Not much in this chapter but ill post another chapter of visiting gumballs soon kay

As Gumball and Carrie walked downstairs they noticed something weird they could hear the voices of multiple different people at the bottom and most of them sounded like gumball's family.

"Hey am I crazy or does that sound like my mom and Candy talking?" he asked her.

"we'll you are crazy, but I do hear them, I think I hear your dad to... weird." she said, trying to make Gumball take her hand, but he kept getting loose, after making it halfway down the stairs she stopped and said quietly, "Gumball either you take my hand right now or I'll just have to find something else of yours to grab."

He gulped and held out his hand, "you know even your threats sound dirty at this point," He said.

She smiled as she placed her hand on his, "what makes you think I wasn't doing it on purpose," She asked.

They got to the bottom of the stairs and weren't surprised to find all of Gumball's family there except Darwin for some reason, they were all sitting at a banquet table that Gumball had never seen before. Before they could react Carrie's mom floated behind them and pushed them towards the two seats at the head of the table, they quickly sat down and began to worry about the whole situation especially when came in and sat in one of the chairs beside his daughter and he looked especially grumpy, once Carrie's mom sat down, her dad started speaking.

"Well now that we're all here we have some things to discuss with the two of you, and all of these matters have already been talked through with Gumball's family so the two of you have the final decision on all of this, and that's been decided." He said in a stern voice.

Carrie looked at Gumball who shrugged and asked, "Are we in some kind of trouble or something, I can't think of anything we've done wrong?"

gave him a beaming smile, "oh no dear it's not like that, in fact, it's just the opposite, you two have shown that you can be responsible and that you genuinely love each other and we want to ask something of you mainly Gumball." she finished.

Gumball gulped and looked towards Carrie who gave an encouraging smile, he looked back at her parents, "okay, whatever it is I'll do it."

"wonderful, so, honey, do you want to ask him or do you want me to," 's face had lighted since the conversation had started but he still grunted in an obvious way, "okay honey, well anyways Gumball me and my husband have been talking about this for years, and an opportunity has arisen, and we already had words with Carrie, and I think she knows what this is about, and are you okay with this dear." She looked at her daughter expectantly.

Carrie nodded and said sniffling a little, "Yeah I guess, I know you guys have been ready for years, and I don't want you to miss your chance, and as long as I have Gumball I'll be okay, but I will miss you, mom and dad."

Gumball was confused by this, "So... what exactly is going on?" he questioned.

"Well Gumball me and my husband have decided to, well to move on from this world, and to put it bluntly, we would like for you to move in and take care of our daughter." she finished.

Gumball took Carrie's hand under the table, and he felt a reassuring squeeze, "So do you mean like soon, or I'm just wondering how long until all of this goes into place."

Gumball's mother who had been silent spoke up, "well honey the decision as I understand it has to be made within 48 hours or the Krugers will miss their chance, and just remember Gumball nobody is making you do this it's your own decision, but as your mother I will say this, I think it's beautiful what the two of you have together, and your relationship reminds me a lot of mines and Richard's relationship and I honestly believe whatever happens the two of you will be together forever," Nicole wiped a few tears from her face before continuing, " and, well we just found out today about this and we were planning on telling you but, Darwin and Anais both have decided to come to France with us... to stay."

"what do you mean, to stay are we... you moving or something?" he asked, this was all getting to be a little much for a gumball."

Nicole tried to speak but her voice was lost, Richard patted her on the back and continued, "Yeah Gumball we weren't planning on moving there until all you kids were in college but what with Darwin's scholarship and Anais applying for the same school we decided we should go with them since we got this offer from the Krugers."

"What offer?" Gumball questioned, the only thing keeping him together at this point was Carrie everytime something potentially life-shattering was said she would tighten her grip for a moment and he would feel at ease for a moment, she was his rock right now.

This time it was Lexi who spoke up, "Well bro if you agree to the whole situation, were all moving in here," she motioned to the house, "err me, you, and candy anyways, Mom and dad are selling the house and moving and either we go with them or move in here so really your choice does carry quite a bit of weight, oh, but I'm fine either way not trying to pressure you."

"I... I have a question or two about all of this, first off, what are we all gonna do for money and stuff, I'm all for getting a job, but I don't think we could make enough to pay for everything we would need, not to mention bills and such," he said.

At this laughed heartily, "Gumball son, me and Matilda have been around for almost two hundred years, were both workaholics who don't eat or sleep, and until we had Carrie we didn't even have power or water in the house, we've saved up so much money over the last few centuries that I'm pretty sure money is the least of your concerns."

"Gumball, I want you to live with me, but only if you want to also, just know that whatever you decide, I'll still love you regardless." she finished kissing his cheek.