Thank you to everyone that reviewed/favourited/followed. I'm glad that you all liked it, cookies for everyone!

Dedicated to ShinyDragonair2 for being such an amazeballs friend and because she's just fantabulous!

Review Responses:

stocky-parker-dog ~ Murder? Whatever are you talking about Twinseh...MWAHAHAHA! Possibly...XD

Katz Monster ~ Shank yew as always! Yus, Paul does have a way with making everyone shut up doesn't he? XD

ShinyDragonair2 ~ Bwahahahaha calm yo shizzles XD ERMAGERSH I'M SAH GLAD THAT YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GOOD! *pedo stares* Ahaha hmm yes, I wonder where I could have possibly gotten the idea for the name *shark eyes certain melon*

Schoolmouse33 ~ Mwahahah, double takes FTW! Well, she may have to resort to murder as Twinseh questioned, but we'll see XD Thanks Ari :D

QuartzClaw ~ Thank you! Well, you don't see it very often and I thought "why not?" It just makes things a little more interesting in that sense :P Hmm, Drew wouldn't look to bad with black fact, with those bright green eyes…*goes into daydreaming stupor* KALOSIAN AUNTS FTW! XD

Jessicuhxo ~ Ahahaha thankies Jess! XD

KicksAndKisses ~ Thanks! Bwahahahaha I get what you mean, Hairy Melons DOES sound wrong XD When it comes to meh, insanity is something inescapable, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Glad that you enjoyed it though :D

PichuTheMadHatter ~ Happy to hear that it cheered you up! Haha they both have the same coloured eyes so it made more sense that any of the other characters :P

xashxdawnx ~ Thanks, I'm glad that you like the idea of having a band story!

Han ~ Aww thanks haha! I like to try and keep them as in character as possible while making their relationships different as well.

Guest ~ Thank you, I'll try my best to update regularly :)

Hearts Affliction ~ Chapter Two ~ Stupid Mangoes

Leaf's POV

"Andrew Hayden!" my father choked, his eyes roughly equalling the size of a car wheel as his newspaper dropped to the floor, along with a piece of burnt toast. "What in the name of Hans Solo have you done to your hair?"

I smirked to myself, biting into a pancake and reaching for my phone, quickly unlocking it and selecting the 'record' button. This should make for some pretty decent blackmail later on. Drew had actually managed to conceal his black hair by wearing a hoodie at all times this morning, and last night he had locked himself in his room to avoid detection.

Unfortunately for him, none of us had counted on dad leaving his toast in the toaster for too long, hence why it was burnt, which led to mum having a 'this is going to leave such a mess' fit. During said fit, limbs were flailed, toast was burnt, newspapers were swung and Drew's hood slipped off.

"I...uh, well you see,," my brother stumbled, trying to find an excuse that wouldn't guarantee death. This was definitely going to be perfect blackmail, alright.

"Suzanne, have you seen this?" Dad hollered as Mum sauntered into the kitchen, still in her salmon bathrobe.

"Oh my sweet Skywalker," she gasped, slapping a hand to her mouth. Why did my parents have to be such huge Star Wars fans? Me being one was fine, because I was allowed to have such obsessions at this age, but they' parents.

The amount of awkward situations it had put us in during formal dinners was unbelievable.

"I can't believe this!" my father continued to fume, and had now begun pacing.

"Dad, it's just hair," Drew tried to reason.

Big mistake.

Dad instantly whirled around with an expression full of horror, "Just hair? By the Ewoks, my father would have a fit if he heard you say that!"

"Mine already is," my brother muttered, and I stifled a giggle.

"This," Dad began, gesturing to his own head of green hair, "happens to have been passed down from generation to generation of Haydens. T'is a mark of our Unovian legacy! Do you have no care for our heritage?"


"We are all that's left!" Dad cried, cutting him off. "The rest of the Hayden's are in Unova. It's just us, you and I. Look at your sister, she's a brunette!"

I looked up from my phone, setting a scowl on my face before replying, "What's so bad about being a brunette?"

"Yes, Daniel, do tell. Is there something wrong with being brunette?" Mum snaps, coming to my defence and gesturing to her own pure brown locks.

"Err, nothing of course, dear!" Dad quickly assures her, his gaze skipping back and forth between us. "I was simply stating that your brunette-ness is a mark of your Kantonian heritage. This extremely rich shade of green that he and I share, however, is a symbol of mine. The great Unovian bloodline of the Haydens. You hear that, Andrew? Many a Hayden has inherited this hair, and you have just completely disregarded it as though it were something you could find in a cereal box!"

