A/N: What up? This has taken slightly longer than normal to go up cuz of exam prep. Next week exams start so I apologise in advance for the possible tardiness of coming chapters. I'll try to update at least once a week though!

So much feedback for the last chapter! I'm glad that most of you liked it!

A couple of reviews have been asking if I'll introduce other PoT characters. It's an interesting idea. I think it would definitely make things intersting, but I'll have to put a bit more research into the world of PoT (wikis for the win), which i don't have the time for at the moment, unfortunately. I'll keep it in mind though!Yes the "Oath" that was mentioned is the canonical one! I probably didn't make that clear.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter too! It's one that a lot of you have been asking for!

Some of the basketball scenes are taken from canon, so if anyone has any arguments with the 'authenticity' of the match, I am so ready to rebut.

PS thank you for 100+ follows! It's much appreciated! I hope to live up to your expectations and continue entertaining you all with my stories! :D Have a wonderful week, guys!

~Changing Pace~

Chapter 6: The Decisions We Make


"Would you mind playing a match with us?" Riko asked, grabbing Kuroko's sleeve with wide, pleading eyes.

"Um…I'd rather not…" He began.

"Pleaassssseeeee?" The girl asked, tugging insistently on his sleeve.

Kuroko looked at the girl with short brown hair and an innocent, begging expression. Why not? Kuroko asked himself seriously. What's stopping me? It was only a single match. What harm could it do?

"Hey, Kuroko, you owe me for lying! You'd better play me again!" Kagami growled, pulling Kuroko from his thoughts. Kagami was panting hard and trying to recover his breath after running 40 laps of the gym.

The ghost of a smile played on Kuroko's lips, "I never lied to Kagami kun. Kagami kun simply never asked,"

Kagami snarled at him.

"I…will play," Kuroko said, "Ryoma kun, if you would like to return to the courts, please feel free to,"

Ryoma shook his head, "I'd like to see this,".

Kuroko shrugged.

"Would you like to change your shoes, Kuroko kun?" Riko asked, noting that the boy was wearing tennis shoes; not exactly the best footwear for basketball.

"These will suit me fine,"

Riko nodded, "Okay, we'll have first years against the second years again. 5-on-5 scrimmage," She announced.

"Let's see if you guys can do any better than last time," Hyuuga grinned. When last they had a similar match, the seniors had mopped the floor with the first years, beating them 38 -18

Riko blew her whistle.

The match began with the tip off. Kagami immediately tapped the ball to Kuroko. Kuroko caught it, but as soon as the orange ball landed in his palms, it was stolen by Izuki. The second year then dribbled it down the field, passing it to Hyuuga who made an easy three-pointer. Kagami growled to himself. The match was playing out similarly to the previous first years vs second years match; Kagami was always either double or triple teamed in an attempt to suppress him. The other first years were much weaker than their senpai and were easily outmatched. By the time Riko blew her whistle to signal 3 minutes had passed, the second years were up 24 – 6.

"Gah, it's happening again!" one of the first years complained.

"Don't you dare start with that bullshit about giving up!" Kagami growled, grabbing the boy by the shirt. The last time the freshmen had played the second years, they had taken an early lead, Kagami scoring dunk after dunk. However, their seniors had retaliated by blocking Kagami off with two or three man screens. This time, they began the match by shutting Kagami down, not even allowing passes to reach the tall red head.

Kuroko kneed the back of Kagami's legs, causing the taller boy to drop the other first year in surprise.

"Kagami kun has anger issues," Kuroko noted. Kagami growled threateningly at him.

Riko and the other second years looked at Kuroko with surprise; they had completely forgotten he was playing. Riko wondered whether there was some kind of mistake; maybe this was all some crazily elaborate joke. Surely the scrawny blue haired boy with no presence couldn't have been part of the famed Generation of Miracles. The team that swept through the middle school basketball league with consistent and overwhelming wins. Riko frowned. She blew her whistle to signal the end of the break.

Kuroko looked to his teammates, noticing their dispirited expressions. He stretched his arms and closed his eyes for a moment, centreing his thoughts. He opened his eyes with new focus.

"Please pass me the ball," He muttered softly to his teammates, who looked at him in surprised, having forgotten he was even part of their team. They frowned in confusion, but nodded all the same.

The match began again. This time, however, things were different. The first years snatched the balls as they were able and, as per his request, they passed to Kuroko. Almost by magic, the ball seemed to end up at the right place at the right time. Perfectly lined up shots fell into the first-years' hands. Even the double and triple team on Kagami started losing its effectiveness. The scores quickly shifted.

"What's happening?!" Hyuuga barked at his teammates. He couldn't understand how the first years were able to break through their defence.

"Misdirection," Riko whispered to herself, astonished.

Ryoma, who was sitting on the sidelines, watched with renewed interest. He had found the first half of the match utterly boring. But now, he was beginning to see what Kuroko meant when he had said that his skills were better applied to basketball. Kuroko was able to weave and duck his way to whatever position he needed to be in on court. His passes were quick and accurate; he never stayed in contact with the ball for longer than a second, using taps and glancing blows to palm the ball towards his teammates.

Ryoma had to admit; Kuroko was good. Seeing the blue haired boy in his full glory made Ryoma truly appreciate his skill on a whole new level. While it did work to a certain extent in tennis, there was only ever going to be four players on the court at any one time; it was easy enough to keep track of everyone when one payed attention. But ten people, running frantically around a field of play only slightly bigger than a tennis court, was pure chaos. Kuroko could easily make himself scarce, causing the others to forget him and concealing himself in the mayhem.

Kuroko was quietly, silently was a ghost on the court; a phantom.

