Chapter 1 – The Invitation


The mailman came and I went out the front door to bring it in for Mom. Dad was at the hospital and everyone else was in the living room except Jake, Seth and Emmett. They got in trouble with Mom and were weeding and watering her garden. I looked at the mail and found what looked like an invitation and it was from the Lodge and the Pack. I took it in to the living room to share with everyone. Billy was in the downstairs study talking with Sam who had come over to discuss some things with him regarding the Pack.

"Hey, we got some kind of invitation from the Pack," I said opening the envelope.

"The Pack? Why would they send an invitation through the mail?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, Sam's here, he could have brought it to us," Rosalie said.

In the study:

Billy & Sam:

"So, glad to be back home?" Sam asked Billy.

"Yes, I enjoy my time at the Lodge, but I really miss it here when I'm away," Billy admitted.

"You really miss being here that much?" Sam wondered.

"Yes, its home now and I miss the kids and the goings on here. There's never a dull moment," Billy said grinning.

"There isn't a dull moment at the Lodge either," Sam said. "Did I just hear my name mentioned," Sam asked.

"Yes, let's go see what is going on," Billy said wheeling out to the living room with Sam right behind him.

Living Room:


"What's it for," Alice asked.

"It's an invitation to a Halloween Party," I said quickly reading the invitation. "Who wrote this out? You can tell it's from the Pack," Bella laughed.

"Did I hear my name mentioned?" Sam asked behind Billy.

"Yeah, why didn't you just bring the invitation with you instead of mailing it?" Rosalie asked.

"We wanted it to be a surprise," Sam explained.

"Mission Accomplished," Rosalie said.

"Let me see it," Edward said reaching for it. When he read it he started laughing. "You're right, babe."

"Read it out loud, Edward," Mom said to us.

"It says: 'Hellowean Parti at Lodge – Halowean Night – Come dressed – No Rif Raf!" Edward spelled out the way the words were written. "This is hilarious!" Edward laughed holding it up.

"Come Dressed, what a bunch of goofballs," Rosalie said laughing with him.

"I take it they mean costumes?" Jasper asked.

"OOOooooooo, a party and a Halloween one at that. This will be so much fun," Alice said getting excited and clapping her hands.

"Billy did you know about this," Mom asked him.

"Yes, but I was sworn to secrecy. I see those boys need some lessons in spelling," Billy said shaking his head.

"We have to go to this, wait till Jake and Emmett find out about this," Jasper said.

"Call them in, Ali," Edward said to Alice.

"Okay," Alice said flashing to the door. Not long after we heard them coming in the house.

"What is it?" Jake asked. "You're stopping progress. We're up to our necks in weeds out there."

"I'm ready for a break," Seth said.

"We're going to a Halloween party," Alice said to them.

"When?" Emmett asked.

"Halloween night," Alice answered.

"But that's Halloween," Emmett said.

"No kidding," Jake said rolling his eyes.

"Jacob, you know Carlisle does not like when you do that," Billy said to him.

"Come on, did you hear what he said," Jake said to Billy.

"Jake, mind your father," Mom said to him.

"Which one?" Jake asked her.

"Both of them. Don't get smart," Mom warned him.

"What should we go as," Alice asked.

"Huh?" Emmett asked.

"We have to dress up," Alice explained.

"You mean like in a Tux?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah, that's what it means Em. Were you by chance born on a full moon?" Jake asked him.

"No, I was born here on Earth. I think it was a full earth that day too," Emmett said to Jake.

"Oh no, you're definitely from a different planet?" Jake said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, Uranus!" Edward said.

"Momma did you hear what Edward said? Good thing Pops didn't hear that one," Emmett said to Mom.

"I don't get it," Seth said.

"Sound it out," Jake said to him.

"Ur-a-…oh brother," Seth said catching on and laughing.

"That actually was a good one," Billy laughed.

"You people," Mom said shaking her head.

"So what do we go as," Alice asked again.

"Why do we have to wear a Tux?" Emmett said.

"No idiot, they want us to dress in costume," Jake explained.

"Hey, don't call my Emmy an idiot," Rosalie said to Jake.

"Then you call him one," Jake said to her.

"Shut up you…" Rosalie said.

"Children please," Mom said stopping the brewing word war.

"How about we go as nursery rhymes," Alice suggested.

