I do not own the Alex Rider nor do I own the Avengers.

Scorpia Rising never occurred.

*New York*

The airport was cold. Inhuman even. Futuristic chrome accents framed windows with the occasional statue of liberty tile mural in between. Despite being only 5 AM, the building bustled with people, mostly tourists. Sightseers shamelessly decked out out in bright polo shirts and khaki pants crowded the large glass windows as if trying to reconcile the gigantic urban sprawl ahead of them with the pictures in their guidebooks. Most were disappointed.

At the other end of the spectrum, grim New Yorkers dressed in black, clutched luggage with white-knuckle grips. Happy to be home or happy to leave, Alex did not know.

Alex was on edge. He had been to New York before, once when he was recruited by the CIA in a mission which ended with him trying to kill a madman in zero gravity when he was fourteen, and several other times on the behalf of various agencies. Some would say that the skyscrapers were picturesque, but instead they only made him ache for the comforting presence of Chelsea. He tried not to think about MI6. Thankfully, this wasn't a mission.


He turned and smiled at his surrogate sister. The red-headed twenty-seven year old seemed to vibrate with nervous excitement. He was just glad the CIA hadn't accosted him this time.


Though he hated the missions themselves, Alex loved coming back from them. Jack always baked his favorite foods,those that could be made in under ten minutes anyway, and they would stay up into godforsaken hours of the morning watching movies while eating junk food and guzzling energy drinks.

Whenever he tried to thank her, though, she would alway become slightly teary and tell him that if he liked it so much then he should come home earlier. Alex didn't have the heart to tell her it didn't work that way. Though he suspected she already knew it anyway.

The next day they would have a quick breakfast, something she could make within fifteen minutes. And after that, Alex would spend the day slaving away at homework for his tutor, courtesy of MI6 as he was unable to continue school. Meanwhile, Jack would clean the house and stock up on groceries.


But this time it was different.

Even if he hadn't been home in over two months he knew something was wrong when the the wooden chair that he always sat in collapsed under his weight. Alex had blushed while Jack merrily teased him about going on a diet.

Though inwardly ill at ease, Alex let Jack grab another chair from the attic. Meanwhile, Alex mooched her tea and sat in her chair. It wasn't until he heard a blood curdling scream and a crash that he snatched one of the guns around the house, this one being in the fridge, and ran to investigate.

The cause wasn't obvious at first. She had dropped the chair hastily he could tell, but she didn't seem hurt. Nor did there seem to be any assassins, kidnappers, or terrorists around the perimeter.

"You okay, Jack?"

She pointed toward the chair muttering something about bugs. Huge, shiny black ants scurried about, some beginning to explore the wood topped chair was already crawling with them.

Jack squeaked as Alex slowly set the gun aside before pulling her up. "Let's call the exterminators."

. . .

"Yeah, you've got a nasty carpenter ant problem." A burly man in a blue jumpsuit with a name tag advertising 'Dave' said while bringing out a clipboard and a ballpoint pen. "It'll take the company about thirty days to take care of the problem and repair any damage they caused. Hopefully, you've got a place to stay because we'll start the process tomorrow. Best get those little buggers before they have the next generation. Pack everything you need because there's no going back once the house is sealed."

Jack thanked the man before he could climb into his white truck.

"So what are we going to do?" Alex asked once she returned. His best friend, Tom Harris was in Italy with his brother. MI6 would grudgingly provide shelter, he knew, but even he shuddered at the thought of some of their safe houses. Besides, they weren't above exploiting the situation in their favor. No that wouldn't do-

His surrogate sister interrupted before his thoughts could turn to darker paths, "There is someone who has enough room for us both and would be accommodating." She went on, "Though we haven't actually seen each other in years."

"Who is it?" Alex mentally catalogued her family members, hoping it wasn't some sort of serial killer.

"I'm sure you've heard of Tony Stark. We're technically second cousins on my mother's side, though we always called each other cousins."

Alex grimaced. He had, after all, heard of the millionaire. Who hadn't?

A genius with an ego the size of Greenland and a bank account the size of Asia, the spy had seen him at various functions throughout the years. And though Alex would concede that the man knew how to create a good weapon most of them, unfortunately, ended up being pointed at him.

Lately, though, the man had been going into clean energy as well as becoming a part-time superhero.

Although he knew was childish, Alex couldn't help, but think his work was hugely underappreciated in comparison. After all, the man was applauded for stopping a bad guy who got the blueprints to his suit while Alex had saved the world multiple times from disease to nuclear war and anything in between, but all he got was an offer of a peppermint from Tulip.

. . .

Thankfully, Mr. Stark was ecstatic to see his cousin again and promptly promised them both a room in his new tower as well as free tickets from London to New York in first class since Jack didn't feel comfortable enough with his generosity to take the private jet.

Jack packed enough clothes to last two months into two large, pink monstrosities she had borrowed from their neighbors. Alex left messages for Tom and the bank, not that they would need it. They probably already knew about the infestation and his trip to New York.

