude, dirty mouthed, Lissa and bitchy Sumia too. Oh! This'll be a fun-RIIIIIINNNG-hour.

That was not a fun hour! Neither was the rest of the day…I got proven wrong three more times, got a C on the quiz that was handed back and had to have her recheck it and got an A-. That's more like it my friends!

"Hey!" Oh, who now…I turned and saw one of my best friends.

"Oh, Rei, hi!" Get out of the building, you're almost to the town hall for track, just walk out of the blasted school. And sunshine!

"So, are you free today?" Rei, that wasn't her real name, was a pretty awesome gal. She was short, often thought of as a child, and had longish blonde hair that was usually in an intricate braid that I couldn't figure out. Don't let her size fool you though. She has a fiery personality, hence the nickname Rei (who ever guesses who I'm referring to is awesome), and like a…mother bear. Like she's overprotective.

"Nope. Planning to kick Brandon's ass at the track meet today, though."

Her blue eyes glittered with mischief. "Oh? Are you sure you wouldn't want to do something besides that to him?"

"Awww heeelll no!"

"Ha! Just messing with you!" Rei tilted her head in thought. "Don't you have that meeting with Mrs. Faulton today for who you'll be tutoring?"

My feet stopped on the sidewalk and threw my head back in annoyance. "Back to the school!"

"You're client is…" Mrs. Faulton shuffled through the papers until she got to my name. "Brandon Gonzales."




"B-Brandon G-Gonzales?!" I said before I could catch myself.

My old teacher nodded, "Yes, is there something wrong with that?"

As I was saying before, Brandon Gonzales is really annoying, but he's smart and isn't quiet about it! So he wants to annoy me outside of our classes now? Oh, did I mention that he's in every single one of them? How is he failing?!

"Er…No, Mrs. F," I said quietly. Is this some sort of elaborate joke? "It's just that, you know how annoying he can be…"

"Annoying? He doesn't speak out of turn or misbehave." What.

Is it just me then? Just me. Gawds. I wonder what his problem with me is.

"All right…What does he need help with?"


"Okay, when do I meet with him?" I said, yelling profanities in my mind. Must he ruin one of my favorite subjects? One of mine. Thank god it wasn't Social Studies. Sorry, English, but Social Studies takes the cake.

"Well, from the schedule I made from your combined time windows…Mondays and Fridays in the school library. During lunch and after school."

"Okay, I guess I'll go meet him then…" I regrettably trudged out the door, past Rei and into the library.

"Okay!" I said as I found him in the library. "Must you always ruin my life?!" I received a glare from one of the supervising teachers. Sorry! "I ask for one moment's peace on Halloween! Why'd you have to fail in English?"

"Well, excuuuse me princess," the brown haired guy muttered before taking out his materials, "Maybe if English were interesting, I wouldn't fail."

"You failed on purpose just to get me as your tutor and bother me even more." I stated plainly before pulling out a random notebook, which I assumed was my English 'tutoring' one. I opened it and placed it in front of him, "Now read whatever sentence is in there and correct it."

"Er… 'Sumia flew in in on her pegasus's back, brandishing an iron lance and ready to kick ass like the bitch she was?'" He looked at me with a confused half grin.

"Eh…What?" I looked at the book as he continued to read, much to my embarrassment.

"'The javelin fell a few feet short of Chrom as Sumia yelled at him for being a dunce…'"

"Eh…Ah…Give me that!" I quickly pulled it out of his reach, blushing profusely. "Wrong notebook…H-here. I shove the correct book in front of him, but his eyes didn't leave me.

"You play Fire Emblem?"

"….Oh? What? Fire Emblem? Never heard of it."

"You just wrote a whole fanfiction on it."

"Oh, I write about many things, but none of them are that. Nope." I looked away with my eyes closed.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed about your interests. In fact…I've played a few games myself…"

I opened one eye, "Really? Then would you mind listing the names and roles of everyone in Awakening?"

