A week has passed by already and Zelda has grown accustomed to the living conditions of the mansion. Pikachu and Peach are great roommates for the hylian, not to mention that Peach is teaching Zelda all of the new technology that she is really not familiar with. It's lunch time and Zelda and Pikachu are making their way to the cafeteria. Pikachu rested on Zelda's shoulder and whined as his stomach growled. Zelda couldn't help but giggle.

"I know you are hungry, I am too but we'll be there in just a second." They entered the cafeteria and smiled at the smell of smoke sausage, cooked vegetables and pokemon food mixed with berries. "It all smells heavenly."


Zelda heads to the lunch line and stood behind the last person. She patted Pikachu's head and scratched behind his ears as they wait for the line to shorten. After a few minutes, two men walked up to the back of the line and stood behind Zelda. She takes a peek behind her and notices that it's Roy and Pit who are waiting. It was clear that they didn't notice Zelda.

"Did'ja hear that a woman is training in the training room since she arrived here?" Pit told Roy.

"She must be intent on winning," Roy shrugged it off. "Everyone's here to fight but most of us think that we're here to make friends."

"Oh c'mon Roy, I saw how you were looking at that Peach princess! You can't say that." Pit nudged Roy's side and smirked.

"D-dude!" Roy blushed faintly. "Hush! You don't know if Mario is listening!" Zelda giggled. "But back on the main subject. Maybe this woman's training for the upcoming matches."

Pit rolled his eyes. "Maybe we should start practicing, it's been a week and both of us haven't done a thing to get in shape."

Zelda turned back around and tuned out the guys behind her. They could be right, she's been preoccupied to think about the matches and it begins in less than a week. What if she is paired up to fight the woman that she heard about? She would die before she would get a chance to think much less attack.


Zelda snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Pikachu. "Sorry Pikachu, I was distracted and thought about somethings." Pikachu nuzzled his cheek against her's. "After we eat, let us go to the gym and train, okay?"


"I shall take that as a yes."


Lunch was over and Zelda and Pikachu were making their way to the training hall. Pass by several people, they stopped in front of the door and opened it. As the door opened, a sandbag flew towards Zelda. Pikachu jumped off of Zelda's shoulder and with his tail, smacked it away from her.

"Thank you so much, Pikachu."


Zelda saw the woman, the same woman she bumped into before, standing in the middle of the room. The woman wasn't wearing the jumpsuit from before, she wore a light blue tank top and some comfortable shorts. Even from a distance, Zelda could see the sweat trickle down the woman's neck.

From nowhere, a blue alloy ran past Zelda and towards the woman. "Watch out!" The woman's eyes locked with the alloy and jumped up in the air, landing behind the thing. The alloy stopped in it's tracks and was taken down in one fail swoop of the woman's kick.

As the alloy dispelled from the arena, Zelda stared in awe from the sight that she had just witnessed. "That was something I have never seen..." The woman grabbed a towel and wiped her face with it, Zelda took the opportunity to walk up to her. "Hello, I've noticed how you fought against the alloy and I would like to say that it was truly amazing."


The woman just simply stared at the princess and pokemon as if they were a nuisance. Zelda was taken back by the stare that she was getting.

"My name is Zelda, and this is Pikachu."


"May I ask for your name?" she asked the woman.

She was given no response. Pikachu ran up the woman's leg and jumped onto her shoulder. "Hey! Get off me!" She grabbed Pikachu by the tail and the little pokemon cried out.

"Ah! No, do not grab Pikachu there!"

Static flew from Pikachu's cheeks. "Cha..." He released a large amount of electricity from the discomfort as self-defense. The electricity flowed from Pikachu's body and upwards to the woman's arm, electrocuting her. She cringed and dropped the mouse Pokemon. She fell on one knee and breathed out a curse word.

Zelda held Pikachu. "Are you both alright?!" she asked them.

The woman stood up and glared at the hylian. Zelda took a step back, trembling. "I want you to leave me alone. And never let your pet climb on me again."

"He is not my pet, he is my friend..." Pikachu climbed on Zelda's shoulder and nuzzled his cheek against Zelda, his cheek still contained a bit of electricity. "You do not have to sound so rude to him," she began. "He was just trying to communicate with you." The woman turned around and walked away. "At east tell me your name."

She stopped dead in her tracks and opened the door right in front of her. She turned her head slightly and said, "Samus Aran."

"Samus..." She whispered. Samus leaned against the wall and slumped to the ground. "Samus!" Zelda exclaimed, she rushed towards her and kneeled down. "The electricity...I need to treat you immediately."

Zelda desperately tried to grab her body as best to her abilities and carried Samus with Pikachu's help. They rushed out of the training room and made their way to the woman's dormitories.

Finally had time to type it down, I hope you guys enjoy it