
It feels like a VIP seat.

Standing beside the piano, leaning half of her weight to the instrument, she places her chin on her right hand.

Listening to the music the red head's playing; she's closing her eyes slowly. Absorbing the peaceful melodies, go along with the flow of tunes.

If only time could stop at this very moment. She will be very happy.



She stirs, opening her eyes. Grasping the scene in front of her, she's seeing her junior staring at her with an indescribable look on her face.

So, it's not a dream.

"Yeah?" she mutters, already know the answer.

"It's over."

So she says.

The girl takes a look at the clock. Five minutes before the afternoon class started.

She straightens up her pose, standing properly.

"Let's go then."


She knows the red head only said it because it was time to go.

However, she couldn't help being scared whenever she heard that word.

"It's over."

For what?

For real?

For ever?

VIP seat is great and all.

However, she doesn't think she can go back to what she's used to ever again if it's falling apart. Not to her quiet clubroom. Not to the pop music she always heard.

Even A-RISE couldn't hold her interest long enough if Maki ever stopped.



She stops on her track, looking back to the freshman that few seconds ago called her.

The red hesitates a bit. "After school… before going to the clubroom…"

She raises her eyebrows, giving her questioning glances, silently.

"I will be in the music room."

The red head finishes. Averting her eyes from the crimson counterpart, she then walks away with a slight nod, and, "bye."

She blinks. It must be her wishful thinking.

It seems she's hallucinating Maki blushes in front of her.


The freshman just informed her, what she will do after school.

She smiles.

It's not over yet.


She glances to the inside of the room. Maki already begins playing.

She hesitates slightly, before chooses to stands outside. The raven haired girl smiles at the nostalgic position she's in now.

Though, she can't walk away before the pieces finished anymore.

She chuckles in her head.

Because there's something you'd want to stay the same, right?


"What are you doing here, Nico-senpai?"

Her junior asks, frowning, when she's seeing the older girl outside.


She replies shortly. Fixing her hold on her bag, she looks at the red head calmly. "Let's go, Maki-chan."

She starts to walk.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to…"

She hears the red head mumbles softly behind her, making her frown. She pauses in her steps, waiting for Maki to catch up.

"…never forgets," she leans up slightly, closing the distance between their bodies. "I love your playing."

She smiles, seeing the red tip on Maki's ear.

She takes a step back slowly, feeling proud when she can see the red head's face clearer. It's not her wishful thinking this time. Maki really is blushing.


"You're blushing."

She states the fact.

"I-I'm not…"

"You're easily embarrassed, aren't you, Maki-chan?"

She continues.

"Because senpai is embarrassing."

It's a cold reply.

"What are you saying about me is embarrassing!"


She understands there would be a time when it must over. When she needs to let go all of it and move on. But even if it's pathetic, she knows she's the type of person who, although likes to look ahead, often stays back and dwells in the past too.

Because she's greedy like that, she doesn't want to let go of anything ever.

A/N: too much comfort... ._.a and what Nico's problem, really...#shoots