"Actually, those things are pretty hard to collect," I heard Drew mutter. Well, he wasn't kidding. Both of us had gone through countless cereal boxes in our quest to collect various items.

"What was that, Andrew?"

"Dad, chill for a minute would you? It's only wash-out," Drew tried again, putting up his hands in defence.

"Wash-out?!" Dad roared, throwing his hands up in the air. "You have had the fortune of Unovian blood, and you call it a wash-out! I'm not accustomed to you teenagers and your 'swaggity swagger' ways, but I'm pretty sure that yo-

Being the good sister that I am, I decided to save my brother from any further torment.

"He means the dye, Dad," I interrupt, fighting back the giggles that want so desperately to erupt. Wait...did he seriously just say 'swaggity swagger'?

Oh Lordy.

"Yeah, Dad!" Drew pipes up, "A couple of washes and then it's back to being good 'ole Unovian!"

"Hmph, well that case, get washing! You're washing your hair as many times as it takes. Tonight," he commanded, and my brother immediately nodded enthusiastically. "Suzanne, I trust that you'll take things from here. I'm off to work."

He then huffed his way out of the room and I directed the phone at mum, hoping for some more good blackmail. Unfortunately for me, she wasn't exactly as thorough as I'd hoped.

Sure, she told him off for upsetting Dad, but then gushed about how great it was that Drew was able to 'express his inner self' through colour. Yeah, mum, way to go. Hair dye is a great way to let your inner menace shine through.

Luckily for me, Drew was a boy, - I know right? Shocking - and as it turns out, boys don't like it when their mother goes all gushy over them. He made an excuse for us to leave as soon as he could, and stalked to the car.

The drive to school was over sooner than I'd expected, and before I knew it we were there. Then again, with the way Drew drives I'm surprised he doesn't take up car racing as a hobby. Forget speed limits. To him, they were just useless decorations in the form of numbers.

"Now remember, if you don't get back to the car immediately I will leave without you," Drew warned me, stepping out of the vehicle himself. I spot of group of giggling ditz's approaching him, and decide to get some revenge for yesterday.

"Don't worry, I won't be late. If we miss your gynecologist appointment again it might be fatal this time! Who knows what kind of deadly diseases could be swimming around down there?" I say loudly, watching in delight as the girls halt in their tracks with a look of horror on their faces, and quickly start walking in another direction.

Drew spins around to glare daggers at me, and I'm pretty sure if looks could kill I would be on the floor with several pointy objects stuck in my head. Good thing he's not telekinetic.

I give him a two fingered salute before promptly turning on my heel and walking to Homeroom, my first class that I really didn't get the point of.

The only thing we ever did in their was roll call and sometimes, if the ceiling fans were on, chuck paper balls at them to see what angle of Blaine's bald head we could strike. Or half bald head, maybe semi? Eh, either way, there was baldness present and that was just 'bald' in my books.

"Leaf, over here!"

I sweep my gaze over the room to find who had called me, and in the corner I see May waving enthusiastically. I quickly make my way over, being sure to avoid all the flying paper planes and stationary.

Homeroom was fairly unexciting. After roll call, Blaine handed out our timetables for the new year and then sent us off for our classes. Giving my timetable some inspection, I discovered that Literature and Poetry was my first class, while May had Math.

A fact that I had made a point of laughing at for the whole duration of class, which only lasted about fifteen minutes. Saying our goodbyes, I eventually managed to find my class and chose a spot somewhere in the middle, plopping myself down into a seat.

Seeing as there were so few people around, I decide to go through my textbooks and see if there was anything that I actually knew already. Being the hard worker that I am, I zone out enough to not notice the screech of a chair sliding out next to me.

"We meet again, Peanut."

This whisper in my ear, however, is what I do notice, and realizing that it could be a potential serial killer, I waste no time in hesitating to send my textbook flying into their face.

"Ouch! Gee, L'il, don't go around bashing a guys face in! It's my best feature, after all."

Okay, I definitely know that voice.

"Gary?! What the hell are you doing in my Literature and Poetry class?" I snap, crossing my arms.

Fine, so maybe he wasn't a serial killer. But I can say without regret that I made the right decision in decorating his face with a textbook.

"I'm in this class," he shrugs back, sitting down.

