A few hours on the road felt like eons, worried for Robin, for Donnie and Mikey hoping they didn't get caught. Leo was listening to Alice's directions, his brow knitting at each recent turn that seemed to take them further and further into the middle of nowhere…

"Alice are you sure about these directions? There's just desert, desert and more desert…" Leo calling out to Alice over the sound of the tires against the rough sondy rocks.

"Trust me, if you're not seeing anything around, it means we're on the right track… the military isn't known for places bases in known places." Alice called back, staring at the map monitor.

"We're not far now continue to the left you should see a large rock formation stop just south of it." She called again looking to Raph.

"How's it looking?" She asked hims softly, moving over to him - resting a hand on his shoulder as he kept his eyes glued to the scope.

Raph grunted. "Not seen anythin' yet, doesn't look like we've been followed. But that could mean they're expectin' us."

Alice looked at him thoughtfully. "I think you're right…"

Raph pulled away fro mthe scope. "Really?"

Leo overheard. "Hold on, did Raph just have a innovative thought?" He teased causing Raph to growl in his direction.

Alice just rolled her eyes. "Maybe not innovative.. but I know he's right, they're aware we have the pass, which only means we're heading straight for them." She cleared.

The Shell-Razor started to slow down as they came to a large rock formation, stopping just in it's shadow the moonlight was creating.

Alice leant over Raph to look into the scope, raph trying to ignore the fact her leather strapped chest was very close to his face… a flush on his cheeks, shaking his head of all...less innovative thought…

Alice spotted the base in the scope. "Alright, it's just a few clicks from here and it would be best we go by foot."

Leo stood from the driver's seat folding his arms as he looked determined at Alice. "It's a military camp, how are supposed to get in without being detected, they've got to have surveillance cameras and plenty of guards." He shrugged.

"Guards we can handle, but the surveillance cameras…" Alice paused taping on the console.

"Donnie, Mikey, come in, did you make it to base alright?" Alice waited hopeful for their reply… the Shell-Razor filling with silence as they waited.

"Hey Alice, we're here, no problems at all!" Donnie's voice cracked through the com channel.

All three of them sighing thankfully. "Thank goodness… I'm gunna need you to get settled and hack into the security system for the military base. Have you managed to find access on the terminals tere?"

Donnie tapped away at the terminals available in the Blade Base, his brow knitted as he concentrated on the bright blue screen.

"Yeah, I managed to get in and access what I think is the security grid in the Military base, just give me a little time and I can temporarily deactivate camera by camera as you make your way in…" Donnie was interrupted when Mikey came barging over his shoulder.

"We don't need to do all that mumbo-jumbo! Alice can just get naked and sneak in again!" He suggested as if a brilliant idea grinning to his delight and making motions with his hands of finger walking as he spoke.

After a moment of silence, Raph's voice physically pierced their skulls through the comm system.

"DO YOU WANNA DIE!?" Raph burst of Alice's shoulder over the comm.

Mikey ducked behind the chair Donnie was sat in. "Heh-sorry…"

Donnie sighed rolling his eyes before tapping away once again. "Anyway, I've mapped a route to what looks like the barracks, at least that's what the blueprints suggest, they're a few years old now though."

"Brilliant Donnie, send the route through. Do you still have track of us?" Alice's soft sounded through the com, Donnie found it a little calming - given the situation.

"Yes, I've got all three of you - it'll be morning soon, you'd better get going." Donnie confirmed.

Alice smirked. "You got it donnie, don't worry, I completely trust you both!" Alice lifted an earpiece under her short brown hair fitting it in and turning it on.

"Keep the com channel open but on Radio silence until we get closer." Alice heard Donnie confirm on the other end before looking to Leo and Raph.

"Alright, you guys are the Ninja's I'll follow your lead." She said smirking, watching the two of them grin - before they all started silently for the base, their footsteps blowing away in the rough sand - leaving no trail.

Leo lead them to the point Donnie had found to be a bit of a blind spot, but they didn't lower their guard… seeing the gate round the back end - keeping to the shadows.

Alice swiped her ID, they would have to be quick - the log of her ID being used would be routed to the control room.

As soon as the gate opened they slid in - it didn't take long for the alarms to start going off, the halls flooding with a flashing red light.

Their steps soft and silent against the metal floors, their figures pure shadows and their eyes white with determination. All three of them listening to Donnie's instructions down the halls keeping out of sight when soldiers came rushing down the opposite direction.

"You're coming up to a security door, it should lead to an elevator, you need it take it down five levels." Donnies voice came soundly over the com channel.

Alice scanned her ID. "You'll need to be quick and I've got a different route mapped for your way out." Alice grunted confirming Donnie's words.

Sliding into the elevator, Raph heard footsteps behind them, slamming the button five floors down, the doors slowly closing, but not fast enough before gun fire echoed in the hall and sparks of metal against metal glittered in the dark. All three of them gasping and ducking out of the way before the doors finally slammed shut and the lift started to descend.

Alice sighed. "Damn, they'll have the guards alerted of where we're heading…" She grunted hoping this was going to go a little smoother…

"Argh!" Raph hissed, nursing his upper arm.

Alice's eyes widening as she knelt beside him. "Raph…" Her hands lifting to tug his out of the way, seeing a wound where a bullet grazed his skin.

"Damn that stings!" Raph hissed through his teeth.

Alice sighed - at least it was only a graze..the bullet didn't enter. "Relax, you've had worse." She teased lightening the mood.

Raph grunted watching her as she wrapped the wound to stop the bleeding. "Uh-thanks…Dollface."

Alice smirked cupping his cheek before standing helping him up. Leo kept his eyes on the level numbers falling.

"We're here." Leo said softly, looking up the roof of the elevator.

When the doors slid open… a barrage of bullets shot into the lift, the small space filling with spark and smoke. The metallic shattering sound finally started to dissipate, until finally stopping, the soldiers watching the smoke fade revealing an empty lift.

"What!? Where are they? We were told they took this elevator down!" One of the officers called out.

"Take a closer look!" He ordered, three figures entering the lift but seeing nothing…

"There's nothing - maybe check-ugh!" In one swift motion Alice's heels hit the back of the officer's neck, forcing him down and knocking him out.

Landing softly on the balls of her feet, she crouched immediately as the Leo and Raph dropped down from the ceiling of the elevator repeating the same move, immobalizing the other two.

"Let's keep going, we can't be far now." Alice grunted before they sprinted off into the dark halls.

Donnie was disabling the camera's one by one, as the others followed the route, though he was getting distracted…

"Oooo what does that do? Wait what does THAT do? Did they find Robin yet?" Mikey popped up around Donnie like a child at a fairground.

Donnie pointed at the button's Mikey was referring too. "That one sets off an alarm in the control room...That one makes coffee on the coffee machine...and that one gets you a giant PUNCH IN THE FACE IF YOU DON'T STOP BOTHERING ME!" Donnie exclaimed as Mikey visibly shrink into his shell.

Robin was using the knife concealed in her boot against the tiles in the room to try and pull them loose. It was the only thing keeping her sane, she needed to get out of here… even if she went to Alice, they would just follow her - no she needed to warn her, but not lead them to her.

As another tile fell to the floor, she suddenly heard footsteps, sitting herself in front of the damage she'd done and hiding the knife in her palm incase that Shredder Creature came for her again.

But the footsteps...were running and there were three of them - she gripped the blade tightly, ready for anything.

Behind the main door, she could hear a commotion, the guards and others...there were two loud thuds before the silence struck and the door softly slid open.

"Robin!" Alice's voice sounded in the tiled room ringing against the metal bars.

Robin's eyes widened at the sound of her voice, tears welling in her eyes. "Alice…"