Disclaimer: I don't own Mass Effect, its characters or plots. I own my OCs and anything original in this. Reoku belongs to reokumaurer.

Please don't over think the whole Dawn's already a JG Lt. just go with it.

This is a sequel, please reading Blood Gun Bonding before reading this

Just a heads up at some point I am going to cover Dawn's past and such (I should've in the first story but I never got around to it) so when Aria comes up so will Dawn's past.

Summary: The sequel to Blood Gun Bonding. Dawn is now part of the Alliance Navy as the threat of the Reapers is here. Reoku Maurer enters the fights alongside Dawn and the others to defeat the Reapers. Garrus/Dawn(OC)/Thane and Kolyat/Reoku(OC)

I really wanted to get this out so I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes I will go over this again tomorrow when it's not 2 am and fix anything.


A woman of 20 with long blood red hair pulled back into a high pony tail, dressed in an alliance uniform looked around as she stood in a hallway. Other people walked by, all human, and all in uniform of some sort. She went on her toes and looked over heads before looking down the other direction. She caught sight of her target and started walking, pushing past a few people to get to her destination.

"Vega!" Dawn called seeing the muscularly-large man. He stopped walking and turned around.

"Rosa!" He said with a smirk. He waited for her to catch up to him before they walked together.

"Where you headin'?"

"On my way to escort the Commander to the Alliance defense committee hearing." He said.

"He's not a Commander anymore."

"You and I both know that's bull."

"I never said I felt that way." Dawn said. "He's my Commander whether or not it's official." James smiled at her response.

The two got to Shepard's room and the door opened. Shepard turned away from the window as James and Dawn saluted.

"Commander." They said in unison.

"You're not supposed to call me that anymore, James. You too Dawn."

"Not supposed to salute you either." James said. "We gotta go; the defense committee wants to see you."

"Sounds important." Shepard said tossing his data pad onto a couch before following James and Dawn out of the room. "What's goin on?"

"Couldn't say. Just told me they needed you… now." James said. Anderson walked over to the three.

"Anderson." Shepard said.

"Admiral." James and Dawn stopped to salute. Anderson shook Shepard's hand and they kept walking.

"You look good, Shepard. Maybe a little soft around the edges." He patted Shepard's abdomen. "How you holding up since being relieved from duty?"

"It's not so bad, ones you get used to the hot food and soft bed." Shepard said. Dawn frowned.

"We'll get it sorted out." Anderson said.

"Don't bad talk my cooking, Shepard." Dawn said. Shepard looked back at her with a smile.

"I didn't say good food." Dawn smiled and James scoffed slightly. "What's going on? Why's everyone in such a hurry?" Shepard asked Anderson.

"Admiral Hackett's mobilizing the fleets." Anderson said as they approached the stairs. "I'm guessing word's made it to Alliance Command… something big's headed our way." Shepard stopped on the bottom step.

"The Reapers?" He asked. Anderson looked back at him.

"We don't know. Not for certain."

"What else could it be?"

"If I knew that…"

"It's the Reapers. And we're not ready for them. Not by a long shot."

"Tell that to the defense committee." Anderson said as they started walking again.

"Unless we're planning to talk the Reapers to death, the committee is a waste of time."

"They're just scared." Anderson said. "None of them have seen what you've seen. You've faced down a Reaper. Hell, you spoke to one… then blew the damn thing up!"

"Where was I when this happened?" Dawn muttered.

"Gotta pay more attention, Rosa." James said quietly with a small smirk. Dawn rolled her eyes.

"You've seen how they harvested us, what they plan to do to us." Anderson continued. "You know more about this enemy than anyone."

"That why they grounded me? Took away my ship?" Shepard asked. They stopped walking.

"You know that's not true." Anderson said. "The shit you've done… any other solider would've been tried, court-martialed and discharged. It's your knowledge of the Reapers that kept that from happening."

"That and your good word?"

"Yeah. I trust you, Shepard. And so does the committee."

"I'm just a solider, Anderson. I'm no politician."

"I don't need you to be either." Anderson said as they started walking again. "I just need you to do whatever the hell it takes to help us stop the Reapers." They four passed through a door and a female officer turned to face them.

"They're expecting you two, Admiral." She said. They followed her into another hall.

"Good luck in there, Shepard." James said. They shook hands. Dawn gave a reassuring smile and Shepard put a hand on her shoulder. Anderson continued walking and Kaidan walked up to him.

