Gumball was walking home from Elmore Junior High on a cold day. He'd had a bad day, because he had chickened out of asking the girl of his dreams out on a date again. He had tried for over a month but every time he tried he either couldn't get her alone or just could not work up enough to do it. He arrived home just after three thirty his brother and best friend Darwin had beat him home because he had ridden the bus home.

"Hey buddy how did it go" Said Darwin did you ask her.

Hanging his head Gumball said "no not today I tried but I couldn't work up the nerve to do it.

"That is okay Gumball you can ask Carrie out tomorrow!"Exclaimed Darwin With his big goofy smile.

Their mom called from the kitchen"Come in here boys we ordered pizza"

Gumball looked at Darwin very seriously and said "Darwin not one word of this to any one understand I mean it"

"Okay Gumball I wont" said Darwin

After dinner it was Darwin's turn to clean up, so Gumball went up-stairs alone. While he was laying down he thought about Carrie he then decided that he would one way or another end this crush(Either by asking her out or forgetting about it)The end of next Monday as it was now Friday. Just then Darwin walked in and said what are you thinking about, but Gumball was already asleep.