It's been a couple months since Bruce started dating The Joker. It turns out I had been overly judging the Joker and he really did love Bruce. They ended up giving each other promise rings until they could get married when Bruce retires. Bruce's has a joker card engraved onto it. Jokers' has bats engraved into his. I don't understand it, but if they are happy then good for them.

Bruce isn't letting me go out without him like he promised. He's being so over protective. I was hoping that Joker would calm him down but it didn't, I now just have one more person worrying about me out there. I know Joker has been acting nice to me, which I am grateful for, it's better than he treats Alfred. He likes to pull pranks and tricks on Alfred. But, I wonder if he is acting nice because he was told to by Bruce, if he really is being nice or if he is just worried about me because he knows if I'm upset it will make Bruce upset.

It doesn't matter reasons behind anything, I've decided to give up the Robin uniform to go find myself somewhere else. I'm running away. Joker and Alfred will care for Bruce and we can get some time away from each other. He won't have to worry much; I will be staying with Uncle Clark.

Goodbye for now Bruce. Thank you.