In the year 845 the Colossal and Armored Titans suddenly appeared, destroying the wall, along with the life we'd known. And the insatiable hunger of the Titans was unleased on humanity, after a hundred years deprivation, Humanity abandoned Wall Maria, losing twenty percent of its population and a third of its territory to retreat within Wall Rose.


It's been two years since I enlisted with my friends and since the events that happened that night with doctor. And even after two years of putting my thoughts to how I did what I did back in the infirmary I still I have no clue, but the thing is what if it happens again!? W-What if I touch someone and they transform into what the doctor turned into? What if I just tap someone on the shoulder and it sends them to the ground like it sent the doctor flying? I'm getting off track again. It was a rainy day and Shadis had us running with through the mud with full equipment while he evaluated us on horseback.

"You're too slow! Run, you laggards!" He hollered

"What's wrong, Arlert?" He said noticing Armin close to quitting

"You're falling behind! Is it too heavy for you? Will you the one guy to remove his equipment?"

"If this were a real fight, you'd be Titan food by now!" Shadis said going back to the front

Armin was about ready to call it quits until Reiner stepped in.

"Damn it give me that" He said to Armin taking his pack.

"At this rate, we'll all fail out! We're being graded on this exercise"

"But if you do that, you'll lose points, as well." Armin said

"Just don't let them find out! And don't make me change my mind!" He ordered

Shadis took notice of Reiner's assistance toward Armin.

"Reiner Braun, A strong soldier, physically and mentally. And trusted by his comrades." Shadis evaluated in his thoughts

"I will not slow everyone down, even if it kills me!" Armin muttered to himself as he got his second wind and made it up to Reiner taking his pack of from him.

"Armin Arlert, while lacking in physical strength, he's demonstrated an extraordinary aptitude for his studies." Shadis evaluated

The next day we had to use the maneuver gear on practice dummies as the rotated to hit the nape of its neck like you would a Titan. But the real test was to see how deep of a cut you could make.

"Annie Leonhart. Her strike form is flawless, but she works poorly with others and tends to isolate herself."

"Bertolt Hoover, He has great potential, but lacks initiative."

"Jean Kirschtein, A master of the 3-D maneuver gear, but his brash personality causes friction with the team." Shadis evaluated this group from a perch secured to a tree.

"I can't strike as hard those two, so I'll have to find the Titan first" Jean thought to himself on his next move

"I'll be the one who makes it into the Military Police!" He said as he came upon the fake Titan

"Thanks Jean, I was right to follow you!" Connie chided as he was about to steal Jean's kill but was to slow to realize that Sasha had already beat him to it.

"Sasha Blause, She has unconventional, good instincts, but they make her unsuited to teamwork."

"Connie Springer, He demonstrates superior physical agility, but lacks mental agility."

"They're coming!" said one of the men designated to be on the ground to raise the fake Titans.

This time it was Mikasa with Eren right behind her as she made perfect cuts in both the fake napes. As Eren's cuts were smaller.

"Damn, Mikasa's beat me again in strike depth!" Eren thought to himself angrily

"Mikasa Ackerman. A master of all subjects, and widely considered one of the best in our history."

"Eren Jaeger. He has no outstanding talents, but he's worked harder than anyone to improve his marks."

"And he is more motivated to attain his goal than anyone."

"And finally, Alex Mercer, like Ackerman he seems to excel at all subjects with ease. But like Leonhart he sometimes tends to isolate himself from others except whom he considers close friends due to his rough up-bringing." Shadis evaluated


The investigation to what happened on that night 2 years ago was still going on and the Military Police wanted to ask me a few questions so I missed out on some of the training. But the questions were easy enough and I was dismissed to go back to the training grounds. Shadis told me that today was going to be disarming exercise and to pair up with Eren and Reiner.

"Ouch…" Reiner said as he hit the ground the result being flipped by Eren

"Sorry, I'm not good at holding back…" Eren said apologetically offering his hand to help Reiner up.

