chapter 1 : the death game.

Kirito stood among the 10,000 players, now trapped in his favourite game he hadn't played in a long time. Now the creator of the game had decided to trap him and so many others in this game. After a long speech on how death in this game means death in the real world, most people panicked and ran but Kirito casually walked out the other side back to the town.

Kirito just walked and stopped when a red haired boy and a cloaked girl blocked his way.

"You seem to know your way around. You must of been in the beta test." The red haired man stated.

Kirito stayed silent so the cloaked girl spoke "Come on Klein. He's not going to help us with you talking like that, dummy."

"Hey! Don't go calling me a dummy. It was my idea to have him help us in the first place." The man now known as Klein countered and moved out of Kirito's way.

As the two unknown players argued over whose idea following Kirito was, Kirito took the chance to slip away and carried on walking until he heard the familiar and already annoying "Hey!" called out to him.

Kirito turned around and gave the "What do you want look" which caused Klein to speak. "OK, look. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Klein and this is Asuna. We just want to learn how to play and not die."

Kirito shook his head and said "Find some other beta tester. Traveling with me with me will more than likely get you killed."

Hoping that would be the last of it, Kirito carried on walking. Then Asuna ran in front of him with incredible speed. "Look mister, who ever you are. My friend and I want training and you are going to give it to us the easy way or the hard way."

Asuna had the level one rapier pointed at his throat and Kirito only smirked "You know you can't heavily injure me in a town or safe zone, right?"

Asuna put her blade away and nodded, "Of course I knew that."

"Sure you did," Kirito said as he walked past Asuna. He walked a few meters before yelling, "You coming? I don't have all day."

Both Klein and Asuna ran after him.

/Hunting Grounds Nearby/

"Klein, copy Asuna. She is doing it perfectly. Just remember, timing is everything. Time your attack and the system will finish it with a skill." Kirito said.

"Stop flirting and help me God. Damn it-ahhhh!" Klein said as the bull charged into his manhood and knocked him on his ass.

"Get up Klein, you don't feel pain," Kirito said as Klein held his nuts.

"Oh you're right. Huh who knew," Klein said as he stood up and walked next to Kirito.

"Me. Now watch Asuna. See how she swings her sword at just the right time to get the perfect hit?" Kirito said as Asuna used her rapier sword skill to take out a boar.

"Yeah yeah. I see it so I do it like this?" Klein said as he draw his blade and used a sword skill to kill the boar.

"Finally. Now do the same thing with that group over there. It should be enough to get you to level 3." Kirito said pointing to a group of 15 boars.

"Wait! That fight would kill me. It's impossible." Klein said.

"Take these healing crystals and only use them when you in red, not before." Kirito said as he gifted Klein 5 healing crystals.

"Still impossible. How about you kill 30 boars then I'll kill those 15." Klein challenged.

"Deal and won't be needing these." Kirito said as he handed Klein his healing crystals.

"Hey wait" Klein called in a panic but it was too late. Kirito had attracted his target of 30 boars. As the boars charged, Kirito drew both his swords using his dual wielding skill he got from the beta. He then began his dance of death using his sword skill perfectly and killed 35 boars and lost no health. He put both of his blades away and one disappeared just like before.

Both Klein and Asuna stood shock at what Kirito had just done. Kirito was unfazed. "Right. Klein, your turn."

Klein only nodded, drew his blade, and took on the target number of boars. Asuna was left to question Kirito. "Mind telling me what that was."

"What do you mean" Kirito said.

" I mean you using two swords it's not a skill stated in the skill list." Asuna said, getting annoyed.

"It's a personal skill, just like your incredible unmatched speed and Klein's damage resistance. Some are good and can change the tide of battle. Others just help you survive and make skills easier to train." Kirito explained.

"That makes some sense but I didn't even notice my speed." Asuna said.

"Yeah. Oh by the way what level are you?" Kirito asked.

"Level um 3, halfway to 4," Asuna said.

"Great. If you haven't already, I suggest you level up. You get 5 points to put into attributes and then one 1 point to improve a sword skill or get another one. Remember don't focus on skills. Level the skill to 5 then get a second one unless you use a lot then max it to ten." Kirito said and Asuna started upgrading.

"OK my luck is at 7 and my speed is at 8 plus 20 because of my personal skill. I guess I also improved my linear skill, making it a 7 hit instead of 5. Is that good?" Asuna wondered.

"It's OK, but don't focus on luck it only increases drop chance and increases col and xp reward by 1% per point. Next l suggest you invest vitality next. It increases your max health by ten per point and at level 10 you unlock the first stage of battle healing, which is basically self healing. It's not much but better than nothing." Kirito explained.

"OK" Asuna said as she followed Kirito advice with her second level up.

By this time, Klein was back and had leveled up to level 3. "Well done Klein. Now level up put 6 points in strength and the other 4 in whatever you want and put the two sword skill points into your best suited sword skill."

Klein did as he was told and explained that he now had 11 points in strength and could carry a katana as well as being able to carry 210 items instead of the default 150. He also had upgraded his vitality so his health was 190. Finally he said that he improved his vertical sword skill to level 3 and said it did x3 the damage it did before. Happy with the improvements, Kirito led them back to town to get some food.

/Back in Town/

"Good work today guys. You are ready to fight and survive in this world." Kirito said.

"Yeah. Training with you really worked. I can't wait to continue tomorrow." Asuna said.

Kirito shook his head and said "I'm leaving for the next town tonight. You two stick together and join a guild."

"No. I'm coming with you." Asuna said in a matter of fact tone.

"No you're not. You will probably die if you follow me." Kirito said in a matter of fact tone.

"I got some friends I want to meet up with, so I'm not fussed." Klein said.

"No one asked you, Klein. Kirito, I'm coming with you even if I have to follow you." Asuna said.

"No you're not. Now goodbye," Kirito said finishing his drink and leaving.

Asuna finished her drink and followed. "Ha! I never thought I would get the chance to see a lovers quarrel" Klein said as he messaged his friends to get them to meet up the next day.

/Half an Hour Later - Halfway to the Next Town/

"Will you please stop following me?" Kirito said.

"No. I said I was coming with you and I am going to win this fight," Asuna said.

"Fine, but it's your grave." Kirito said as he walked off the path to meet his info broker and sent an invite to Asuna.

"Thank you. Now where are we going?" Asuna asked
"We are going to meet a friend of mine who knows how the location of one of my favourite swords on this floor and a certain drop in floor 5." Kirito explained.

"OK. Sounds like fun," Asuna said now walking beside Kirito as they made their way to the meeting point

A/N alright guys this is the updated version of chapter 1 brought to you by kage no kenshi, he did a really good job of going over my mistakes and improving the story i look forward to working with you for the rest of the fiction.

see you all in chapter 2.