Nine months later, the Winchesters are getting by pretty well. Mary is dealing with Cas being "sick" basically while Sam and Dean continue to research and come up blank. Nothing, seriously. Every time they follow up on a report that seems plausibly supernatural, it winds up being nothing. Other hunters report the same thing. Sam has a hard time believing it's permanent, but Dean has convinced himself that Mary has brought a new world order or something. Either way, the most important thing for them right now is keeping Mary happy and safe, and then having the next baby.

"You're gonna be okay doing it by yourself?" Dean asks.

"Yes," says Cas. He's on the bed with his maternity gown hiked up over his bulging stomach. It's time, he thinks, but without Gabriel to help out Dean is rather concerned. "I'm afraid that the light from our baby being born will be dangerous for you. That's a risk I refuse to take."

"Well," Dean says with a sigh. He tries to smile and runs his palm over the top of Cas' head. "Guess I can't argue with that."

"If it makes you feel better, then you should ask Mary to wait out front and be available in case I need her assistance. I know she can handle such a task if it's necessary."


Cas touches his stomach and takes a deep breath. "We're ready." Reluctantly, Dean nods and gives Cas a gentle kiss. He touches his hands one at a time then gets up from the bed. "I'll be right by the door, okay? We'll all be by the door." Dean reminds and Cas confirms it with a nod. One more kiss and he leaves Cas to take care of what he needs to do. Mary and Sam are waiting, sitting in the hallway.

"Is he ready?" Sam asks.

"Y-yeah," Dean tells him. He seems tense as he squats down between Sam and Mary. The girl takes a hold of Dean's arm and squeezes it. "Is Mama going to be okay?" she asks softly.

"He'll be fine," Dean tries to reassure her. "I bet. He can do it."

Sam looks at Mary across his brother and gives her a confident smile. "Of course he can, he's Cas. Cas can handle anything. Your mom is real strong."

Mary takes that information and feels better. She cuddles up against Dean and closes her eyes. He runs his fingers through her hair and repeats Sam's words to her in a whisper, "Yeah, your mom is real strong." Delivery begins shortly thereafter.

It lasts for about fifteen minutes. All things considered that isn't very long, however the sounds of Cas as he rips into himself and extracts the child; grunting, whining, straining and even occasionally howling is both horrifying and painful to the family waiting outside. Dean feels so helpless and Mary is worried. Sam is mostly upset because Dean and Mary are, since he understands Cas' ability more than they do. But then the sounds cease. Dean wonders if it's actually over or not, but after they sit and listen carefully for a moment it's clear that the baby is out. Dean gets up and tells his family to wait until he clears it, then goes to the door and carefully steps in. His heart is racing.

"I'm done, Dean…"

Dean comes inside and sees Cas relatively relaxed on the bed, though the sheets are stained with copious amounts of blood. He flinches at first but as soon as his eyes fall on how peaceful and serene Cas looks, holding the little bundle that's cradling itself in silvery wings, he smiles. He walks right up to the bed, sits down on the blood and slides an arm around Cas' shoulders. They kiss then he looks down at the baby.

"Boy?" Dean asks. His voice is soft through heavy breathing.

"I told you that already."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just making sure."

Cas smirks and gives Dean another kiss. The baby wiggles in his mother's arms. Dean takes his free hand and gently strokes over tiny, frail wings, running his thumb through a couple feathers. "He's beautiful," Dean whispers.

"He is," Cas agrees softly. "Do you still want to use the original name idea?"

A very pleased smile stretches across Dean's face and he lightly touches the baby's cheek. He reacts slightly by turning towards the finger. "Yeah," says Dean. "Bobby."

"I thought you said Robert?"

"Well, same thing. But I'd rather call him Bobby."

"Mmm," Cas agrees. He rests his head against Dean's shoulder. "Bobby Winchester. I do like that."

"Yeah, right?" Dean chuckles. Bobby's lips bubble and he flutters his eyelids. "Hey! Look!"

"Ohh," Cas inhales. They stare at Bobby and watch as his lids bat slowly while they attempt to open. Dean's mouth drops. "Look, look! Mary didn't open her eyes for a while! Holy shit!"