Brandon sighed, "Can't I just show you?"

I turned to face him fully again, "Fine. My eyes are wide open." Okay, he's being a lot nicer than usual. I swear if he's lying about this whole thing…HUH? He isn't! And has the Awakening bundle…

"See?" He held up the Awakening 3DS and it was already running Awakening.

"What's Mr. Sport Scholarship doing with a strategy game anyway?" Strategy game or not, it doesn't exactly help out with football or karate.

"I was going to ask Ms. Genius the same thing." Oh, good! Mean Brandon is back! I almost had a heart attack.

I held my hands up in surrender, "Okay, you caught me. I'm a nerd at heart. I spend nights dreaming about what it would be like if this stuff was real and Math class daydreaming about it."

"But you've got the guts to write about it…." He muttered. And Mean Brandon is gone again.

Right! Back to my initial question, "Look. You never bomb a subject. Why did you fail English?"

He bit his lip and turned away, causing me to let out a snicker.

"Wait, you actually didn't do it on purpose?" My snicker turned into an actual laugh. "You dunce!"

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" He snarked.

And he's back! I got up, forcing myself to frown, but utterly failing.

"See you later then, Gonzales." I smirked as I walked away. Though I will never know his true reasons for failing, it was quite amusing.

"Later, Erin…." He said lowly, causing me to think that I had misheard him.

"Hehehe!" I squealed as I stepped out of the front door of my house. Trick or treating time! NOT! There's this small event in my neighborhood every year staring on Halloween and lasting for a week.

You could say it's like Fanime or Comic Con. Everyone dresses up as their favorite anime or video game characters. Me? I'm going as my tactician! Well, I just had the coat…So I wore parts of my old batgirl costume, really tall matching boots and a beige leggings…So basically a mask and the shirt part of the old costume…I'm a weird person. I know. I would've gone as Lucina, but I didn't have the time to make the costume *cough* MATH *cough*.

"To the convention!" Rei yelled. Yeah it didn't really have a name. We just called it 'Awesome Halloween Anime Convention of Awesomeness.'

Rei was smart and actually got to work on her costume, which was the yellow alternate costume for female Robin in Sm4sh. Aka her tactician. She even got the skirt, pants and boots right. I'm so jelly right now…

Anyway, before I knew it, we were at the entrance of the convention center in NY. It was a short walk from home really.

"Oh! Look there's a Doctor Who booth!" Rei squealed happily and ran off.

I let out a sigh and headed in the direction of the Fire Emblem booth. I love Doctor Who, but I made it a tradition to always go to the FE booth first. When I reached it, I pulled off my mask, I'm not Gerome, guys, and looked at the wares. Ooo. Someone's selling a tome…And a Falchion replica. So tempting!

"Didn't expect to see you here, Fedeltà," a voice said sarcastically behind me.

I waved him off with my hand. "Who doesn't go to the Awesome Halloween Anime Convention of Awesomeness?"

"I mean at the Fire Emblem booth. And didn't you catch my sarcasm?"

"Didn't you catch my sarcasm?"

"Can't we have a decent conversation for once?"

"Nope." I said simply, picking up a replica of Lucina's mask. I'ma buy dis. I faced the teen selling it, "How much for this mask?"

"That would be $15.50, miss." TAKE MY MONEY!

I handed the boy the money and placed it in my beige medievalish looking knapsack before turning to Brandon.

"What do you want, Gonzales?" Now that I got a look at him, I noticed that he was cosplaying as a Fire Emblem: Awakening myrmidon with two 'swords' strapped to his belt. And a band similar to Say'ri's around his forehead with his brown hair covering it a bit. "Hm. I'd imagine you'd go as a fighter instead. To, ya know, show off."

"Says the one wearing the top of a batgirl costume with beige leggings and a tactician's coat."

Umm. "Touché?" Silence. "Okay…whatever. It's all Mrs. M's fault. I had no time to work on my Lucina costume due to her stupid math homework mountains."

