Oh Shit

He stood before it listening to the whispers comes off the mirror like surface. The rolling waves of Silverlight that glowed lightly from the archway. It had become his obsession, his only real interest over the past five years. He spent ten hours a day studying it.

Then again, he was an Unspeakable. All of his life Harry James Potter, Lord of House Potter had wanted out of the spotlight. It only took twenty years but finally he was away from it. He had found the one place where they didn't care about his fame or fortune. The Unspeakables only cared about his abilities.

Lucky for Harry over the past ten years he had become worthy of his high reputation. Then again his reputation was wonderful or horrible depending on who you asked. Many still blamed him for the war, where others often would raise a toast in his name for his role in it.

After the death of Albus Dumbledore, Harry started a crusade to find the horcruxes of Tom Riddle, otherwise known as Lord Voldemort. The horcrux were fragments of the soul of the man turned monster which allowed the Dark Lord to cheat death. But, with memories and barely any training Harry spent much of six years traveling around Britain in search of the fragments and fighting Death Eaters.

Originally there were three of them in the search. The Golden Trio they had been known to most at Hogwarts. But, that did not last as Ron left after frustrations started to kick in. Still Harry and Hermione kept searching and fighting. They had successes including finding the sword of Gryffindor. They had failures as when they were captured by the Malfoy family. Eventually Luna Lovegood was added to the pair to become a new traveling trio after the events at the Malfoy estate.

It was unfortunate at that during all of these travels there was so much bloodshed. So very many lives were lost as one by one Aurors, Hit Wizards, Order of the Phoenix and regular witches and wizards were killed. It came to a head when Hermione was captured and killed by Bellatrix LeStrange.

Harry never found out the full details, part of him never wanted to. Life just seemed darker, every morning sunrise had lost its beauty and even a cloudless sky seemed to be filled with raindrops to the young man. To put it simple Harry never knew it but he had lost what was one of the loves of his life. He never knew it till it was too late and he lived with regret from that. If not for Luna he would have given up, he would have thrown in the towel and just allowed the Snake of Slytherin to just kill him. Instead the perky blonde forced him to continue onwards with their quest. She made him food to eat, often pudding, and made him get ready for each day. They plotted, they planned and finally after two more years they succeeded.

Voldemort never expected Harry, the once golden boy of the light to use dirty tactics. To be honest he never expected the boy to use an Imperio charm to drop a twenty megaton bomb onto him. The funny part was that the muggle weapon actually did end the man spirit and all. There was no horcruxes left to bring back the monster as even the one in Harry's own head had been removed by then. Funny part about prophecies, they don't say how you need to vanquish someone. In this case it ended up being muggles one and dark lord zero.

Of course the Wizarding Britain was outraged by what had been done. They found that the use of muggle weaponry was a violation of sacred vows for their forms of combat. Not that Harry gave a rat's ass, he just wanted it all over. He wanted to disappear. That is exactly what he did with Luna for a number of years. They left Britain and traveled; they searched the world and learned. They even found real nargles and crumple-horned snorkack. Eventually though Harry did return as Hermione would have wanted and took his NEWTS.

The Wizarding World was much different to him then when he was a boy. Although Voldemort was gone many of his followers again got off free of problems. The Nott and Malfoy families both were not present when the bomb caused the Dark Lord to go out with a bang. Not to mention most of the corrupt Ministry seemed to just roll into whoever took the reins to be in charge. But so many of the former Light were gone and passed from the world. The Longbottom, Bones, Abbott, Weasley, Diggory, Dumbledore families just to name a few that no longer were around. In fact of Harry's own class three out of every four witches and wizards didn't survive the war.

So it was that Harry found himself here now standing before the glasslike substance that once swallowed his godfather into the next great adventure. His lovely and adoring wife stood behind him going over calculations and Arithmancy figures. The project that they had joined for the Unspeakables was the idea to rewrite the past. To go back and change time to before the Second Great Blood Civil War. They wanted to go back and stop it before it started, to stop the loss of life, and frankly if estimates of Luna were correct the future collapse of Wizarding Britain.

The man-who-won let out a frustrated sigh and turned around to face his beautiful wife, "Are you sure these calculations are correct?"

"Don't let the wrackspurts get to you dear. You know I am correct." The young woman glanced up at Harry with a smile.

For a brief moment the man that she never seemed to age. She always appeared to look like the girl he remembered from Hogwarts that had her shoes disappear. That thought caused him to make a mental note if it was successful and he went back to beat the crap out of anyone that bothered or played tricks on her. Was he possessive of his Luna? Yes, and she deserved it. Then again she was far worse than he was. Just last week she saw a woman glance at him incorrectly, the witch lost all of her hair and more than a bit of damage to her backside from the lightning strike. At least the woman didn't try to take away her pudding.

Harry shivered at the thought of trying to take the desert away from his sweet toothed wife, "I know you are certain but…"

When there was no reply Lord Potter turned to glance at his wife and found her staring at the sheets of parchment before her scribbling away while wearing the spectra specs she wore back in school. He bite his bottom lip and to stop himself from letting out a sigh. Some things would never change. He turned back to look at the archway of the veil with a frown. All of their calculations had come to the same conclusion.

It was the theory of both of them after extensive review and studies that only through the use of multiple time turners spinning and the veil would Harry be able to travel back in time far enough to change things. It had to be him and no others because of his connection to the Deathly Hallows. From the pieces they were able to put together from the Peverell vault the three hallows when connected would allow him to become the master of death. According to the family studies of the Peverell it would gave him a single chance to return from the dead at the point that would be most useful to Death. That was the problem of course. He would only return when and where the Reaper wanted him to return to. So the question would be when would the Horseman of the Apocalypse want him to return to life at? Would he see the chance of Harry going back to try to change the past and put it right in the best interests of all?

He shook away the concerns and studied the archway again. No matter what Harry could do he never could quite understand the voices coming from the mirror. He could hear them, oh yes he could as could Luna but neither of them could translate them. Anyone who had been in the room when death claimed someone could hear the whispers. It was theorized that like thestrals there was a connection to death with the soul of the individual. But, nobody had been able to return from the veil to be certain. Perhaps he would be the first and they would understand the biggest question. What is the meaning of life? Well besides 42.

Harry was so lost in his own thoughts he didn't hear Luna calling for him. Nor did he notice her walking up behind him. It wasn't until she tapped him on the shoulder then he remember that he was not alone. Unfortunately when he was reminded he jumped in shock and turned towards his 'attacker' as instincts would call it. This caused his left boot, a leg that had been crushed at the kneecap in the fourth year of ongoing battles against Death Eaters and never fully repaired correctly, to lock up. Harry tripped backwards and knew he was in trouble.

They say that the world slows down when one starts to die. For Harry it was almost as if the world was standing still. He knew where he was precisely at the moment. He knew also that he had less than two feet away from the veil. From the look of shock on Luna's face he also knew that he was in trouble and there was nothing that could be done. So Harry Potter did what he always did when he was up the creek without the paddle. He tried to make the best of it. He whispered to his beautiful wife, "I love you always Luna…"

Author Note: That would be the opening to a crossover or time travel fic. I am not certain which way I would take it so many options to choose from. He could meet death and come to an agreement to go back to the sixties or even forties and fight Grindelwald or perhaps be shipped off to Westeros or Robert Jordans wonderful world, or just go back to 5th years start. Oh wells just thought I would toss this up for something at random.