Previous Chapter Recap: Last time on Hyrule Warriors! Regrouping from their defeat at Hyrule Castle, Zelda and the others decided to strike back and waged a desperate assault on the Gerudo Desert, hoping that defeating Ghirahim and Zant would deal a great blow against Ganondorf. The battle was perilous and there seemed to be no hope, but Cia managed to summon their allies from across the ages. With their help, they managed to turn the tide of the battle and defeat Ghirahim and Zant. Now the Hyrulean Forces travel to Hyrule Castle for the final decisive battle with Ganondorf.

OOC: Here it is, the final chapter. It has been one hell of a ride writing this story and I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as I enjoyed writing it. And sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long. My aunt has been in and out of the hospital and it's been a crazy few months. Next up is my Bayonetta/Kid Icarus crossover novelization. But first I have to do more research (I.E. read the wiki, watch walkthroughs, play the first game). That, and I have a few one-shots I need to get out of my system.

Also, someone asked what I will do about Hyrule Warriors Legends. After watching someone post a walkthrough of a hacked English version of the game, I'm just gonna write an expanded version of my original novelization that will incorporate the first two parts of Cia's story, Linkle's story, and the Wind Waker epilogue as Hyrule Warriors Legends changes quite a few things. Anyway, hope you enjoy this final chapter.

"So sad. It used to be so beautiful." Zelda lamented as she looked upon what was the kingdom of Hyrule. Ganondorf's influence had perverted the kingdom beyond recognition. Where there was once lush grassland, there was now barren, scorched earth filled with monsters. Strange, giant, demonic swords protruded from the ground, acting almost as sentinels. Clear blue skies were replaced by dark, ominous clouds.

The centerpiece of this dark grotesquerie, however, was Hyrule Castle itself. What was once a beacon of hope and light was now a gothic symbol of darkness and despair. Ganondorf had turned Hyrule Castle into his personal fortress. The castle's most notable feature was the giant sword protruding out of it. It was far larger than the swords that littered the field. The sight was simultaneously heartbreaking and horrifying for the Hyrulean Forces, serving as a reminder of their failure to protect Hyrule. Now, the Goddesses have seen fit to give them one last chance.

Zelda turned to the army which consisted of Skyloft knights, Zora and Goron troops, Shadow knights, golden insects, Sheikah troops, and remnants of Hyrulean troops. "This is it, everyone." she began, her voice calm, but exuding authority. "Ganondorf has stolen Hyrule Castle from us. We shall not let him do the same to Hyrule! If we fall, all of Hyrule-no, the entire world falls with us! We must defeat him before he completes his awakening ritual!"

"You heard her, men!" Link shouted. "We're gonna have to fight our way inside Ganondorf's tower. All out assault! This is gonna get dangerous, but it's a risk we'll have to take. Now let's teach Ganondorf what happens when you mess with our kingdom! For the glory of Hyrule! Charge!"

"For the glory of Hyrule!" The troops shouted as they charged into the fray with Link leading the way. The Dark Forces saw the onrush of soldiers and rushed to meet them head-on. And so began the ultimate clash! From deep within his tower, Ganondorf could sense the presence of the Hyrulean Forces. But he couldn't stop the awakening ritual now that he had started it.

"The awakening ritual needs more time." he said. "Argoroks! Stall them!" At the Demon King's command, two Argoroks flew from the castle and dived at the soldiers, breathing fire down on them. "Two Argoroks coming in hot!" Link shouted.

"To fight them together would be folly." Zelda said. "Skyloft knights! Divide and conquer!" Fi led a handful of knights against one Argorok while Groose and Pipit led a group against the other Argorok, firing bomb arrows as they flew around the dragon. They managed to distract the dragons, separating them and keeping them from attacking the ground troops. "That gives me an idea." Darunia said as he observed the battle. "Midna!" he called out. "Give me a boost!"