"Ok it's your turn to be the bandit" Reiner said handing the fake knife to Eren

"What's the point of this training?" Eren asked

"Why are soldiers training to fight people like this?"

"Only an idiot would fight an opponent unarmed"

"The jobs not just about killing Titans." I said from the post I was leaning on

"We're trained to keep things peaceful whether it's a Titan or it's a human who's causing trouble."

"He's right, where's your sense of responsibility? We're soldiers. We may be called on to fight at a severe disadvantage, and retreat will not be an option. We must be able to handle any opponent, whether that means using a cannon or martial arts. That is our responsibility as soldiers. Forget all that… Look over there." Reiner said noticing Annie slacking off, again.

"Oh, Annie? As usual, she's good at slacking off without getting found out by the instructor." Eren said

"Okay, Eren, Alex … I think that slacker needs a lesson. Let us show her what a soldier should strive to be." Reiner plotted

"You don't want the instructor to head-butt you again, do you? If you don't want to get any shorter, remember what happened when you came here, and take this seriously." Reiner said maliciously

"Hey, isn't that a little harsh?" Eren said walking over with me.

Annie had a look on her face that suggested she was going to murder the three of us.

"She's fuming." I noted

"Better keep my guard up."

"I always got a weird read on her."

"Let's get going, Eren." Reiner said sneaking up from behind

"Annie, you know how to do this, right?" Eren asked

"Here I go!" He said rushing but failed as Annie kicked him hard in the shin.

"What? Did she kick my leg?" Eren said as he tried to get up but fell to the ground again.

"Can I go now?" Annie said

"No, this drill doesn't end until you grab the dagger." Reiner said

"Wait, Annie your supposed to do this a certain way!" Eren exclaimed as Annie flipped him.

"Here, now it's your turn to attack me." Annie said tossing the dagger to Reiner and moving the side of her hair out of her right eye.

"No, I…"

"Go on, Reiner… Weren't you going to teach her a soldiers responsibilities?" Eren asked

"Yeah, sometimes, a soldier can't retreat." Reiner said

"Like now!"

A moment later he was flipped as well

"Hold on a minute" I said.

"Before we begin might I ask where did you learn to do that?"

"My Father." Annie said

"Your Father taught you that?"

"It doesn't matter, there isn't any point in doing this." She said

"Go on" I said

"Martial arts won't improve your score. You should just go through the motions, like them. The only ones allowed to join the Military Police and go deep within the walls are who rank in the final top ten. The only one who take this seriously are either people like you who do whatever they're told, or real idiots." Annie said noting over to Connie and Sasha

"Damn Shadis…" I said

"For whatever reason, the better equipped you are to fight Titans, the farther you're assigned from them." She said with the dagger in her hand as we both pushed

"Where do you think this farce begins?"

"Isn't it obvious? The King doesn't care what happens to the lower class citizens who live in the outer wall." I said trying to push my way forward but had my legs kicked right from under as my back hit the ground with Annie sitting on me the end of the dagger at my throat as I tried pushing her back.

"Isn't it because that is how humans really are?" She said

We both stared each other for a moment as if we hit a moment of understanding as she got off me.

"Anyway, I'm not stupid enough to enjoy playing soldiers in this shitty world, and neither do you seem to be." Annie said walking off.

"You aren't cut out to be a soldier at all!" Reiner said

"I never took the time to realize something like that, they're perfecting they're Titan killing skills so that they don't have to use them." I thought to myself.


"That can't be helped, Before Wall Maria fell, only the few in the Survey Crops needed to know how to use Maneuver Gear." I could hear Armin saying as I noticed Eren staring angrily at Jean and listening to the conversation he was having with Marco. I decided to listen in as well.

"Just give it one strong blast. Use the generated momentum, and you'll conserve fuel." Jean explained to Marco.

