It was a bloody gore filled battle; it felt like the whole world had went away as Angel had called the dragon

Of course, Spike had to beat him to it; it was the principle of the thing.

Gunn had been bleeding before the fight but he didn't let a silly little thing like a mortal wound slow down his demon killing and he died with a smile (and a whole lotta demon blood) on his face.

Illyria had fallen by diving into the Senior Partners dimension head first. Spike felt bad for a split second before he swore he heard her laughing. He smiled and nodded, that bitch would slaughter the whole damn place for eternity.

He was back to back with Angel as they thought their final bells had tolled. It was time to pay the piper and even though they were going out they were at least doing it together and spitting in the devil's eye as they went.

And then they heard that little blonde battle cry that they both loved, followed by a legion replying back in kind.

She only has enough time to nod and smile at them both as they all rally forth back into the fray.


He gets a postcard from Buffy and Peaches once a month now.

He tacks it up on the fridge right beside the last one and the one before that

Her belly keeps getting bigger in every picture, as does the Poof's smile.

Git got the girl and the Shanshu but then again he and Buffy had their time

And he is Love's Bitch after all


She's the only one who knows how to heat up his blood just right on those god-awful Cleveland mornings.

He always makes her feel like the chosen one even though she isn't any more.

He reads the paper until she gets too bored with the silence and she tackles him to the floor.

They make love and she always says some cold comfort on a cold morning does alright by her.

It took him a few lifetimes, losing a soul and getting one back, going from the Big Bad to Champion

But he wouldn't trade anything for this moment, this feeling … everything five by five.