Bobby can't see very well but he appears to focus on Cas a little. He hums and Cas smiles. "My baby boy," the angel whispers and holds the baby closer. "Hold him, Dean."

The father takes his child in his arms for the first time and swaddles him right to his chest. Bobby stares through his rumpled, grumpy newborn baby face at Dean and bubbles his lips gently. "He's already so different than Mary," Dean notes. "That's pretty cool."

"You should bring in Mary and Sam."


Dean gets up carefully and carries Bobby over to the door. Without opening it, he says, "You guys can come in now."

Shortly thereafter does it open to let Mary and Sam inside. Sam smiles and looks down at the baby. "Wow," he says. "He's gorgeous."

"Can I see?" Mary asks from her low position. Dean smirks and squats down to show her Bobby. Mary gasps and opens her eyes real wide. "He's so small!"

"Hahah, yeah, he is," Dean says, chuckling. "But he'll grow. Can you imagine you were this big eight years ago?"

"I've seen the pictures," Mary says.

"Here, why don't you hold him?" Dean offers. Mary looks shocked.


"Sure, why not? Just be gentle. And hold his head up like I'm doing. Here."

He slowly shifts the baby over into Mary's arms, which steadily hold him and his wings in a little bundle. Bobby looks up at Mary and coos gently. A teeny tiny sine-wave comes from Bobby and Mary sends one back. Dean gets back to his feet and glances over at a very tired Cas with a smile. They're children are communicating and that's a pretty beautiful thing.

"He knows I'm his sister," Mary says quietly.

"'Course he does. He's a smart little Winchester, just like you," Dean tells her, smirking. "Bring him back to mama now, okay?"


They all return to the bed and Dean sits next to Cas, taking Bobby back from the girl and giving him to Cas, who holds and looks upon him with a beaming, blushing face. "Our first boy," Cas hums. Dean gives him a kiss on the lips which lasts a little longer than expect. Sam clears his throat. "So you're going to keep him in here for the first couple days, right?" he asks.

"Yes," says Cas. "In fact, I was considering moving the crib into our room." The original plan was to have it in Mary's room, so he could experience her special ceiling. "Do you mind, Dean?"

"Nah, that's fine. Whatever makes you happy. I know how much you liked to have Mary close after she was born."

"Indeed," Cas agrees. He closes his eyes and nuzzles against Dean, smiling blissfully. Bobby appears to be falling asleep as well. Dean leans his head to Cas' and yawns.

"Well," Sam interrupts. "I think we'll leave you three alone for a while. What do you say, Mary? Give them some time to themselves?"

"Very well," says Mary. "I want to see my brother more, but I understand."

"Hey, you have the whole rest of your life with him and he isn't going anywhere. Your parents need a chance to cool down."

Mary nods and follows Sam out of the bedroom so that Dean and Cas can enjoy their just-born moments. In fact, Sam has something planned for Mary.

"I need to show you a really important thing," he says.


"Yes. It's fulfilling a promise I made when you were about as old as Bobby."


Sam goes down to his room and Mary follows closely behind. "Yes."

"Who did you promise?" Mary asks. They enter and Sam goes to his desk, where he pulls the bottom drawer and sorts through some papers. Near the very back is a rolled up piece of parchment. He takes a deep breath, removes it from the drawer then turns around and hands it to Mary. "This is for you," he says. "I think you're old enough to appreciate things now."

"What is it?"

"Read it."

Looking mildly confused, Mary unrolls the paper and reads it aloud. It's in Enochian of course. "Camliax c Sam de ol. Zirdo Gabriel; Ol gaha od ol gahalana."

Sam sighs to himself. He wonders if it's worth asking Mary what it means or if she should keep it to herself.

"Who is Gabriel?" she asks.

"Well, he's, well…he's another uncle of yours."

"Really?" She looks surprised. "So then I will meet him?"

"I don't think so," Sam says, shaking his head sadly. He feels shitty.

"But this says I will."

Sam perks up. "What?"

"It says 'I am Gabriel; I existed and I will exist.'"


Mary nods. "That is what it says. Do you like Gabriel?"

