A/N: Hi everyone! Here it is another chapter. I hope you will like it. And sorry for such a long breake ... again.

I don't own The 100 or any character.

"Clarke, you do realize that she is gay?" He asked smirking and let go of her arm.

Clarke froze. "What?"she asked surprised.

"Yeah. She is lesbian and I think that she might likes you. Like a lot." He said and winked at her.

Clarke was truly confused. "What the hell is going right now?" she thought.

"… But I have to admit - it's really cute that you were jealous about me." He said laughing and tucked a stand of blonde hair behind her ear. Clarke felt her burning cheeks. "I wasn't." She said maybe too fast.

"Of course you weren't." He said teasing her. Then he stepped back and started walking away.

"Stop! Don't you walk away from me like that Blake! I wasn't jealous. I could NEVER be into someone like you." She furiously grinded out.

"Actually, You were. If I remember correctly, you were like really into me back in high school." He said and stepped forward to her.

Clarke's cheeks were burning even more than few seconds ago. There she was standing with Bellamy few inches away and looking right into his brown eyes. These eyes. There was something magnetic in these eye. And this lips. This smirk! This asshole was messing with her. She didn't know what she wanted more: to slap him or kiss him. "Calm down Clarke. Don't let him throw you off-balance." Clarke thought.

"It was long time ago. I've changed."She said. "I would never fall for such an arrogant …"

"Asshole? Is that what you wanted to say?" He asked grinning. "By the way, I've never was sure that you were into me. But now I'm sooo happy when I know that I have such a fan in you."

Clarke was definitely going to spaze out right now. "Leave. Me. Alone." She grinded out and tuned around. She heard Bellamy's laughter.

"Never!" He shouted still laughing.

Clarke hurriedly walked to her and Jeff's tent. She opened it and got into. She took a big breath trying to calm herself. She looked at Jeff who was already here snoring in his sleeping bag like a baby. Clarke lain in her own sleeping bag next to him. She could still feel her red cheeks. She felt horrible. But the only thing that was on her mind was a certain arrogant asshole. "God, I feel like I'm back in high school… I hate him... How could he said that?...I hate, I hate, I hate him… ".

Next morning Clarke was the first one to get up. She cleaned up the mess that everybody left yesterday. She hadn't slept well and she felt tired but cleaning was the only way to help her stop thinking. That let her focus on something and stay calm. Yet, events from last night were just … overwhelming. Nathalie and Bellamy weren't together and that was sort of … happy news. But she didn't know what to think anymore. Everything was a mess. Her emotions were a mess. And she didn't feel ready to talk to him. Not now.

But unfortunately they were together on camping trip. So their meeting was inevitable. When he finally got out of his tent, Clarke was doing her best to avoid him. But still she could see his arrogant smirk.

Also later, when they were on their trial again, she was keeping the distance. They were going down through a deep glen. It was breathtaking place.

"Clarke. Are you ok?" Raven asked when they were walking next to each other on the back of group.


"Really…?" Raven asked concerned.

"Ok. I'm not." She said. " I could be. But not with Bellamy around."

"What happened? Did you have a fight?" Raven asked.

"Kind of." Clarke said.

"What do you mean?"

"Ohh! It's just Bellamy being ass like alwa…" Clarke was saying when suddenly she dropped on the ground.

"Clarke!" Raven shouted.

"Raven. I'm ok." Clarke said and tried to stand up. But she couldn't.

"Clake! You can't stand up?" Raven asked crouching next to friend.

Then Bellamy appeared on his knees beside them and after him the rest of group.

"What happed?" Bellamy asked really terrified.

"It's nothing. I've just stumbled." Clarke said trying to avoid his eyes.

"Clarke!" Raven reprimanded her. "She can't stand." She said to Bellamy and the others.

Bellamy lightly touched Clark's ankle and she moaned. "Auuu."

"I've must twisted it. I think." He said.

"I know. I'm a doctor." She said curtly.

"Yeah. But now you gonna need some help." Bellamy said, stood up and took of his backpack.

"What are you doing?"Clarke asked confused.

"Someone needs to take care of your ankle, Doc." He said and took of from his backpack bandage.

"But.." She started.

"Yeah, I know that you are way better than me at first aid but please don't move right now." He said and took of her boot. Clarke didn't say anything more. She was just looking at his strong hands gently bandaging her ankle.

When she was surprisingly calm, Natalie and Raven were really horrified.

"God. What we gonna do?" Natalie asked.

"She can't walk, that's for sure." Raven stated.

"Maybe we can call the mountain rescue." Jasper proposed.

"I can carry her if it's necessary." Jeff proposed shyly.

But Clarke didn't heard them talking. The only thing on her mind right now was Bellamy … and his hands. Then she caught him saying : "I think that it will be the best if I will carry her."

"What?!" She asked.

"I will carry you." He stated. "You can't walk. I will take you to the nearest village. I was talking with that student from yesterday, he said that it's really close. About two hours. Then we will take cab to parking when we left our cars and I will take you home." He said simply. "Can you guys carry this for me?" Bellamy asked Jasper and Jeff pointing his backpack.

"Yeah, sure." Jasper said. Jeff only nodded.

"Wait! What? You can't!" Clarke protested.

Then she felt his arm on her back helping her to stand up.

"Princess I thought that it's your dream to be carried by me." He said smirking.

"What? No."

"Clarke. You can't walk." Raven said.

"You can't carry me. I'm not 5 years old." She said to Bellamy.

"Maybe, but you act like a one." Raven said. "You can walk with us to another peak. Go with Bellamy."

"So princess, do I have to take you against your will ?" Bellamy asked looking at standing on her left foot Clarke.

Clarke sighed. "Ok."

"Wow. Success!" Raven said.

"Come on."Bellamy said and helped Clarke climbed on his back. She encircled his hips with her thighs and embraced his broad shoulders.

"I hate you." She whispered to him. And he just giggled.

"Ok. Bye guys."


And they left.

They were walking (or technically only Bellamy was walking) about hour in silence.

Sitting on Bellamy's back was really odd feeling. It was overwhelming. His body so close to hers. His scent.

"It's ironic don't you think?" Bellamy asked. "The whole day you were avoiding me and now you are cuddling me."

"I'm not."

"Sure, princess. Whatever you say."

"I'm not …" She said trying to get of him.

"I'm joking princess. Relax." He said pulling her closer. "So are you mad at me or something?"


"Ok … ?" He said. "So we are ok?"

"Yes." She said.

"Bellamy?" Clarke asked.


"Are you ok? I mean, are you tired?"She asked shyly.

"Ohhh you care about me? That's cute."

"Yeah right."

"But seriously, princess. You should lose some weight because …"

"Shut up!" She said giggling.

A/N: Let me know what you think ;)