I began to walk over to the nearby Batman booth. Oooh. 'Partners In Crime' rubber wristbands with bat symbols. Oh, it's a set of two? Better get these and give one to Rei later. Here's your money, ma'am. TAKE IT. Thank you!

Hm. I wonder if I got any Streetpass teams…Just gonna-

A certain idiot interrupted my musing. "Gods, is it so hard to have a simple conversation."

DUDE. Stop talking in circles. This is why we don't talk.

"Well, you are interrupting my convention routine!" Yes, I am that person.

"Hm. Smarty-pants has a whole schedule planned out?"

"No, I just wander aimlessly until I find something interesting," I said sarcastically. "Who doesn't plan ahead for a convention."

Now it's his turn to say 'Touché'


I flopped down onto my bed, knapsack in hand with my convention survival kit inside. (3DS, iPhone, iPad Mini, fic notebook, some knives [for protection], a pack of pencils and the other stuff I bought.) Oh. That was a glorious day! ….Night! I got a bunch of crap that I'll never need and helped Nintendo print their money.

Rei got lost. Again. You'd think she'd know her way around there by now. I found her in the corner accompanied by a bunch of Doctor Who, Pokemon, Sword Art Online and Sailor Moon plushies. Pokemon…Can't wait for OR and AS. Or Smash for Wii U…Oh and Sailor Moon Crystal! Has that even come out yet in English? Math is messing up my internet time too.

Yawn. "Well, I'm tired…" I looked down at my costume. "Ah, bugger it." I leaned over and turned off my lamp before dozing off.

Gods, can someone turn out the lights? It's so freakishly bright here. I hope this is a dream. I want more sleepy time. My eyes opened to a field and a town in the distance. And I was just lying there. Like in Awakening. Humph. If this is a dream about Awakening, where the hell are the two royals and their stalker? Er…I mean retainer.

"Okay, Erin. You got this. You're going to enter the town and get info there, maybe kill some bandits and meet people. Maybe then you'll die in your dream and wake up. Yeah. Let's do this." I said to myself.

I slowly trudged across the field, in the direction of the town, clutching my knapsack protectively. From here I could see a clock tower, cobblestone streets and stone/wooden houses. I'm no genius when it comes to medieval architecture, but what I do know is that the only form of 'industry' here is magic and…I suppose fire.

After about twenty minutes, I located a random person….

"Excuse me, sir?" I said, trying to make my voice sound nice and not snarky. That's a challenge for me, "I'm a little lost, you see, and I was wondering what the name of this town was."

"Oh? You're a traveler, miss?" He seemed like a nice man. He was stout and his dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. On his person was an olive green tunic and canvas pants.

"Yes, of sorts," I nodded, confirming his inquiry.

"It doesn't really have a name, but the people in Ylisstol call it Southtown."

"Oh, so I presume that Ylisstol is north of here?"

"Yes, but be careful, there have been many bandit att–Ack !" The man was hit square in the back by thunder magic.

I barely had enough time to dodge some wind aimed at me and it hit the ground at my feet, spraying sand into my eyes.

"Well, that's just bloody perfect!" I yelled angrily, straining my ears for any sound of-

Oh, that's an axe, that's axe! Dodge, dodge. AND THAT'S MAGIC. OW. CAN'T SEE, CAN'T SEE! STUPID SAND!




Okay, looks like we're going all Lucario from Pokemon Movie 8 up in this bitch. I can do this…Maybe…Not.

Karate time…Let's go. I punched someone. Okay, I hear magic. Dodge. Punch. Dodge. Kick. I heard something break. Sidestep. FALCO PAWWCH. And something broke. OW. MORE MAGIC GAWDS. Ohh. Someone got killed. I heard the Wilhelm scream.

Chrom cut down his enemies easily, a fellow fighter by his side. These bandits were a joke, but still proved to be some challenge in large numbers. The knight, Frederick, held out his lance as he rode atop his valiant steed, Chrom's sister, Lissa, riding 'safely' behind him.