"I already knew that you have the brain capacity of a sultana, but you do realize this is a year eleven class, don't you? Or did they finally notice that you're too idiotic for year twelve and hold you back a year?"

To my annoyance, he only smirked and leaned closer to me.

"Pfft, holding me back? They wish they could have me for longer. Actually, I had a free option. It was either between this, or writing a six thousand word essay to get into the Lacrosse Team which practice at the same time. As you might not have fathomed yet, I chose this," he explains.

A raise my eyebrow before speaking, "Are you serious? Literature and Poetry is a subject that requires you to write several essays a term, study multiple historical literature figures and memories various language structures. You had the option to write a single one-off essay, that you probably could have written about yourself, and yet you still chose this?"

"Written about myself?" he repeats, his eyes widening. "Damn, why didn't I think of that?"

Of course, the moment I mention something about himself every else just goes straight over his head. Did he even hear anything that I just said?


"What a pity, looks like you'll be stuck with me for the rest of the year instead," I sigh, pitying myself more than him.

"Aww, L'il, don't think of it like that! Just imagine it, now instead of having to sit and stare at the clock all lesson, you get to sit and stare at me instead. Lucky thing," Gary winked.

"Thrilling," I say back sarcastically, when a thought hits me. "Speaking of which, why are you sitting next to me anyway?"

"Well, I...felt as though it was my duty as your brother's best friend to see to it that you have um, decent company in uh, here," he replied back.

Decent company? Wait a minute...

"Oh no, don't tell me…" I trail off, and burst into a fit of laughter as his eyes confirmed my suspicions.

"What?" he snaps.

"Could it be, that the famous Gary Oak, doesn't know anybody in here besides little old me?" I grin.

"Don't be ridiculous, Leafy," he insists, although the look on his face betrays him. "Besides, it's not about what benefit you are to me here, but what I am to you." 'L'il? Definitely hit a sore spot there. Leaf: One, Gary: Zero

"And what exactly is it that you are doing for me, oh Great One?" I question him, adding an eye roll for dramatic-ness.

"Well, I don't generally go out of my way to acquaint myself with the lower year levels, but they all definitely know who I am," he begins, smirking arrogantly.

"Your point being?"

"By them seeing you with me, you'll become the talk of the school! I'm doing you a favour here, Leafy," Gary finishes. Still no 'L'il?

Eh, either way, I'm not complaining. I'd take 'Leafy' over 'L'il' any day.

"Why, Gary, I cannot even begin to fathom the appreciation I feel for this noble deed you have bestowed upon me. However will I repay you?" I say to him, my voice heavily laced with sarcasm.

"Don't worry," he says, leaning even closer. "I'm sure I can think of something you can do," Gary finishes, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I open my mouth to retort, but nothing comes out as a wave of aftershave and something that smells suspiciously like mango hits me. You know those ads on TV where they depict some scrawny guy who has absolutely no lady luck, and then sprays on some scent that magically makes girls from miles around flock to him at record speed?

They weren't exaggerating.

Although, it's not like Gary actually needed that kind of help. He was a god sent from Heaven in disguise.

Wait...what? No! Bad Leaf! I mentally slap myself. But back to that aftershave...

It's all I can do not to move even closer, even for the sake of just getting a deeper whiff of the stuff. That scent, combined with his chocolate brown eyes...breathe, Leaf! Obviously, it's too early in the morning for me to deal with this kind of thing. My mind isn't awake enough yet, yeah. That must be it.

"Leaf! I missed you so much!" a shrill voice suddenly cries, and I look up to find myself face to face with a pair of bright yellow eyes.

"Ahhhh!" I shriek, clutching the nearest thing to me for protection.

"Geez, L'il, I know that I said I would think of something, but I really don't think now is the right time for you to be repaying me."

Okay, so as it turns out, the nearest thing to me happened to be Gary.

"Get off of me, you perv!" I scoff, shoving him as hard as I could. Honestly, considering my size and his, I didn't do too well in that.

"You were the one grabbing me," he pointed out with a smirk.

"Whatever," I sigh, turning back to the girl in front of me, who was now eyeing the both of us awkwardly.

"Uh, sorry," she says nervously. "Did I come at a bad time?"

"No, Yellow. It's fine, Gary's just being...well, Gary," I smile at her, shooting a sideways glare at said boy, who only rolls his eyes in return.

Stupid mangos, I blame you for this incredible humility.

