Authors Note:

Thank you so much for the amazing response I have received on this story. I really did not expect it, I simply wrote this story for myself and decided to post it. Sorry for the long wait, I momentarily forget I had continued it from being just a one-shot.

I would like to personally thank everybody who reviewed: Gueeesssstttttt; tammy Henson; DS2010; Amy Hamato; Jessica; Jessica; Mary DiNozzo.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and please review to let me know what you thought of it.


Kelly had become increasingly more quiet and reserved the longer she typed about what she had learnt over her time captured. It was a lot easier for her to type than talk, but also to focus on the facts and information she had, than what had personally happened to her. Even though she was extremely happy to be free and with people who appeared to be friendly, she was terrified.

She occasionally listened to Abby and Tony banter and talk, finding it comforting to listen to, but mostly drowned them out to hopefully get everything she knew down. She wanted desperately to put everything that happened in her past and somehow continue the normal life she had always dreamed off.

It took Tony waving his hand in front of the computer screen a few times for him to get her attention, "Kelly" he says softly.

"Yes?" Kelly replies, looking at him as her hands cease their rapid typing.

"You haven't chosen what you wanted to eat, you should hurry before I eat it all" He jokes.

"I haven't finished typing" Kelly replies.

"That can wait, food is the most important thing" Tony counters, pulling her chair and moving her to the table where he dropped (literally) all of the food onto.

Kelly looks at the food, and picks up a tuna sandwich, looking at Tony for confirmation that she was allowed it.

Tony smiles, "Great choice, I am going for the pudding first" he decides, picking up a chocolate pudding.


Abby was currently analysing all of the information she had copied from Kelly and was categorising it. She would occasionally pick up her café-POW and drink it, as she worked. She was able to keep up with Kelly's information easily, and was pleased that DiNozzo was there to goof off with.

She had only recently started sending the information off in relevant bulks, and was anticipating results and correspondents findings coming back to her soon. She would glance over at Kelly before doing additional work, including analysing the scene/ room Kelly was held. Abby knew that when Kelly was escorted out, she would be going down to analyse everything 'hands on' and find out additionally answers about what and who held Kelly all those years. Secretly, Abby hoped to find out why she was held.


DiNozzo was once again distracting both Abby and Kelly, with an improvised song and dance, when his phone went off. He grinned and answered his phone immediately, "DiNozzo… Yes boss… Yes… On it boss" he says down the phone, before hanging up. "Kelly, it is time for you to go home for the night. You will be coming back here tomorrow" he says, his 'agent' voice on.

"Home?" Kelly asks, standing up.

"Yes, home" DiNozzo repeats, "Are you ready?" he asks softly.

Kelly nods, hoping she did not look nervous, she did not exactly know what 'home' meant to her any more. She hugs Abby back, saying goodbye before following Tony out of the lab.


Kelly remained completely quiet on the journey, glad that Tony was able to fill the silence without any awkwardness. She wouldn't be able to tell anybody what he said, because she wasn't listening at all. She looked up at him, when she realised he was looking at her.

"You are exactly like Gibbs, although without the glaring, it must run down in the family" DiNozzo tells her before they reach their floor and walk out of the elevator.

Kelly smiles when she sees her father standing there, "Hello" she says happily, her whole face brightening up.

"Are you ready to go home?" Gibbs asks her.

"With you?" Kelly asks, hopefully.

"Yes" Gibbs replies, shortly.

Kelly smiles and steps forward hugging him tightly, "Yes, yes" she replies, so relieved and thankful. She pulls back and smiles happily at Tony, "Bye"


Gibbs leads Kelly into the house, "Bishop brought you some clothes" he informs her, pointing to a few shopping bags on the floor.

"Thank you, Dad" Kelly replies, feeling like she was dreaming. "When did you leave the army?" she asks casually.

"Marines" Gibbs corrects her.

Kelly looks at him surprised, "I…" she tries, shocked that she had mis-remembered an important factor of her life before 'hell'.

"I left a few years after you and Shannon… your Mum died." Gibbs replies to the initial question, "Or when I thought you died" he corrects after a moment. He had always been more open and talkative before Kelly and Shannon 'died'. He had since closed off and was not sure how to balance the two, his previous self as Kelly's Dad and his current self as Gibbs.

Kelly nods, suddenly a little more hesitant than she was moments ago, "Why did you leave it?" she asks.

Gibbs looks at her, silently for a few moments, having never had to explain himself before, "I needed a change" he replies.

"And you joined NCIS right after?" she asks, sitting down on the settee.

Gibbs sits down adjacent from her, trying to delay and brace himself for the inevitable of the thousands of possible questions. Kelly had always been a curious child and asked a lot of questions, he should have expected her to ask a lot of questions. "Yes" he replies shortly, not used to explaining himself any more or even given more details than required to answer the question, if he intended to answer the question at all.

"How long have you been working there?" Kelly questions, her train of thought logical.

Gibbs smiles, "A long time. I see you ask as many questions as you did before" he replies, pleased with the dialogue they were having. He was pleased that there wasn't a massive wall between them.

"You hated it" Kelly remembers, although she obviously didn't mind that her Dad found it annoying.

"I did not hate it…" Gibbs starts, ready to defend the statement about hating anything about Kelly.

"You did, you weren't allowed or refused to talk about work, about being in the Army… Marines. I used to ask you about it all the time, and you used to bribe me with angel delight to keep me from asking. That was one of the main secrets we kept from Mum, the amount of angel delight you fed me when she wasn't looking"

"You remember a lot" Gibbs points out.

"I wish I could forget everything from the car crash, until I saw you again" Kelly informs him, honestly.

Gibbs nods, "I know." He replies, shortly again, before forcing himself to say more, "I'll be here if you ever want to talk about it. I'm a good listener" he replies.

Kelly nods, "Is there any chance I could… get some sleep"

Gibbs was on his feet in seconds, "Yes" he answers, picking up the 5 bags of shopping and walking upstairs, showing Kelly to his guest bedroom. "Make yourself at home" he says, placing the bags down.

"Thank you, Dad. Good night" Kelly says, hugging him again before slipping off her shoes and sitting on her bed.

Gibbs left her alone, before going down to his basement, thinking about everything.