"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY, I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT IF THAT'S OKAY, GERMANY?" The personification of America gleefully shouted to all the attending nations. America's blue eyes shone a lot brighter than usually and his grin was blinding to all that stood near him. France, who was sitting next to Canada, fainted at the beautifulness of America.

"Well, speak quickly so that we may proceed on schedule." Germany said, clearly unphased by America's proclamation. Germany than proceed to yell making the rest of the nations fall silent.

"WELL DUDES AND DUDETTES IT'S A SAD DAY FOR YOU GUYS, CUZ I'M NO LONGER ON THE MARKET." America said happily, he ignored the furious whispering from Hungary and Japan.

"What? America, you wanker, stop messing around." Britain shouted back. His large eyebrows furrowed and rose in surprise. Meanwhile his French rival revived himself from his fainting spell and leaped towards America who tried to dodge the Frenchmen but couldn't.

"Mon lapin, you have felt the l'amour." France cooed in America's face, his hands began to wander down but Britian stopped him.

"Belt up, frog!" Britian sneered before turning to his American counterpart. "Surely this is some type of joke, America."

"Nope, I'm in love." America said with a little content sigh. He sighed out the window and thought about the one person who made a public confession to him.

"Al, who are you in love with?" Canada quietly asked. Several nations including Britian looked at him in confusion, when did he get here?

"Dude, did you see him on tv?" America pulled his brother close to him before pulling out his phone. Quickly, he searched up the interview of his love.

"Eh, America do you realize that's Captain America?" Canada inquired but it was too late. America was blushing and going droopy eyed at Captain America.

"Captain Rogers, what do you think of America?" An interviewer asked Steve Rogers.

"Well, America is my home and I love her." He said sheepishly but also with authority.

America's boyish squeal of delight overpowered the sound of the interview.

"Isn't he dreamy?" America asked his brother. Canada sighed while France made a noise of agreement.

"Did he just refer to you as a woman?" Russia asked with a sunny grin on his face much to the discomfort of everyone around him. His grin faded when America did not respond for several minutes, still bedazzled by his national hero.

"I'm gladly become a lady for him." America sighed again. Besides who cares if Rogers thinks he's a woman. He just gave a literally declaration of love! Which Alfred totally needed after the whole Battle of New York. Man, he's going to have to bribe his states and Mr. P to introduce the nation to the national icon.