Dreams End

Chapter 1-The Pain of Hope

Neko Kamiya

"Hard to believe......"

T.K. laughs bitterly , looking at his past home. 'It's been 4 years. Why is it always 4?' he thinks 'always 4, 4 years from when we first saw Digimon to our first adventure, 4 years from our first adventure to our next, and now.... 4 years since our adventures in the digital world, to this.'

This was hell on earth. After that one last battle with Myotismon, with the help of all the Digidestined world wide, they all believe there would be no more evil, no more battles.

"Look how wrong we were......." T.K. chuckles "at least there are no more battles....."

They were wrong. Everyone around the world began to get their own Digimon partner. Problem was, this was never supposed to happen. If they were not Digidestined, a person didn't have the power to look after a Digimon. It wasn't their fault , the Digimon just grew too strong too fast. But the person could not handle the Digimons new found strength. The were intrigued by it, and forced them to Digivovle. The result was much like the Skull Greymon incident, only much worse. This transformation to evil Digimon was, sadly, permanent. Pretty soon, the entire world was ruled by these evil creatures. There was mass destruction, millions perished. Those who survived took to the sewers, and have lived there ever since.

T.K. grabbed the sewer gate, and he felt a tear slide down his cheek."I......I'm sorry Mom...Dad........ We should have known this would happen..... we should have some how stopped it.....we should have saved you......"

"T.K.......don't do this to yourself...."

T.K. didn't have to turn around , he knew that voice, and only one other person knew about this place.

"Why? Why? I keep on going over it in my head, but it doesn't make sense, Kari, It just doesn't make sense"

Kari runs over to comfort him, allowing him to cry on her shoulder

"shhh.... It's gonna be okay T.K. , you'll see, it'll get better"

'It just has to , it can't get any worse' she thinks to herself.

"No..... it's never gonna be better"

T.K. says, as he stands up, brushes his last tear off his face, dusts himself off , and puts on the cold look that has kept him sane for this long. No one but Kari knew how depressed T.K. really was, or about his special place were he came to think, she sometimes joined him, it's their own place, away from the others.

"Come on, we better get back before they send out the search crew"

T.K. smiles at Kari's little joke, although it wasn't really a joke. They do have a search crew for when people went missing from their sewer home. 'He looks so cute when he smiles' Kari thinks 'I wish he'd do that more often'

They walk back through the damp, musky air. It was almost pitch black in the pipes and concrete rooms as night had now fallen. Just recently , Tai had found a box of Glow sticks on one of his escapades to the world above. T.K. broke one out to light their way. He held Kari's hand, loosely, yet tight enough to keep her close to him. She was one of he last few people who really mattered to him. If anything were to happen to her, he would just snap.

Kari looked up at T.K. He had grown so strong, physically , mentally and emotionally. His Golden blonde hair seemed to shine from the haunting green light of the glow stick he held in his free hand. His blue eyes , so clean and pure, seemed like a peaceful ocean. She knew that inside he was a hurricane of emotional against and self pity. 'Why has all this pain come to rest on the shoulders of my Takeru? What did he ever do?' She loved him. She knew she did. She knew she always had. She also knew he loved her. He never said it, but she could tell. He had grown so cold, so distant, but she still saw him as the same T.K. she once knew. The quiet basketball player, with a heart of gold.

They arrived back to their small camp of 100 people. That's all that's left of their old town of thousands. The Digidestined were somewhat the heads of their underground town, even if they were ,on average, around 20 years old. The 'new' Digidestined, were all around 14-18, with Izzy about the same. Joe was about 22. But no one really remembered their ages. It was pointless. 'Kids' was no longer a classification. Everyone worked to keep their village working, and keep everyone from growing hungry.

"There you two are!"

Tai exclaimed at the sight of T.K. and his little sister.

"Yeah... were back... What's going on?"

T.K. said, noticing a crowd forming , he couldn't tell what they were looking at.

Tai followed his view.

"Matt and Joe just came back from a scouting Mission to the world above. They found the mall! We've got clothes, blankets, food, everything! We might go back later, they could only carry so much."