"Come off it," Jake said horrified.

"Leah and Seth, you could be Hansel and Gretel," Alice said to them.

"I don't want to be that, that's too kiddish," Seth said.

"I don't want to be that either," Leah said.

"What would you go as," Jake asked her.

"Jazzy and I could go as Jack and Jill," Alice said proudly. "We can take a pail of water."

"Yeah, cause you're both pale! Get it, pale/pail," Jake laughed.

"Oh you're just a riot," Rosalie said sneering at Jake.

"You could go as the wicked witch who wants to eat Hansel and Gretel," Jake said to Rose.

"You could go as road kill," Rosalie said back to him.

"How about Leah goes as Bo Peep and Jake and Seth as the sheep," Alice suggested.

"No way, we're not going as sheep," Jake said.

"Yeah come on," Seth said agreeing with Jake.

"Why not?" Jasper asked.

"Cause sheep are beneath us," Jake said. "We're wolves and proud of it."

"Jake you should go as the black sheep," Rosalie snickered.

"You should go as a banshee," Jake came back.

"Stop it you two," Mom told them again.

"Mom, you're as bad as Dad," Jake said to her.

"Mom, what would you go as," Edward asked.

"I'm thinking the old woman who lived in a shoe and had so many children she didn't know what to do," Mom said.

"How could anyone live in a shoe?" Emmett asked now rolling his eyes.

"Were you ever a kid?" Jake said to him.

"I think so, but I grew out of it," Emmett said laughing.

"Now that was a good one," Jake admitted.

"What are you going as Sam?" Bella asked him. "I got it, a tattletale."

"Bella," Mom cautioned me.

"Emily and I were thinking of going as the two lovers from our tribe long ago who died after falling over the cliff. There are stories that on certain foggy nights, they still roam the woods trying to find their way. It's a legend," Sam said.

"I never heard of that legend before," Jake said.

"Not many people talk about it since it is so tragic," Billy said. "The Elders don't want many people to know about it because then we will have people roaming through the woods trying to see their spirits."

"What happened," Alice asked.

"They were in love and she was the chief's daughter and was betrothed to another warrior. But the daughter fell in love with another warrior and they were out at night and were going to run off together but it was such a dark and foggy night, they couldn't see 6 inches in front of them and they lost their way and fell off the cliffs and were both killed," Billy explained.

"Oh, how sad," Alice said.

"That sounds like a movie," Jake said

"How awful," Mom said.

"We were thinking of going as nursery rhyme characters," Alice said.

"You mean you were thinking of us going as nursery rhyme characters," Jake said to her.

"Well who do you want to go as then?" Alice asked.

"I'm going as Rosalie. That will be easy. Plunk a mop head on me for hair and put a ton of make-up on like you're going to be laid out in a casket," Jake laughed.

"Then I'm going as you," Rosalie said.

"As myself or as a wolf?" Jake asked her.

"Both," Rosalie said.

"How are you going to do that?" Jake asked.

"The front half of me is going to be you in your hideous human form, and the back of me is going to be you as a goat," Rosalie said.

"A goat! You take that back," Jake said to her.

"It will be like you are phasing from the back end first. You always lead with your butt anyway," Rosalie sneered at him.

"Listen ghoul girl, all you have to do is say, 'trick or treat' and people run," Jake said gloating at her.

"Momma, do you have any moth-eaten old fur coats I can cut up and make a mangy wolf coat out of?" Rosalie asked Mom.

"I'm sure I do, I'll have to check my closet," Mom said.

"Hey, you better do my coat justice," Jake said.

"Mom, you don't happen to have a skunk fur do you?" Rosalie asked smirking at him.

"Hey, that's below the belt," Jake said to Rose.

"Of course not," Mom said to her. "You two stop your jabs at one another."

"What are you going as Uncle Billy," Jasper asked.

"I want to go as a hearse," Billy said.

"A hearse?" Everyone said shocked.

"Yes, a hearse. I have the wheels, someone needs to make the back end of me," Billy said grinning.

"How do you propose we do that?" Jake asked him.

"Quit your arguing and teasing each other and work together and come up with an idea and a plan and build it and make it work. I'll be anxious to see it when you're done," Billy said to us all.

"Thanks a lot, we have to do our own costumes," Jake said.

"That won't take long," Billy said to them.

