Hey guys! :) Finally started typing another story. I guarantee you this story is unique, so please give it a chance. Oh, and don't forget to review! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Eighteen year old Lovino had one hell of a day. First, he was kicked in the shin by some little girl, after telling her to quit banging on the damn vending machine just because her favorite snack was out of stock. Next, some teenage boy tried to steal some narcotics, then proceeded to scream "RAPE!" as Lovino escorted him out. Jaw clenched, Lovino kept his calm.

He had been doing really well, he had to admit, at keeping his anger in check. The whole week, he hadn't yelled at anyone in the hospital, no matter how much he really wanted to. Perhaps he was getting better at controlling his temper?

Around nine that night, one of the fruity new interns grabbed his ass. Lovino snapped and punched him as hard as he could in the face, breaking his nose.

Nope, definitely not getting better.

"Fratello, you need to be careful or else you'll lose your job again." Feliciano, his twin brother, chided him quietly as he bandaged his knuckles. "I had to beg Luddy for a whole hour before he finally agreed to hire you."

Lovino snorted. "I don't care if the potato bastard fires me! I could easily get another job." Which was a complete lie, of course. Every business in town knew better than to hire him.

"Even if you could," A thickly accented German voice entered the conversation, and Lovino flinched. "You would just get fired again for that attitude of yours."

Lovino backed up just a bit as Ludwig stepped closer to them. He wasn't scare, dammit, not a chance in hell, but that German was fucking huge. Feliciano's eyes got big and he waved his arms.

"Ve, Luddy, please don't fire Lovi! He said it was just an accident!" Ludwig raised an eyebrow at Lovino for the obvious lie he'd told his brother. How does someone break someone else's nose on accident? Lovino looked away. He wasn't going to tell Feliciano what really happened! He was too innocent for that.(Or so he'd like to think)

Ludwig sighed, a sound that told Lovino he was more disappointed than angry. "I'm not going to fire him, Feli. I heard what happened. I just wanted to tell Lovino to…be more careful." He said, really meaning, "Wait until after work to beat the fuck out of whoever you want."

"Okay." Lovino sneered. "Potato bastard." Ludwig simply rolled his eyes, long used to Lovino's 'nickname' for him by now.

"Go ahead and clock out, you two. The next shift will be here soon." Ludwig told them as he went to clock out himself. Feliciano turned to his older twin.

"Fratello, let's all eat at your apartment, ve~"

"Why the hell would I want that?"

"But Lovi~ It's been so long since we've eaten together!" Lovino ignored that comment, knowing that 'so long' had been just last week.

"Fine," Lovino gave in. "do whatever you want, but I'm not cooking."

"Okay~" Feli ran off to clock out and tell Ludwig."

=== le time skip to like 5 minutes later ===

"I never expected you to live in such a nice place, considering how you're unable to keep a job." Ludwig commented, lifting his umbrella to get a better look at Lovino's apartment building.

"Shut the fuck up, Potato Bastard. It's called inheritance." Lovino snapped. He already regretted agreeing to this. And he regretted not wearing a jacket, or decent shoes, or bringing an umbrella. Dammit he needed to start watching the weather channel before he went to work.

"Oh no, Fratello, look!" Feli suddenly bolted out from under Ludwig's huge ass umbrella and ran off to the side of the building. As they got closer, he could see Feli checking the pulse of some guy slumped over against the wall. He shook him and yelled, but there was no response.

"So? Just leave him there, he's probably a drunk." Lovino said.

"But it's freezing out here, Lovi! He'll die!" Feli looked almost ready to cry.

"Why the hell should I care?" Lovino growled. He would NOT give in to that face, nope, not again.

"Feliciano's right. It's our job to help people. I'll bring him up, find him some dry clothes." Ludwig ordered Lovino.

"You fucking bastards! I did not agree to this!" Ludwig shot him a glare and Lovino had to stop himself from flinching. "..." He clenched his jaw and stomped away, cursing Ludwig the entire way up to his apartment. He quickly found some clothes that might fit the slightly larger man and threw them on the guest bed, waiting impatiently for his stupid brother and his stupid boyfriend. A few minutes later, they showed up and Ludwig unceremoniously dumped the man on the bed.

An awkward silence settled around them as they looked between the drenched man and the clothes.

Review please! :P It brings me much happiness when I get reviews.