Hey everybody! Welcome to my attempt to make a successful Akame Ga Kiru fic! I was thinking of doing a Fairy Tail fic, but I figured, what

the hell? Why not give a recent anime/manga a shot? Just to warn all, Tatsumi will be OOC. As for a pairing, I haven't decided yet, but I hope

you will enjoy this story as much as my others. That's right punks! I'm attempting FOUR fics. I got a lotta extra time on on my hands, and I

freaking love writing this stuff. Of course don't expect me upload like a maniac as usual, I HAVE A LIFE TO Y'KNOW! But enough of my

pointless banter, lets get on with the story! This is The Green Eyed Killer!


It was cold.

The feeling a person got at this time of the year. It was freezing over day and night, the winter winds coming in to blanket the earth once more in pure white snow. A couple of guards belonging to the Empire, were stationed outside a small stone bunker, when in reality it was actually a holding cell. They were shivering at the stinging-cold the wind kept blowing on their faces. They breathed heavily, clutching and rubbing their sides, desperately trying to keep themselves from freezing.

"Gahhh, I hate this time of year." One of scowled while his teeth were chattering.

"How long has it been since the last shift?" The other asked, fairing no better then the other guard.

"I don't know, and I don't give a frozen rat's ass! The relief unit should have rolled in since the last two hours." He said exhaling into his hands.

"I wouldn't be surprised. Considering the first blizzard of the month is approaching."

"Why the hell did I even agree to this? Being stationed out here..I might as well have been sent to a frozen grave by General Esdeath. I at least wouldn't be suffering from this cursed weather." He complained as clouds of warm breath exited his mouth.

"I know what you mean. When they said it was considered the greatest duty a knight of the Empire could attend, I was thinking feast, a warm bed, and a whore or two at my side while I drank."

"Such things are only attainable when you get promoted. I had the same idea, but i'm beginning to think I'll die a dog's death out here." They shared their fantasies with each other while trying to take their minds off the bone-chilling temperature.

"Why do we even need to stand here? I much rather would be inside this little prison then freezing my ass off outside of it."

"Yeah sure, go ahead. I'm sure the prisoner would love to gouge your eyes out and snap your neck while he welcomed you inside." The other said sarcastically.

"He's just a little brat."

"That managed to almost assassinate the King, and kill about 56 veterans of the Imperial Guard."

"56? I heard it was 20." The other said confused.

"Oh no, a man I know that was stationed on patrol, said that when they arrived, nearly half of them were killed, and the other half had managed to capture him."

"A young man managed to kill 56 of the king's personal guard? Are you sure he didn't have help? Sounds a bit too vague."

"Believe what you want. Don't tell a soul I told you this, but.." The guard then listened more intently. "Apparently, they found a Teigu on him."

"Those cursed weapons?! One of those Arms that could rival the power of an army!?" He asked shocked.


"Gods forbid...No wonder he managed to kill half of them." He thought, feeling a bit shocked of the fact this boy possessed one of the many Imperial-Arms.

"Well, when you go against the Empire, you better be ready to take the the whole country on. Otherwise you end up like this poor sap." They continued talking about a great many things about the events that transpired. The "prisoner" was sitting against a cold stone wall. It was cold, but at least it blocked the freezing air from outside. For the past four hours he had listened to these two idiots ramble on, and on, and on until he just wished they would just go burn..or freeze in hell. He had endured the beatings, the whippings, the starving, the torture, but he would rather be interrogated instead of listening to these two morons rant about how cold it is.

He was chained up by his ankles, and his wrists. He had been in the prison for probably a day, maybe two, he didn't know. The only track of time he could keep was when the guards changed shifts every two hours. But it sounded like the next detail was late. His eyes were a dark, emerald green. His brown hair, partially covered in blood, all in a mess. The only thing he had keeping him warm was just a pair of brown ragged trousers.

"I'd give anything just to shove a couple of rusty nails down their throats." He was getting sick of this. He wasn't thinking of escaping, but if he got the chance, those two had just signed their death warrants. He just sulked, wondering when he was gonna appear to the public, humiliated, charged with the usual bullshit that the king's enemies got, then laying head first on that chopping block, and the split second his head would leave his shoulders and hit the earth, just like many innocent and wrongfully accused people who's bodies had rotted into the earth. He knew the Empire was corrupt. But the the Empire wasn't his only enemy.

He had to be wary of the Revolutionary Army as well. Killing one of the high ranked members wasn't exactly the best way to break the ice with them. But that captain was smuggling intel on their movements, so he thought he'd kill him, then explain to them what happened. But that went out the window when the arrows started flying, and the shouts of vengeance rang in his ears. They had assumed HE was the spy. He ran, not getting a chance to explain himself. Unfortunately, it only got worse when the captain's men tried to kill him out of revenge, thus resulting in their deaths, and not his.

But this wasn't relevant to him. The only thing he cared about was himself. He would never trust anyone. And you couldn't blame him. If the Empire or The Revolutionary Army had sent an assassin after him, he would never know who it was, or what side they were on. So he kept to himself as much as he could. His fighting prowess, that weapon he found, and his instincts are what kept him alive until now. Well, up until he got captured. If he didn't figure out a way to get the key, or at least something to pick the cuffs, the next time he opened his eyes, would be on the day of his execution.