"That's Great!!!!" T.K. said, letting his cold look slip, and smiling , his eyes full of joy.

"Absolutely fantastic!" Kari said, half about the care package, and half about T.K.'s smile.

"Yep, we are gonna eat tonight! They got every kind of canned and dry food you could think of!"

Tai said, when ever T.K. does let his shield down, it sort of surprises Tai, as he begins to forget how caring T.K. once was.

Kari and T.K. turned to each other "Food!!!!" they both exclaimed.

T.K. picked Kari up and swang her around ending the ride with a hug.

T.K. realized he was smiling, and quickly restored his cold, dark look that he had grown so used to. Putting Kari down , he said

"Let's hurry and help keep things orderly. If we want to eat, we have to be fair to everyone, come on Kari."

Kari frowned a little, seeing her dear friend resort back to they icy stare. Tai notice this, he knew how much his sister cared for T.K. , but this made him wonder if that was a bad thing. They just got more supplies than they had ever had at one time, and his sister was actually frowning. He knew it was because of 'her Takeru' . 'I must speak with him later' Tai thought 'make sure he doesn't hurt my sister'.

T.K. and Kari ran over to help their fellow Digidestined control the crowd , with Tai close behind. As his sister and her dear friend helped tame the crowd, Tai looked at the sorry group of people, huddling around a small collection of cardboard boxes.

'Heh....' he thought to himself 'Who would believe we once were in control of the world? We act as a community until something good comes along in small quantities, then it's everyone for themselves. We are savages.' He then notice his comrades, the other Digidestined. ' Hope is still not lost' he thought, as he saw them calming the crowd,

"Everyone please! If you back away, we can organize these goods! Everyone will get their fair share! We need you to cooperate with us!"

That was Sora. 'Oh Sora' Tai thought to himself 'So beautiful, and so strong . You always remind me why I love you so.' The young women Tai cared so deeply for took control with ease. 'She's sweet and powerful. A perfect combination.' Tai walked over to his fellow isolated people , and assisted in the sorting of the newly acquired materials.

Later that night.....

T.K. smiled in his sleep 'At least he has sweet dreams' Matt thought , staring at his little brother. He had begun to fear for his brother. He was always detached, sad looking. 'No, not sad...' Matt thought 'emotionless. But now, in his slumber, he smiles. If only he could always be that happy... Oh, little Bro, to lose both of them, Mom and Dad..... and right before your young eyes... and I've been no help. I've become so silent. I hardly talk. You must feel like you've lost me too.' Matt sighed, thinking of all the pain T.K. endured in these last 12 years. 'You were only a little kid, you weren't prepared for any of this. Starting tomorrow, I'll try to remember that you need me now, I'll try to be your brother again.' "Sweet dreams, bro" Matt whispered to the blond teen sleeping in front of him.

T.K. awoke with a start. He looked around, he saw his brother sleeping uneasily in the corner, he saw Kari and Tai putting out a sorry excuse for a fire, he saw figures all around him, tossing and turning in their sad world of dreams. 'It was just a dream....'T.K.'s smile fell at his thought. 'Why? Why? It would have been perfect! It was the most beautiful future. Me, a writer! Writing all of our adventured in a hit book series. Kari , a teacher! Her dream come true. Matt , an astronaut! The Digital world and our world living in a perfect balance with each other, thanks to Tai. Ken and Yolei , married with three kids, Ken a detective. Sora a fashion designer, married to my brother; Cody a lawyer, Joe a Digimon doctor, Izzy a scientist, Mimi with a cooking show, everyone achieved their dreams! And, Davis.......... poor Davis. He was alive, and well. His 'noodle cart' a success. Our Digimon were all there! This dream... Why? Why do I always have this dream? Why can't it leave me alone. I would love for it to be true, but it's an impossible future. Why couldn't that be a true future? Why instead do we have this?' T.K. felt the familiar sting as tears once again dropped from his eyes.'No, I don't cry' he thought, wiping away the salty droplets 'Not anymore'.

