First the Titans, now weird ravenous creatures showing up along with the Titans. As if the city didn't have enough problems. But I'm getting ahead of my self, Better to start at the beginning when the Colossal Titan appeared and made a hole in Wall Sina that caused the Titans to get in and begin to fill their horrific yet endless hunger by devouring the poor souls that now stood in their way.

I was just 11 years old when it happened. Young and carefree without a worry in the world. But that quickly changed. I was watching outside the Military's science facility seeing if the had anything valuable I could pawn off. Now I know what your thinking, why am I going to take something from the military even if it means certain death? My family was poor but we got by well. My Mother's a drunk, and my Father regularly beat me if he wasnt passed out drunk.

I was hiding behind a low stone wall as I saw a soldier come out of the Facility with a parcel that had a stamp that said important. I should've never even grabbed what was in their. I waited till the soldier was a good length away from me and began to tail him. He went down a few streets, made a few turns, then ended up going into Zhiganshina District. I've been to Zhiganshina District before, sometimes picking up mead for my parents, sometimes visiting my friends Eren and Mikasa. Than the soldier stopped and put the parcel in his satchel and walked into a local tavern. "Idiot" I thought to myself. I walked into the tavern and saw the soldier sit down at a booth for a drink. I sat down at a booth behind him. The thing I loved about taverns is that there is always a fight brewing. Lucky for me this soldier walked right into the tavern that happened to have a drunk named Mayes who happened to get into a fight everyday.

"Mayes I think that is enough" said Maye's friend Mills "Really your going to drink yourself to death like this if you don't set yourself straight"

"I'll keep drinking till I bloody damn feel like stopping" said Mayes "And the hell with you Mill's and your bloody opinions"

"Your friends right" said the man next to him "I think you had enough"

Considering Mayes was already piss drunk he took that as an insult and proceeded to dump his drink on the other mans clothes. The man got up from his seat and then a fight broke out. The soldier took note of this and tried to break it up. I had a oppurtunity i could not let slip, I got up from my sit and unlatched the buckle on the satchel, grabbed what ever what was inside and took off. Once the coast was clear I went off toward the meadow I sometimes go to blow of steam after a fight with my parents. The things I grabbed out of the satchel were the parcel, and a note regarding the parcel. It read.

"Make sure this gets to the Inner wall's scientists get this right away! It is of utter importance that it not fall into the wrong hands."

-Section Commander Zoe Hanji

Well It did fall into the wrong hands and it didn't get to the inner wall. In the parcel was a vile of a strange red liquid. I slipped it into my pocket. I was wandering around aimlessly after that not much to tell, go over to one of the stands and look what they had. Then the bell began to ring and the city knew what was going on, the Survey Corps was back from their mission in the outside trying to establish bases and new trade opportunities. While I was their I heard my friend Eren say.

"Damn it I can't see them" He said trying to get a good spot.

Eren and his adoptive sister, Mikasa found a spot to stand on some crates so they could see better. I walked over and joined them but they didn't notice. The soldiers coming back had grim looks on their faces. Another failed attempt. The were brave to try to do it, fight the Titans, but no, humans werent meant to face something this huge. Most the men coming back were either injured or dead. Some of them had bandages over their eyes, some on the mouth. And most had the expression of being to hell and back being able to live and tell.

"These were all that made it back?" asked a man

"Everyone else might of been eaten"

"That is what happens when you go outside the walls"

"Moses! Moses!" said an old woman walking up to the soldiers

"Um my son, Moses... I don't see him." "Where is he?"

"This is Moses mother" said the soldier, "Bring it"

The woman looked shocked to see was placed into here arms. A bloody rag that probably had the poor bastard named Mose's only sentient part left. She began to unravel the bandages and found a bloodied black and blue arm that that was cut off, She began to weep.

"This is all we managed to retrieve" the soldier said

As she fell to her knees she said, "But my son... He helped right?"

"Even if he didn't do anything directly... My son's death helped humanity fight back didn't it?!"

"Of course" said the soldier, "No" he said changing his mind. "Our recon this time didn't... No... We never... Never learn a thing!" he exclaimed.

"It's my fault... My own incompetence killed our men! And we still don't even know what they are!" he said as tears began flowing out of his eyes.

Then they proceeded on back toward their base.

"What a mess" said another man

"You've got that right" said the guy next to him.

"It's like our taxes all go to fatten them up."

Then Eren proceeded to hit the man with a stick on the head offended by what came out of the mans mouth.

"What are you doing, stupid brat?"

He tried to hit him again but was interrupted by Mikasa who I was behind, pulled him into an alley way.