"You make it sound so easy." Marco said

"Well, I guess not everyone can do it… But it's worth remembering. If you want to join the Military Police, anyway." Jean said

"Yeah, I hope I can get in… I can't imagine a greater honor than serving near the King." Marco said while taking a drink from his flagon

"Hey Marco, Cut the noble act and tell the truth! You want to join the Military Police because life deep inside the walls is soft and easy." Jean said maliciously

"No! I really think that." Marco said

"An easy life, deep inside the walls?" Eren said

"Until five years ago, this was considered deep inside the walls."

"What's your point, Eren?" Jean said as Eren finished of his drink

"You don't need to go to the Interior. You've gone soft enough in your own head." Eren insulted as everyone stifled a laugh.

"You…" Jean said standing up

"Don't you think it's strange that we're training to fight Titans, just to end up farther from them?" Eren said quoting from what I told him what me and Annie discussed.

"Who cares? For my own sake, I hope they keep this stupid system." Jean retorted

"You piece of shit!" Eren exclaimed

"Shut up! This is reality!" Jean shot back

"Stop it, Eren." Armin said

"Back off Jean" I said pushing him out of Eren's grip

"Screw You!" Jean said grabbing the collar of my shirt

"Get your damn hand off me" I said as a warning as I felt a familiar sensation

"Make me murderer!" Jean said pulling tighter

"Why you son of a-"I said as I took notice of Reiner and Annie waiting for my next move

"He's what Eren used to be, a ranting idiot with no control." I realized

I grabbed Jean's arms ready to flip him onto the table but as I did I realized I had that same inhumane strength and as soon as he hit the table it split in halve. Everyone was staring at me in awe. Luckily I didn't knock Jean out as he got up.

"What the hell was that?" He asked now frightened

"It's a lesson, and that lesson is don't you ever get in my face like that again you worthless sack of shit." I said menacingly

"And another thing, you think taking the easy way out, doing as you please, is reality? And you can call yourself a soldier?" I asked

There was an eerie silence for a moment. But the silence was broken as Shadis cracked the door open.

"I heard quite a commotion. Would someone like to explain?" Shadis asked

Eren Jean and I sat back at our tables.

"That sound was Sasha's fart" Mikasa said raising her hand as everyone again stifled a laugh

"HUH?!" Sasha exclaimed

"You, again?" Shadis said pinching his nose.

"Learn to control yourself." Shadis said walking back out the door.

In the end, two hundred and eighteen trainees managed to hang on till graduation.

"Dedicate your hearts!" The Instructor ordered

"Today, you trainee graduates will be given three choices. You can join the Garrison, protecting towns and reinforcing the walls. Or the Survey Corps, who risk their lives beyond the walls, in Titan territory. Or the Military Police, who serve the King, lead the people, and protect internal order. Of course, only the top ten students, whose names were just announced can join the Military Police."













"I did it!"

"I'm joining the Military Police!"

"We won't go hungry anymore!"

"How did I score lower than Eren?"

"Your seriously aren't joining the Military Police, Eren? You did all that work to make the top ten." Thomas asked

"I'd already decided when I began. I wasn't training to live in the Interior. I was training to fight Titans." Eren said

"You'll never beat them!" Thomas said as everyone paid attention to what was going on.

"You do know how many tens of thousands have been eaten? We lost over twenty percent of our population, so we know for sure. Humans cannot defeat Titans." He explained

"So? If you think we can't win, you'll just give up?" Eren asked


"It's true that humanity has only suffered defeat until now. But we didn't know anything about the Titans then. Fighting them head-on is pointless. We did lose but the information we gained gives us hope for next time! Will we abandon the tactics that cost tens of thousands of lives to develop, and let the Titans eat us without a fight? Hell no! I am going to exterminate all of the Titans, and escaped these cramped walls. That is my dream… Humanity isn't finished yet!" Eren explained as it brought tears to his eyes and ran out.

"Wait, Eren!" Armin said as he and Mikasa and I as well ran after him.