He then heard voices outside.

"Ah, finally! What the hell took you guys so long!? I'm freezing my ass off out he-Wait, weren't their supposed to be fi-UHk!" He then heard what sound like someone choking, and bones cracking.

"Sorry~! But don't worry, we're here to relieve you, permanently." A feminine voice said as the sounds of the guard's final breath left him and a thud on the ground could be heard.

"You bitch! How'd you find this place-GAWK!" A gunshot was then heard and another thud of a body hit the ground again. The prisoner then slowly lifted his head, trying to identify with his hearing what the commotion was outside.

"..A gunman..and a really strong woman by the sounds of that idiot's neck cracking...best noise I've heard all day actually...only question is..who's the imbeciles that stole my kills?" He wanted be the one to murder those idiots. After their infernal conversation for four hours, he was gonna make them suffer for it...for four hours. He then heard what sounded like a gunshot breaking the lock on the stone door. It then was creaking open, as the moonlight slowly crept inside. His hair was in the way of his eyes, as he couldn't quite see who was entering. If these damn chains were just off of him...

"Really? This is who we're rescuing?" Another feminine voice asked with a hint of annoyance in their voice.

"Well what were you expecting? He is the most wanted person in the empire right now."

"Whatever. Bulat?"

"We have to hurry. I think that patrol is coming back." A masculine voice said as the prisoner felt his chains breaking off as if they were nothing. It surprised him actually. "We're getting you out now, just leave it to me, kay?" The masculine voice said which creeped him out for some reason.

"Target located. Return to headquarters." Another feminine voice said in monotone.

"Hey, Bulat! Watch out for the-!" Next thing the prisoner felt was himself dropping and hitting his forehead on the ground, and a rock hitting and knocking him unconscious. The last few sounds he heard, sounded like gunfire, and artillery being used around them.

The next morning...

The prisoner's eyes were slowly opening. He felt unusually comfortable, which was strange for him. He hadn't felt the comforting sensation of a cotton mattress in...it was a really long time. He heard birds singing their morning song, and the sunlight was shining in through a glass window. He slowly looked around but didn't see anyone..until his eyes fell upon emotionless red eyes. He then slowly got up and looked at the person before him. They both seemed to make an emotionless expression at each other. He blinked, she blinked. He tilted his head slightly, she did the same.

"Something wrong prisoner?" She asked.

".." He stayed silent.

"..Very well. I shall inform the boss you're awake." She said as she sat up and walked off down a hall. The prisoner was trying to figure out what happened. Why was he peacefully sleeping in a bed, with an emotionless girl staring at him? He didn't know what to think. He shook his head slightly out of frustration, he then noticed that he was wearing a white buttoned shirt, and dark grey pants. He noticed his wounds were bandaged properly. He then smelled what smelled like meat. His stomach then growled. He hadn't eaten anything for a while now. Last time he ate, was probably when that cricket wandered too close to him.

"I almost forgot." The girl returned. She had a tray with a fish on it. "Boss told me to feed you when you woke up." She said as she sat down next to him. She then used a fork and got a piece and held it in front of him.

"..." He remained silent.

"You must eat. Being kept in a prison for that long, it's a wonder you're still alive." She said as she motioned her hand closer.

"What am I 3? Just give me the damn fork." He then tried to take the fork from her, but she held on to it and wouldn't let go.

"I must feed you." She said again. The prisoner's grip tightened in annoyance.

"Give. Me. The fork." He thought as he tried pulling harder and harder.

"Don't make this difficult." She then jabbed her fingers into his side and he let out a yelp. She took the chance to stick the food in his mouth. When it had entered his mouth he stopped moving. His first cooked meal in days, and he was being forced fed. What the hell was wrong with this picture?

"..." He then finally gave up and opened his mouth and let her put bite sized pieces in his mouth.

"How is it?" She asked. He then shrugged and nodded slightly.

"Heavenly!?" She asked astonished.

"Where the hell did you get that from!?" He sweat dropped. After she was done feeding him she took the tray and fork and walked off into the hallway. He felt a bit more better after eating. Although he thought it was weird she only fed him meat. The fish could also use some seasoning. Ah, it didn't matter. More importantly, where was he anyway?

"Everyone is waiting for you prisoner." The girl said as she came back. He then slowly got out of the bed and groaned silently. He began walking a little awkwardly, but he was fine after a few moments of leaning on the hallway's walls and walking towards another room. The girl was right behind him, making sure he didn't fall. When he had entered the room, he saw about seven people. Six standing around the carpet, and one on a chair. He was hesitant at first, but the girl behind him gave him a nudge. He then walked forward untill he came to the center of the room, as he felt all their eyes fall on him.

"Greetings. I hope my troop here didn't handle you too roughly last night." A white haired woman wearing a black suit said as she leaned forward. She had a robotic arm, and an eye patch. He then looked around the room with his eyes, mapping out all the exits to the room.

