Hello! I´m back! Didn´t actually think that I would continue with this story but all of the sudden I noticed a new mail saying that I had a new review and that made me go back and re-read the story cause I didn't even remember what it was about :P And as a result, here´s a new chapter! Almost a year to late, well, well, better late than never right?! So tell me what you think! Like it, hate it? Glad I continued?

Disclaimer: Don't own anything

Dimitris Pov

Dr. Olendzki came out to the where I was sitting and sat down next to me.

"How is she?" I asked and I could hear the fear in my voice as I spoke the words.

"She´s stable" Dr. Olendzki said and I took a big breath of relief. "You can go back in to her if you´d like" I got up from my chair and quickly walked back in to the hospital room where Rose was laying. I took her hand in mine, closed my eyes and kissed it.

"Don´t you dare scare me like that again" I whispered against the back of her hand.

"I won't" she whispered back. My closed eyes quickly fluttered opened at the sound of her voice. Her voice was weak, but it was her voice. The voice I´d missed the voice I loved. I let go of her hand and brought my hands up to her face, I leaned down to kiss her lips but just as they were about to touch I stopped.

"Is, is it okay if I kiss you?" I asked considering how we left things. Rose smiled at me and put her hand on her neck and pulled me closer so that our lips meet. I felt like I gotten electrocuted, that´s the effect she had on me. That's the effect her touch had on me. How could I have deprived myself from it for so long?

Our kiss was interrupted when someone cleared their throat; I quickly stepped back from Rose and turned around to see Alberta standing there.

"Thank God, you´re finally awake!" Alberta said "How are you feeling?"

"I…uh…I don´t know, I haven't really thought about it yet. But I think I feel okay." Rose said. Dr. Olendzki came in to the room and saw that Rose was awake.

"She´s awake and nobody thought to tell the doctor? You two, please leave I need to run some more tests" Dr. Olendzki said. I looked at Rose and she gave me her man-eater smile. Alberta grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door.

"We need to talk" Alberta said once we got out of the room.

"I figured" I said. Alberta opened the door to an empty room and I followed her in.

"I know about you and Rose, and I do believe that what you two have is real and not just at fling. With that said, you are her teacher and she is a student here and that's makes what you two have inappropriate. Stan and I are the only ones that know about you and Rose and I have managed to convince Stan to keep it that way, IF and only if you can promise me to keep things professional until Rose graduates. Can you do that?"

"Yes" I answered her trying to sound convincing, all though I knew I was lying. "But what about all the other teachers and students? They know that I have been here at the hospital with Rose."

"We have told everyone that you were the one that found Rose and that's why you´ve been by her side. You´ve also been her mentor for quite some time so in this case, it works in your favor. Just remember to keep thing professional for the next couple of months, Stan wasn't too fond of the idea of protecting your secret. Don't give him a reason to regret his decision."

"I understand" I said and Alberta left the room.


Rose pov.

I had been out of the hospital for a week and although Dr. Olendzki had told me to rest and take it easy for at least two more weeks, I couldn't. I needed to start with my training again; I was starting to get restless. I put on my yoga pants and a tank top and started heading for the tracks. I figured I could at least try some light jogging. Dimitri had told me about the deal he had made with Alberta, and though I wasn't happy about it, I understood it. We had managed to sneak a couple of kisses her and there but nothing more than that. And I wanted more, needed more. I needed to feel his hand on my body, his lips on my skin.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone grapping my arm and quickly pulling me around the corner of the building. I came face to face with Dimitri and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well, hi there" I said in my flirtiest voice

"Where are you going?" Dimitri asked me and I could tell that he was slightly upset over the fact that I didn't follow Dr. Olendzkis orders.

"You know what the doctor said, no training for…"

"For at least two more weeks, I know, but I feel fine! And I´m getting soooo restless." I was silenced by Dimitris lips and my lips quickly responded to his. Our tongues meet in a perfect dance and he pressed me up against the wall. Dimitris hands rested on my hips, the kiss deepened and with it I could feel myself getting more aroused. I needed more than just stolen moments filled with kisses; I needed to feel him, all of him. My hand left the back of his neck and starting making his way over his shirt and down to his pants. I started rubbing my hand against his dick through his pants.

"Rose, we can´t…"

"We can" I said flashing him my man-eater smile as I pulled down his zipper and grapped a hold of his cock and started stroking it.

"We promised Alberta and Stan…" he started

"First of all, I didn't promise anything, you did, second what they don't know won´t hurt them but if you want me to stop, just say the word" I looked at Dimitri and smirked before I got down on my knees and took him in my mouth. He let out a quiet groan and I knew that I was gonna get my way with him.

I sucked him off until I couldn't wait anymore, I needed to feel him inside of me now. I stood up and our lips collided once again in a hungry kiss before he grapped me by the shoulders and turned me around so that I was facing the brick wall. He pulled down my yoga pants to my knees and entered me. I moaned and he started moving faster and deeper into me. I could hear people talking as they walked by the building and my moans were getting louder. He rammed into me and I couldn't keep quiet, Dimitri put his hand on my mouth and pulled my head back towards him.

"You need to be quiet, Rose" He whispered in my ear before he started kissing my neck. He moved his other hand from my waist to my pussy and started rubbing my clit and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climax. I had to be quiet when all I wanted to do was scream out in pleasure, I bit his finger to stop myself from screaming as I reached an orgasm. He kept fucking me throw-out the orgasm and I could feel my legs start to shake. I heard him let out a quiet groan before he came inside of me. I leaned against the wall to try and catch my breath and Dimitri leaned against my back, He moved my hair away from my neck and kissed it.

"I love you" he whispered against my neck before planting another kiss on it.

SOOOOO, what did you think? Should I continue or should I wait another year before I write the next chapter? ;)