Hi, the name is SeaSpree, and I'm starting this fanfiction about when other people/gods meet some special demigods. I will be updating at least once a week. Comments and suggestions about this fanfiction is appreciated. Please PM me if you have any questions. And anytime, Kik me, it's my username. And if anyone happens to wonder at all, I did NOT get my username from inspiration in the Percy Jackson and Olympians series. PUH-LEAZE. I just happen to enjoy water, the color blue, and interesting words that not everyone uses. (By this, I mean "big" words. Not "colorful", "big") I hope you got that.

Joey Zyrrel

My name's Joey Zyrrel. Captain and quarterback of Goode High School's football team. And it's only my second year. I'm a sophomore.

It was the first day of school, but I couldn't wait to hit on the new girls so I guess you could say I was excited. For the first day of school. Let me tell you something. It did not go as I expected.

When I walked into the school, I expected all the girls swooning for me. Instead, I find a new guy, leaning on his locker. He had wind blown black hair and stormy, sea green eyes. And he was tall. Maybe an inch taller than me. I sneered. If this guy was taking my popularity, then he was in for it, I thought. I started going toward the guy when I felt a hand slam onto my shoulder. It was my best bud, Max Hardwell.

"I heard that this guy's Percy Jackson. Apparently, he'd gotten kicked out of a lot of schools before. And when I say a lot, I mean like one a year. Oh, and according to rumors, he also blew up the band room here at school orientation in the summer," Max whispers to me while I had stopped rigidly a few lockers away from the guy.

"I need to get rid of him," I tell Max as I walk back to my locker and slam-throw my backpack into the locker. Max nods. "Wait until this Friday afternoon though. You should check out what he's like first. And we can bring a few buddies as well." Max said, then walked off while I turned back to glare at Percy Jackson. He was seemingly oblivious to the fact pretty much every guy or girl in the hallway was staring or swooning over him. Already, he was being asked to join cliques. I should probably explain what that meant.

At Goode High School, we have a entire set of cliques. One was the popular clique. I was part of that. There were also other cliques like the nerds, and sport groups as well, such as football or swimming. From the looks of it, Jackson looked kind of like a swimming guy, since his body was lean. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. The only thing that mattered now was to observe Jackson, then beat him up on Friday. I smirked. I couldn't wait. The bell rang, signaling the start of class.

It turned out Percy Jackson was in all of my classes. And he ended up sleeping in most of the classes as well. Except for Greek. I was surprised. He could speak AND write fluently. And if it was even possible, he did even better in Marine Biology class. He didn't yawn and answered every single question. Although that's probably because he took a nap earlier already. To tell the truth, I ended up glaring at him for the most of the day. I didn't ask a single girl out, it was surprising, since I usually asked one out each week, and usually on Monday.

I walked with my football friends to lunch as usual having found that Percy Jackson had already found his own group of friends. I glared in his direction, then made my way around his direction so I could hear what they were talking about.

"-and you turned Meri down?! She's even one of the better ones!" Will Starwace, the head of the soccer team at Goode, asked Percy Jackson. I was surprised, Jackson was like a girl magnet, but he turned down the hottest girl in school? I turned toward where the popular girls were. Many, including Meri, a girl with light brown hair and coal black eyes, were glaring at where Percy was sitting. Many of the girls in the popular clique wore heavy makeup and extremely skin showing outfits. Meri was in the group, but she didn't put much makeup, only some eyeliner and today she was wearing white short shorts, a pink halter top, and black cardigan. If anything, she was hot. I had yet to ask her out. I decided to make her mine once I finished with Jackson this Friday.

"Like the ninth one today already," Percy rolled his eyes," and for goodness sake, I already HAVE a girlfriend." If I hadn't been maintaining my cool, my jaw would've dropped. Nine girls had already asked him out? He's a newbie here, and it was the first day of school!

"Whatever man. But I'd bet any day that Meri is better than that girlfriend of yours," Will retorted while shoving down his burger. Percy just smirked, like he had made a really good joke.

"Oh, she's way better. You'll meet her sometime, I'm sure," he said as his green eyes seemed to swirl with happiness. I grumbled and lumbered toward the lunch line.

Last period of the day, I thought. I stretched while making my way to P.E. This was one class I was sure that I could beat Jackson in in one day. The thought made me smile. Maybe I could even "accidentally" beat him up in gym.

There was a new coach when I got there. He was just over five feet and looked very angry, especially with the baseball bat. He also had on a baseball cap with thick curly hair like a bush underneath. My football friends and I snickered. The coach looked in our direction and glared at us.

"Alright cupcakes, the name's Coach Hedge!" Cupcakes? I wondered. And I snickered once more at the coach's name. "Mama probably knew he was going to grow into a hedge," I said to my buddies, hinting at his hair. They laughed and snorted. The "Hedge" looked at us menacingly and patted his baseball bat as if warning us to not make him use it. As if I was scared. "We're doing stretches for most of this week, pound you into shape. We're going to have exciting events this entire year. We'll be having a sword fighting lesson next Friday, wrestling lesson the week after that, archery, so on," Coach continued. This was actually getting interesting, I thought. Sword fighting and wrestling? I could hurt Jackson! I smiled wickedly.

Friday. The afternoon had finally come. Percy Jackson was sitting under a tree. Staring into space while a bunch of other high schoolers hung around him in a loose, wide circle. Whispering. The entire football team followed me up to Jackson. "Hey Jackson!" I yelled. Percy Jackson looked toward me and raised his eyebrows. I sneered and glared at him in the eye. He didn't flinch. In fact, his sea green eyes had turned stormy and dangerous. They made me want to crawl into a hole and hide. I didn't let him know my fear though. I didn't back down. "You stole my popularity and girls at this school. I don't know who you think you are, but no one takes my place of ruling this school, and definitely NOT a newbie," I yell. Most of the people around Percy had noticed us and was watching us. Good, the more people, the better, I thought. I wanted them to watch when I beat up this good for nothing loser.

"I don't care about popularity. And I definitely don't care about you Joey Zyrrel. If you want to fight for position, then fine. Come at me and give me your best shot," Percy Jackson said coolly as he stood up. I waved my hands at my football friends. This was my fight. And I was going to win. I positioned myself into a fighting stance while Jackson just stood in front of me, doing nothing. I could see other people holding cash and whispering. They were betting on who was going to win. I tensed my arms up and shot forward, preparing to sock Jackson in the mouth. I was surprised when I found my arms crossed over each other. "You have got to do better than that, Zyrrel," Percy said, bored. "Honestly, I was hoping for a more interesting fight than that." Then, Jackson flipped me over his shoulder, making me land on my back. He smiled grimly at me, and walked casually away. My crew scurried to make way for him. I lay on my back and groaned. I saw the people in my high school cashing in money. I couldn't believe it. I never lost in a fight. But Percy... I shook my head, he was different. That was for sure. He could've hurt me worse, but he had just walked away. He. Had. Just. Walked. Away.

First chapter done. Meri's POV next.


A.K.A. Anonymous

One of my code names. You never know when someone Anonymous may creep up to you.