Kari looked into her brothers caring brown eyes. She looked forward to their special evening talks, almost as much as her time with T.K. She smiled, and turned away to look at her Takeru. He was sleeping peacefully when he suddenly awoke, she turned quickly. 'Hope he didn't see me staring' She thought 'how embarrassing that would have been! Shame on you, Kari! Watch where you look! What would he have thought?'It was now she realised her brother had been talking to her

"........tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Ummm.... sorry, what? I'm real sorry Tai, I kind of zoned out... I'm listening now, so what about tomorrow?"

"Forget about it Kari, you best get to sleep now, we will continue this in the morning."

"No, no. I was being rude, yes, and I'm sorry about that, but we can talk now. I promised I'll pay attention"Kari gave her brother a little puppy dog look.

"Hah ha! Okay then. I was just asking if you think you and T.K. could join us tomorrow on a scouting mission."

"Oh, sure! I'll have to ask T.K. , but I've never seen him turn down a mission."

"Great! We could use the extra hands." Tai said, as his sister yawned " Now, you should get some rest if your coming tomorrow, you'll need your strength."

"Yes , commander Tai" His sister mocked, standing and bowing to her brother "10-4!"she said, as she saluted.

Tai laughed at his sisters antics. "Good night, soldier" He said, saluting right back at her, playing right into her joke. He got up , and they went their separate ways.

As Kari Headed back to her sleeping bag, she notice T.K. was still up. He looked worried. She wandered over to him.

"What's the matter Takeru?" She asked, puzzled by his attitude.

"I....... no.... It doesn't matter Kari. Let's just drop it."

"No, I will not just drop it. You're worried, something's wrong. Just tell me, and I can help." Kari said , making sure not to let herself get too loud. No need to wake everyone up.

"It was.............that dream....." T.K. said, ending in a whisper so haunting, and so quiet, Kari had to strain to hear him.

"Oh.........T.K.,You must push it far into the back of your mind! That dream, it upsets you so... I can't stand seeing you like this!"She brushed his golden locks off his face, letting her hand linger a bit too long.

T.K. smiled "Sorry Kari"he said, taking her hand from his face and holding it tight with both of his. "It's just seeing Davis........ it brings that night back to me........ that awful night when my life collapsed"His eyes seemed empty as T.K. seemed to leave for a moment , remembering that night:

"Mom?" T.K. said, popping his head in the door.

"Yes T.K.? What are you doing home so early? I thought you were spending the night at Davis' house."His mom replied, looking a little worried.

"Well, something happened. We don't know what, but I think I might be out for a bit longer. We do know whatever is happening it's dangerous. A bunch of evil Digimon are on the loose."He said, stepping inside.

"Oh dear! I hope My lil' Koromon is okay... He went missing earlier today. I've been so worried!"She said, holding her hands tightly together.

"I'll keep my eyes out for him, but I thought it would be best if Dad stayed with you right now... if you don't mind."T.K. replied

"Of course not T.K.! It would actually be better with him here! I'm always so worried about you boys, and I know he is too."She sat down.

"Great! Come on in Dad!"T.K. called into the hallway of the apartment building.

"Don't Worry T.K.! I'll look after her."His Dad told him.

"Come on T.K.!" Davis said, he was now standing in the door way.

"Oh Davis! Hello there! I know you boys are in a rush, but please, have a little snack before you leave. Who knows how long you boys will be out? I don't have much, there might be some cookies in the cabinet there."

"Mom, we really must go..."

"Oh, come on T.K.! Just a quick snack couldn't hurt!"Davis said, as he rushed over to the kitchen. T.K. laughed.

"Okay, but hurry Davis! Just grabbed some to take with us" Davis looked up from stuffing his face. He looked sort of puzzled.

"What's the matter Davis?" T.K. Said. But it was then he too heard a noise.

"You hear that T.K.?" Patamon said from atop the boys hat.

"Yep. Better Digivovle buddy, just in case."

"Patamon Digivovle to.... Angemon"

"Go see what's up!"

"Got ya T.K.!"Angemon said.

"Honey, is that really necessary?" His Mother asked. He smiled.

"Hopefully not, but you can never be too careful."Davis returned to eating, and stuffing cookies in his pockets when Angemon came back in, looking rather calm.