Midna nodded and created a Twilight Portal in front of Darunia. Darunia dived through the portal and reappeared right above one of the Argoroks. Curled into a ball, Darunia slammed down on the dragon's back, shattering the jewel and sending it crashing to the ground. "I call that the Goron Cannonball!" he boasted triumphantly.

"Nice move!" Link said. "Think I can try that?"

"Knock yourself out!" Darunia grabbed Link's arm and, with one mighty swing, threw hin at the other Argorok. Wearing his Silver Gauntlets, Link crashed onto the dragon with electrified fists, stunning the beast. When it tried to recover and throw him off, Link pulled out the Master Sword and impaled it right in the back, shattering the jewel. Link jumped off just as the dragon faded into nothingness.

"Not bad, little brother!" Darunia cheered as he and Link did a fist bump.

"Excellent job, you two!" Zelda said. "We have a moment to catch our breath!"

"Yes, but we must get to Ganondorf's tower!" Impa said.

"I may have a solution." Fi said as she descended from the sky. "I am detecting a weak point in the west side of the castle, presumably a result from a previous battle. A powerful explosion should destroy it and give us a direct path to the castle."

"That must be from when King Dodongo attacked Hyrule Castle." Link said. "But how to we blow it up? Regular bombs won't work."

"Way ahead of you, Link!" Darunia declared. "Already got a Bombchu deployed. It's on its way to the wall as we speak!"

"Great job, Darunia!" Zelda said. "Everyone! Advance and protect the Bombchu!" The Goron and Hyrulean soldiers immediately rushed to defend the Bombchu from Ganondorf's forces. The Skyloft knights and some of Agitha's Golden insects attacked the Dark Forces from above as the Bombchu made its journey. Meanwhile, from within his tower, Ganondorf could sense the heroes closing in on him. "Not yet." He said. "I am not at full power yet. But I am close. Just a little while longer."

Eventually, the Bombchu reached the west wall and exploded, blowing a hole open and allowing the ground forces to proceed. "The way is open!" Impa declared. "Quickly, we must press on!" But no sooner did they press forward, a Manhandla erupted from the ground. It was quickly accompanied by King Dodongo and a Gohma.

"We don't have time for this!" Link said. The Manhandla spat a stream of seeds at Link. Before the young hero could react, Cia jumped in front of him and erected a barrier to deflect Manhandla's seeds. "I can handle Manhandla." she said. King Dodongo curled into a ball and attempted to roll over the troops, only for Darunia to grab the beast and toss it aside. "Leave King Dodongo to me!" he said.

"I can take care of Gohma." Impa said as she summoned her Naginata, igniting it aflame. The Sheikah charged at the gargantuan insectoid. Gohma fired a sweeping beam of light from its eye. Impa leapt into the air and threw her spinning Naginata at one of Gohma's shield appendages, slicing it off. Grabbing her Naginata as she landed on the ground, Impa deflected a swipe from the enraged insect. Gohma fired an orb of electricity from its eye at Impa. Impa used her Naginata and swatted the electric orb back at Gohma, stunning it and allowing Impa to finish it off by throwing her flaming Naginata at its eye, killing it.

Darunia fought off King Dodongo. The lizard swiped at Darunia with its claws, but Darunia deflected its claws with his hammer. King Dodongo reared back and prepared to spit a large fireball at Darunia. "Just what I wanted!" he said. "Boys! Now!" The Goron troops ran to Darunia with a large powder keg. They threw it right in the Dodongo's mouth, the heat of the flames causing it to explode and stun the beast. Darunia ran behind it and grabbed the Dodongo's tail. Spinning around a few times, Darunia threw King Dodongo far into the air over the horizon. "Scratch one Dodongo!" he said.

Manhandla lashed out with one of its heads and attempted to bite Cia. Cia teleported out of the way and tossed a disc of dark energy at Manhandla's neck, severing one of the heads. The other three heads perked up and were ready to attack, but Cia tossed another dark energy disc, decapitating all three heads in a single blow and exposing the core. Raising her scepter in the air, Cia called down a beam of dark energy on Manhandla, killing it instantly.