"Anderson." He said. He looked over at the other three. "Shepard." Shepard turned around.


"How'd it go in there, Major?" Anderson asked Kaidan as Shepard walked over. James and Dawn stayed back a few feet.

"Okay, I think. Hard to know. I'm just waiting for orders now."

"Major?" Shepard asked.

"You hadn't heard?" Anderson asked.

"No, I'm a bit out of the loop these days."

"Sorry, sir. Didn't mean to keep you out of the loop." Kaiden said.

"It's not like you learned the Reapers were coming and didn't tell me." Shepard said.

"I suppose you're right."

"Admiral." The female officer said walking over.

"Come on." Anderson said before walking. Shepard followed. Kaidan gave him a smile and a nod. Shepard returned the friendly look. James and Dawn walked up to Kaiden.

"You know the Commander?" James asked.

"I used to." Kaidan said. He looked at Dawn and smiled. "Congratulations on the promotion, Lieutenant Cole." Dawn smiled.

"Thank you, Major."

"Junior Grade." James said. Dawn frowned at him.

"I'm only one rank below you Vega." She said crossing her arms.

"Don't get upset, Rosita, I'm just teasin." He said with a smirk. Dawn continued to frown then smirked slightly.

"So how've you been Major?" Dawn asked Kaidan with a smile. "We've really only talked one other time a few months ago."

"Right." Kaidan said with a chuckle and a nod. "I've been alright. Yourself?"

"Same." Dawn said with a nod. "I miss the Normandy." She said with a slight chuckle. Kaidan smiled.

"Me too." He said. "So uh, Lieutenant," Kaidan said looking at James. "Why do you call her…Rosita?" James chuckled.

"Cause she's a little rose." James said gesturing to Dawn's hair.

"It's either that or just Rosa." Dawn said with a small smile. "Not the worst name I've gotten."

"Right," Kaiden said with a chuckle. "That whole thing with Garrus, I'm sorry Archangel, on Omega." Dawn smiled.

"I still call him Angel."

"Have you heard from him lately?" Kaidan asked. Dawn shook her head. "The last I heard from him was right before Christmas." Kaidan frowned. "I'm sure he's fine." Dawn said with a smile. "He took a bloody rocket to the face and survived." Kaidan chuckled. Suddenly there was a rumble through the building.

"What's that?" Kaidan asked. Dawn jogged out of the room, the two men following after her, and went to a window. Dawn gasped and froze.

"Holy hell…" James breathed out. Reaper touched down and blasted at the building. "Get down." Kaidan dived down and James had to pulled Dawn, who was still frozen in shock, down. Things were crashing and exploding. "Snap out of it Rosa!" Dawn blinked and James pulled her up.

"Come on!" Kaidan shouted as the three ran. "We gotta get to the Normandy!"

The three went aboard the Normandy, which was docked, and went to the bridge.

"Joker!" Kaidan said.

"Yeah I'm here!" Joker said while pressing buttons. "Though I' not sure where else I'd be." The Normandy undocked and started to fly.

"Normandy, this is Anderson… do you read?" Anderson's voice came over the radio. Kaidan hurried over to the radio.

"Admiral. What's you're location?" He asked.

"By a downed gunship in the harbor. I'm activating its distress beacon. Send support. We've got wounded down he-e-e-r-e." The sound was glitching.

"Admiral?" Kaidan asked. "Admiral." Kaidan sighed. "We lost the signal. Joker, find the distress beacon."

"Already on it." Joker said.

"Come on." Kaidan said touching Dawn's shoulder before he started to walk away. She nodded and followed him to the elevator. They went down to the shuttle bay and grabbed rifles from off a table.

The Normandy made its way to the harbor.

"Calvary's here, gentlemen!" Joker said over the radio as the Normandy circled around. Joker lowered the hatch doors while lowering the ship and moved it to where the two men could jump. Kaidan and Dawn shot the reaper things while Shepard jumped on. Kaidan helped him in.

"Welcome aboard, Shepard." Kaidan said.

"Thanks." Kaidan and Dawn kept shooting. Anderson ran to the end of the ramp.


"Come on!" A shuttle passed by looking for the wounded.

"I'm not going." Anderson said. Shepard shook his head. "You saw those men back there. There's a million more like them, and they need a leader."

"We're in this fight together!"