"That's brilliant Billy," Mom said congratulating him.

"Thought you and Carlisle might like that. It will keep them busy," Billy agreed. "By the way Jasper, what or who are you going as?" Billy asked him.

"I'm going as Papa. I'm going to borrow a lab coat from him and all I need is a stethoscope around my neck and a can of hair spray in my pocket," Jasper said. Everyone laughed.

"Why a can of hair spray," Sam asked.

"Cause Papa takes forever in the morning when he's getting ready to go the hospital and he uses practically a can of hairspray a day to keep his hair perfect," Jazz said.

"He's not kidding," Edward said to Sam.

"He's not, I've seen it," Billy said.

"I didn't know Uncle Carl was that vain with his hair," Sam said snickering.

"Oh you have no idea," Rosalie said giggling.

"I'm going as Mom then," Leah said.

"Which one," Seth asked her.

"This Mom," Leah said pointing to Esme.

"Oh Sweetie, that's wonderful. I'll help you," Mom said to her.

"What about you Bella and Edward?" Sam asked them.

"I'm going as Emmett," Edward said laughing.

"That won't be hard, all you have to do is act like an idiot," Jake said laughing.

At that, Rosalie flung a pillow and it hit Jake right in the face. He pulled it down and glared at her. She just smirked and flung her blond hair back happy with her perfect throw. Jake was getting ready to retaliate when Mom intervened.

"Jacob, don't you dare throw that pillow again," Mom warned him.

"You're time's coming Petal-puss," Jake said smirking back at her.

"How about you Bella," Billy asked.

"I'm going as Alice. I'm taking a bunch of outfits and every five minutes, I'm going to change into another one," I laughed.

"Just make sure you do me justice and make sure everything matches from the top to the shoes including belts and accessories," Alice said to her.

"This is going to be work," I said disgusted and wishing I wouldn't have said it out loud who I was going as.

"Don't worry, sister dear, I'll be here to help you coordinate the outfits," Alice said sweetly.

"Oh goody! Shoot me now," I said turning to Edward. The others laughed.

"Ali, who are you going as," Emmett asked her.

"Why, Bella of course," Alice said grinning at me.

"Oh no," I putting my head down and lightly pounding my fists on the back of the couch as the rest of them laughed at me.

"Seth, who are you going as," Leah asked him.

"Edward," Seth said pointing at him and laughing.

"Thank goodness," Edward said.

"What about you, crackpot?" Jake said to Emmett.

"That's easy, I'm going as Jazzy. All I have to do is talk about the civil war and run around trying to play the violin," Emmett laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, that will be great," Jake laughed.

"You're too tall to go as me," Jasper said to Emmett. "Maybe you should have Papa take your legs off from the knees down and put your feet where your knees would be," Jazz said grinning.

"You think that would work?" Emmett asked excited.

"Oh brother, this will be easy to imitate Emmett," Edward said laughing.

"He's so easy," Jake said shaking his head.

"You're not doing that Babe, they're just aggravating you," Rosalie said going up and rubbing Emmett on the shoulder.

"No one is taking their limbs off," Mom said to them.

"What the…what are they talking about," Sam asked Billy.

"They can reattach their limbs with venom if they are torn off," Billy explained.

"On that note, I'm leaving. See you all later," Sam said walking out muttering to himself and shaking his head.

"Pops would have a fit if we adjusted our limbs," Emmett said.

"Just for one night," Jazzy said.

"Jasper Cullen, I will hear no more talk like that or you will answer to your father when he gets home. By the way, Emmett, Jacob and Seth, get out there and finish my garden," Mom ordered them.

"Aww Mom, we're deciding our costumes," Jake said.

"Talk out there, get moving," Mom said shooing them out the door.

"This is a disaster waiting to happen," Edward said.

"You children better behave and you better not do anything stupid or you will answer to your father and me," Mom warned all of us.

"You better tell that to the 'Trickster Trio' out there in your garden," Edward said to Mom.



"Come on, let's get this garden done so we can work on our costumes," Emmett said.

"Our costumes are easy, how in the world are we going to make Billy into a hearse," Seth asked.

"Good question," Jake said. "He would come up with something like that."

"Hurry up Emmett, get the hose," Jake said.

"I'm getting to it," Emmett said walking toward the garage to get the hose.