"Excellent. Quickly, we must reach Ganondorf's tower before-!" Zelda was quickly cut off by the sound of thunder as lightning struck the area. The air was soon filled with Ganondorf's booming laughter. "My true power has awakened!" he boasted. "Now there is no one, hero or goddess, who can stop me!"

"Dammit! We're too late!" Impa cursed. "Ganondorf is at full power!"

"Stand away, my underlings!" Ganondorf commanded. "I shall personally cut down the Hyrulean Forces like the weeds they are!"

"Guys, we need a new game plan!" Link said, worry creeping into his voice. "Ganondorf's coming!"

"Hmm... I sense Ganondorf's power is growing." Fi began. "Yet I also sense he's drawing power from something within the castle. I sense dark energy emanating from the sword-like structure on the castle. Destroying it may weaken Ganondorf."

"How do we do that?" Midna asked. "Ganondorf isn't gonna let us waltz into the castle."

"True." Zelda conceded. "That is why Agitha and I shall infiltrate the castle."

"Princess Zelda, it is too dangerous! Take me instead." Impa pleaded.

"No. The rest of you must stay and distract Ganondorf." Zelda said. "It will look too obvious if all of us go."

"You are aware that the castle is heavily guarded, yes?" Fi asked. "Your chances of survival are slim."

"But there is still a chance." Zelda said. "And it's a chance I'm willing to take." She turned to Cia. "Teleport us into the castle." Cia opened a portal behind Zelda and Agitha. "Best of luck to you all." Zelda said as she and Agitha walked through the portal.

"Best of luck, Your Highness." Impa replied as the portal closed.

"Here he comes." Link said. The group watched as Ganondorf descended from the tower, wreathed in dark red energy. The Triforce's had embedded itself upon his chest. "My, such a brave and motley group." he said. "A fleeting shadow, a fish out of water, a living rock, a witch, two worthless soldiers and a circus of assorted freaks. Here you all are, all in one easy-to-destroy spot."

"Give up, Ganondorf." Link said. "You're outnumbered."

"And you're hopelessly outmatched." Ganondorf replied coolly. "I really cannot fathom why you all still seek to resist me? Look around you! Hyrule is mine! The Triforce is mine! Why not cease this puerile attempt at resistance and surrender? Surely it's time to accept that I am now the ruler of this kingdom."

"That's just it, Ganondorf." Link said. "You haven't won anything yet. Sure, you took our kingdom, but we're still here. And as long as we're still here, we're gonna fight to our last breath with everything we've got!"

"Well then..." Ganondorf began, cracking his knuckles. "Why don't you show me 'everything you've got'. That way I can be sure I'm erasing it all: Hope, dreams, memories! When I'm done, there'll be nothing left of you!" Link and the others charged at Ganondorf, ready to strike down the Demon King. Ganondorf stood unfazed and gave a sneer as he held his left hand up. The Triforce symbol glowed on the back of his hand before sending powerful waves of dark energy that pushed the heroes back.

Darunia got to his feet and charged at Ganondorf once again, wildly swinging his hammer. Ganondorf grabbed the Goron chief by the throat and yanked the hammer out of his hand before bludgeoning him with it, sending him flying. The Gerudo was then attacked by a beam of light shot by Midna using the Mirror of Twilight. The beam pushed Ganondorf back, but Ganondorf managed to slowly push his way towards the Twilight Princess, even as she increased the power.

Once close enough, Ganondorf knocked the Mirror away and grabbed Midna by the throat, lifting her into the air. He summoned one of his Great Swords and prepared to impale her, only for Cia to perform a diving kick aimed straight at the Gerudo's face, causing him to let go of Midna. The sorceress whipped at Ganondorf several times with her scepter, pushing him back. Ganondorf quickly regained his footing and grabbed Cia by the face and slammed her to the ground. He raised his foot and prepared to stomp on her, but was repelled by blasts of light from Fi.

