Hey guys! enjoy xxx

The Bond of Brothers

Chapter 1

Raphael revved his motorbike as he zoomed down the road. It was a great night for riding around, there were no cars!

But unfortunately for Raph he had been forced to take someone with him because of the amount of foot activity recently.

His first choice would've been Mikey but his baby brother had just got a new comic book and had wanted to read it, He didn't want to bring Leonardo even though his eldest brother was better to have on the back of a bike than anyone else because he could stay still and enjoy it. He thought Donatello would refuse to come because he had been excited about trying a new experiment all day but his little brother could see how desperately he wanted to go out and had decided the experiment could wait.

Raph wanted to say he was thankful but he wasn't. Donnie may have been amazing when it came to building bikes but when it came to riding them he was a nervous wreck.

He was clinging to Raph's waist tighter than necessary and he was panting heavily. It took the fun out of the ride slightly.

''Calm down Don'' Raph yelled, ''And loosen yer grip a li'l!''

''S-Sorry'' Donnie gasped but didn't loosen his grip. Raph rolled his eyes before screeching round the next corner.

Raph couldn't believe he had brought his geeky brother with him of all people!

Don tried to calm himself down but Raph's driving was pretty terrifying! He couldn't help but feel like someone was following them as well, he was sure someone was at least watching.

Raphael slowed down slightly. Donnie couldn't help himself.

He leapt off the back of the bike, Raph yelled in fright and screeched to a halt.


''Why? What did you think had happened to me?'' Donnie scoffed as he looked around himself.

''Anythin' coulda happened! You could've fallen or been caught by the foot!'' Raph hissed, ''But if yer gonna be a douche about it all then maybe next time I'll keep drivin'!''

Don shrugged.

''Sorry for scaring you'' He smiled, ''It's just..'' His expression turned serious, ''I feel like someone's following us''

''Yer just bein' paranoid'' Raph smirked before frowning. ''Either that or you were really desperate ta get off the bike''

Donnie didn't reply. He was trying to think but Raph took it the wrong way.

''YOU DID WANNA GET OFF THE BIKE!'' Raph yelled. Before Don could correct him he jumped back on the bike. ''WELL FINE! MAKE YER OWN WAY HOME!''

Raph started up the bike drove off slower than before hoping that Donnie would call him to apologise.

''RAPH!'' There was fear in the genius' voice. ''WAIT!''

Raph smirked.


''RAPHAEL! PLEASE!'' Donnie begged. Raph chuckled to himself. ''HELP! RAPHIE!''

Raph slammed the brakes on and looked round to see Donnie crumple to the ground with foot ninjas around him, they reached down to hoist him up and take him away.

''AW SHIT!'' Raph turned the bike and zoomed at the foot ninja, they leapt back and ran into the alley. Raph jumped off the bike and knelt next to Donatello.

''Donnie?'' He looked into Don's face as his eyes opened slightly. ''What did they do to you?''

''Caught me from behind'' Donne shuddered, ''I-.. I think they.. D-drugged me.. maybe… poison?... Feel….. sleepy''

''Don't go to sleep ok?'' Raph gulped. ''I'm sorry I tried ta leave ya''

''…tis.. 'k'' Donnie slurred. ''You di'n' mean any 'arm''

Raphael was terrified by his brothers speech. The brother who could talk a mile a minute with huge words could barely even say one word coherently! This wasn't good!

A van came out the alley and parked next to the pair. Foot ninja spilt out of it.

Raph knew they wanted to take Donnie.

''Get away from him'' Raph growled threateningly. The ninjas pulled out their weapons and fell into a fighting stance.

Raph managed to fight them off for a while before noticing a pair of ninja carrying Donnie towards the van. The distraction caused him to let a ninja smack him in the back of the head with a nunchuck, Raph fell into darkness with the image of is limp brother etched onto his eyelids.

Donnie's vision had been swirling for hours now even in the dark he felt dizzy! But now the drugs had worn off, he knew he was in the back of a van. Tied up? And someone else was there too.

Donnie nudged the unknown being and held his breath, he could hear the creature grumble.

''Ow.. Donnie!'' It was Raph.

''Raph?'' Don croaked, He felt Raph shuffle closer.

''Donnie?'' Raph sounded like he was grinning, ''You're ok!''

Don didn't reply, he still felt upset about Raph abandoning him.

''Don? What's wrong?''

''You left me… You must've heard me calling for you and still you abandoned me'' Donnie replied quietly. ''You just let them drug me and take me… How could you?'' Don could feel the tears prick his eyes, ''I know we're not as close as the others but… I thought… I'm still your brother Raph!''

''Donnie I swear I didn' know wha' was happenin'!'' Raph gulped. ''I woud neva let the foot hurt ya! I tried to stop 'em but there was too many!''

Donnie still didn't reply, he held his breath and tried to calm himself down.

''They're going to hurt me Raph'' Don whispered, ''And there's nothing you'll be able to do about it''

''I'm gonna help ya Don!'' Raph promised, ''This is my fault…''

''Raph… You won't be able to get me out of this one'' Donnie sighed. ''I know what the foot plan to do to me. They promised me they would the last time we escaped them. I don't know what'll happen to you… I'm worried''

Raph could hear Don's shuddering breaths, he shuffled closer till they were shoulder to shoulder. Don was shivering.

''Everythin's gonna be alright'' Raph put his head against Don's. ''I promise''

The van jolted to a stop, Raph and Donnie squeezed together worriedly as footsteps surrounded the van. The doors were pushed open and before the turtles eyes could adapt they were sot with darts and sent into a deep slumber.

What did ya think?