Another HS fic featuring GrimmIchi... There will be foul language, drug/alcohol use, yaoi, and mild Orihime bashing. Or severe... We'll see. So, if you like her, you've been warned. Proceed with caution.

UPDATE: So I had to upload this again because apparently it got taken down at some point. I didn't even notice. Hopefully the admins don't notice it's back up.. If I suddenly disappear from this site, you can all assume they caught and banned me. But that shouldn't happen. Hopefully..

You know, of all the crazy, fucked up things I've done in my life, I've never once stopped and wondered, how did it come to this? But looking into a pair of all too familiar blue eyes hovering over me, I couldn't help but ask myself that question. How the hell did this happen? This guy is practically my brother, so then why are we fucking each other in my bed? Why am I enjoying it so damn much? I don't regret it, definitely not, but it's pretty crazy that it's happening. Maybe we had too much to drink at that party, or maybe we're both still high as shit, or maybe... We've just been inching closer to this moment for a long time. But I should probably start from the beginning. It all started about a month back, and at the time I was just getting over a breakup with this midget girl, who is also one of my good friends.


The last bell of the day sounded, signaling the students at Karakura High School to gather their things and flood out of the classroom, already talking about their weekend plans. In the midst of it all was me, Ichigo Kurosaki, and next to me was my ex girlfriend/friend/stalker, Orihime Inoue, my other friends Chad and Uryu, and my most recent ex, Rukia Kuchiki. Orihime was talking excitedly about going to some club with Rukia, but I wasn't really paying attention. Orihime kinda... Talked a lot. Eventually you just had to tune her out before you went crazy. She's a nice girl, she's just a little odd. And super clingy. Instead I focused on what Chad and Uryu were talking about.

"I have to study all weekend for that math test, I don't have time to go out." Uryu said, pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. Uryu was pretty much a nerd. Not the kind that are too weird to talk to, he was cool sometimes, but when we all went partying he stayed home and studied or practiced sewing. Yeah, the guy sews, I know. Weird.

"I'll probably stay in too. My Abuelo needs help at his store." Chad responded, his deep voice set in a monotone. Chad was one of my oldest friends, and while he didn't usually say much, he was the best friend a guy could have. He once saved me from a group of douchebags who were kicking my ass, and ever since then we've been close.

"You guys are no fun! Rukia, you'll come, right?" Orihime asked, pouting at Rukia who smiled nervously.

"Sorry, Inoue, but I've got a date." She said, and I took that as my cue to leave. I knew Orihime would ask me to go next, which I didn't want to go anyways, and I also didn't want to hear about Rukia's new boyfriend. Since there was nothing else to do, I decided to just head home. Might as well get some rest before tonight. The Vizards were having a party over at their house/orphanage. You might be asking, how can an orphanage have a party? Well, let me explain something about the Vizards. They grew up at this orphanage, which is really more like a run down warehouse. This old guy, Hachigen Ushoda, owns the place and is like their dad. He originally started it off as an orphanage, but once he got used to the kids, he decided to just keep them as his own and make it their house. But they still take in kids sometimes. They also throw the best parties.

Just as I approached the gate of the school, I was promptly punched square in the back, hard enough to probably leave a bruise. With a sigh/growl, I turned around and fixed my attacker with a glare, ready to knock him out. My vision was then assaulted by blue and I instead chose to punch him in the chest. No matter how many times he does it, I always think it might be some other asshole looking for a fight. He grinned at me and started walking, as if nothing had ever happened, and began talking about tonight.

"I just talked to Shinji, he said he invited the usual crowd. You know what that means?" He asked, giving me that look that just promised trouble. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyways. He may be an ass, but he's my brother. Well, not by blood, but he's been living with me since the third grade. Maybe I should introduce him a bit better. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, probably the most popular and most douchey guy in Karakura High. Known for his silver tongue and top notch skills in football and all other things athletic, among a very long list of other things.

"No, Grimmjow, I don't know what that means. But I'm sure you'll tell me anyways." I replied, knowing that he was probably not listening. When Grimmjow wanted to talk, he would talk until his face matched his hair. Another thing he was known for, having naturally blue hair and matching eyes to boot.

"Damn right I'll tell you. What it means, Ichi, is that all the bitches will be there. You know I love my bitches." He said, grinning lecherously. I laughed at this, having predicted that answer.

"Haven't you already slept with every girl in school?" I asked, stifling a laugh as an old woman gave us a dirty look. Guess she heard that. Oh well.

"All the good ones, sure, but what's wrong with a second go? Now that I know how they all are in bed, I can go back and re-fuck the best ones. Maybe Yoruichi, she was a fucking freak. Or Halibel, or Rangiku.. And what about you, Ichigo? It's time for you to move on and get some ass." He said, making me want to groan. As soon as Rukia dumped me, Grimmjow started pressuring me to find someone else.

"I'll move on when I'm good and ready. We barely broke up a week ago.".

"You sound like a bitch. If I were you, I would've already moved on at least four times. You guys only went out for like, a month, you should be happy to be free!"

"She left me for my brother, dude, it's a little hard to move on." I replied with a scowl. It's not like I planned on being with her for long, but I did like her a lot. It hurt when she just up and left me for him.

"Well, he's not really your brother." Grimmjow said, looking thoughtful. "You guys have different mom's."

"Still, Kaien is like.. My half brother or some shit. Step brother? I don't fucking know."