"Yes, a whole lot."

"Did he go away?"


Mary puts the paper down on top of the desk and gives Sam a hug. "But you will see him again." Sam hugs back. He hugs back and kisses the top of Mary's head, wondering if the note implies he will see Gabe or if it's only for Mary.


Four Years Later…

A beautiful and unseasonably warm March afternoon melts into a calm evening in Lebanon, Kansas. A cheap rental car comes casually down the gravel and parks out in front of the Men of Letters' bunker. The ignition is turned off, trunk is popped and Sam Winchester steps out. He goes around to the back and takes a large suitcase out before heading inside the bunker.

"Uncle Sammy!"

As soon as Sam comes inside the foyer he's greeted by a preteen girl, running at him with her arms wide open. She has wavy brown hair down to the middle of her back and a big, beautiful smile on her face. Sam drops his suitcase and hugs his niece tightly.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Mary. Where's mom, dad and Bobby?"

"They're coming. Did you bring us anything?"

"How could I forget?" Sam smiles and releases Mary from his strong hug. He looks her in the eyes and says, "Have you been getting out more? Look at all of the freckles on you. Just like your dad."

"I've been teaching Bobby all about nature."

"That's cool!"

As they talk, a skinny little boy with sandy blond hair comes toddling down towards them. "Uncle Sammy!" he shouts.

"He-ey, Bobby! How have you been?"

"Missed you!"

Sam grabs the four year old and gives him a hug. "Have you been good for your mama and daddy?"

"Yeah, I'm always good!"

"Where are they?"


Mary puts her hands on her hips and sassily says, "So get this." Sam chuckles. "What?"

"Bobby has a new and very annoying bad habit!"

"Oh, yeah? What's that?"

Bobby grouches at Mary. "I have no bad hobbits!"

"Habits, Bobby, habits."

"Okay, okay, what's the habit?"

Mary rolls her eyes. "He thinks it's funny to sing with dad."

Sam laughs real loud. He gets back up to his feet and tousles Bobby's hair. "That's, well, it's annoying but it's not a bad habit."

"It's so annoying!" Mary yelps.

"Hahah, I hate to say it but you'll probably have to get used to it, Mary."


Right on cue come Cas and Dean. Cas is pregnant with what they have decided to be the last child, six months yet already huge. He waddles through his maternity gown as Dean holds his hand tightly. They see Sam and smile big.

"Yooo Sammy," says Dean. "How was your little trip?"

"It was a fairly big trip," Cas corrects.

"I know, just sayin'."

Sam takes his suitcase again and starts to walk further into the bunker. "I'm going to take this to the table so I can get your presents."

"Yay! Thank you, Uncle Sammy!" Mary cheers, following. Bobby toddles behind them and howls, "Awesome!"

Sam puts his luggage onto the table in the main room and unzips it. Dean comes up behind him and peeks his head around. "Sooo?" he asks.

"What?" Sam asks. He looks at his brother and adds, "I see you finally shaved."

"I decided it was time to move on from wolf-man. And wifey likes the baby-face anyway, right?" Cas smiles and gives Dean a hug. "Baby-face," he says in a low growl.

"Is that a grey hair?" Sam asks.

"No!" Dean shouts, clasping his hands to the top of his own head. "Shut up!"

Sam laughs as he pulls a plump plastic bag out of his suitcase and starts to root through it. Bobby manages to climb up one of the chairs and springs up and down. "Is it for me?! Is it for me?!"

"I have things for you and Mary," says Sam. He hands a pullback car to Bobby and then a t-shirt to Mary. "Here. We were in DC for a few days."

"DC? The capital?" Mary asks, opening up the shirt. "Thank you!"

"Yes, exactly."

"Yeaah!" Bobby cheers. He runs the car across the table and makes engine revving noises.

"That's my boy," Dean says with a chuckle. "Say thanks to Sammy."

"Thanks, bitch."


"Thanks, Sammy."

"You're welcome, Bobby. Here are some things from Mount Vernon."

"Ooh," Mary coos. She takes a couple small trinkets from Sam and looks mesmerized by them. "Thank you!"