"Take the left, I'll handle the right." Chrom said to him. Frederick looked like he was about to protest, but instead nodded and rode off with Lissa.

Chrom was not the best when it came to strategy, but when people were in danger, saving them was more important than some strategy to the prince. As to why they were there in the thick of a fight? The exalt had sent the motley crew to Southtown because of a 'bandit' problem, but, in truth, they all knew that the 'bandits' were really either Plegian soldiers or conscripts.

Thankfully, the bandits hadn't set fire to the town. The villagers were, hopefully, safe enough in their houses. In total there were about four bandits left on this side, a small and simple number. Easily defeated and vanquished.

The blunette prince slashed through the third bandit and was faced with the final foe. He had a simple bronze sword on him. Nothing Falchion couldn't beat. It easily tore through his vest and killed him immediately.

"Chrom!" His sister yelled and ran over after Frederick had dispatched of the enemy troops. Those Plegians were fools to oppose such a great knight. "Do you have any injuries?"

"Nothing that I know of, Lissa," Chrom replied, ruffling Lissa's hair and earning a pout. "I assume you and Frederick are all right as well?"

Frederick rode up behind her. "Yes, milord. It seems that the bandits have been dealt with…but there's no doubt they will come back." He scanned the area silently. "We best be heading back to Ylisstol."

"All right, Frederick. Emm needs to hear about this." Chrom slowly began the walk, but stopped when Lissa wasn't following. "What's wrong, Lissa?"

Lissa's pout intensified. "Do we have to walk? Can't I ride on Frederick's horse?"

"The horse is tired, Lissa. Walking won't kill you," I started walking again

Lissa 'harrumphed' and crossed her arms, following anyway. "Fiiiiinnne."

Lissa skipped through the field in a sort of change of mood while Chrom observed, chuckling to himself. She didn't seem as cranky as before. Frederick looked a bit cheerful himself. Looks like the walking did them good. He supposed they all could use some fun every once in a while. Chrom shook his head to clear his thoughts and ran after Lissa. Frederick tried to stop them from fooling around, but to no avail, saying that it wasn't proper behavior for the prince and princess of Ylisse.

"But it is proper behavior for simple teenagers, Frederick!" Lissa chirped. "Must you always be such a party pooper?"

Frederick sighed. "I do what I do because I care about your well being."

Chrom smiled at the knight. "And we care about yours, but a little fun outside never hurt anyone."

"Say that when you trip and injure yourself." The valiant knight said brashly.

"Okay, Mr. Serious." Lissa said playfully. "We'll see if that happens–!" As Frederick predicted, the princess tripped and fell.

"Lissa!" The blunette yelled worriedly, running over to her. "Are you all right?!"

"Lady Lissa!" Frederick called out, running behind.

"…Um…What…" Lissa muttered, before realizing what or who was on the ground. "Eek! C-Chrom! S-s-someone's collapsed here!"

He stopped next to her and helped her up, muttering as Lissa looked at him."Who are they….?"

"Th-that doesn't matter!" Lissa exclaimed. "Chrom, we have to do something!"

The man had white hair and was about average height. Chrom maybe had one or two inches on him. He was garbed in a beige shirt and white canvas pants. On his feet were brown boots. To top off his outfit was a long, dark purple coat with purple markings and a gold trim.

"What do you propose we do then, Lissa?" Chrom sighed, watching the pitiful man, wondering how one would end up in this situation.

"I…I dunno!" she exclaimed, leaning forward over the man's sleeping form. The man stirred awake, letting out a low moan. The royal siblings' attention immediately snapped back to him. His eyelids slowly fluttered open revealing dark brown orbs for eyes.

"I see you're awake now," Chrom said.

"Hey there!" Lissa said cheerfully.

""There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know," The prince joked, holding out a gloved hand to the stranger. "Give me your hand." The man took it and he pulled him up. "You all right?"

