We would like to thank all of you wonderful readers and reviewers for sticking with this story, we're glad that Oliver and Bella amuse you so much and we love reading your thoughts about what would happen in the chapters to come.

We would like to take the time now to answer the questions that were left for us in the reviews; questions that haven't been already answered in the story.


Countryfan4life asks: Was Jacob and any other members of the pack around in Bella's life in Forks/La Push?

Buggy: Jake was Bella's childhood friend, so probably yes :) Keep your eyes open, they will probably show up eventually!

Meeko: I definitely am game to see Jake. I'd say it's a fair Bet.

Countryfan4life asks: How did all the Batman references and the Captain Planet reference come about? What made you choose to use them and not something else?

Meeko: Initially, the Batman references started with a nod to someone who helped name the story, working in nicknames for the other characters around the one. As far as Captain Planet, that's something that came from real life for me. I like assigning unique and off the wall ringtones that I can find for people that raises eyebrows or make a random person laugh or smile by bringing up an old memory. In fact, one of my ringtones for someone on my own phone is from Dinosaurs, the "Not the Mama" Baby.

Highlander348 asks...many questions

Buggy: Oh Highlander… What to do, what to do…

Meeko: Hang on, I need to get comfortable for Highlander's questions. There is a lot after all.

Question: I would love to see more of Bella's powers in action in the sequel as she becomes the Arrow's vigilante partner right?

Buggy: Bella's power is a passive power, but you'll most definitely see it in action in the sequel.

Meeko: We have some twists planned for her that we are excited about. *grins evilly*

Question: Can she work on using her powers in new ways? If Bella can shield others by touching them then perhaps she can work on shielding them without touching them. Like she asserts her will and her physical shield extends outward like a bubble or something similar to for example Susan Storm aka the Invisible Woman in Marvel comics and the reboot of the upcoming Fantastic Four movie due next year. Basically a force field of sorts. All powers can evolve and grow stronger. Barry in the new Flash TV series will get faster and eventually be able to vibrate though objects and even travel in time as the writers have hinted at.

Buggy: You make a valid point, but Bella's gift is a natural one. She's already been through the changes of her ability when growing up. It's stable now, and it does exactly what it does; protect her while she protects the ones she loves.

Meeko: With each strength comes setbacks, keep that in mind. We're seeing in The Flash, that Barry needs to eat a lot more to keep his energy up because he passes out due to the hypoglycemia from his new ability. Bella has her share of difficulties from overuse, as well as other complications.

Question: So it makes sense that Bella has the potential to find new ways to use her metahuman powers if she knows how. StarLabs can help with that to! Please give it some thought! Cheers!

Buggy: She already knows how it works, it comes natural to her. Team Arrow (and Barry) have studied it and they're just in awe of how it works. They will not tell StarLabs (or A.R.G.U.S.) about Bella's ability for safety purposes; both groups would love nothing better than to exploit her.

Meeko: And that is something that is explored more in Raising the Stakes. What will happen is that we will see more of the ability in action in the story compared to in Gambling Hearts where we only had a taste of it.

Question: Oh I hope they move in together! They are in love! Why should they not? :)

Buggy: You're talking about two people with severe trust issues and more issues if you dig even deeper. It's good for them to have their separate corners (i.e. house and apartment) so they can be alone when they want to. Granted, Oliver spends a lot of time in his old house because it's where Bella is, but moving in? Maybe. Sometimes it takes years for people to move in with each other.

Meeko: *too busy grinning about blue balls to answer*

Guest user commented... What? Only two more updates? Aww i love this story, i dont want it to end :'(

Meeko: But it doesn't have to end! Stick around! Sign up with FFnet and follow meekobuggy for author alerts!

Maybe same guest: Guest user commented... Will there be a sequel? If so would Bella and Oliver get married? Have a family? C:

Buggy: It's too soon for Oliver and Bella to get married and have a family. They'd be awesome parents though, don't you think? Yes, there will be a sequel and even a third story to make things complete (we like to do things in threes…)

Meeko: We do rounding things in trios, don't we? With us, it's always a safe Bet that when we end the first story on a major cliffhanger that there is definitely more on the way, and something big. Can you see them having a family at some point in the trilogy? With this kind of life? Hmm… *grins*