"Soooo?" Dean asks, peeking around Sam's side again. "What's up with the chick?"

Sam rolls his eyes. "The chick is a woman. And she's fine."

"Oh, yeah? Fine or fi-ine?"

"She's fine."

"And your stupid job?"

"Hey, hey, just because I've decided to pursue a real, legal career doesn't mean you have to get crappy about it. Do you realize how much money I've made over the last couple months?"

Dean plops down on a chair and pulls Cas into his lap. He puts his arms around him and his hands on the big tummy. "Nope."

"Well, it's a lot. And by the way, who has been doing work for other hunters' cars in the garage here, huh?"

"I'm just helping out friends. It's rough for us hunters these days, you know? Nothing for us to do anymore."

"Helping out friends all day and getting paid," Sam says, raising his eyebrows. "Sounds like a job to me."

"Sounds like a job to me," Dean parrots in a whiny voice.

"Sounds like a job to me," Bobby also says.

"That isn't very nice, Robert," Cas tells his son. "Just because Sam and daddy still act like children doesn't mean you should copy them."

"Meh," Bobby grunts. He keeps playing with his new, super-exciting toy car. Dean grins at Bobby then turns his eyes onto his brother again and smirks. "So are things getting pretty serious with this chick?"


"You gonna tell her about what you used to do? You know, before Mary here saved the world."

Sam looks at Mary and smiles but then turns back to Dean and frowns. "If we really get that serious, I'm going to have to tell her. But right now I'm playing it cool."

"Alright, alright," Dean grunts. He starts putting kisses on Cas' neck. "You gonna tell her—muah—about your brother's—muah-sexy angel wife?"

"I just said I'm playing it cool. In time, Dean, in time." He rolls his eyes again but then he looks at Cas and smiles. "So has the baby been communicating to you yet?"

"No," Cas says, shaking his head. Bobby keeps making engine noises. "I expect he or she to do so any moment, though." He looks back and Dean, blushing. "I'm excited."

"Have you picked names yet?" Sam asks.

Dean jerks his head and rubs Cas' stomach more. "If it's a girl, we're thinkin' Ellen." Cas nods and Sam likes how that sounds. "We think it's a worthy name."

"I agree," says Sam. "And if it's a boy?"

Dean presses his lips together and puts his chin on Cas' shoulder. He's mysteriously silent and Sam narrows his eyes. "What?" he asks. Dean smirks and looks away. "What?!"

"We were thinking Sam," says Cas.

"Oh," Sam gasps. He pauses for a moment, face flat in emotion. Bobby's engine noises stop and he looks at Sam. "Sam?"

"Sam Winchester Junior," Dean chuckles. "What'd'ya think?"

Sam closes his eyes and smiles. "Thank you," he murmurs.

"But that's only if it's a boy and we dunno what it is yet," Dean follows up. He starts to kiss Cas' neck again and the angel giggles, blushing. "Mmmm, we're so good at making babies."

"I guess you've been practicing a lot while I was gone?" Sam asks, laughing to himself.

"Nope. These rug rats have been taking up all our time!"

"Hey!" Bobby shouts.



"Well, how about I catch up with them and you guys take an early evening?"

Cas looks back and Dean and smiles real big. "That sounds lovely, hm?"

"Yeah, let's do that. Thanks, Sammy."

"Sure. Mary? Bobby? Do you want to hear stories about my trip?"


"Yes, please!"

Cas gets to his feet and Dean joins him, then they slowly go down to their room holding hands. "Baby you look huge," Dean remarks. They walk into the bedroom and close the door behind them. "This kids gonna be the biggest yet!"

"That's how it looks, isn't it?" The angel goes to their bed and sits down. Dean starts to get undressed.

"You sure I can fuck you?"

Cas pulls his gown off over his head and spreads his legs, ogling Dean. "Yes," he says softly. "Come here, Dean."

"Mmmm, you look hot as fuck, even with that giant belly." Dean growls at Cas like he's hunting him, springs onto his hands and knees and crawls up the bed. "Wanna eat you up."

"Then eat me," Cas sighs happily.