"Hope he doesn't get distracted and we have to go find out what he's doing," Seth said.

After finishing the weeding and raking, we had all the mulch straightened out and we trimmed everything that needed to be trimmed. Now if only we can keep that big doofus from tripping and taking half of Mom's garden out with him, we will be done with this.

"What's taking him so long?" Jake asked. "EMMETT! Come on, will ya!"

The next thing I knew I was getting blasted by the hose at full force and it almost knocked me down. Then the goof got Seth next.

"HEY! Cut it out! You're messing up the garden again," I yelled to him.

"Come on Emmett, we just got it all put back together," Seth shouted.

Emmett finally turned the hose off and we were soaking wet and so was the garden. Some of the mulch was beginning to run toward the driveway and there was a big mud hole where he aimed the hose.

"Now look at the mess you made! You're cleaning this up," I shouted to him shaking the water off my hands.

"Aw a little water isn't going to hurt you," Emmett said coming up laughing.

"A little water? We're practically drowned," Seth said trying to shake some water off.

"Dude, you're not in wolf form," Emmett laughed. "You'll dry, let the sun do its magic."

"Here's some magic for you," I said and lobbed a big handful of mud right in Emmett's face.

"Ugh! Dude! That was right in my face," Emmett complained wiping it off.

"That's what you get, right in the kisser," I said laughing.

"Laugh this off," Emmett said lobbing the mud in my face now.

"Hey! Stop it," I yelled to him.

"Come on you two, get busy," Seth said to us.

Emmett and I looked at each other and we both got a handful of mud and threw it at Seth. It landed on the side and back of his head.

"You two cut it out! Now look at me," Seth said brushing mud off now.

"Ha ha, makes you look more earthy," I said to him.

"Here, have some more earth," Seth said and threw a big wad of mud at each of us, one landed on my neck and the other on Emmett's chest. Emmett grabbed the wad off his chest and started aiming for Seth. Seth seeing him, started running toward the garage but turned back to shout at Emmett.

"No, no, no, no, don't do it!" Seth shouted.

Emmett fired the mud as hard as he could and Seth ducked and the next thing we heard was a thud and a slam and someone shouting at us.

"HEY!" Dad said as he got out of his car. "You hit my…,"

Unfortunately, Emmett had fired another clump of mud right after the first and it landed right in the middle of Dad's chest.

"…car! What is the matter with you three? Come here," Dad said as he picked the clump of mud off of his white shirt and looked at it and then at us.

"No way, Pops. We can hear and see you from here," Emmett said laughing.

"You better not have dented my car and look what you did to my shirt," Dad scolded us.

"Emmett did it," I yelled to him.

"Yes Dad, it was Emmett," Seth agreed.

"Hey wait a minute, you threw mud too," Emmett said to us.

"Yeah, but we didn't hit Dad or his car," I pointed out to him.

"Oh yeah, you're right," Emmett said. "Uh oh!"

"Emmett Cullen, clean this car up inside and out and it better be spotless because I'm inspecting it," Dad said to him.

"Aw Pops, it's just a little mud," Emmett said to him.

"A little mud! Here, you can have it back," Dad said and fired at Emmett which hit him right on his a-, uh, butt.

"Ouch Pops! That hurt," Emmett said rubbing his backside and then seeing his hand full of mud. "EEEEUUUWWWW! Did I crap my pants?"

"You're a vampire, you dope. You can't do that anymore," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah! Whew, that was close! I thought I had an accident," Emmett said chuckling.

"You are an accident," I said and walked toward Dad who was stunned to hear what Emmett said.

Dad couldn't believe Emmett thought he had an accident. He had this look on his face like, 'he didn't just ask that, did he?' Well, yes he did. So I went up to Dad and clapped him on the shoulder.

"And you made him a vampire! Nice work, Dad! Proud of yourself?" I asked patting his cheek.

"Yes I am, and you know who else I'm proud of?" Dad asked me.

"Who?" I humored him.

"You!" Dad said as he took his muddy hands and rubbed them all over my face and in my hair.

"DAAA-AAAAD!" I shouted in horror.

"Go wash your face, Jacob. Imagine coming outside looking like that," Dad said brushing his hands off and walking toward the garage.

"Spoiled sport!" I called after him.

"Guilty!" Dad said as he went in the garage.

To Be Continued…

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