"Hey" Eren protested as Mikasa began to drag him . "What are you doing, Mikasa?!"

"Get back here!" yelled the man

"Mikasa, you can let go now!" Eren said

Mikasa threw Eren into the wall which made the stack of fire wood on his back go everywhere

"What was that for?" he complained, "The firewood spilled everywhere!"

"Eren, do you still want to join the Survey Corps?" she asked

That fact startled me a bit, and Eren to.

"He isn't serious, right?" I thought to myself.

Eren acted like he didn't here that.

"Help me pick these up"...

"There isn't enough to bother" Mikasa said bending down to help pick up the firewood as I did the same.

They were on their way home so I decided to follow them back as well. Not like my parents cared about where I was. Eren opened the door to his small but good home.

"Back" he said.

Eren's mother, ( ) was cooking something that smelled good on the stove.

"Welcome home" she said happily "And I see you've brought your friend".

Eren began to dumb the fire wood he and Mikasa collected into a chest as walked over.

"Oh Eren, you actually worked hard for a change" she chided

"Yeah" he said.

grabbed Eren by the ear.

"What?" he said irritated

"Your ears turned red, that means you're lying." she said, "Mikasa helped you didn't she?"

Eren didn't want to admit it but stayed silent as his mother accepted the silence as yes.

"Huh? Are you going somewhere, Dad?" Eren asked between bites. "Work?"

As for Eren's father. , He was a man I respected, in fact, everyone respected him. He saved everyone from a epidemic a few years back. So everyone kinda owes him their lifes.

"Yes, I'm going inland to see patients." he said putting his paperwork in his medical bag. "Probably for two or three days."

Eren was just finishing his food as Mikasa said something that made freak

"Eren said he wants to join the Survey Corps."

It was silent for a moment.

"M-Mikasa, I told you not to tell them!" he said dropping his now empty plate on the table with a thud.

"Eren!" said walking over and placing her hands on his shoulders, "What are you thinking?"

"Do you know how many people have died outside the walls?"

I thought about the old woman back on the street weeping with the only thing in her arms was her son's severed arm. Than I imagined in her place and the severed arm being Eren's. The thought of that happening made me shudder.

"I do!" Eren exclaimed

"In that case" yelled

"Eren..." the argument between them stopped to look over at .

"Why do you want to go outside?" he asked

"I want to know what its like out there" he replied

"I don't want to spend my life inside the walls, not knowing anything!"

"Also... If no one carries on their work, all the casualties till now will have been in vain!"

Me and Eren had that in common. I wanted to know what it was like out there. But except their was an obstacle that would get in everyone's way. The Titans, The first thing I wanted to do when I was old enough was to enlist and wipe out the Titans so we could go as we pleased, but like I said before... Humanity wasn't meant to face something this huge. contemplated his son's anser for a moment, than said.

"I see, The ship is waiting, I'll be going now" he said getting up

"Wait! You need to talk to Eren!" interjected

"Karla, human curiosity is not something you can restrain with a lecture" consoled, "Eren, When I get back, I'll show you what I've kept secret in the basement a this time." he said flashing a key that was to something.

"R-Really?" Eren asked excitedly.

We all went to see off as he walked toward the port.

"Bye!" Eren yelled

"I won't let you" said continuing the argument. "Joining the Survey Corps? don't be stupid."

"Huh? Stupid?!, I think people who're fine being cattle are way more stupid!" he exclaimed than ran off.

"Eren!" called out

"Mikasa, sometimes he doesn't think things through, When you're in trouble, you must help one another."

"Okay" Mikasa said

I think around that time a friend of Eren and Mikasa's, Armin Arlert, was getting picked on by three boys who happened to have a deathly fear of me, maybe because every time I seem to see them picking on Armin sometimes I teach them a lesson. Just as the center boy was about to hit Armin again Eren called out

"Stop It!"

"Thats Eren!" said one of the boys

"The fool's back." said the other

"He wants to get his ass kicked?"

"Let's get him what he wants!"

Around then me and Mikasa made it up to Eren as the boy on the left of me looked with a shock.

"M-Mikasa's here, too!"

"O-Oh god" said one them with a gulp, "A-And he's here as well!"

"N-No... Let's get out of here!" the boy said as he and his goons ran as fast as the could trying to avoid the lesson I was about to administer.

"They ran away when they saw me!" Eren said

"No, they ran when they saw Mikasa and him" said Armin trying to get up but couldn't as he winced


"Hey, are you okay, Armin?" asked Eren in concern for his friend

"They didn't hit you to hard, did they?" I said

Eren offered his hand to help Armin on to his feet but Armin refused the offer.

