Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Its rightful owner is Square Enix, Disney, and Tetsuya Nomura

Twilight Town, October 18th

Fall in the kingdom of Twilight Town was a beautiful sight to see. The everlasting setting suns colors along with the many shades of fall. Many of the local residents love the fall season, and the youngest prince of the kingdom was no exception to that either.

"Roxas!" A young boy with beautiful gold hair, and blue eyes that reminded people of a peaceful winter day, ran down the streets of the town with a smile on his face. No one could take away his time in the slightly chilly outdoors, not even his older brother, Sora. Another young boy around the same age as the blond, but with chestnut hair, and blue eyes that reminded the town people of the summer sky. "Roxas, we can't be out here! Besides why would you want to be out here? It's so cold!"

Roxas merely laughed at his brothers words. "They can't keep us locked up in that castle forever Sora!" Was all he said as he took a sharp turn around a building. Looking around trying to get his twin brother off his tail, he spotted a pile of leaves, and laughed lightly as he dove in the pile of leafs.

"Roxas, come on! Let's just go home...Roxas?" The youngest prince heard his brother shuffle around for a couple of seconds before he heard footsteps running in another direction. Roxas' golden hair peeked up out of the leaves to make sure the coast was clear before getting out of the leaves. He smiled happily not seeing his brother as he strolled around town, saying hello to the locals of the kingdom not bothering to remove golden and red leaves from his hair.

Looking around, Roxas decided to go to the clock tower to watch the bells toll as soon as it hit 8 P.M., but before he could make it there he felt himself get scooped up. He panicked for a moment before he heard a familiar chuckle. "Gezz Rox, you're always getting into trouble. Clouds not going to be happy to hear you left the castle again." The little boy looked up with a smile to see a man with black hair, and blue eyes that held laughter in them.

"Zach!" He yelled happily as he hugged his oldest brother's best friend. Alongside Sora there was Cloud, but Cloud was nineteen while Sora and Roxas were only nine. Cloud became king a year ago. Their mother died giving birth to Sora and Roxas, while their father was assassinated on a visit to another kingdom. Leaving Cloud to be the youngest king the kingdoms ever had, and also to be guardian of the twins.

"Alright, let's get you home." Zach said with a slightly sad smile. He could understand why Roxas always left the kingdom, but sadly there was just no other way.

"But...Zach." The little blond protested. He didn't want to go back. Being locked up in the kingdom yet again. All he wanted to do was explore. He wanted to see the world beyond the walls of that castle. "Please Zach, just a little longer?" Roxas looked down sadly seeing the kind teen shake his head.

"You're already in enough trouble, Clouds going to be very angry that you didn't listen to him." Roxas flinched a little. He didn't like seeing his older brother mad. He felt Zach sigh as he put the youngest prince down. "Roxas..."

"Roxas!" Zach's sentence was interrupted as a blur of brown tackled Roxas to the ground. "Roxas, I thought you were kidnapped, or taken away! ...just like dad..." Roxas looked to see his twin brother in distress with watery eyes. Roxas hugged his twin and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Sora. I didn't mean to scare you." His older brother hugged back, glad to see his little brother was alright. Zach watched the twins with a smile.

"Alright, let's go home." He led the two back to the large castle that was their home.


Roxas shuffled uncomfortably. He stood in front of a large door that had the name Cloud engraved on the door. He sighed knowing he was in trouble. Was it so much to ask to just have a little adventure? Roxas shook his head as he dejectedly knocked on the door. "Cloud?" The small blond heard a muffled 'come in', and opened the door. The door closed behind him with a click. He kept his eyes to the floor as he felt his brothers aggravation directed towards him.

"Roxas." The boy refused to look up. "Roxas, look at me." Roxas shyly looked up to see more sadness in his brother's eyes than anger. "C'mere." His older brother said gently. The young prince shuffled over and his older brother sighed as he hugged him. "I know you feel like you being locked up in here, but it's for your own good. I don't want what happened to dad to happen to you or Sora." He said with a gentle voice as he defanged leaves from the boy's hair.

"But he was outside the kingdom border, not the castle. I'm safe around everyone here." Roxas said trying to convince his brother to give him more freedom. Cloud looked at his brother a little shocked. Though he should be, everyone knew a Roxas was very smart and mature for his age. "Please, Cloud. I swear I'll be careful." Light blue eyes looked up at him pleadingly.

"Roxas, I trust you." Roxas' face light up with hope. "I just don't trust the other people. Please try to understand that I'm not punishing you." Cloud watch his baby brothers face fall with sadness. He watched as a tear fall down his soft cheeks. "Roxas!" He yelled as the blond ran out if the room. The young king sighed. "I'm sorry."

Roxas walked through the halls on his way to his room. Clouds words seem to echo through his head. 'I'm not doing this to punish you.' He sighed as he entered his overly large room. He sat down on the large window still looking over the city, the sky was mainly purple now that it was dark, but still maintained a lot if orange and yellow hues. He gently opened the window, smiling softly as be felt a cool breeze hit his face.

Looking up at the sky he was able to see a couple of stars. "Please, I just want to see the world. I want to see other places, other worlds. I want to be free and go where I want when I want without worry about being kidnapped just because I'm royalty." Roxas sighed sadly looking at the bright star. "How much longer do I have to wait for my dream to come true?"

"You know." Roxas jumped in surprise to hear a voice he didn't recognize. "If you have a dream, don't wait. Act." The small blond looked down to see a boy a couple of years older than him with stunning red hair, and acid green eyes. "The names Axel. Got it memorized?"

Cloud sighed as he finished reading a lettered he had just received. "The Heartless just attacked Radiant Garden. King Ansem is warning me that they might attack Twilight Town next." The Heartless were the most ruthless pirates to sail the seas. They've been raiding world by world for a decade now.

"We should alert the whole kingdom, and get troops ready in case they do." Zach said. He wasn't only Clouds best friend, he was also his right hand man. "You should probably alert castle security so they can keep a good eye out on Sora and Roxas." Cloud nodded.

"First of all I need you to go down to the docks and warn everyone there that an invasion is about to commence. I trust Ansem's word. We won't allow The Heartless to take anything."

"I'll go warn the sailors." Zach said with a cheeky smile to lighten up the situation a little bit. As he was about to leave he heard the king get up. He turned around knowing what Cloud wanted to hear. "Don't worry I'll be right back. I promise." He gave the blond a reassuring smile before running out of the castle. Cloud sighed watching him go.

"Everything will be fine." He whispered to himself. "We'll be prepared, and nothing bad will happen." Nodding to himself, he set out to find his little brothers. If something were to happen, he would be there to protect them.

Little did he know, he was too late.

A/N: This idea has been in my head for DAYS. I'm so glad I got it out, but I really want to keep typing, so this will probably be updated pretty fast. Please Review and tell me what you think!