"If you're looking to escape, don't worry about it." The woman said with a smile. "We're not going to hurt you."

"Unless you try to run, in which case, i'll shoot you dead before you even get to that hall way." A girl with pink hair, and pink eyes, and pink clothes said coldly.

"Mine." The woman said.

"How can we trust this guy!? How do we know he's not gonna turn on us the second we-"

"That's what we're going to find out." The boss lady said.

"Hmph, well I got my eye on you. Try anything funny, and you're toast." She said as she held up a weird gun-like machine. The prisoner just blinked and turned back to the boss lady.

"You'll have to forgive Mine."

"Yeah, she's not so bad once you get to know her!" A blonde, tall girl said as she held her hands behind her head and puffed her chest out. She wore a belt and and barely any clothing to speak of.

"What's your name young man?" A familiar masculine voice asked, belonging to a tall and muscular man.

"..." He still remained silent.

"Hey, speak up! He's asking you a question!" Mine demanded.

"It's all right. He just needs to get to know us better. Right~?" A romantic atmosphere appeared around him which disturbed the prisoner greatly.

"Is everyone here a total weirdo?!" He sweat dropped.

"I'm Bulat. The one that was talking is Mine. And those two beauties are Leone and Sheele." The two waved in a friendly manner.

"Hey, i'm a beauty too!" Mine yelled in dismay.

"Ahahah, of course Mine. That ragtag gentleman over there is Lubbock." He pointed to the members as they all waved at him in a friendly manner. "And this is Akame. She may seem a little weird at first, but she's all sorts of fun."

"I am lots of fun." She said in monotone. The prisoner just sweat dropped at this.

"And I am Najenda. I'm the boss of everyone here, and the leader of Night Raid." The white haired woman said as the prisoner's eyes narrowed.

"Now that we know each other better now, why don't you tell us your name young man. Won't you please~?" Bulat asked again in romantic fashion.

"..The name is Tatsumi." He finally said as he gave up. He was afraid that this guy was going to start doing something weirder at this rate.

"I see. Tatsumi, you're probably wondering why you're here." Najenda said as she sat back.

"..Well..if you wanted me dead, i'm sure I would've been a long time ago. And if you brought me here, you obviously have some use for me. But I guess the most nagging question right now is why." Tatsumi said as he narrowed green his eyes at Najenda.

"First I want to clear something up." She said as she crossed her legs. "Are you familiar with a captain in the Revolutionary Army, going by the name of Far Heshing?" She asked in a serious tone.

"..Oh that meatbag. What about him?" Tatsumi said with an emotionless expression.

"...Why'd you kill him?" She asked before reaching for a cigarette and lighting it.

"..Well first of all, he pissed me off. Secondly, I was digging around about him, and he was selling you guys out to the Empire." He said as he folded his arms.

"..Is that so? And the men under his command?"

"Self defense really, but I wish they put up a better fight then that." He smirked at the thought of it. "But whether you believe me or not is up to you."

"..Self defense huh? A traitor huh? I don't suppose you had any proof that he was dirty?" Najenda asked curiously.

"If I did, its long gone now." He said well maintaining a blank expression.

"Hm." Najenda puffed out a cloud of smoke as she thought about it. "Well it certainly clears up what everyone else has been saying. Right, onto the next question. You attacked the King and his guard when they were traveling. Why?"

"...My target wasn't the King." The others then hummed in surprise.

"Who then?"

"The fatass who's his lap dog." Tatsumi said in a cold tone.

"The Prime Minister?" Leone asked

"I planned on ambushing him when they were going through Danger Beast territory, but some idiot set the alarm off before I could get close to him. I tried to fight them all back, but they just kept coming. Then some asshole nearly got off a lucky shot and grazed the back of my head." He said as he felt the patch on his head. "I took out maybe 30 or so of them-"

"The reports said that 56 were found dead around the camp." Najenda corrected him.

"Whatever." Tatsumi said while shrugging. "Anyway, the reason I went for the Prime Minister was for revenge. Nothing less, nothing more. Just another meatbag to feed the soil." He finished as he sighed. They all were interested of his story. His cold nature and not caring about killing may be useful after all.

"So you hate the Empire?"

"More or less. I'm just looking to settle the score." Tatsumi said as his demeanor changed a bit dark. Najenda then smiled.

"In that case, how would you like to get even?"

"..I'm listening." Tatsumi said folding his arms.

"Night Raid's purpose is to purge the Empire of the corruption and filth that's consuming it. Our ultimate goal is to make it to the heart of the capital and assassinate the Prime Minister, Honest, the one controlling the King. And you clearly got some talent in killing. So how about it Tatsumi? Would you like to join us?"

"..." Tatsumi's hair was foreshadowing his eyes as he sighed and thought about it for a minute.

"Of course if you don't join, we'll kill you." Mine simply shrugged.

"No way! I'm sure he'll make a great addition, even if he doesn't want to be an assassin." Leone said enthusiastically.

"Ok. But on one condition." Tatsumi said as he looked back at Najenda.

"What is it?" She asked curiously.

"Simple. Get me my Tiegu." He smiled.

Well, I hope this goes a long way! Let me know what you think!