"Y-yes…Thank you, Chrom." A look of confusion washed over Chrom's features; this stranger knew his name. Not many on the outskirts of Ylisse recognized him, as he was normally cooped up in the capital, conversing with annoying nobles and diplomats.

He raised a brow, eyeing the stranger's clothing once again. "Ah, then you know who I am?"

The stranger blinked, uncertain of how he came across that knowledge, Chrom assumed. He hesitantly replied, despite how the odds began to stack against him. "No, actually, I... It's strange... Your name, it just...came to me..."

"...Hmm, how curious. Tell me, what's your name?" The colors of the clothes and designs were familiar to Chrom, but he couldn't exactly pinpoint where he had seen them before. Maybe it was Feroxi garb? No, it was not made of wolf fur and bear hide. "What brings you here?"

"My name is... It's... Hmm?"

Chrom stared at the newcomer uncertainly. How could this man not know his own name, yet he knew Chrom's? The prince was baffled by the idea. Was this man a brainwashed spy? No. He seemed too innocent. Seemed being the key word there.

"...You don't know your own name?"

The man looked around, taking in the other two present. "I'm not sure if... I'm sorry, but where am I, exactly?" How could he not know where he was?

Lissa jumped up and said, "Hey, I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!"

Frederick glared at the newcomer. "It's called a load of pegasus dung. We're to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?"

"B-but it's the truth!" He said, trying his best to persuade the royals and their knight that he could be trusted. It's not every day you find out you have amnesia, after all.

Chrom nodded. "...What if it IS true, Frederick? We can't just leave him here, alone and confused. What sort of Shepherds would we be then?"

"Just the same, milord, I must emphasize caution.'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock," Frederick continued to glare dangerously at the man. Now that Chrom looked again, he realized just where Frederick had gotten his assumption from. He was dressed in a Plegian garb, the design of the coat should have made his ethnicity obvious, and his features were similar to those of the bandits that had raided Southtown nary two hours ago, though one could only tell if they looked closely.

"Right then—we'll take him back to Southtown and sort this out there." Chrom started to walk in the direction of the town followed by Lissa and Frederick.

"Heh! Finally, a chance to rest!" Lissa cheered.

"You do realize that we have to walk all the way back there, right?" The prince smirked and ruffled his sister's hair again, causing the headdress to slip to the side.

"H-hey! Don't do that!" She straightened her headdress. After processing the rest of that information, she ceased cheering and began to sulk. "…Oh…"

"Wait just one moment. Do I have a say in this?" The man protested.

Chrom stopped, having honestly forgotten about their new companion, and turned to him. "Peace, friend—I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town. Now come."

The man sighed and began to follow them back.

Wait. Who exactly killed the guy? I tried to open my eyes, but it was still no use. The sand was still there! GREAT! I turned on my heel and lashed out when I heard movement. Whoever that person was, is now on the ground. My fist level with their face. I was about to swing at them when a huge mass pushed me out of the vicinity.

"CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?!" I yelled as I landed painfully on my rump. Pain equals real…I'm happy and sad right now…Wait, is it forever? Do I get a chance to go back? Will I be stuck here?

Oh, great. Singing metal. Probably aimed at my face grrrrrrr-eat!

"Wait, Frederick!" Oh. My. GODS! I was about to be skewered by Mr. Frederick the Wussy? I mean Wary! Wait, person speak again! I don't know who you are! "Can't you see that she's injured and blinded?"

I heard the sound of the silver lance withdrawing and leaned forward, trying to not rub at my eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, "And what's going on? I can't exactly see right now…Blasted mage fired some wind at me and kicked up some sand or dirt or whatever into my eyes."

"Hm. Well…" Oh? Male Robin's voice one? Okay… "I'd say to lean over the canal, but I doubt it's very clean with all the dirt and smoke in the area…"

No shit, Sherlock!

I feel like I've lost power while playing Five Nights at Frederick's…Heh. I mean Freddy's. I don't know what will happen and I feel like someone is about to murder me. Oh joy!