Dean takes both of Cas' thighs and holds them apart, giving him the perfect view of his moist, hot little hole. He dives his face between the angel's cheeks and begins to lick rapidly.

"Aah!" Cas yelps. He arches his back and grasps at the pillow behind him. "Oooh! Dean! I-it's been too long!"

"Tastes so good," Dean moans between licks. He digs his face into the hole and eats him as if it's the last thing he'll ever taste. "Mmmm…"

"Deaan! Deaaaan!" Cas shouts desperately as he pulsates his hole. The touch of Dean's touch on him is freeing, so relaxing and feels incredible. It seems no matter how many times and how many years that they make love, neither of them will ever come close to tiring. The excitement is still as intense as the first time they felt each other. "F-fuck me!"

Dean perks his head up and grins, licking his lips. "So soon? Already?"

"Y-yes! Please!"

"Heheh, alright. Needy mama." Dean sits up and stands on his knees, rubbing his thick, hard cock. He gets some lube from the nightstand and slathers it around the shaft. "Yeaaaah."

"Fuck me, Dean," Cas beckons.

"I am, I am, hold on. Here we go."

Hands back on Cas' thighs, Dean holds them gently apart and slides his dick inside Cas' hungry hole. The angel takes a deep, sharp breath the moment his husband makes his way inside and his face turns bright red. "Y-yes!" Cas shouts. "Ooh!"

Dean begins to rock his hips against Cas' ass, watching the angel's face with a smirk and his tongue between his teeth. "Take my dick, sexy mama."

"Oh, Dean, Dean! You feel good!"

"Aaah, fuck, I'm not gonna last too long!" He humps him a bit harder, trying to focus on going as long as he can, but Cas' hole is so tight and warm, hungry and pulsing that he can barely contain himself. "Oh, Cas!"


They grunt in unison, sweating a bit in such primal heat. Dean's fingernails dig into Cas' thighs as he thrusts and thrusts, growing hard and fast at an incredible rate. "SHIT!" he shouts. "AAH!" he throws his head back and lets his cock dump a big, hot load within Cas' ass.

"Ooh! Dean! Nggh! Aah!"

Still having orgasms strictly through his hole and not his cock, Cas cums at the same time, grabbing the pillows more and gasping, shouting, moaning wickedly. "Oh, Dean! Dean!"


Dean slows down and manages to lean over Cas, reaching low enough to give him a sweet, wet kiss. "Love you, Cas. Love you so much."

"Mmmm," Cas purrs. He opens his eyes and stares at Dean with stars. "I love you, Dean. My husband. My everything."

"Yeah," Dean agrees, taking Cas' cheek in one hand. He eases his cock out of the hole and, after turning off the lamp on the nightstand, lays down on his side with a thump. Cas gives his back to Dean and spoons up against him. Dean puts his arm around him and touches the sweaty stomach, touching lightly with his fingertips. "Was that good? Sorry I came so damn fast."

"I don't mind," Cas hums. "Intimacy is still intimacy."

Dean presses his lips against the back of Cas' neck, tasting the damp salt with a smile. He closes his eyes and exhales slowly. "Love you…"

"I love you…"

They lay there for a few moments, assuming that sleep is about to take them over but suddenly Cas perks up. "Oh!" he yelps.

"What? What's wrong?"

"The baby is communicating!"

Dean's eyes widen. He gropes around on the stomach in the hopes hearing the fetus as well, but of course that won't make a difference. "What's it saying? Can you tell the sex?"

"Ahh, one moment…let's…hmm…aah…" A sweet smile grows over Cas' mouth as he listens. He sends some messages back. "She. It's a girl. She's waking up and realizing that I am her maternal creator."

"Ooh, ooh another girl. Awesome!"

"Yes," Cas says with a nod. "She…ah…wait…no…a boy."

"A boy? It's a boy or a girl?"

Cas takes a deep breath. "Oh!" He looks back over his shoulder at Dean and smiles big, even though they can't see each other very well in the dark. "A boy and a girl."

"Wait, wait, wait…you mean…"

Cas nods. Dean swallows. He smiles nervously. Cas gives him a kiss and they both whisper, "twins."