Frank walked back into the emergency room waiting area. Joe had been patched up and plumbed in to some fluids, good painkillers and muscle relaxants. Frank had gone to buy some magazines and get a bit of fresh air while his little brother got some sleep. Their parents were on their way to the hospital with Callie. Vanessa was making her own way. They were due anytime and he wanted to be there when they arrived, to try to explain what had happened.

Frank was about to reach for Joe's door handle when the door opened. He stood back. It was Vanessa, on her way out. She must have arrived in his absence. Frank stopped abruptly. They stood, looking at each other. Vanessa closed Joe's door and walked over to the seating area, signalling to Frank to follow.

He did, sitting down beside her. Neither spoke for a moment. Then both tried to at once.

Frank smiled, embarrassed. 'Sorry, on you go, Van.'

Vanessa nodded. 'Frank, I was just coming to look for you. I'm so sorry I hit you. And for the cruel things I said. God, I'm so ashamed of myself! Thank you so much for finding him. I owe you everything.' She leant forwards and kissed Frank on the cheek.

Frank shook his head. 'You were bloody right though, Vanessa! You should have hit me harder and made me listen! I could kick myself. All the time I wasted moping, while Joe was in that box, just because I didn't stop to use my head and I didn't listen to you!'

'Frank, you can't blame yourself. You genuinely believed he was dead. I know what he means to you, no matter what I said. It must have been awful. I understand. And you got there- you got him back. He's going to be fine.'

Frank exhaled, sitting back. 'Yeah, he's OK. Thank God. Well, I doubt he'll be volunteering to climb into any confined spaces for a while after that…. He's laughing it off, of course. But if it has messed with his head, we'll be here for him, right?'

She took his hand in hers. 'Right. So, he'll be OK. But are we OK?'

'Van, it was me that screwed up. That's up to you. Are we?'

'More than OK, Frank.' She hugged him tightly, then stood up and took his arm. 'Now let's go see our boy!'