Epilogue 3/3: All Of Me.

10 Years Later:

Ally thought that they'd stop after the twins, but life had other ideas for her. Erica and Denny were both ten and both as stubborn as the other. A year after they were born, Ally gave birth to a boy, which they'd named George. Then, two years after, she'd given birth to another boy called Zack. She then gave birth to another boy, one year later, and they'd named him Chris. Lastly, a year after that, Ally gave birth to a little girl, called Lucy.

All six of their children kept them both on their feet. Austin had quit the gang, and everyone else decided to bring their era to an end. Trish and Dez moved out three years after the twins were born, and they started their own family together. Trish gave birth to a little boy, named Jack.

Nick and Rufus both left and started their own life in the city, but they visited every weekend. Joshua was still living with them now and the kids all loved him and called him Uncle. Benjy never left and neither did Angelica. Angelica was now sixteen and Ally couldn't believe how fast she'd grown up. She was young and beautiful. She called Ally mom and Benjy her dad, and Ally didn't mind one bit. Christina stayed and Austin wasn't keane on letting her stay around the children, but they'd both agreed to be civil around one another. She'd become Ally's best friend, along with Trish and she was considered and Auntie to all her children. Wayne stayed and he had an, on, off relationship with Christina, right now they were on.

Mike visited on the weekends and Austin and him had an ongoing relationship. They were both working on their issues and trying to forget about their past. Ally always thought there was something going on between Christina and Mike, but nothing ever happened. But, Mike did find someone else. He ended up dating Trish's mom Lisa and they were both living with one another.

Oscar was getting old, but he still had life in him. He played with all the children, and he was a personal guard to them all. Ribbon was like Oscar's sidekick, because wherever he went, she went and Ally found it cute.

Ally was running around the house. The laundry basket resting on her hip and she went from room to room, collecting all the laundry. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was breaking a sweat from all the running around. It was way to hot outside and all the kids were out playing on the grass and splashing around in the water fountain.

She walked into George's room and she walked around the messy room and collected all the dirty laundry. She stepped on a piece of Lego and she screamed, dropping the laundry basket and began hopping around. She sat down quickly and looked at the bottom of her foot.

"Ah, crap!" She hissed and she looked over at the doorway to see Zack and Chris standing there.

"You gotta' put a quarter in the jar, mommy," Chris giggled and Zack pulled the jar out from behind his back and Ally rolled her eyes and pulled a quarter out of her back pocket and put it in the jar.

"You happy?" She asked raising an eyebrow and she quickly grabbed Zack and pulled him to the ground and began to tickle him. Chris ran over and jumped on her back. Ally pulled him off her back and put him down on the floor next to Zack and she began to tickle them both.

"Mommy!" They both giggled and Ally stopped, kissing the both on the head.

"Now, go outside and play," She ordered and they both smiled, racing out of the room. Ally got to her feet and she picked up the laundry basket and walked out of the room. She looked down the end of the hall to see Lucy standing there holding her teddy bear.

"You alright sweetie?" Ally asked and then Lucy screeched loudly and took off in a sprint. Ally went to run towards her, but Austin ran past Ally making roaring noises and he chased after Lucy. Ally smirked and she turned around and walked down the hall and down the staircase.

She saw Christina talking to Wayne and she smiled at them both and made her way to the laundry room. She crouched down and put the clothes into the washer and she poured the powder in and turned the dial. It came to life and Ally suddenly felt a wave of sickness come over her and she placed a hand on the washer. It disappeared and she realized she was sweating. She walked out of the laundry room and made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.

"You okay, mom?" Angelica said, taking a seat on the stool.

"Yeah, it's just the heat," Ally replied and she leaned against the counter.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked.


"I got an email this morning...from my real mom," She whispered and Ally walked over and sat down next to her.

"What does she want?" Ally asked.

"She wants to meet me, she wants me to come and live with her," Angelica explained. "I don't want to. I mean it's been years, I've got a new life, a better life, one which I'm never going to give up. Benjy's my dad and your my mom."

"You should go and meet her," Ally said. "Tell her that."

"What if she reacts badly," Angelica murmured.

"If she does, then she's not a good mom. She gave you up, she abandoned you. Now, you've got a new family, she needs to except that," Ally explained.

"I suppose," Angelica whispered. "I need to talk to dad first," She got up and left the kitchen and Ally watched her leave.

Ally felt her stomach turn and she bolted towards the sink and threw up. She heaved and spat spit out of her mouth. She refilled her glass and swirled the water around her mouth and spat it out into the metal basin.

"Mommy, are you pregnant again?" Erica ran over and wrapped her arms around her hips and hugged her tight. Erica had witnessed Ally throwing up a lot throughout all of her pregnancy's.

"I'm not sure honey," Ally whispered.

"I'll go get daddy-"

"No, I don't want to worry him. I'll take a test, then I'll tell him," Ally replied.

"I hope you are, but no more boys. I want another baby sister," Erica giggled and Ally smirked.

"Hey! Erica, I've got somethin' to show you," Denny walked in with his hand covering his other. Erica slowly walked over and he opened his hands, to reveal a spider. Erica screamed loudly and chased after him.

Ally laughed, then left the kitchen. She walked up the stairs and made her way to Austin and her's bedroom. When she walked in Austin was lying on the bed and Lucy and George were sprawled out on his chest and they were all asleep. She smiled at the sight and she walked over and kissed Erica and George on the head.

She walked into the bathroom and she opened up the cabinet and pulled out a pregnancy test. In her mind she was hoping she was, but in her heart she was praying that if she was, this would be the last one.


"Positive," Ally whispered and she sat on the edge of the bath and stared down at the pregnancy test. "No more after this," She chuckled.

There was a knock on the door and Ally shot up.

"Ally, you in there?" Austin asked and she walked over and unlocked the door and looked through the gap. "You okay?"

"Yeah," She breathed and he frowned.

"You're lying, I can tell when your lying," He said. "Let me in."

"Okay," She stepped away from the door and Austin walked in and he shut the door behind him. He stared down at the test in her hand and he looked into her eyes.

"Your pregnant?"

"Yes," She whispered and a huge smile grew on his face.

"You don't look happy about it," He replied.

"I am...I'm happy, but this is the last one. I'm putting my foot down," She stomped her foot and Austin laughed.

"Come here," He outstretched his arms and Ally stepped into his embrace. "I just love making babies with you," He muttered into her hair.

"You may, but your not the one that has to carry them for nine months and then push them out at the end of it," She grumbled and Austin laughed.

"I love you," He whispered against her ear.

"I love you too," She looked up at him and kissed him softly on the lips. He smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Even though life had it's rough moments and it seemed to throw everything it could Ally's way. She was fine with her life now, she had all her children and one on the way. She had a huge family and all the love and affection she desired.

And best of all she had Austin, and no matter what happens. She knows she'll have him for the rest of her life, because he gives her all of him and she gives him all of her.

All Of Me.

AN: That's it! That's the end :'( I love you all and I'd like to thank everyone that reviewed, everyone who followed and favorited my story and I'll hope you will stick around for Salvation and keep a look out for all of my stories.

