Hello everyone! Here's a short preview for what I plan on writing! Please feel free to give me feedback or suggestions on what you would like to see! (also please note that there will be a small amount of abuse here)

It was nearing nine o' clock on a night in January when the nurse carried a quiet baby, swaddled in multiple blankets, to his mother.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Kuroko! Would you like to hold your baby boy?"

The woman who lay on the bed stared at the nurse sadly, and after a few moments of silence, asked, "What is the point of congratulating me? I don't even want the child-"

The nurse, who was dressed in scrubs adorned with small, yellow daisies, gave an apologetic smile before she turned to place the newborn in the crib. "I understand. Right now, it may seem like a burden. I mean, you carried your child for 9 months and went through a fair amount of excruciating pain, but by the time the sun comes up tomorrow, I'm certain that you will see the light that this baby is already showing me right now." Her slim, pale fingers held the infant's little ones and the corners of her lips lifted before sitting next to the new mother. "My child was actually born not too long ago- not even two months ago! His name is-"

"Your child is a male? How does your husband feel about that?"

"Ah, well, I don't really think that he feels any resent...? In fact, he was rather ecstatic about it. But, what of it? Is that what has been bothering you?"

The blue-haired woman nodded meekly. "I... I accept my child and I love him for who he is- in fact, I'm really just grateful that I was blessed with such an adorable son. It's just that my husband might not."

The petite medic sighed softly. She had only agreed to come back to work in spite of her son because she enjoyed seeing happy, new parents, but this was the one-in-a-million that she had always hoped she would not have to encounter. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't really know what to tell you, but I do hope that your husband will be happy for you and your son once he finds out."

The sound of his father's impact on his skin caused a tension at the table and a shaking fist pointed at what seemed to be delicate girl with long, powder blue hair.

"Are you stupid, Tetsuya?! Here I was thinking that our first day into this fine, decent neighborhood would change your mind and allow you another fresh start, but you really don't get the point, do you? Do you not know the meaning of 'sacrifice'? Or are you really just that dumb? How many times do I have to repeat to you that you are forbidden to leave the house?"

"Nothing will happen to me," The young teen replied, his fists shaking behind his back. "It was just at the nearby basketball courts... and I was even dressed as myself, so I don't see what your problem is!"

"'I don't see what your problem is'? Really? Tetsuya, you may be biologically male, but until you leave my territory, you will always be a woman! Do you understand that? You know what? This has been the third time. You disobeyed me twice in middle school and now your first day here. I guess that I'll really have to take larger measures. I'm calling for security guards to watch over our house from here on out."

"Katashi," the soft-spoken mother had intervened, "I don't think that we have to go that far. If you want, we can have Tetsuya watched by one of my friends." Her husband was about to reject the proposal until she added, "I've known her ever since Tetsuya was born. She will know what to do in case anything happens." And as if the woman had read the two males' minds, she stated, "She was the nurse that took care of me in the hospital."

"I... I guess we could work with that. Very well. I look forward to meeting her if she agrees."