Hey guys! I know I haven't been updating and I can apologize for that. I have been really busy lately with running errands and stuff. But I did get a new laptop and that means updating will be a lot more easier and quicker. With that I bring a Christmas drabble for you! This drabble was a real event that happened this year in my family. So hope you aren't mad with my absence!


"Babe, what do you want for Christmas?" Historia Reiss was currently sitting on her wife's lap, watching the brunette watch her favorite tv show, Pretty Little Liars. Brown eyes closed with a sigh, Historia knew she finally hit home with her question. Ymir looked at the blonde in her lap and gave her a sad smile.

"I want my brother. That's all I want. I wasn't going to tell you, but my boss also asked the same thing. He said he'll give me a quarter of the money that I need to buy his ticket. I just need another hundred and I'm able to get him out here on Christmas morning. Maybe take him to mom's house and surprise her."

Historia's eyes closed, mentally kicking herself for doing this. Even though she hated spending so much money before Christmas, she hated seeing Ymir unhappy. "'Mir, go buy the ticket. I'll give you the last hundred you need." Ymir looked at her wife with wide, teary eyes before she buried her face into the smaller girl's shoulder and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. Historia just rubbed the older woman's back slowly, wondering how Ymir's brother will react. Ymir lifted her head and wiped the tears off of her face.

"Thank you, Krista. God, I love you so much." Historia gave a small giggle and gave Ymir a quick kiss before grabbing her phone. She dialed a number, handing the device to her wife. Ymir kissed her once more before hearing someone pick up the phone.


"Hey, Amir(1). Guess what, kiddo?"

"You and Historia are having a baby?! Wait! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would-"

"You're coming to Maryland, buddy! Just like we wanted! Krista helped with the last of it. I'm getting ya Christmas morning."

"Oh my god! Your wife is the best, sis. Tell her I said thank you so much! Aghh I'm so happy right now! Okay well I got to get back to work now. Talk you later, Ymir. Love you."

"Love you too, squirt." Ymir hung up the phone and saw that Historia was giving her a confused look. She realized her wife could hear everything and was probably wondering why she didn't tell Historia Amir said thank you. "He said thank you and that you're the best."

Historia smiled before heading downstairs to start dinner. It was going to be a fun Chrustmas and she already knew it.

(1) Since Ymir is Nordic I decided to find a Nordic name for her brother and it just so happened that I came across Amir which means 'Prince'. And it sounded similar.
Anywho hope you enjoyed and if ya did don't forget to review. Thanks for reading and until next time. NJ out! Merry Christmas to all of ya lovely readers~

All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey