Disclaimer: Twilight and all the credit for its creation is given to Stephenie Meyer.

*** Epilogue: The Final Pages ***

Eva sat at her little table by the window, barely sipping the too hot Mocha in her hands. She took turns glancing at the people passing by outside and then back to the guy at the table several feet from hers. He was alone, though she couldn't imagine why. With brilliant blue eyes, those lazy blond curls that hung low over his brow and a square jaw line that showed a little stubble, he was a delightful mix of beautiful yet rugged. She'd thought with the way he was staring that maybe he was interested in her, but his gaze wasn't on her face, but more the book in her hands.

Oh well, the girl thought, he must have something on his mind. To think he was interested in a smutty romance novel was ludicrous. Glancing at her watch, Eva realized she was running out of time before she needed to get back to the office and she desperately wanted to get to the end of the book. Hot angel guy would just have to continue his staring at her copy of 'Letters' without her previous attempts at catching his eye.

Laine stared out the window, watching the rain make rivulets that drifted down the panes of glass, nervously fidgeting the mug of tea in her hands. She had watched the grey light of early evening give way to night and hadn't bothered to turn on the lights in her living room. It had been hours since she had left the letters with his wife, and her imagination was creating a hundred different scenarios of what could be happening at his house.

The sound of an incoming message on her phone startled her, and she left her post to see who was trying to get in touch.

J: We have to talk. On my way over, make sure the door is unlocked.

Talk? What did that mean?

Laine looked at the text again, as if the words would give some hidden insight as to whether Jackson was angry or sad or what? Had her rash decision to let Avery know of their affair been the wrong choice? Was this the end of their relationship?

She made her way to the front door and turned the lock, looking out at the empty driveway for a few moments before deciding to return to her position next to the window. Watching the rain gave her something to do while she waited.

Minutes passed and she finally heard the front door give and the sound of soft footsteps approaching. She fought the temptation to look at his face, afraid that she would see his dismissal etched into his features. Instead, she focused on a particularly interesting drop of water that zigzagged across the glass.

Jackson's voice was soft, "What were you thinking?"

Laine looked down into the cold tea in her cup, "I couldn't keep going like we were. It was breaking me to have just part of you and not all of you."

"Look at me."

Laine took a breath and met his midnight stare.

"You didn't even tell me you were going to her."

"I didn't want you to stop me. You're so scared of how things may turn out that you won't give us a chance. When will my love be enough that you take a risk?" Laine questioned, "I know it was crazy, but I was desperate! God, you're all I think about, and I don't want to live in stolen moments with you, I want it all, J. I love you."

Jackson's face softened to her words and Laine felt hope that some part of him still cared for her, even after what she had done.

"Was it bad?"

Jackson rubbed a hand through his slightly damp hair, "After she ran out of things to throw at me?"

Laine winced at the thought of Avery's temper being unleashed on the man she loved.

"She's pissed, but she's Avery. She thinks of me as a possession, and you dared take away what was hers. But in the end, she said, and I quote, 'You two can go fuck yourselves. I'm so tired of this dinky little town and your stupid family that has to have their noses in every part of our lives. You want to strap yourself down to that boring bitch, well you can both have each other. I'll be meeting with my divorce attorney tomorrow and don't think I won't take you for every dime, you lying cheating bastard.' Then she proceeded to storm out the door. I assume she went to her sister's house. I dropped Chloe at mom's before I headed over here."

Laine looked at Jackson's face trying to read his thought on this turn of events, "So, she wants out? What about Chloe?"

"I talked to mom and dad about it. I had already consulted an attorney, and even if I have to dip into my savings, I think I might be able to come up with a figure that will make Avery happy enough to make her way out of our lives," Jackson shrugged, "I have to try anyways."

"Well, that's something," Laine placed her cup down and rubbed her arms, trying to generate some heat in the stillness of the room, "So…how are you doing with all of this?"

Jackson crossed the room to stand in front of her, his height causing him to look down into her eyes, "I don't know yet. Relieved? Hopeful? Still maybe a little pissed at you for doing this without warning me?"

Laine glanced away from him, "I understand…I'm sorry…it was a stupid risk…"
Jackson caught her chin with his fingers and turned her eyes back to his, "In the future, we need to talk through big decisions like this. We can't be partners in life if you run off without me."

Laine's heart jumped at his words, "In the future? I didn't know…"
Gentle lips met her words, "Who else would I take a chance with, Laine? You're my other half, and I'm tired of trying to live without you by my side. Give us a chance? Give me a chance to be as brave and fearless as you are? I love you so much."

Laine merely nodded as he went back to kissing her, and in one swift move, Jackson had picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waste as he carried them both off to her bedroom.

Clothes were quickly shed and heated skin slid across cool linen sheets. Their new found freedom seemed to change the energy of their exchanges. There was no need to hide the love they had for each other, and each touch or kiss was no longer taboo. So, Jackson took his time memorizing every curve of Laine's body, taking note of the many ways he could touch her that made her sigh or moan or beg. He teased her to the brink of satisfaction over and over until he finally slid his body into hers, feeling her warmth welcome him home.

"Give me forever to keep loving you just like this?" He'd asked while she pulled him closer to her body, spreading her legs so he could push in just a bit further.

"Yes," Laine had answered, breathless, her release hanging by the thinnest of threads.

Jackson held his movements, "Yes, what?"

Laine begged with her words, "Yes, forever, you will always be my forever."

They'd come apart together, only to be woven together again in the same moment, two halves of one whole. Moments later, they shifted so they lay side by side, able to look at each other.

Laine stroked a hand down his face, "Did you know, I started to see my future in those blue eyes of yours a long time ago, I just needed you to see it with me."

Jackson brought his hand up to cover hers, and closing his eyes, he placed a kiss in her palm, "I love you, this day, the next, as many as you'll give me."

"Always," Laine answered before placing her lips back on his and her days in his hands.


A/N: My intent in giving you this last bit of fluff is that you could get a glimpse of the happy ending Bella gave the couple in her book, and therefore Jasper did sort of get a happy ending. Hopefully you recognized him as the guy sitting in the coffee shop as well. It was my attempt at tying this last bit of writing into the bigger picture.

Now, this story really is over. It's hard to imagine that I really am finished. Thanks for taking the journey with me. - Ginja