Link took advantage of the distraction and charged at Ganondorf, delivering a slash across the chest with the Master Sword. Ganondorf screamed in pain and was about it attack Link only to be attacked once again by Young Link in the form of the Fierce Deity. The Demon King summoned his Great Swords to defend himself as he was bombarded by attacks from both Links. Ganondorf's swords began to glow with a bright, supernatural purple as, with a mighty roar, Ganondorf pushed both Links back.

He slammed his swords into the ground and gathered a massive ball of dark energy before throwing it at the two Links. The two heroes stood their ground and deflected the energy ball with their blades, sending it back at Ganondorf. Ganondorf smirked and reared his fist back before punching the energy ball with all his might, sending smaller energy balls at the two heroes. They tried their best to dodge, but were struck by some of them and knocked to the ground.

Fi attempted to dive at Ganondorf while he was distracted, but Ganondorf retaliated by firing red energy beams from his eyes, sending her to the ground. Darunia rolled towards the Demon King at breakneck speed, but Ganondorf stopped him dead in his tracks and threw him at the heroes. Impa and Ruto fired a combined torrent of water at Ganondorf only for him to raise a barrier around himself.

"He's too powerful!" Impa shouted. "What do we do?!"

"We keep fighting." Link said. "Zelda needs more time."

Meanwhile, at Ganon's Tower...

The monsters were in the castle courtyard, ordered by Ganondorf to stand watch in case someone attempted to infiltrate the castle. The calm was soon broken when a portal opened up. The monsters dropped into fighting stance, ready to expel any intruders. That's when Princess Zelda stepped forward. "The princess!" one of the monsters, an Aeralfos, shouted. "Lord Ganondorf will pay handsomely for her head!"

"I have come to retake my castle." Zelda said sternly, rapier drawn and at her side. "Stand down and be spared."

"Or what?" A Darknut taunted, pointing his broadsword at Zelda. "You're outnumbered."

"Actually, it is you who are outnumbered." Zelda replied. "For I have brought my secret weapon." At that moment, Agitha walked out of the portal and stood at Zelda's side. "Agitha, Princess of the Insect Kingdom, to the rescue!" she declared. The monsters all looked at each other for a moment before bursting into raucous laughter. Clearly this had to be a joke. "And what can a little girl do against us?" the Darknut asked.

Agitha and Zelda looked at each other and smirked before stepping aside. Seconds later, a horde ot giant, Gold Skulltulas charged through the portal. The monsters flew into a panic and attempted to run, but the Skulltulas caught them and ensnared them with their webbing. "Impressive work, Agitha." Zelda said.

Agitha giggled and gave a polite curtsy. She then followed behind as Zelda made her way into the castle. Though its appearance was heavily altered, it was still her castle. She knew every twist and turn within it. Eventually, she reached the center of the castle where the giant sword was. She looked up and spotted a violet gemstone embedded in the sword's blade. "This must be the core." Zelda said as she summoned her Bow of Light and began charging a Light Arrow. She then fired the arrow at the crystal, shattering it and causing the sword to begin to crumble.

"Our task is complete!" Zelda said. "Let us rejoin the others." She grabbed Agitha and the two ran out the castle.

Back at the battlefield, Link and the others were fighting a losing battle with Ganondorf. No matter what they did, nothing seemed to even faze the Demon King. For his part, Ganondorf looked more bored if anything. "This is a waste of my time." Ganondorf said. "You insects are beneath me. It is past time for me to be rid of you and begin my rule of this world."

Ganondorf raised his hand and began charging a blast of dark energy. But suddenly, Ganondorf clutched his chest in pain and fell to his knees. The dark aura around him faded away. "Wha...? How...?" he asked.

"Come now, Ganondorf." Zelda replied as she and Agitha made it to the battlefield. "You didn't think we'd fight you without having an actual plan, did you? While you fought everyone, Agitha and I snuck in your castle and destroyed your power source. So tell me? How does it feel to be mortal?"

"So you managed to weaken me?" Ganondorf asked, his voice still pained. "Clever... Perhaps you're not the worthless maggots I mistook you for."