"And you shouldn't care. He's a dick, she's old news, let's go get some pussy." Grimmjow said, clapping me on the shoulder and walking up to our front door. I watched as he cracked his fingers, put his ear up to the door, and oh-so-carefully opened it. He cautiously peered inside before opening the door all the way, taking a step inside, only to to narrowly dodge a punch, which I ended up taking.

"GRIIIIIMMMMJOOOWWWW! IIIICHIIIGOOOO! My beautiful sons are home!" The obnoxiously loud voice of my dad yelled, the asshole dodging my kick to his face. He ran back inside, having greeted us as usual, leaving me to nurse my bleeding nose. Why do I always end up getting hit?!

"Oi, goat face! You almost got me that time!" Grimmjow yelled after my idiot dad. I followed him inside, quietly grumbling about my face. I swear, if he left a mark on my face I will kill him. How am I supposed to find someone and move on with a giant bruise on my face? "Where's Karin and Yuzu?" I heard Grimmjow ask, and belatedly noticed my sisters weren't around.

"Karin went to soccer practice, and Yuzu went out to buy some groceries for dinner. Will you two be home?" My dad asked, giving us a knowing look. We didn't even have to answer before he was calling Yuzu and telling her not to buy that much food. "Be careful tonight. Those Vizards can be a little too crazy sometimes." He said after hanging up. Grimmjow and I merely nodded, surprised at how serious he was being. "And remember... To use protection. I don't want grand children yet! That goes double for you, Grimmjow!" He yelled, ruining the serious moment. I really should have seen that coming.

"Don't worry old man, I'm not stupid. I wear protection... Most of the time." Grimmjow said, causing my dad to run over to the poster of my mom and cry. My mom died when I was little, and ever since then my dad's kept this giant picture of her up in the living room. It's weird, but it is nice to see her every day. Sometimes I wonder if it makes Grimmjow sad though. He never knew either of his parents, since they gave him to the orphanage when he was a baby. He pretty much grew up with the Vizards, until I met him in elementary school. We actually got into a fight, and ended up going to my dad's clinic to get fixed up. We ended up getting along really well, and he eventually just moved in with us.

"And you don't need to worry about Ichi, half of the time he's the one getting fucked... If you get what I mean." He added with a grin, causing me to blush and punch him in the face. Ah, I probably should have mentioned that earlier. I'm.. Bisexual, I guess you could say, though I don't like being called that. I just like people for who they are, gender doesn't matter. And Grimmjow loves teasing me about it.

"Don't be embarrassed, son! Daddy loves you no matter what!" My dad said, and I decided against using more violence. They wouldn't shut up anyways. So, I just went up to my room, which was also Grimmjow's room, I guess. He kind of sleeps in my closet. Sounds weird, I know, but our house isn't that big so we had to create a makeshift bed. It's small for a big guy like him, but he doesn't complain so I assume it works.

Checking the time, I realize I should probably get in the shower and start getting ready.

As I walked into the bathroom, I wondered exactly who would be there tonight. Shinji did say everyone, but did that really mean everyone? The last time he had that many people over... Shit, I can't even remember what happened. Tonight would be one hell of a time then. Hopefully nothing too crazy happens.. Yeah, right, who am I kidding. Shits gonna be crazy. All I remember before blacking out last time was Grimmjow taking Yoruichi and Rangiku into someone's room, Nnoitra getting punched in the face by Renji, Rukia passing out on the couch, and then.. I think I started making out with someone. Never did find out who though. My ass hurt like a bitch when I woke up though, so I'm guessing things went further. I should probably be careful tonight... But alcohol doesn't really mix well with me. Neither does weed. I kind of turn into a... Ah, well, you'll see later. Trust me.

I quickly washed my hair and got out of the shower, drying off in a half assed manner and then throwing on some clothes. I just wanted to get there already. Walking into my room, I realized Grimmjow must feel the same, since he practically ran into the bathroom to get ready. That guy... Sometimes I question his sanity. We're so alike though, I guess I should question my own sanity too. He's funny as hell when he's drunk though. Even more when he's high. But when he's both? God help us all. I've never seen someone as horny as him. It's weird he's not bi or something, he's such a damn whore. You'd think he'd take whatever he could get. But I guess that's just me.

Rummaging through Grimmjow's stuff, I take a condom, just in case I do end up with a girl. I'm not trying to have a kid at my age. Hell, I don't know if I ever want kids. What if I end up with a guy? I guess we could adopt or something, but kids are a lot of work. Good God.. What if Grimmjow had a kid? The horror.. I'd better keep an eye on him tonight. He might say he wears condoms, but sometimes I doubt it. He gets so out of it I don't think he even realizes what he's doing. It's actually a miracle he hasn't gotten someone pregnant yet.

"Let's go already!" Grimmjow's voice nearly scares me to death as he runs into the room, hair a dripping mess. I shake my head at his antics, throwing him a shirt to dry his hair. He hastily shakes the water off, reminding me of a dog, and grabs some gel to keep it in place. His hair always looks messed up, but it oddly fits him. I guess I'm not one to talk though. At least he uses gel. "Don't just stand there, Ichigo! It's time to go!" He yells, dragging me out of my room before I can respond. We don't even say goodbye to my dad as he races out of the house, and continues to drag me all the way to the Vizards, which is pretty damn far. By the time we get there the sun has already began to set, and we can here the music pounding from inside. It looks like we aren't the first to arrive. The garage door which is also the only door is opened slightly, giving us some room to duck under and enter the house. Nearly everyone in our grade was there, and the entire warehouse already smelled like booze and weed.

Yep, tonight would be fun.

I wonder what's going to happen? XD