"I can stand on my own" he said

"All right" Eren said.

We began to walk around as Armin explained why the boys were beating him up.

"So I said that humanity should go out into the world someday, and they hit me and called me a heretic." Armin said

"Damn it" said Eren as he throw a stone into the water in aggravation

"Why does everyone act like you're crazy if you want to go outside?"

"Because staying within the walls has brought peace for a hundred years" Armin explained

"That and most people are afraid if to many venture out, we'll risk letting them in" I said

"Wouldn't happen if the Garrison had their cannons aimed and ready to fire on their weak spot."

"So the royal government declared any interest in the outside world taboo" Armin

"That's our lives we're risking sp it's our business!" Eren complained

"You can't" Mikasa said


"Come to think of it, why did you tell my parents?" Eren asked

"I don't remember ever saying I'd help" Mikasa said

"H-How did it go?" Armin asked

"Well... They weren't happy" Eren said

"I bet" Armin replied

"But you're right, I wonder about those who think staying inside the walls will protect us forever".

"Go ask one of the Wall Cultists then" I said

"They're always rambling on about how the walls are impenetrable"

"Go ahead continue" I said

"Just because the walls haven't been breached in a hundred years doesn't mean they won't be... breached today."

Just when Armin finished that sentence... IT HAPPENED! A flash of yellow lightning along with a loud ring shook the entire district causing everyone to topple over.

"What?... An explosion?" I thought getting up.

"Over there!" someone said

"I think something fell from the sky!" said another

We all followed everyone to where their were standing, and when we got their, they were frozen looking up.

"What's wrong" Eren asked as he realized what everyone was looking at.

A giant red hand had a hold on the wall.

"No way" Armin said

"That wall, is fifty meters high!"

"Its one of them" I said.

"Like the legends and what the madmen ramble on about in the asylums."

"The Harbingers of the end times".

"The Titans"

But this Titan was different. This one was Colossal in size in comparison to the others. Then it did something so unbearable, it raised its feet high behind itself, and broke a hole in the wall that caused debris to fly everywhere crushing people, buildings and what ever else. Then that's when "They" started coming in.

"My house is over there." I said

Around this time everyone was in mass panic trying to escape so I'd completely forgotten everything my parents had done to me in the past years since my sister, Dana made it into the Military Police.

"My parents!"

I took off running as fast as I could that day, shoving past people who were in my way. I ran past some horrific sights, people mourning over their loved one who was crush by debris or someone being an unlucky person as a titan grabbed him/her from far away as I heard their cries of agony as they were being eaten. I was halfway as I tripped on something hard as I felt something break in my pocket as my pants became soaked.

"Oh crap" I thought

"The Vial"

I tried getting up but winced as I realized that the smashed vial's glass pieces embeded themselves in my leg as the liquid seeped into the wound which caused it to burn. And remember that thing I said about the ravenous creatures coming in alongside the Titans. Well there was one charging right toward me. It was smaller than the normal 3-5m Titans, but this was different, the thing had claws that could tear through everyone like paper. I managed to dodge it but its extended finger go me on the far left corner of my eye leaving a nice cut. Then it ran off probably spotting its next victim, poor bastard. Then I heard my sister's manuever gear as she called for me.

"Down here!" I yelled

"C'mon we have to get you and Mom and Dad out of here" she said

"What happened to your eye?" She asked in concern

"Long story" I said

I climbed on Dana's back as we saw our home crush under a giant rock.

"Mom! Dad!" Dana called out

"Over here sweet heart!" my mother called out.

My Mother and Father were both trapped under a beam. And their was nothing we could do, me neither or Dana could get them out if we tried.

"Dana you need to get the boy and you out of here" She said

"But were not living you!" Dana said

"Listen to your mother" my father said

I heard a loud stomp, and i saw a Titan coming right toward my now collapsed home.

"Dana!" I said

"I know!" She replied

"Look the both of you" Dad said

"What ever we had done in the past to hurt you... were sorry, we should've known better, but now the both of you need to get out of here and get to safety and escape on the boat"

"Ok" Dana said

I got back on to Dana's back and we took off as the only sounds I could hear were my parents screams of agony as they were eaten. I held back the tears as I could but I couldn't.

That day... Humanity remembered... The terror of being ruled by them.

The Humiliation of being kept in a cage.

My name is Alex Mercer... And I am the one who almost destroyed humanity.

Authors Note: Plz leave a good positive review on this, this is my first so I want to see what you guys think. Plz go ahead and make suggestions on what I should change I'd be happy to oblige.