"Now that you've been brought to our level, this should be a much more fair fight." Link said. "Now let's try this again. Take him down, guys!" At Link's command, Darunia rolled into a ball and charged at Ganondorf. Just as he got close to him, the Goron chief uncurled himself and delivered a mighty uppercut with his hammer, knocking the Demon King into the sky. Seeing her chance, Fi flew into the air and flew around Ganondorf at high speeds, hitting him several times as she encased him in a ball of light.

Cia jumped into one of her Summoning Gates and appeared right above the orb of light just at it exploded, allowing Cia to deliver a dark lightning-charged kick to Ganondorf's face. As he fell to the ground, Midna, riding a large Twilit Wolf, reared back her stone hand before delivering a mighty punch, sending him flying towards Zelda. Zelda pulled out her Dominion Rod and summoned a giant statue with a hammer. Using her rod to control the statue like a puppet, she had it swing its hammer at Ganondorf, sending him flying towards Young Link.

Young Link, in Fierce Deity form, gathered energy around his Double Helix Sword and fired a massive Sword Beam at Ganondorf, sending him into the air once again. Ruto and Impa combined their water magic and created a massive geyser beneath Ganondorf, raising him higher into the air. Ruto then used her magic to freeze the geyser, trapping Ganondorf in ice. Impa ignited her Naginata ablaze and stabbed the frozen geyser, superheating it and causing it to shatter, freeing Ganondorf.

Immediately, Zelda used her Wind Waker and summoned a tornado that kept the Demon King suspended in midair as it simultaneously dealt hundreds of rapid cuts. Zelda then summoned a giant lightning bolt from the sky, striking Ganondorf and sending him crashing to the ground once again.

The onslaught clearly took its toll on Ganondorf. His armor and clothing was greatly damaged, he had cuts and bruises everywhere, and he was bleeding heavily. He attempted to stand on his feet, but the sudden drain of his powers on top of his injuries exhausted him and the most he could do was roll on his back, arms and legs spread wide. The moment he did that, however, Cia used her Deku Staff and summoned vines around his wrists and ankles, pinning him to the ground.

Ganondorf furiously struggled against his bonds, but it was all in vain. The Demon King could only watch as Link jumped into the air with the Master Sword supercharged with light energy. Link then crashed down on Ganondorf, impaling him straight through the heart. The Gerudo warrior screamed in agony as the Blade of Evil's Bane pierced through him, its holy light burning away at him. Ganondorf coughed up blood before he finally lost consciousness.

Link pulled the Master Sword out of Ganondorf and leapt backward. But he didn't sheathe his sword yet. He wasn't taking chances just yet. Zelda and Cia ran up to him. "Is it over?" Zelda asked.

"I don't think so." Cia said. "Ganondorf's not the type to go down that easy."

"How right you are." Ganondorf's voice echoed. Zelda and Cia stepped back as Link dropped into fighting stance. "Do you really believe mere trash like you can defeat one who wields the might of the gods?! You pathetic fools obviously don't know who you're dealing with."

"Well why don't you enlighten me?" Link said sarcastically. A smile crept on the prone Gerudo's lips as the Triforce on his chest glowed. He rose to his feet as a dark aura enveloped him. His golden eyes glowed with a supernatural light as he reared back and gave a mighty roar. His teeth had sharpened into fangs. He then hunched over as two large, curved spikes emerged out of his shoulders. Link staggered back and watched in horror as Ganondorf began a terrible transformation. The earth beneath them began to shake as a thunderstorm raged in the heavens above.

The dark aura around Ganondorf grew as he began to bulk up, letting out bestial, demonic growls as he did. His armor began to crack until it finally exploded, leaving him shirtless. The Demon King's upper body began to grow in size until Link was roughly the size of an ant. Ganondorf's arms grew and expanded to match the size of his body and became apelike, with red hair sprouting on the back, but his golden braces remained intact and grew along with them. The weight of his upper body was so great that he fell to his knees, using his hands to support himself.

