The Way The Wheels Turn Chapter 1: Unexpected Turn of Events

Hello everybody, this is my first go at a fanfiction. The main characters aren't any actual Halo characters because I like to be original, but that's not saying anything about the future. Note: I will not be updating on specific time lines, mainly because for some reason I always get a bad case of the writer's block. But believe me it's not because I don't like writing stories, it's my favorite hobby, oh and the main character, Ghost, isn't the one from Halo Legends, he is a made up character. His name will make sense soon. With all this aside, enjoy. I do not own the Halo universe, just the OCs (original characters). Another note: These events take place in the Halo timeline between after Halo 3-Halo4 and possibly Halo4 and farther.

The sound of the alarm clock had awoken Ghost from his sleep. The night, like always, was long and the dreams were relentless. Ghost can't remember the last time he had a restful night, it had been so long. After about two minutes of listening to the annoying beeping, he had finally turned it off. After getting out of bed and stretching, he looked around his quarters, making sure nothing had changed. Nothing had, no surprise. He then would go to his bathroom to inspect himself, aside from the various scars and patches of plasma burns he appeared fine. Ghost's age was always something he thought about, being only at the young age of 17 and yet growing up military, being raised to be a walking killing machine, and being through Hell and back had always made him think on what he would be like if he never was taken when he was six. After snapping himself out of his thoughts, Ghost would grab his toothbrush. He then would proceed to perform the necessary hygienic tasks.

Once he was done with his tasks, Ghost went to put on his black and yellow Hayabusa model MJOLNIR armor. The armor was covered in scratches and markings from previous missions and ops. He then grabbed hold of the chains that were welded onto a toolbox that he carried around like a backpack; he would then shoulder the toolbox. To finish up his look he straps on his trusty katana that he scavenged from a ruined city on a currently glassed planet. The first thing that Ghost noticed was that his HUD was showing that he had a message from Lord Hood. He opened the message and read it to himself; it said that he was needed at the landing bay.

After a short walk to the landing bay, Ghost got ready for his next mission assignment. He figured that it was going to either be a protection mission; which is what he was usually called for, or a mission to wipe out what remains of the Covenant. He kept running the possibilities in his head, but then he noticed a Sanhgeili ship behind Lord Hood as he entered the landing bay. It was a large Phantom, about five times the size of a regular one. Puzzled, Ghost looked down at Lord Hood. Hood, who had Ghost assigned to be his guard for a few years at one point, eventually learned how to tell what the Spartan was thinking without even looking at his face, which was always covered by his helmet whenever he was out in public. Or hear him ask a question, which he never did because he never spoke. Their relationship went farther for Ghost because he was almost always under Hood's command, in Ghost's eyes Hood was the closest thing he had to a father figure.

"At ease, Spartan," Hood said after Ghost saluted him. Hood turned around and started walking close to the Phantom, with Ghost on his tail.

"You will be assigned to guard," Hood said simply.

Behind his helmet, Ghost was smiling from ear to ear. He has always enjoyed protecting. It was his greatest passion and he took pride in it. Sure he enjoyed the action of being on the frontlines that being a guard didn't always guarantee. But the feeling of being the line of defense-especially with Ghost, who is more than likely always the last line of defense-between something or someone of importance had its own, deeper feeling for Ghost, and if action did break out all that pent up energy and feeling within Ghost would always result in the death of any hostile in his line of sight. As well, it had always given him a sense of purpose, well more than he already had. He was thinking that he would be guarding a human ambassador, he was surely wrong.

The ship lowered its ramp and out came a single Sangheili. To Ghost's surprise it wasn't wearing any armor, it was wearing a robe with ornate patterns. The single Sangheili approached him and Hood as they stood there. The Sangheili lowered the hood on its robe and to Ghost's surprise, it was clearly female. Well this is a first for me, said the AI Ghost had been assigned four years ago. The Sangheili female bowed her head towards Hood, who returned the gesture. The female looked up at Ghost, his reflective visor covering his face, and looked at him like he was some kind of enigma. When Ghost did nothing but look back she put on a look of confusion.

"Good day, Mistress. I trust your trip was pleasant," Hood said politely. "It was pleasant and good day to you," she said turning to look at Hood. She then turned to look at Ghost once more, still puzzled by him. "Why is this demon here?" She asked Hood, not taking her gaze off of Ghost. Demon, I thought that was what they called the Master Chief, thought Ghost. "This is Ghost, and he isn't the Demon. He is here to go back with you to Sagnhelios as your guard, and will stay with you until he is needed back here," said Hood. At the end of the sentence, Ghost had turned his head quickly to face Hood, who in return looked at Ghost with a look that told that he was serious. The mistress then looked at Ghost, a look of pure fascination on her face. "Well, it will be nice to have company on my trip, I've been getting pretty lonely on this ship," she gestures to the extremely large Phantom behind her. "Bit of a large Phantom don't you think?" asked Hood. "It's meant for long space travel and living space," said the Sangheili. She looked at Ghost, "He doesn't talk much, does he," she said not looking away from Ghost's visor. "He doesn't talk at all, he's not mute, just doesn't ever feel the need to talk." The mistress seemed to get even more fascinated with Ghost at that last comment. I think we're in for a long ride buddy, said the AI. Ghost grunted inside his helmet, his radio was off so now one could actually hear him.

Ghost was in his room gathering the few items he had, which only consist of his fatigues which he only wears in his room. Before he left the room he sat down on his bed and thought of the situation, he had never guarded an Elite before, he didn't know if they had any customs that he was unaware of. Once he realized that he would be required at the landing bay, he quickly gathered his duffel and went out. It didn't take him long to get to the landing bay. The female Elite was standing there out in front of her extremely large Phantom. "Well, hello there Ghost," she said with a bow. Ghost did the same in response. "Well, shall we be on our way?" she asked with a sly grin. Well, I hate to admit it, but that was adorable. Ghost silently agreed, feeling pretty awkward that he did. Ghost walked into the ship with the female Sangheili looking up at him, since she was about a foot shorter. "Don't worry, we'll be at Sangheilios soon," she said flashing that adorable sly grin. "But while we're waiting, make yourself comfortable."