Reira awoke and found both Kougyoko and Kouha next to her. She shrugged and got up from where she lay. Looking in the mirror, she took note of the intricate styling of her hair. And by intricate, she meant complete disaster. Half was all over the place and half was plaited down neatly. Her eye twitched and she walked out of the room. She looked back once more before she exited. The two siblings were really something.

"I hope they treated you well," Kouen interrupted her thoughts of peace.

Turning around, she looked at him. He looked immaculate. Ever since she came here, she could never think of a time he didn't look like that.

"And good morning to you too, Prince," she smirked. "Is something wrong?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," he replied. "You're here and I am still in the dark as to why I should let you be here. You are quite strong, and that was already established, but right now, you have served no purpose."

"Then I will serve a purpose. You just haven't given me a task yet," she responded.

"Accompany me to the West. My army needs refreshments and back-up," he said.

"Uh, sure…," she shrugged.

"Be ready in 20 minutes," he added.

"Wow, way to give lengthy notice," Reira rolled her eyes and headed in the other direction.

Kouen, on the other hand, was still in the dark as to what Reira could do. She was enigmatic and his desire was to strip her of it. He was not comfortable with ignorance. He would definitely up root Reira's mysteries.


Reira got ready. It wasn't every day you could accompany a prince on a mission. She gazed at her form in the mirror.

"Now this won't do," she smirked. Currently, she sported the form of a girl. It was most convenient for her. If she went around as a young woman, her boobs would get in the way. And if she sported an old woman's form, you could guess what disasters would occur. Reira activated her ability which changed into an older version of herself. Her hair got longer. Yes, that was definitely possible. Her features became sharper and more defined. However, her clothes became really tight.

"I need to get into something a bit more fitting," she mumbled. She didn't bring any clothes with her, so she was forced to wear what the palace had. Since she was going on the battle field, her only option was war clothes. It didn't bother, though. It wasn't as if she was one to care for looks. Lastly, she allowed her hair to fall loosely onto her shoulders. It was crimped from the work that Kouha and Kougyoko attempted to do. Reira brushed it up in one and continuously wrapped it around so it formed a huge, neat bun.

"Miss Reira," one of the maids addressed her. Upon seeing her in an older form, the maid was shocked. "Uhh…" she stuttered.

"It's alright," Reira assured the bewildered maid. "I won't bite. Come in."

"Yes," she bowed and set the clothes on the edge of the bed. Reira took them up and examined them.

"I would have preferred something a bit more easily to move in, but this could do," she nodded.

The maid turned around and allowed Reira to change. It didn't take long.

"You can turn around now," Reira told the maid. "How do I look?"

"Y-you, you look very nice," the maid complimented.

"Thanks," Reira replied, "I really think the colour suits me."

Reira donned a purple and black kimono. It showed off her necklace and it matched her eyes. It showed that she actually had curves. Reira's hips were bigger than her chest size.

"Here," the maid pushed some sandals towards her.

"No thanks," she declined. "I'd like to go without shoes for this one."

The maid looked puzzled, but said nothing.


"Sorry I'm late," Reira apologized from behind the group of awaiting soldiers.

"Yeah right," Judal was the first to retaliate. "You did that on purpose." He didn't notice her current form for he wasn't looking at her.

"Oh Judal, you tsundere," she teased while putting an arm around him. "Just admit you've warmed up to me and all your frustration will be eased."

Judal's eyes opened quite widely as he removed her arm from around him.

"You witch! Get your…" his voice trailed as he saw her. "What the hell? Who are you?"

"I'm Reira," she smiled and stuck her hand out. "And you must be Judal."

"Quit playing around, witch," he slapped her hand away.

"Geez Judal, you're extra mean today," she pouted. "Yesterday you called me an old woman. Do I look that old to you?"

Judal growled.

"Alright," Kouen's voice captured the attention of everyone except Reira. "We will be heading to the West. There will most likely be dangerous encounters. We're up against many." The speech continued and Reira picked at her nails. Speeches didn't really interest her. They were used to build people's hopes and bravery up, but she didn't need that. What brought her back to earth was the moving of the soldiers. She didn't know where they were headed, and she didn't care. She just went with the flow of things. She spotted the back of Kouen's head. Reira guessed he already forgot about her. It was only natural. Reira then looked at the back of Judal. He walked with his hands behind his head. To her, he was quite carefree, but at the same time, he was quite powerful. He was a magi after all. Kouen stopped and looked back. He motioned for his troops to keep moving. This caught Reira's attention and before she knew it, she was right next to the Prince. He didn't look surprised to see her as a young woman.

"Well hello again, Prince Kouen," she faked a smile. "And why have you decided to walk beside me? Certainly you don't think I'm untrustworthy." She kept her weird smile up.

"Because nothing much is known of your abilities, I am just keeping my troops safe by keeping an eye on you," he replied.

"I see," she put a finger to her chin. "So, is there anything you want to ask me?"

"No," he responded, "You actions will do the talking."

"Is that so," she smirked. "You're an action man then."

"Whatever you choose to call it," he brushed off her comment.

No matter how much she tried, Reira just couldn't get inside his head. Nothing got this man frustrated.

"Alright, Prince," she said.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. When it was time to board the ship, Reira was given a cabin nest to his. She found it surprising that no one questioned this. Shrugging, she sat down on the small bed and enjoyed the ride. She didn't need to be on the deck, so she decided to chill behind the scenes. Someone knocked on her door.

"The door's open," she called out.

"Lord Kouen has sent me to tell you that we will be docking shortly," the soldier relayed the message.