A tail sprouted from behind him as his pants tore to pieces. His legs and feet grew in size and became more animalistic. Ganondorf's face slowly elongated into a boar's snout. Bones cracked and began protruding from the sides of his nose, forming into long tusks. His hair and beard had now formed into a mane. His golden crown disappeared and was replaced with a purple gemstone. His body had become apelike and his overall appearance resembled a cross between a gorilla, a boar, and a mammoth.

"I am Power." Ganondorf began, his voice even deeper than normal and far more demonic. It now carried an echo. "I am Evil. I am Darkness. I am Destruction. I... Am... GANON!" The monstrous demon reared back and gave a thunderous roar, one that shook the heavens and earth itself.

"Did anyone else know he could do that?" Link asked. Ganon reared his fist back and tried to punch Link, only for the hero to backflip away, landing next to the group. "Any ideas?" Link asked.

"I got one! Let's kick ass!" Darunia summoned his hammer and charged at Ganon. "Darunia, wait!" Ruto shouted. Unfortunately, Darunia was too caught up in the thrill of battle to hear her. As he reached Ganon, he leaped into the air to deliver an overhead smash to Ganon's head. The Dark Beast reared back his fist and performed a spinning clothesline, knocking the Goron a considerable distance backward.

"Ohhh... Guess I bit off more than I can chew." Darunia said groggily. Ganon opened his right hand and conjured a massive fireball before throwing it at Darunia. Ruto leapt into a pool of water and reappeared right next to Darunia. She then fired a large jet of water at the fireball, extinguishing it instantly. The Zora grabbed Darunia and dragged him through the portal, reappearing next to Link and the others.

Some of the Skyloft Knights dived at Ganon, bombarding the monster with bomb arrows. Ganon raised his head and breathed a stream of fire, incinerating them. The ground troops attacked with arrows and spears. Ganon placed his hands in the ground, rooting him in place as the shoulder spikes opened up to reveal large crocodile mouths that began spraying thorns at the soldiers. Some got away in time, others were gruesomely impaled by the thorns.

"Pull back!" Zelda commanded. "He's too powerful!"

"What do we do, then?" Impa said. "Surely there must be some way to defeat him!"

"Only the Master Sword can slay Ganon." Zelda said calmly. "But with Ganon utilizing the full might of the Triforce, I fear its power alone may not be enough. But I may have a solution. Everyone! Transfer all of your power to Link!"

"Princess? What are you doing?" Link asked.

"The Master Sword is the only thing that can defeat Ganon." she replied. "With all of our power combined, it may provide you a fighting chance. Also I want to give you these." Zelda outstretched her hand and an orb of light appeared. The orb then transformed into the Arrows of Light. "Ganon will never be able to escape the sacred radiance of these arrows. Use them well! The Master Sword began to glow with a bright golden aura as the troops and the others raised their hands to give Link whatever power they can spare to Link.

"Here's all of my fire, Link!" Darunia said. "Go raise some hell!"

"My water magic should help you in this fight!" Ruto said.

"You can have my Twilight magic too, Link!" Midna said.

"Proceeding to transfer my power to you, Master Link." Fi said. "May it serve you well!"

"I place my magic and my hope in your hands Link!" Impa said. "Don't let us down!"

"You can do it, Link!" Agitha cheered. "My insects and I are rooting for you!"

"The Fairy Kingdom and Tingle with you to the end!" Tingle shouted.

"Here is my magic, Link!" Cia replied. "Now take him down!"

"I too place my magic and trust in the Master Sword!" Zelda declared. "May the light of justice shine upon Hyrule!" With the combined power of all his allies, the Master Sword's blade glowed with a brilliant white light. Link flashed a cocky smile at the supercharged sword, then turned to the rampaging Ganon. "Stand back, guys!" he shouted. "I got a demon to slay!" With that, Link charged at Ganon and used his Gauntlets to deliver an electrified punch to the beast's snout.