"If you're sure," she smiles back with a laugh. That was one of the things I loved most about Yellow; she was always smiling and happy. The girl was quite small, and looked extremely fragile.

Half the time I was terrified of hugging her for the fear she might shatter.

With her waist long blonde hair, glowing sunshine orbs and petite figure, Yellow caught the attention of a lot of males at this school. Not that she ever noticed that, of course. She was to sweet and innocent.

"Positive. How was Hoenn?" I inquire, recalling that before break, she mentioned taking a holiday over there for two weeks...I think.

"It was great!" Yellow beamed. "I met tons of people and the resort was amazing! I even met this guy-

"Alright, Maggots! Si'down and shuddup so I can take the roll," Sergeant Lurge bellows, suddenly appearing at the door.

Yellow's eyes widened, and she quickly scampered into the closest available seat - which happened to be on the other side of our table - in terror.

The worst teacher in the whole school just had to teach me. Sergeant Lurge was a huge man was bulging muscles and a pointy chin, and had a tendency to yell as those army types usually do. He also had the habit of calling us 'Maggot's'.

The reason he was teaching Literature and Poetry was beyond me.

"Listen up, today your orders are to read over this," he sticks a bunch of papers in the air, "and then link it with as many literate devices that your tiny brains can think of! Now get to work!" Sergeant Lurge screams out at the top of his lungs. Dang, and I thought the band was loud. He could rival Hairy Melons any day.

Hey...what happened to roll call?

I shrug, deciding that it was probably best not to ask due to the small chance my ears could get blown off, and take a sheet that he had been passing around. After a quick read over, I discovered that it was Love's Secret by William Blake.

"Leafy," Gary whines, and I shoot him a look of annoyance.

"What do you want now, Gary? I'm trying to do my work," I huff.

"Work-Shmerk, who cares? You're no fun, L'il," he scoffs.

"Well excuse me for wanting to get a good grade so I can actually make it into College. Something you on the other hand have very little chance of achieving," I snap back.

"Um, Leaf?" Yellow asks timidly.

"Yes, Yellow?" I reply back sweetly. Hey, I was angry at Gary, not her. Besides, she was to nice and I would end up feeling guilty if I snapped at her.

It might have also been to piss Gary off.

"Is the first line a Caesura, or-

"Gary!" a high pitched feminine voice trills, and we all spin around to see a girl wearing practically nothing waving enthusiastically from the doorway.

Oh great, Melody.

A.K.A, one of the schools more...out there girls, if you get my meaning. Melody was extremely pretty, with flowing dark hair and matching eyes. Unfortunately for her, that factor was scrapped when you saw how she presented herself.

Adorned in nothing but tiny jean shorts, even smaller than Misty's, and a top - if you could even call it one - that barely covered anything. She was known for her...uh, promiscuous activities, for lack of a better word, with the male populace.

Melody was also one of Gary's flings, a fact that she had been resilient to let go. Not that they had ever actually dated or anything, and even though it's not like she hadn't gone to other guys, either.

"Hi, Melody," Gary forces out with a pained smile, and I see him shoot me a look that says 'help'.

Nuh uh, Buster. You got yourself into this and you can get yourself out. It's not my fault that he can't keep his tongue in his mouth. Contrary to popular belief, Gary Oak had never actually done it before.

A whole lot of other stuff that I refuse to go into detail about, but no late night bedroom activities had been accomplished as of yet. I know, shocking right? There's been a lot of shocking news lately, perhaps I should invest in some meditation.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," she purred, standing next to Yellow leaning over the table so that we all got an eye full of cleavage.

Except for Yellow, who was shifting in her seat uncomfortably due to Melody being so close to her. She makes a slow grab for her water bottle, and I have my suspicions it's an excuse to not have to talk.

Smart girl, that Yellow.

"I, uh...well, Melody...I'm kind of, um," Gary stumbles, and I roll my eyes.

"Do you think you could come back some other time? We're kind of busy right now," I say for him, and the pure relief that comes flooding to his face is extremely amusing. I've been doing a lot of favours for people. I should start charging.

Fine, so maybe I did help him out. So what? Melody's boobs are beginning to make me uncomfortable

Melody turns to me, apparently not noticing that I'd been there and rakes her eyes over my figure. A slight look of disapproval crosses over her face, and I take it that I haven't met her outcomes for being appealing enough.