"Yeah, thanks," Reira replied. It surprised her that they were already on land. That was pretty quick.

Sighing, she stood and made her way to the deck. There, the soldiers were marching off. She joined them and for fun, mimicked their actions. Kouen looked at her as if waiting for her to stop. She just rolled her eyes and hopped off.

Everyone gathered around the Prince and Judal wandered off.

"Since it is late, we will have to set up camp in a suitable place," he said. Reira spaced out again and came back to earth when the troops began moving.

As instructed, they found a suitable place and everyone divided the tasks accordingly. Reira, however, decided that it was time for her to take a bath. If it was one thing she loved, it was bathing. She wandered off. At first, it was all bush and trees, but she was certain that a stream was nearby. They always were and as she walked a few feet, she found something even better; a lake. It was clear and if there were any monsters, she had no doubt Verum would take care of it.

After looking around to make sure no one followed her, she slipped out if the kimono and dove feet first into the water. It wasn't that bad, for it wasn't cold, and it wasn't hot. She allowed her hair to be submerged in the water.

Back at the camp, Kouen noticed she was gone. It didn't surprise him, even though Reira was full of surprises. Instead, he left the camp in Judal's hands and went on to locate her. She couldn't have gone that far. From what he'd heard, she went south. He walked in that direction. Letting her out of his sight could be a grave mistake. As he went further down, he noticed that there was clothing items draped over one of the trees ahead of him. He ignored them and walked further until he came upon a lake. He walked to its bank and surveyed until his eyes landed on Reira. Her long black hair obscured him from seeing her full naked body. Currently, she was drying herself. Kouen was not fazed by this. He'd seen naked women before, but as a gentleman, he turned around.

"I see you abandoned post to do this," he spoke first.

Reira didn't bother to turn around. "And good night, Prince."

"As a soldier of mine, you are under my submission. That means you need to keep me updated on your whereabouts," he turned around and walked up to her.

He was so close; Reira could feel his breath tingling her neck.

"Yes, sir," she said, but didn't move an inch. Both of them stood like that for a while. That was until Verum decided to transform. He could feel his sister's emotion and he didn't like it one bit.

Reira sighed as many magoi surrounded her brother. Now he was gonna use up her magoi just to do something reckless. Kouen stood and watched with interest as Reira's brother manifested himself. Luckily, Verum was fully clothed in a robe. His black hair fell n his shoulders and his bangs covered half his face. His visible tanzanite colored iris look a lot like Reira's. From the opening of his robe, you could tell he was well built.

"Well, what a surprise," Reira dryly commented. "Uh… Ryder, what are you doing out? You know that with you being out it drains my magoi." Reira couldn't call Verum by his name in front of Kouen. Then he'd know fully of her origins and that wasn't what she wanted… at least not yet.

Verum picked up a nearby rock and threw it at Kouen. The |Prince easily dodged it and looked at his opponent.

"Okay Ryder, quit it. Even though I'd love to see you beat the crap out of somebody, I wouldn't recommend it be this guy. We don't want any bloodshed," Reira calmed her brother. "Now, could you please go back to sleep. I'm getting kind of weary."

"You and I both know you have more than enough magoi to sustain me," Verum spoke.

"Come on, buddy. Let's go. He isn't a threat," Reira impatiently tapped her feet.

Verum and Kouen had a short stare down.

"Not yet, at least," Verum spoke and then complied with Reira's wishes.

Reira sighed yet again. "Sorry, Ryder can be quite protective of me at times."

"It's no fault of yours," Kouen rationally replied.

Kouen allowed her to dress herself and they both walked back to camp.

"I know you have more questions about Ryder," Reira said.

"That would only be logical," he simply replied.

"Let's just say he's my helper. I guard him and he guards me," she shrugged.

"You're holding information back," he noted.

"It's mine to with hold," Reira responded.

Kouen did not reply and the two walked in silence until they came upon the camp.

"Take over the watch," Kouen ordered her.

"Don't you know a girl needs her beauty sleep?" she jokingly questioned.

"I'll be out in a minute to join you," he replied, ignoring her question.

Reira rolled her eyes. Verum decided to try to communicate with her.

'Why are we even with this guy?' Verum asked

'We're in it for the ride, my brother,' Reira cryptically answered. 'Why did you come out?'

'I'd be a retard if I couldn't feel how you were feeling,' Verum replied. 'I don't want you ending up in anyone's bed.'

'And what makes you think I wanted to sleep with him? As a guy, you wouldn't understand anything,' Reira replied and then tuned Verum out.

Kouen sat opposite to Reira.

"My hypothesis is that you can stay awake longer than anyone on this camp," Kouen said.

"Men always think their right. Geez. No, I sleep like everyone else," Reira replied. "Just because of my freakish abilities, you think I am some super human."

Kouen silently observed her. Her features were very pleasing to the eye. He guessed that was why she went around sporting a child's figure all the time.

"Staring is bad manners, Prince Kouen," Reira smirked. "Are you trying to figure me out?"

"You definitely are a puzzle piece. But I know it will take more than just mere observation to figure you out," he replied.

"You're a smart man," Reira complimented.

The two served their shift in relative silence. None of them fell asleep on the job. They passed the baton to another pair and went to sleep.


Good day, everyone. I know this may be very awkward, since I haven't updated in forever. Honestly, if it were not for Rika Megami, I would not have posted at all. She's the best and she's also an inspiration. I made her wait for a long time and I'm really sorry. Anyway, I thank all of you have reviewed, followed or favorite. You have been an encouragement as well.