Chapter 1: Prologue

I don't own Star Wars or any of the characters.

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It was only a few days after the Battle of Endor, but the Galaxy was still not free from the Empire.

Emperor Palpatine had left 3 daughters: Crown Princess Ahrianna, Princess Maranna & Princess Elanora.

The Rebellion hadn't expected that Crown Princess Ahrianna would be actually crowned Empress, but it happened.

And no one but the Imperials were happy with that.

Corownation Day at Coruscant: Imperial Palace, Princess Ahrianna's bedroom

Crown Princess Ahrianna Bernadette Cinderala Dorianne Elsa Palpatine stood in front of her window, watching out over Upper Coruscant with her deep brown eyes.

She was wearing a tight sparkling dark blue gown which revealed her shoulders and had no straps, but it did have see-through sleeves.

The long train of her dark blue see-through cape was 10 feet long.

Her long black hair was put in a braid around her head, no pin was hanging loose.

Princess Ahrianna breathed out deeply.

Today was a change in all of the living beings lives: a new Imperial would be crowned to rule the Galaxy.

"Let the Force help me to get through this day." she whispered to herself before walking to the doors and opening them.

Her servants were already standing there.

"Milady, Rebel ships have been spotted around the Imperial Palace docks!" one servant said.

"Leave them be. They don't mean harm." Princess Ahrianna politely said.

All the servants looked weird at her.

Ahrianna just smiled and walked further through the Palace.

Her younger sister Elanora was very exited, she could feel it through the Force around her.

Before the dark doors of the Throne Room, Ahrianna took another deep breath.

Then the doors opened, revealing the bit brighter Throne Room.

Ahrianna walked down the aisle.

All important 'Senators' sat on the satin couches, watching her enter and walking down that aisle.

Ahrianna felt their emotions flowing through the Light Side of the Force and through the Dark Side.

On the altar lay the Imperial crown for her, the new Emperess: a small silver crown with a dark blue stone in it.

Ahrianna picked up the crown and put it upon her head.

She turned around to face the audience.

They all stood up, some happy and others not.

Ahrianna cleared her throat before she spoke to them: "Today is a change for all the living beings in the Galaxy. And for a change, I invite the Rebel Council to a conversation about our ways to rule the Galaxy."

The whole audience looked at her with strange faces.

"I want safity for all the civilians, they never unlocked this war. I am not a murderer of the innocent ones, I want them to live like a free person. There will be a task force who has to guirantee safity on the streets of Lower Coruscant, expecially for women and young children." Ahrianna promised. "I will bring a change to this Empire. Thank you."

And she walked out of the room.

All guests were mumbling.

Meanwhile, on the Rebel Base of Endor...

The Rebel Council was discussing.

All about the attacks on the Coruscantian Palace to kill the Princesses.

"Wouldn't that be a kill for nothing?" Commander Luke Skywalker asked.

"How do you mean?" General Han Solo, his best friend, asked.

"If we kill those Princesses, wouldn't we just throw more anger over us? Some people would try to give them a chance as normal girls or something." Luke said.

"But if we don't, they might even bring more Darkness to this Galaxy." Princess Leia Organa-Skywalker, Luke's twin sister, said.

"We don't know that for sure." Luke said.

Then General Lando Calrissian came in.

"Hey guys, you need to watch that corownation!" he said.

"Lando, we're busy planning an attack!" Han said.

But Lando already pushed the 'on'-button and the holo-TV showed the hologram of the Crown Princess, now Empress.

Luke flickered with his eyes.

The Empress looked very beautiful: her female curves were perfectly accentuated and her hair was done nicely.

She had very friendly deep dark blue eyes, showing of honestness and bravery.

She spoke: "Today is a change for all the living beings in the Galaxy. And for a change, I invite the Rebel Council to a conversation about our ways to rule the Galaxy."

"Yeah, that's new." Han said, sitting back, but he thought it over. "Wait... what did she say?"

"I want safity for all the civilians, they never unlocked this war. I am not a murderer of the innocent ones, I want them to live like a free person. There will be a task force who has to guirantee safity on the streets of Lower Coruscant, expecially for women and young children." the Empress promised. "I will bring a change to this Empire. Thank you."

The whole Council was silent.

"What are we gonna do now?" General Madine asked.

"Maybe talking with her isn't that bad." Luke said.

Mon Mothma looked around the table and signed.

"Should we go to Coruscant and speak with the Empress?" General Madine asked.

"Don't you think it's just a trap to lure us?" Leia asked.

"No, this is no trap. I can feel it." Admiral Ackbar said.

The Mon Calmari always said things were a trap, but not in this situation.

"Is she trustworthy?" Captain Wedge Antilles asked.

"I have met Crown Princess Ahrianna once." Mon spoke. "Back then, she was only 10 and a very adorable child. Everyone thought of her as an honest Princess compared to her younger sister Maranna. I do think she means what she says."

Leia looked at Mon. "Are you sure?"

"Leia, she is exactly your age and has a wonderful passion for politics. Believe my words, you will like her." Mon said.

Luke looked at his wingman Wedge Antilles, who sat just back in his chair. "What's bothering you?"

"Just the fact that our grand leader wants an appointment with the Empress." Wedge replied.

Luke raised his eyebrow. "Don't you trust Mon?"

"I don't know anymore." Wedge signed.

"Admiral Ackbar, be sure the Tantiss IV is ready for departion. The others, put on some formal clothes." Mon said. "We're going to pay our new Empress a friendly politic visit."

Luke knew that Mon meant every word she said.

'Hope she's nothing like Palpatine at all or even more worse!' he thought before leaving the Council room and went to his suite.

Wedge watched all the other Council members leave the room, including Mon.

He let out a deep breath.

'I hope with all my heart that this Empress is not so beautiful as on that hologram, if she is, she can seduce every single man in this Galaxy.' Wedge thought. 'Including Luke, which I'm very afraid for.'