We caught up with him as we was sitting on a step rubbing his eyes as we sat down with him.

"Eren, when you were talking about your dream…" Armin said

"Yeah I got that from you, to live outside the walls, not inside." Eren said

"I'm joining the Survey Corps." Armin said

"Are you serious, Armin? You got the best written test score, so you should use that!" Eren interjected

"I won't hold you back, even if it kills me." Armin promised

"I'm joining the Survey Corps too." Mikasa said

"Hey, you're the valedictorian… Join the Military Police!" Eren disagreed

"If you join the Military Police, then I'll do that. If you join the Garrison, I'll join, too. You'll send yourself to an early grave without me." Mikasa said being the protective step sister she is.

"No one asked you to do this." Eren said

"I don't want to lose any more family. " She said

"Now what about you Alex? You're not planning on joining the Survey Corps? Eren asked

"No I have my promise to Dana to keep" I reminded him

"And from what Shadis told me apparently she made arrangements so if I enlisted I'll be inheriting her rank she held as well as her living quarters in the interior."

"What was her rank?" Armin asked

"Second-Lieutenant" I said


The Main Force of the Survey Corps had come back and there was a huge crowd awaiting them. And the good thing unlike what happened 5 years ago they were intact this time and their wasn't a grieving mother with the only sentient part of her dead son crying in the street.

"They're here, the main force of the Survey Corps!"

"Commander Erwin, kill the Titans for us!"

"Look, it's Captain Levi!"

"They say he's as strong as an entire brigade"

The Survey Corp actually came back intact this time.

"This is totally different than five years ago… There are so many people who have high hopes for the Survey Corps!" Eren said

"Everyone's cheered up. There haven't been any problems for five years." Said a red headed soldier from behind us.

"And they've improved the fixed cannons. Maybe the Titans won't come again." Said her grey haired companion.

"You can't seriously believe that you stupid lovebirds!" Eren exclaimed

"You think we're a happy couple?" the red head said

"You're getting ahead of yourself Eren." The grey haired one said

"Hey guys" said a familiar voice


"I heard you graduated yesterday. Hard to believe you're the little kids I remember." Hannes said

"What about you? You've gone from a drunk to a captain of the combat engineers!" Eren said

"Listen to you..." Hannes said ruffling Eren's hair

"I'm still sorry I wasn't able to save your mother." Hannes said grimly

"It wasn't your fault, Hannes, We aren't ignorant anymore. I'll never let anything that sad happen again. We will defeat the Titans" Eren said running off again

"I don't know whether or not to be happy that you've grown up or not." Hannes thought to himself. Don't Die." Hannes thought to himself.


"So to make sure we're clear you will inherit your sister's rank and apartment in the interior "said the Officer

"Yes I understand sir" I said

"Good, and one more thing as well, you are not to disclose any information about what happened with that incident that occurred 5 years ago with the doctor mutating." He said

"Yes sir." I replied

"Good, Your dismissed to your job on the wall with the others" He said

As I walked out of the building I couldn't help but notice how things have changed. It's been five years since then. Humanity is finally regaining its dignity. Like Eren said we can win. But then the wind suddenly started blowing ominously as if it was about to happen again.

"No, no it couldn't' I thought to myself

But then I heard the crack of the beam that shot down when Colossal first appeared. I turned around and their it was, just like five years ago. And I heard a loud explosion that meant the gate had been kicked in. I was ready to jet off to join the defense but I heard a familiar growl. I turned around and there it also was, the beast that gave me the very scar that adorns my face.

"What you come back to cut the other side two?" I said as I attached both blades to my hilts.


AUTHORS NOTE: There have it, Chapter 4. Now for those of you reading this go into the reviews for this story and you'll see the explanation I have put up. And be ready for the new content I'll be putting up tomorrow, I hope some of you like it. And also go and re-read chapter 3 if you want to see the new ending I implemented. But like I always tell you, like, review, and fav/follow if you like the story!