Then, with none of the enthusiasm that Jack had, he stuffed two carry on bags, one with guns covered by dress clothes that he was gifted with by various means through MI6 and the other with Smither's gadgets and casual clothes. Neither would get picked up by airport scanners.

*End Flashback*

"Jackie," The well-known, goateed man greeted them with his arms wide. Alex smirked. After all, he knew from experience that Jack hated being called Jackie. The man, Tony Stark, seemed to realize this as well from the way he was rubbing his arm where Jack had punched him.

"I told you to never call me that," Jack hissed, glancing at Alex as if daring him to use that dreaded noun.

The man, Tony Stark, was probably trying to go incognito when greeting them. Alex thought it did rather the opposite and instead drew odd looks from those who were also around the baggage claim. With a bedraggled bleached blonde wig, a purple plaid shirt topped off with an ugly green sweater over combat pants that even the SAS sergeant would've demanded to be burnt and scuffed sneakers he looked as if he had held up a couple of hobos.

Mr. Stark seemed to have noticed Alex at last. "And who is this?" He continued before Alex could answer, "I always wanted to be an uncle. Pepper doesn't think I'm uncle material though." Tony's tone turned accusing, "No wonder you've never answered any of my calls. Strange that it was always you who harped on using protection," He teased and winked at Jack.

Both travelers spluttered.

Alex choked and Jack's face quickly matched her hair, but before either could offer an alternate explanation Tony had enveloped Alex in an uncomfortable hug. "Come on. There's no secrets between family, right. Call me Tony, Uncle makes me feel old."

Jack struggled to hold in her laughter. Alex's face burned with embarrassment. He pushed down the lump in his throat that the word 'uncle' brought on as memories of Ian suffocated his thoughts.

Jack had finally gotten over her giggles to exclaim, "God no!" She explained in quieter terms after the gawking of curious travelers finally died down. "I take care of Alex most of the time even though we have no biological relation." It was softer than the truth in which he was an orphan whose guardians were MI6 and the whole reason she still lived with him was for blackmail purposes. Not that Jack knew the latter. For that Alex was grateful.

Though he gave no obvious indication of surprise Alex could tell he had been put off balance, but quickly recovered. "Still, kid, call me Tony." They had begun walking toward one of the VIP exits where a black helicopter was idling.

"Please don't tell me you've been pointlessly burning fossil fuels for no reason for the past hour," Jack ground out.

"Its environment friendly."The man defended.

Jack looked at him for a minute before he conceded. "I'm working on it"

Tony then spoke more seriously "So. . . ants?" Tony turned to Alex who grunted in affirmation. Amazing what a summer vacation spent in an SAS camp could do. Tony continued, "Did they eat through your house or something."

"No," Jack cut in, "but we still need to leave the place for a little under a month before the repairs are finished."

"Well, lucky you. You two will get to be the first to test out the accommodations of the STARK tower." He mused, "I was actually thinking of inviting you for Christmas." There he looked pointedly at Jack, "That is, if you had time." Alex felt he was missing something. He hated it.

. . .

The helicopter ride was fairly decent by Alex's standards, definitely better than most of the ones used by MI6. Those being either extremely noisy ones for the military, or med-evacs that he was too close to unconsciousness to really pay attention to.

"You see this helicopter," the man had removed the wig and purple flannel to reveal a black t-shirt advertising some AC/DC concert from a year ago, "Every component was designed and created by STARK industries." His voice took on a proud edge. "Most of what we work on now is clean energy."

"Well Tony, it has been quite a while since we last saw each other face to face. I remember you telling me once that there was no market for clean energy."

Tony instantly lost any trace of seriousness and smiled goofily. "You just wait. I'll make a market for it." The man seemed to act more like a little kid than any CEO that Alex had met. He wasn't exactly sure if this was a good thing.

"Yeah, no kidding. It's been, what, a billion years since we last spoke." Tony turned to the sixteen-year-old again. "So how'd you get stuck with my cous-I mean how did you two meet?" He once again rubbed where Jack's fist had hit him, "Geeze woman so violent."

Alex ignored the others distress, "My uncle needed someone to take care of the house when he was away and Jack needed a place to stay. She's family now." Technically, it was the truth. He just 'forgot' to mention his uncle was a dead MI6 spy and Jack was the only family he had left.

Tony nodded solemnly before changing the subject with an lecherous grin. "Any new men in your life, Jack? I promise I won't scare them off." He smirked, "much."

Predictably Jack flushed. "Oh I think that job has been taken by someone else." She glared at Alex who tried to look innocent. Neither passenger believed his facade.

He held up a hand for a fist bump, "Good to see somebody watching out for my favorite cousin." Tony ignored Jack's call that she could look after herself just fine.

"Landing in five minutes sir", a smooth American accented voice sounded over the flight intercom.

"Isn't she a beauty," Tony crowed as they approached the tower helipad. And in the morning glow with the new sun reflecting off the windows, perhaps she was.

Updates will be slow in coming, but please let me know what you think of this and what you would like to see in the coming chapters.