"…Where's my bag? I think I might have a flask in there." I reached around on the ground nearby and located it. I really did have a flask in there. I don't like plastic and big metal bottles are too clangy… "Aha!" I pulled out the flask and poured a bit of the day old water on my face.

My eyes slowly opened and I made an 'oh crap' face. Just as I thought. Chrom and his company.

"Here, give me your hand." Chrom held out his hand.

I hesitated to take it. When I did, I was pulled forward. Wow, THAT'S too close for comfort. I quickly stepped back.

"Thank you…" I muttered meekly. "I'm assuming I was about to punch you? Sorry about that, sir. May I ask your names? I already know the one who tried to skewer my face is Frederick."

"Oh, right. I'm Chrom. This Robin and my sister Lissa."

I pretended to be genuinely surprised. "Wait. Wait! WAIT. That name rings a bell…" I made my eyes drift to Chrom's brand before moving them back to the whole group. "Almost punched the freaking prince of Ylisse..." I continued to mutter, "Great job, Erin…!" Facepalm.

"But you didn't. Erin, was it? You seem capable of defending yourself, would you like to join the Shepherds?" Chrom…You sure are jumping to a conclusion there.

"Er…" I looked at the group. Wow. Why are all the men eye candy in this place? Eh…I suppose you're cute too, Lissa. I just don't swing that way. "Moving things fast, are we? The Shepherds? Your private militia? Are you sure?"

"We've brigands and unruly neighbors. The more on our side the better. The more the merrier!" Lissa said, stealing a line that I knew was Chrom's...Hey, it's getting more realistic by the second, so I guess that's good! No script! Woo!

"Why not?" You know, this may actually be fun. I may die, but who cares. Life goes on here, people move on... "I suppose that's something better than writing all day…Sure. Even better that I can put my skills, if you will, to use."

"Milord, is this wise?" Frederick asked. "Two in one day? We could be endangering our flock by letting possible wolves in disguise in."

Chrom sighed. "Frederick, enough, please. I trust them both. They defended citizens of Ylisse. My heart says that's enough."

Frederick narrowed his eyes. "And your mind, milord? Will you not head its counsel as well?"

Robin sighed as if they were all going through the same lecture for the umpteenth time. Which I imagined they were. Okay, I'll try to lighten the mood…

"Hey, if I do anything to prove you right, Frederick, you have my permission to run me through. A'ight?" I said, a shit-eating grin on my face. C'mon. C'mon. Some emotion? Please? I know my smile is terrifying and not very good looking, but...Thank you, Lissa! The princess nodded, pigtails bobbing. Robin bobbed his head as well.

...The red, red robin, goes bob, bob, bobin' along...Dammit, Robin. Why couldn't you be red? That'd totally be your theme song!

"Milords!" A villager ran up, staying faithful to the game. "Please, stay the night at the inn. It's the least we do for what you've done for us!" Now, I'm pretty sure you all know what happens here, so why explain it all in full detail? That would be a bit wasteful of time, after all. So in short: Frederick kindly declined, Lissa complained and we were off into the night…

Okay! That has been bugging me a lot too as I've been working on other stuff. And daydreaming in math class...I hate that place! I pour what I feel that day into my writing. So this chappy was brought to you bye...MATH RAGE.

Also! Who will Robin's waifu be? (Please don't begin a waifu war. We all know what happened last time!) The contestants are;

Maribelle (For the lawls), Cordelia, Sumia, Tharja, Olivia or Lucina! And Emmeryn...No, actually not Emmeryn...*Sniff* I'm sorry...

(Edit: 3/18/15 Added a bit more detail where it was needed. The vote's already over, so there really is no point. The winner is revealed later on, and I do not wish to spoil it for you. I changed Chrom's PoV to third person, since in my opinion, that would be a lot better than me trying to get his thoughts out, as I haven't written him in a good while.)

If you can, please leave a review, and follow and fav if you haven't already!~ Thanks!~