"Oh, Leaf," she says blankly. "You didn't tell me you were friends with Gary," Melody frowns at me, as though it were a crime.

"I wouldn't use the term 'friends'," I tell her firmly, and she narrows her eyes, clearly not believing me.

"She's right," Gary shrugs. Huh...he's actually agreeing with me? Maybe Gary isn't so bad afte- "We're lovers."

As I was saying, Gary Oak is a terrible human being and I hate him.

"WHAT?!" Melody and I shriek in unison, around the same time Yellow does a spit-take.

"I knew that I was interrupting something earlier!" the blonde manages to cough out.

"Yellow!" I shriek in horror, earning the attention of a few students. "There is nothing going on between Gary and myself! You just happened to have bad timing is all."

Very bad timing.

At this comment, Gary grabs me by the shoulders and his face turns to one of shock.

"What?!" he cries, making his eyes go wide with what seemed like horror. "You're saying that what happened last night meant absolutely nothing to you?"

"Um...I'm just gonna, you know, go sit down now. Way over there," Melody says, hurriedly backing away.

"Leaf, I know that you're not one to lie but…" Yellow begins awkwardly, gesturing to the pained expression still plastered on Gary's face.

"Ugh, what the hell are you doing?" I whisper-yell to him so as to avoid any further unwanted attention.

"What do you mean? You're the one breaking my heart here, Leafy. I can't believe that after everything we did yesterday you could just do this to me," Gary gasps back, and I swear I see a few tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Oh this guy is good.


"You know what? I think I'll give you two some space so I'll ju-

"No!" I cry, slamming my hand down on the table desperately. "Please, Yellow, don't leave me here!"

She smiles back apologetically, "I think Blue needs help with her work, anyway. I'll catch you later, good luck."

The moment she's gone, I whip around to face Gary with fire burning in my eyes. Now would be a really good time for those super-powers teenagers randomly get in movies when they're fuming to appear.

"What the hell was that about?" I growl dangerously.


"Just having some fun," he shrugs, flipping to a page in the textbook.

Please burn.

"Fun?" I splutter, my mouth now gaping. "Your idea of fun is telling everyone that we slept together? You have a pretty sick imagination, Oak, but that is one fantasy that I will never be a part of!"

Burn already!

"L'il, you don't have to pretend any more. If you want me that bad, go ahead, there's no need to hide it," Gary smirks back.

Why won't you just burn, dammit?!

"Ugh, you are unbelievable!"

"That can be taken two different ways," he winks suggestively.

Hmm...his soul must be to synchronized with Hell to be incinerated.

"You know what? Just shut up," I groan, unable to take any more of this. I wonder if…aha! Sticky tape, perfect.

"L'il, what are you doing?" the menace questions, watching me quizzically.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Attempting to create a miniature footpath in the middle of the table?" he answers. Hmm...not sure if sarcasm or serious guess.

"No, you idiot," I sigh, rolling my eyes and shoving the sticky tape back into my pencil case. "It's a line."

"Really? I didn't notice," Gary remarks back. Okay, that was definitely sarcasm.

"You stay on your half of the table, and I'll stay on mine. Capiche?"

"Leafy, this is ridiculous," he groans.

"No, Gary, what's ridiculous is you suggesting that I would actually spend the night with you. This is being resourceful," I reply matter-of-factly.

He simply rolls his eyes at my statement, but I ignore him and try to focus on my work instead.

"Leafy," Gary chimes in a sing-song voice.


"What do you want now?" I groan, looking up in annoyance.

"I'm on your side of the table," he grins, and my gaze shifts to where he's poking his index finger on my side of the tape. Oh you have got to be kidding me.

"Gary, get away from my half of the table," I moan.

"Whatever are you talking about, L'il? My fingers wanted to wander."

"Oak, if you want to keep you fingers attached to your hands, I suggest you wander on back to your own side," I growl back at him, and he immediately retracts his hand.

"You're such a party pooper," Gary groans.

"No, you're just childish."

"Says the girl who wanted to solve our problems by separating us with sticky tape," he dead pans.


Seeing as I couldn't think of anything else to say, and had already established that I can't make him burst into flames because apparently Satan got to his soul before I could, I settle for a swift kick to his shin instead.

Satisfied with the yelp that Gary emits rather loudly, which in turn earns a glare from Sergeant Lurge that has him cowering instantly, I proceed with my work and make a point of ignoring him for the rest of the lesson.

All of this because of those stupid mangoes.