The blow staggered Ganon, but he quickly regained his footing. Ganon quickly retaliated with a massive stream of fire from his mouth. Link used his Hylian Shield to defend against the flames, then fired a Sword Beam at Canon's face, hitting him square in the eye. Ganon roared in pain and covered his eye with his left hand while tossing a fireball at Link with his right hand.

Link deflected the fireball with his sword and fired several Light Arrows at Ganon. The arrows struck at various points on the Dark Beast's body, but had no visible effect. Ganon managed to regain his sight and fired thorns from the mouths on his horns. Link backflipped to avoid the thorns and then leapt into the air to strike at his head. Ganon brought his arm up to defend his head. A bulging eye emerged from the bracer on his arm and Ganon swung his arm, firing an orb of electricity that knocked Link to the ground.

Ganon then leapt into the air and gathered dark energy around its mighty fists before attempting to crash down on Link. Link rolled out of the way, but was blown back by the ensuing shockwave. "This is getting nowhere." Link thought to himself. "I need to come up with a strategy." That's when Link noticed a pattern in the monster's attacks. It uses all the powers of previous monsters the army had fought. And it also must share their weaknesses.

With this in mind, Link got up and dropped back into battle stance. Ganon raised his right hand and prepared to throw a fireball at Link. Link immediately took out a bomb and tossed it at the fireball, causing a large explosion that destroyed the bracer on his right arm. Ganon roared in pain while Link wore a confident smirk. Ganon gathered dark energy around himself as he rose into the air. He then breathed out a torrent of fire. Recognizing this strategy from Argorok, Link put on his Gauntlets and pulled out his Hookshot.

Link fired his Hookshot at Ganon's tail. With the added strength from the Gauntlets, Link not only managed to pull Ganon to the ground, but also pulled off the beast's tail. Ganon fell to the ground and glared at Link. He placed his hands in the ground and the mouths on his horns began to open. The instant they did, Link tossed his Boomerang at the horns, destroying both in a single throw.

Ganon raised his left forearm and the eye appeared, charging electricity. Link immediately pulled out his bow and fired a Light Arrow at the eye, causing an explosion that destroyed the bracer on his left arm. "Out of tricks, huh Ganon?" Link taunted. Ganon growled and raised his left hand. In a flash of dark energy, a trident as large as the beast itself appeared. Ganon tossed his trident at Link. Link dodged it and leapt after Ganon, but the demon beast teleported away just as the sword hit.

When he reappeared, he grabbed his trident and fired several lightning bolts at Link. Link deftly dodged every bolt of lightning thrown at him and fired a Sword Beam in response. Ganon teleported away and reappeared above Link, attempting to impale him with his trident. Link rolled away and performed a parry attack, slicing at Ganon's back with the Master Sword. The monster screamed in pain and backhanded Link, sending him flying through a wall in one of the nearby keeps.

Link recovered just in time to see Ganon charge at him like a wild bull. Link summoned his new Bow of Light and quickly fired off a Light Arrow, hitting the Dark Beast right in the jewel on his forehead. Ganon fell to the ground, dazed and blinded by the holy light. Link wasted no time and began to furiously slash away at the Dark Beast. Ganon eventually recovered and planted his hands on the ground, causing a ring of red lightning to surround him and blast Link away. Ganon focused the red lightning into his trident and fired a blast of lightning into the sky, causing it to fall back down to earth and head straight towards Link.

Instead of dodging the blast, Link stood his ground and pointed the Master Sword to the sky. The lightning struck the sword, but instead of conducting lightning through it, the sword absorbed it instead, the holy power within the blade purifying the dark energy. When fully charged, Link fired a massive beam of light from the blade at Ganon. Ganon screamed in pure agony as the pure light seared away at the beast, burning away at the darkness within him.

When the beam finished its job, Ganon fell to the ground, exhausted and beaten. The demon struggled to get to his feet, but his injuries made that difficult. "How...?" he asked hoarsely. "How can you possess such strength? Why do you keep resisting me? Why won't you just give up?!"

