I Missed You



Disclaimer: I don't own HP or any of the other characters, so there.

Summary: COS Movie Fic. Contains spoilers if you haven't seen it yet. A certain Gryffindor reflects on the events going on during his second year at Hogwarts, including the one with his best friend.

* * * Flashback* * *

"Mr. Potter, I think it's best you come with me. I've already sent for Mr. Weasley."

As Ron and Harry entered the Hospital Wing, Harry froze when he saw who was on one of the beds…

"HERMIONE!" whispered Ron. Harry immediately went to her side. And looked at her. She was frozen in a state of shock.

"Petrified?" Harry asked of Prof. McGonagall.

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Potter. She was found with this," said Prof. McGonagall and she held up a hand mirror. "Do know you what this means?" Harry and Ron shook their heads and Harry put his hand on top of Hermione's, squeezing it gently.

* * * End of Flashback* * *

Harry couldn't believe it. Of all the people to attack, it had to be his best friend. The one person he cared for so much, it hurt him just to think about it. He'd sat by her bed almost each morning, afternoon, night, before or after classes telling her that they were going to solve the mystery, and that she would be alright, as he stroked her hand.

"Come on Harry," said Ron. "We'll be late!"

"Go on without me Ron," said Harry. "I'll catch up." Ron shrugged his shoulders, gathered his books and headed to Transfiguration. Harry continued to fix his eyes on Hermione.

"Hermione, I know you don't know I'm here, but I am. And I've been doing some thinking," he said while holding her left hand. "About us, that is, and I want you to know, that no matter what happens, that I will always be there for you." He paused for a moment, running his thumb over her hand.

"You're my best friend, and no matter what anyone thinks, I will always love you." He stroked her hair and leaned over, looking into her eyes as he said this, he kissed her on the lips. Sparks flew through him as he kissed her. He had never felt this way before about anybody.

Meanwhile, a figure peered out from around the corner. Ron was standing there as he watching his best friend kiss Hermione. He shook his head. Well, there goes the trio…he thought. It wouldn't be too long now before they hooked up. He watched as Harry pulled away gently from Hermione and rested his hand on hers. Harry put his head on her chest and drifted into sleep. Ron headed to class.

* * *

A few days later, Harry replace the flowers in the vase on Hermione's bed stand and sat on the edge of her bed. Stroking her hand, he looked at her while Ron stood on the other side. Harry noticed something in Hermione's hand he hadn't noticed before.

"Look Ron," said Harry. "There's something in Hermione's hand." He pulled it from her hand and looked at it. Harry read the piece of paper to Ron.

"It's a Basilisk!" said Harry. "A basilisk is what's attacking the students! It all makes sense now! The roosters, the mirror, everything! We've got to go find Dumbledore! Come on!" Harry kissed Hermione's forehead and the two of them ran to find Dumbledore.

* * *

Harry had defeated the monster and heir of Slytherin. Everyone was celebrating and welcoming the Basilisk's victims back. Neville Longbottom noticed a bushy-haired girl talking to Nearly Headless Nick.

"Harry, Look! It's Hermione!" said Neville. Harry stood up out of his chair. Ron followed. Hermione, who caught a glimpse of Harry, grinned and ran towards him. Harry was grinning from ear to ear and caught her up in this huge hug.

"Welcome home," he whispered, looking at her.

"I missed you, Harry," said Hermione.

"I missed you too, Hermione," replied Harry as he grinned at her and hugged her again, never wanting to let go.