Ah, it makes sense now. Ryoma thought, remembering the title.

But despite his astounding prowess, what Ryoma found the most surprising was the boy's face. Ryoma saw more expressions flash across the bluenette's face in the space of 3 minutes than he'd seen over an entire summer break. Frustration, contemplation, joy, relief but most of all, passion took centre stage. It was like Ryoma was meeting a whole new person. That guy loves basketball.

Ryoma shook his head. Maybe this was it; the place where Kuroko should be. Albeit, the boy liked tennis; he may even have a potential for tennis, but after the hours of practice and matches over the holidays, not once had the boy even cracked a smile. Ryoma took one last look at the scene, at Kuroko's ever-changing expressions and felt a tug of some negative emotion he couldn't quite name. He brushed it away quickly, though, choosing not to dwell on it. Idiot. Ryoma shook his head. Quietly, he slipped out of the gym and returned to the tennis courts.

The game was in full swing. The score was now 44-45 with the seniors years in the lead. There were seconds left on the clock. The ball landed in Kuroko's hands. Riko brought the whistle to her lips. The boy made a split-second decision, dribbling toward the hoop for a layup. The first years screamed their encouragment. The second years frantically dashed toward him, hoping to make it in time for a block. Riko took a deep breath, eyes still keenly focused on the game. The seniors were too late, Kuroko was too close to the hoop. He leapt into the air, the ball arcing gracefully from his fingers.

The ball hit the backboard, spun the circumference of the hoop and tilted off.

He missed.

The first years gasped in shock. The second years did too; they were too stunned to even contemplate making a move for the ball. Kagami, however, ran up behind Kuroko and slammed the ball forcefully into the hoop. Riko blew her whistle. 46-45 was the final score. The first years had won after making a colossal comeback. They gathered around the small blue haired boy, patting him on the back, singing his praise.

The second years stood catching their breath.

"That Kuroko kid is really something," Koganei noted to Hyuuga, who agreed.

"Kuroko kun!" Riko said bounding up to the boy, "You have to join the basketball team!"

The boy looked in surprise at the enthusiastic coach. He looked around the gym as if disoriented, as if he was waking up from a dream.

"I…" Kuroko looked for Ryoma, but the boy had already left the gym. Kuroko felt a pang of loneliness. Why not? What's stopping me? Kuroko realised he knew the answer to the questions he'd been asking himself earlier.

I knew I'd fall in love with basketball again.

Kuroko jumped up suddenly, startling the coach. He made a frantic grab for the tennis racquet he'd brought with him. In a flurrious rush he told the coach he'd think about it and nodded his farewell to Kagami, saying he'd see him tomorrow. He darted from the gym with a troubled look crossing his face.

And I don't know if I want that.

Ryoma was hitting a tennis ball against a brick wall at the back of the school. He lunged left and right, returning the ball with his usual speed. A million thoughts were racing through his mind as he rallied against his formidable opponent.

"Would you rather a partner?"

Ryoma leapt a foot in the air and missed a shot. The ball bounced past him, but was caught by a familiar blue haired ghost.

"You're going to give me a heart attack, one day," Ryoma frowned, hand clutching at his chest.

Kuroko tossed the fluorescent yellow ball back to Ryoma, who caught it deftly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, gesturing to courts, "Shouldn't you be with the basketball club and Bakagami?"

Kuroko looked at him blankly, cocking his head slightly to the side, "Aren't I part of the tennis club?"

Ryoma raised an eyebrow, "Are you?"

Kuroko sighed, "I told them I wasn't sure. I don't know if I can play basketball again. If I want to play again,"

Ryoma moved to the bench where he had left his bag. By the time he'd gotten back to the tennis club after Kuroko's basketball display, his seniors had gone home. They weren't sure how long Ryoma would take so they left him a note telling him to lock up when he got back. He'd picked up his gear and dumped it on a bench outside the courts, locking the clubroom behind him. He'd spent the next ten minutes playing tennis by himself until Kuroko scared the shit out of him.

"Why wouldn't you play basketball? You seem to like it," Ryoma asked focusing on his can of Ponta and not makin eye contact with the blue haired boy as he bounced the tennis ball against the pavement in thought.

He hesitated with his answer; "It's true. I like basketball -I love basketbal. But it's the people. I play basketball, a team sport, because of the people,"

"You don't like the Seirin team?" Ryoma probed, looking up curiously.

"No, that's not it," Kuroko shook his head, "I like the Seirin team a lot. They seem like good people..." Kuroko bit his lip slightly, "Kagami kun is good. He has a lot of potential. He might even join the other Miracles one day...I don't want to watch him go down that path, though," Kuroko's eyes grew dark, "I can't watch it again,"

Ryoma hefted his bags onto his shoulder, "Then don't,"

Kuroko looked at the boy, face blank, but the slightly raised eyebrow was enough for Ryoma to sense the unasked question.

"Don't watch him go down that path," Ryoma clarified, "Stop him. Or guide him,"

"But what if I fail?" Kuroko asked with a frown, "I failed before,"

"Mada mada dane," Ryoma shrugged.

Kuroko paused. Was it really that simple? Just try harder? Was that really it?

Kuroko shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had a lot of thinking to do.

End of Chapter 6

So what do we think?

Was this how you pictured it? Better? Worse? let me know your thoughts!

Also, next chapter will be the Kaijou match! Excitement! I haven't fully written it yet so input would be thoroughly welcomed? Should Kuroko volunteer to go? Should he skip tennis to go? Will he be dragged along by Kagami? By Riko? Will he go at all? Let me know what you think or would like to see!

:D Laughing on the Inside :D