"Because it's not in my nature." Link said. "Like I said, you may be immortal, but there'll always be heroes to stop you, Ganon. You'll never win." Ganon eventually got to his feet. "You heroes always have to have the last word... Just DIE!" He raised his hand and attempted to swipe Link with his claws, but Link leapt into the air as light energy gathered around and elongated the blade of the Master Sword. He dived down and impaled Ganon right on the forehead, shattering the jewel.

"You first." he said as he pulled the Master sword out and leapt off of Ganon, land right besides Cia and Zelda. At that moment, the Triforce suddenly emerged from Ganon. The artifact split into its three individual pieces of Power, Wisdom, and Courage and flew to their respective owners. Link and Zelda's Triforce pieces returned to their hands, while Cia captured the Triforce of Power in a magic bubble.

"Link! Zelda! It's time to give Ganon his going away present!" Cia shouted.

"Indeed!" Zelda said

"Hey Ganon. You want the Triforce so bad? Here it is!" The three put their hands together and the Triforce reassembled itself and fired a beam of golden light at Ganon, burning the Triforce symbol into his chest. The monster howled in agony as the light of the Triforce seared his demonic flesh. "NO! NOOO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE! I AM GANON! I AM THE DEMON KING! I AM A GOD! I... NOOOOOO!" In a brilliant flash of light, Ganon was vaporized. When the light faded, the troops opened their eyes to find Hyrule restored to its natural self by the Triforce's power.

The troops cheered ecstatically, some even had tears of joy in their eyes. After months of fighting and bloodshed, the war for Hyrule was finally, truly over. Link, Zelda, Impa, and Cia joined in the jubilation, but it quickly gave way to sadness when they turned to see their allies from across the ages: Fi, Groose, Young Link, Ruto, Darunia, Tingle, Agitha, and Midna all wave goodbye as they quickly faded away.

"Space-time is repairing itself." Cia said solemnly. "Our friends are returning to their respective eras. There's but one thing left to do." She turned to face Link and Zelda. "You two must return the Master Sword to its place."

"But why us?" Link asked.

"Because it's always been you two." Cia said. "From the moment you were first chosen by the Triforce so long ago. No matter what, you two will always protect Hyrule... together." Before Link could question further, Zelda grabbed his shoulder. "She's right, Link. If anyone should return the Master Sword, it should be we who bear the Triforce pieces." Link paused for a bit, but soon nodded in agreement.

The two walked off together as Cia watched them leave. "Goodbye, Link." she said softly.

Later, at the Temple of the Sacred Sword...

Link and Zelda entered the room where the Master Sword's pedestal was. There they saw a large mass of darkness seeping out of the pedestal. It looked as if Ganondorf was attempting to break out of the seal once more. "Ready?" Zelda asked. Link walked over to the pedestal. He unsheathed the Master Sword and shoved it in the pedestal. However, the darkness attempted to repel the holy blade. Link struggled as he attempted to insert the Master Sword.

Zelda immediately ran to the Hero's side and grabbed the sword. Their Triforce pieces began to resonate due to their close proximity. With considerable effort. The two manage to insert the Master Sword back in its pedestal, the darkness surrounding it disappearing. With their deed done, the two looked at each other for a while.

"Link, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me and my kingdom." Zelda said. "You truly are the Hero of Legend."

"Hey, like I said, it's my duty as a soldier to protect this kingdom." Link said. "And this has been one timeless adventure!"

"That much is true." Zelda said, giggling at Link's little joke. "But let us return home for now. The Castle is in desperate need of repairs and they'll need all the help they can get."

"Right." Link said. And so, the two of them walked out the temple, ready to celebrate a new era of peace together.

The End!

Finally finished! Once more, sorry for the horrendous delay. I promise to be more timely with chapter updates in the future. Like I said, I'll be writing my Bayonetta/Kid Icarus crossover soon, and then I'll do a novelization of either Hyrule Warriors Legends or Street Fighter V's Cinematic Story Mode. Whichever comes first. Till next time!