A/N: Yo! What up guys! So I've decided to try out the 100 Song Challenge! Got the idea from Rikusuke. They did one with Erza x Lucy so I'm doing a Ymir x Christa. Basically I put all my songs on shuffle and whatever song plays I have to make a drabble for it.

Hope ya guys enjoy!

Everything in the area was quiet. The usual sound of people chattering on the streets was nonexistent. The buildings held no trace of any life for the past few weeks except for a small house that was currently being occupied by a group of survivors. These survivors were trying to fight against the biggest threat known to mankind.


These aren't just any type of wolves, these were ten feet tall black wolves with sabertooth-like teeth, sharp claws, and a constant thirst for blood. Because of them the entire population, save for a few, of humankind was extinct.

A loud cry of pain pierced the air as one survivor had her left leg bitten off by the bloodthirsty animal. The brunette gritted her teeth as she grabbed the animal by its neck and violently jerked it to the side, earning a yelp followed by silence. The freckled woman crawled, as best as she could, to the closest building until morning came. She ripped the sleeve of her shirt off and pressed it against what left she had of her leg.

'Bloody fucking hell. I need to find everyone else. Especially, Chris-'


Ymir tilted her head backwards and saw a person. She couldn't tell who it was from the upside-down view, but she recognized that voice. 'That sweet angelic voice. Sounds just like-'

"Ymir...oh no no no. Look at you...god you're such an idiot."

The blonde girl ran towards Ymir and kneeled just a few inches before she slid the rest of the way to the injured female. The freckled brunette just laughed even though she was in pain. Christa held Ymir's head in her lap and glared at her with tears in her eyes.

"You idiot. I told you not to go anywhere, but you didn't listen and look what that got you." Christa ran her hand down the side of the older girl's cheek as she sniffed and dropped her forehead to Ymir's chest. Ymir grunted before she placed her hand on the blonde's head.

"Remember what I told you when you told me you weren't a goddess?" Ymir felt the blonde move her head in a up and down motion and continued.

"That day we were arguing over a stupid thing. I tried to cheer you up by telling you that you were a goddess and you denied it and that's when I-"

"When you told me to stay gold. How could I forget? Ymir I-"

Before Christa could finish her sentence they both heard a snarl accompanied by growls. The blonde turned her head to the source of the noise and gasped sharply. Ymir held the younger girl's chin between her thumb and forefinger, bringing her attention towards her. The brunette leaned upward and pressed her lips to the Christa's as she prepared for the wolves to attack.

Gunshots rang in the air followed by many yelps and whimpers. Both girls pulled apart as they saw their friend, Eren, standing by the entrance with his trademark smirk. A girl with black hair ran up behind the young boy and smiled. Mikasa patted her brother's back in approval.

"Glad you guys are okay. By the way what was up with the little scene?" Another brunette that showed up next to Mikasa got elbowed in the stomach by the grey eyed survivor.

Christa gasped and head butted Ymir before turning away in embarrassment. Ymir groaned before chuckling at the sight before her. Five words crossed her mind before she heard three words from the blonde. 'At least you stayed gold.'

"I love you."

Everyone behind them smiled and waited patiently for them to finish their moment.

"I love you too, Christa. Now let's go before I lose what I have left of my leg."

Two guys ended up walking in the building during the moment and decided to take Ymir to the nearest medical center for supplies. The taller one, Jean, put Ymir's left arm around him while the other guy, Marco, took the other arm. They lugged the taller girl all the way whilst avoiding contact with as many wolves as possible.

Next Morning

"I think the team slogan should be, 'Staying Gold'. Yeah?"

Everyone stared at Christa, who was currently sitting against a wall with Ymir laid out on her lap. She turned red with embarrassment before her cousin came up to her with a smile.

"Of course, Historia. It fits perfectly, right?" Armin stated.

All the survivors cheered and raised their fists in the air. Ymir smiled up at the blonde before getting a kiss on the cheek. 'You are a golden goddess, my love.'

Hope ya enjoyed this one! Leave a review if ya did or if I made any mistakes. NJ out.

Song - Gold by Adventure Club ft. Yuna