Even though Eren needed to, he just couldn't bring himself to cut any ties with Levi. None. Not one. So, when Tuesday finally rolled around, he didn't do anything to indicate Levi shouldn't come over. Levi knocked twice before letting himself in, since Eren gave him the key. "Eren!" He called, setting his stuff on the table and walking around. He walked over to a bookshelf and picked up a picture of a tan-skinned brunette woman with gold eyes and a kind smile gracing her lips. She was beautiful, to say the least. And bore a striking resemblance to the brunet he was looking for. Must be his mother.

The raven-haired man heard a muffled 'oh shit!', a series of muffled curse words, something metal falling, a slight hiss and then the brunet in question tumbling down out of his room with fresh, already blood stained, bandages on his arm, while he struggled to put on a hoodie. When he finally got the hoodie on, Levi noticed the green-eyed boy's hair was wet, as if he just got out of the shower. "You're early," He said breathlessly.

"Actually, I'm on time." He corrected the teen, walking over to the table and sitting down.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Eren waved him off, walking to the living room and grabbing his bag and sitting down next to Levi. "I think I'm finally getting the concept of Algebra." Eren said, handing Levi a paper with his grades on it.

"Good job." Levi said, actually impressed. The teen had gone from a D- in Algebra to a C+. So close.

Then they started working.

"Hey Eren?" Levi said, when they had finished.

"Hm?" The brunet asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Do you want to go out this Friday?" He asked.

Eren nearly fell backwards in his chair. A... Date? A DATE?! "Like... on a date?"


Eren smiled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "S-Sure." He said.

"Okay," Levi started picking up his things, and putting them neatly into his bag. "See you Thursday." He started walking to the door. "Oh, and next I see you, I'll be checking your arms. Cutting yourself is dangerous, Eren. I don't know what makes you to do it, but what ever it is, it isn't worth hurting yourself over."

Then he walked out, leaving Eren dumbfounded. The fuck?



"What do you want me to wear, tomorrow? Something formal, something casual, something semi-formal?" Eren asked, tapping his pencil on the table.

"Semi-formal." Levi stated. "I'm not taking you to a place too fancy, but still, no jeans, and no sneakers."

"Okay, okay," Eren put his hands up in mock defense. "I get it, no jeans, no sneakers. Can I at least wear converse?"

"No." He said bluntly.

"Aw~ Fine~," Eren sighed, smiling at him.

"Now get back to your fucking homework."

"Sir, yes sir!"


"Jean, Sasha, Connie, Marco and I are going out. You wanna come with?" Armin asked Eren Friday.

"Can't." Eren said, walking from the bathroom, clad in only his boxers with his wings laying limp and trailing behind him as he hurried around.

This didn't disturb Armin in the slightest. He's used to it. "Why? Where are you going?"

"Out, on a date." Eren said, struggling to get his trousers on.


"Levi. He asked me out." Eren said, tripping while trying to put his shoes on.

"Really?! When?! Give me all the details!" Armin yelled.

When Eren finally got his black trousers on, his shoes on the correct feet, his wings folded neatly against his spine, his forest green dress shirt on and buttoned, his black tie tied, and his hair dry, he sat down on the bed next to Armin. "It was Tuesday, after we finished. He just asked, and I said yes. He hasn't told me where we're going yet, though."

"Ooh~ Sounds... not very romantic, but very Levi-ish." Armin said. "When will he be here?"

"In..." Eren pulled his phone to check the time just as his phone buzzed, signalling he had a text message.

Message Received:
From: Levi~
I'm here. Get your bratty ass down here.
Received: 6:00

"Right now, actually," Eren said, chuckling.

"Well, go! Don't keep your man waiting!" Armin winked, smiling as he pushed Eren up. Eren pocketed his phone, grabbed his wallet, and walked down to the parking lot, where he saw Levi leaning up against his car, wearing a white dress shirt, black pants, a black tie, and black dress shoes, an outfit very similar to Eren's. "Hey!" Eren called, jogging up to the car.

"Hey," Levi said, walking the brunet to the other side of the car, opening and closing the door for him, and walking back to the other side to get in the driver's side.

"Ooh~ Such a gentleman," Eren teased, smiling. Levi rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face while turning the car on and pulling out of the parking lot. "So, where are we going?"

"That's a surprise."

"Aw~ Please?" Eren whined.

"No, "Levi deadpanned.

Eren sighed. "Fine be that way." He huffed, crossing his arms with a pout on his face. Levi glanced over at the pouting brunet and smiled lightly. Cute, he mused.

They sat in a comfortable silence until Levi pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. "Whoa! I thought you said it wouldn't be somewhere too fancy!" Eren exclaimed, slightly panicking on the inside.

"It isn't that fancy," Levi muttered, getting out and opening Eren's door for him again.

Eren giggled, smiling lightly as he linked arms with Levi and they both walked in.

Levi walked up to the desk, where a woman was standing. "Hello~!" The woman said, cheerfully.

"Reservation for two, name: Rivaille." Levi said.

"Okay, right this way~!" She led them to a table with two chairs and let them sit down before setting a menu in front of both of them. "What would you two like?" She smiled.

"I'll have wine," Levi said.

"Water, please." Eren said, smiling nervously.

"Okay~ I'll be back, so you guys can order you food!" She said, walking off with a smile on her face.

Eren turned over to Levi with a nervous grin. "What?" Levi asked, raising one of his thin eyebrows. Eren tried shaking the smile off his face, but couldn't.

"Nothing, just can't believe this is happening right now..." Eren said, lowering his gaze to the white tablecloth. Levi's lips formed a very small smile as he looked at the bashful teen.

"And why's that?"

"I dunno." Eren said, looking back up at his tutor. "It just feels like dream.."

"Oh? So you dream about me?" Levi asked, leaning forward and grabbing Eren's hand.

"Only all the time."



(You're not sorry) [I agree.] SHUDDUP PARENTHESIS. ([NOE.]) T^T

I've been doing other things, such as watching Death Note (I hate Light so much right now...), dicking around on Google+ (If you wanna talk on there, my account name is Alois Trancy), watching RWBY (so my friend will STOP BOTHERING ME ABOUT IT), and drawing shit (not shit, just stuff. I've been trying to get better at it.) AND SCHOOL IS FUCKING KICKING MY ASS. /Sigh

I wouldn't blame you if you hated me...

See you in the next one. (Whenever that'll be.) I SAID SHUDDUP.

Oh yeah, and a gots a kwes-chun:

Questions: You said Grisha made him stronger than the average human...so why didn't he just beat the shit out of that drunk guy himself? AND HOW HELL IS HE HIDING THOSE HUGE-ASS WINGS!? I know you said he folds them but wouldn't you still be able to an awkward lump or something? By: Guest

Answer: Yes, he is stronger than the average human, but only his back/wing muscles (if that makes any sense), and that's only so he can use his wings.

He's able to hide them because when he folds them against his back, the muscles in them clench up and flatten themselves out. The bones in his wings are also very dynamic and thin, meaning they can also flatten to the best of their ability. (Please forgive me if this doesn't make sense, or isn't possible. I'm not taking anatomy..)


Bye-bye~! ^-^