"It's a fight we can't win. Not without help." Anderson said shaking his head. "We need every species and their ships to even have a chance at defeating the Reapers. Talk to the Council. Convince them to help us."

"What if they won't listen?"

"Then make them listen. Now go! That's an order."

"I don't take orders from you anymore, remember?" Anderson took something from his pocket and tossed it up to Shepard. Shepard caught his dog tags.

"Consider yourself reinstated… Commander." Shepard looked from the tags to Anderson. "You know what you have to do."

"I'll be back for you, and I'll bring every fleet I can." Shepard turned around to walk inside but looked back. "Good luck."

"You too, Shepard." Kaidan and Dawn holstered their guns as the Normandy started to fly away. Anderson saluted before running back down the ramp. Shuttles landed to pick up people. Kaidan headed inside while Shepard and Dawn kept watching outside. Dawn spotted the little boy. A Reaper blasted and Dawn felt a cold chill through her whole body. The boy covered his ears and stared up at the Reaper. He quickly ran and climbed into one of the shuttles. Shepard shifted. The shuttle doors closed and two took off. The Reaper blasted its red beam and hit both of them. Dawn gaped, covering her mouth with her hands, when the shuttle the boy was on exploded then she and Shepard held up an arm when the next one exploded. Shepard looked down for a moment before turning around. He touched Dawn's arm, she swallowed and looked at him. They entered the Normandy as the hatch closed and the Normandy took off.

Kaidan and Dawn were looking at weapons on the shuttle bay floor when Shepard and James walked over.

"What the hell's going on? Where's Anderson? Where are we going?" James asked. Shepard didn't answer and James stopped walking. "Hey!" Shepard looked back at him as he kept walking.

"We're leaving."

"Leaving?" James walked over.

"What's going on?" Kaiden asked.

"Anderson wants us to go to the Citadel, get help for the fight."

"Bullshit." James said walking over. "He wouldn't order us to leave."

"He can see what's going on. Without help, this war's already over."

"Then you can drop me off at the nearest depot. 'cause I'm not leav-"

"Stow it, Lieutenant. You don't want to go – we get it – but this isn't a democracy!" Shepard said. "We're going to the Citadel… you want out you can catch a ride back from there." James shook his head and turned away.

"Vega." Dawn said. He looked at her and started walking away.

"Commander." Joker said over the comm.

"Joker… that you?" Shepard asked.

"Alive and kicking. Got an emergency transmission from Admiral Hackett for you." James stopped and turned back.

"Patch it through." Shepard said. The video turned on but it was glitching and the words were choppy.

"Shepard… sustained heavy losses. … force was overwhelming… There's no way we can defeat them conventionally…" Hackett said.

"Anderson's already order me to the Citadel, to talk to the Council." Shepard said.

"First, I need you… iance outpost on Mars… ore we lose control of the system." Shepard saluted.

"Yes sir."

"…. been researching the Prothean Archives with Dr. T'Soni. … found a way to stop the Reapers… only way to stop them… ….in contact soon. Hackett out." The transmission ended.

"Joker, set a course for the Mars Archives." Shepard said.

"Mars? Rodger that." The shuttle overhead started to move to be lowered. Shepard walked away.

"This is loco!" James said.

"Why Mars?" Kaidan asked. "What does he think we'll find there?"

"I don't know yet, but if it helps us win this war…" Shepard said picking up a gun. Shepard picked up his N7 chest plate. "You two grab your gear."

"And me?" Dawn asked.

"You're staying on board for this one."

"Yes sir." Dawn said holding back a sigh.

Dawn took the elevator up and walked onto the bridge.

"Hey Red!" Joker said with a grin as he looked back at her. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Jay." Dawn sat down in the co-pilots chair. She sighed.

"Missing out on the Mars action huh?"

"Yeah…" Dawn swallowed. "Hey Jeff?" Joker's eyebrows went up and he looked at her.


"Have you ever seen something…like …something that wasn't real… but then suddenly it was?"

"You okay?" Joker asked with a concerned look. Dawn stared down then looked at him.

"I…I don't know." She shook her head. Joker frowned as she looked away. She brought up her omni-tool and started going through old messages from Garrus, Thane and Kolyat. There was a faint smile on her face.

It has begun! Yay for sequel! Long prologue but you never know the chapters in this may be as big as the ones in Blood Gun Bonding

So the next chapter is kinda unique in the way that I've never done it before. So hopefully you enjoy it and if not I'm sorry.