"Not to worry, the attacks a long way from here. We're safe." It was then the sky outside the window turned scarlet red.

"Oh....... Fuc....." then everything blackened out.

T.K. awoke much later in an overstuffed hospital. Over and over in his head he saw, from a distance, his mother, father and friends Davis and Angemon screaming as the red light burned them into charred blackened skeletons, which then turned to piles of ash. He couldn't stop screaming, it took five hospital attendants to restrain him.

He shuddered at the memory. It wasn't until he calmed down a little that he was told the rest of the Digidestined's stories. He was out for a week. In that week, the end came. All the Digidestined Digimon were destroyed , yet only T.K. had to witness the destruction of his dear friend. Two of Yolei's brothers were killed, Tai and Kari lost their Aunt, Uncle, and three cousins who had lived in the area. Izzy lost his mother. Joe lost his brother, Jim. Cody's grandpa died. Sora and Ken don't know about their families, as only them and their parents lived here, and the phone lines were the first thing to go. The most horrid thing was told to him last, T.K.'s entire family, were killed. The only two survivors of the family were T.K. and Matt. 'He might as well be dead' T.K. thought 'hasn't said one word to me since I woke up that day in the hospital.' T.K. had made it out of the explosion in his apartment by plain luck , he was just far enough away to avoid the bulk of the blast, and Angemon was standing directly in front of T.K., so he took most of the impact. 'The doctor said I was lucky' T.K. thought bitterly 'Who would ever call this luck?' He looked at the most unpleasant surroundings he had been forced to called home for a gruelling six months now.

T.K. turned back to the girl who had been comforting him.


She looked at him, she knew he needed to speak with Matt, she knew he needed his brother 'Sorry T.K., hope I'll do for now'

"T.K. lets go for a walk, okay? It will clear our heads "

"Oh....okay Kari. A walk does sound good" He smiled, he knew she loved it when he did that, and maybe if he was smiling , she wouldn't worry about him ' I hate the way I'm a burden to her'

"I'll go tell Tai, I know he's still up. Be right back"she said. She kissed his hands, which were still holding hers. He let go of her hand, and watched as she got up to talk to her brother. 'She's so lucky' He thought, realizing he was actually jealous of Kari 'I wish I could just go over and talk to my brother. Every time I try to talk to Matt he just replies with grunts and nods.' T.K. sighed as he got up 'Well, at least I still got Kari, and she's all I really need' He saw the young women come walking back towards him, with a small smile on her face.

"I guess that means were okay to go?"

"Come on, let get going before Tai changes his mind."

"Okay, Lil' Lady"T.K. said, making Kari giggle. He smiled a little. "Let's blow this pop stand!"

"What does that mean? What's a pop stand?"Kari asked.

"You know... I have no clue....... They always say it in the movies....... " T.K. said, scratching his head. She laughed. He quickly covered her mouth in order to muffle her hysterics, people were beginning to stir around them. He smiled, just to let her know he wasn't mad or upset that she laughed. No one was suppose to be up, let alone talking so loudly. She got control of herself, and removed his hand.

"Come on!"Kari said, making sure to whisper, still snickering, as she pulled him towards the 'door way'.

"Okay, okay!" He muttered back, as he allowed her to practically drag him out.

Well, that's Chapter one...... I believe it's enough for now. Questions? Comments? Complaints? Some things to make perfectly clear right now:

Davis is Dead. I'm not bringing him back. I'm sorry if anyone likes him, he's gone. He needs to be for my story to work. I know it's unlikely for T.K. to have survived, but he did. It's a miracle!!!!!! Let's leave it as a miracle. The reason the Evil Digimon just haven't gone down into the sewers and killed them is because....... •They're stupid •They don't know that they are down there •They just don't care

Which ever one works for you.

Okay then. Oh! And sorry about killing Jim, I know some people liked him.... but someone in Joe's family had to die, and Jim came to mind. I think that's all for now! See ya next chapter! (I hope....)

,Neko Kamiya

This has been in memory of those Anime guys who have gone into the never ending world of reruns ...Heero ..Duo... Trowa.. Van.. Faulken .....Tai....T.K... Matt.... Izzy..... love ya boys!