Disclaimer: We own nothing but the plot and our new created figures.

A/N: This story is co-written between Summerbirdy and Dreamcatcher. Every email is written and responded by one of us. Summer posts the story on Dokuga and Dream will post here

We're back! I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to open a file and type away, but it has been rather demanding summer. New job, kids on a holiday, my first summer as single mum… . Anyway, muse is finally giving in and here is our next mail.

Thank you for all of those wonderful reviews and messages. We really appreciate them and are glad you enjoy our little story.

A/N: This chapter is written by Summer, the next will be done by Dream

Date: Sat, Aug 29, 11:23:42

Subject: Done at last!

From: Kagome Higurashi (kagome-at-sunsetshrine-co-jp)

To: Sesshomaru Taisho (s-taisho-at-taisho-com)


First; I'm sorry it has taken me this long to reply. But I guess you've already heard from Mama that I have been extremely busy with my current project. I will tell you about it later. But right now I'm done with it. Free! Yay!

You don't need to keep thanking me. Really. If I had not done research about youkai´s inner needs and such for my other project just before Christmas, I wouldn't have noticed a single thing. Except maybe you snapping at Rin. Poor girl was devastated when that happened first time. She loves you to bits. Happily, I've heard, that you have made that up several times over. She's been gushing about the presents and activity you've had this summer. And both kids talked about your time on the island non-stop for about a week. If not more.

I can't thank you enough of taking Shippo with you. I was getting a little bit worried of how to get someone to teach him proper ways of canine and youkai, though I do my best with all the books and research I can find. Though however did you managed to get Shippo's teacher to give her okay for that long absence from the school is a mystery to me. That lousy excuse of a sensei is always looking at me like I'm the worst mother of the year and makes snide comments about me being single mom and to a youkai even. I don't see what her problem is.

Speaking about youkai culture, both Ms Nita and Mizuki-sama have been a lot of help, though your mother keeps giving me books about mating and relationships. And more so after your trip to island. Whatever did you talk about in there? She seems quite keen to get me hooked up with someone, apparently a demon, and Mama is rooting her. It's getting ridiculous and sometimes I'm so happy to be able to lock my office door and just let those two on their scheming. But if they won't stop soon there will be some serious trouble. I can promise that! At least they have opted out of an omiai. And if I ever find out that you are part of this "let's get Kagome married/mated" thing, I'll purify something you'll surely miss.

Thank you for telling me about Shippo's family. I'm not sure if you knew this already, but his father, Haku-sama, was good friend of my dad's, and he helped us tremendously after dad passed away. That's one of the reasons I was so keen on adopting Shippo, after Haku-sama disappeared. Last week we had Obon festival here at the shrine and he demanded to make and send off his own lantern for Haku-sama. I was so proud of him.

Also thank you for looking after Shippo a lot during the summer holidays. I feel bad, not being able to be there for him or Rin lately. I know Mama loves to have Rin around and simply adores spending time with those two, but I still feel like I'm shirking from my parental duties. But for the next week before school starts again, I'll be able to relax and enjoy time with Shippo. I'm taking him to Tokyo Disneyland on Wednesday. Perhaps Rin and you would like to come with us?

When Shippo's school starts again, I'll take up my project again. I also have another thing I want to do, and for that I have a favor to ask of you. I think you have noticed how Shippo and Rin keep drawing all the time? They are really talented, both of them, and even the lousy sensei has been sending home her compliments on Shippo's talent. I'm very proud of him, and Rin too, and want to ask, if you'd allow me to use her drawings in my project? Of course I will credit her, as supposed to. I just want to make sure you, as her alpha and parent are okay with this, before I even talk about this to my editor.

And by now you of course want to know what my project is. Right? Okay, okay I share. No need to frown at me, like you most certainly are.

A book.

More importantly it's a children's book. Story based on those two little adorables and their drawings. If you have listened Shippo and Rin prattling along while they draw, you would notice how each time they tell each other a story of what they draw. I've been making notes (purely on maternal whims) and I'd like to make their story into a book. Well, I will attribute to it some as well, but it will be based on the stories and pictures of our children. But please, not a word to Rin or Shippo, or even your mother about this. I plan to give those books as Christmas presents... That is, if my editor will comply.

Any advice how to make him do as I wish? Though he should be happy, since I've been working a LOT lately and didn't even snap at him when he was rushing me about the latest draft and reminding me of deadlines. (Though if you ask him I never keep them, but at least I'm not half a year behind schedule, unlike some of his charges, hmph.)

But now I must be running! Jiji wanted to clean up the storage (again) and I have a bad feeling about Shippo. He doesn't need any more material for his pranks than he already has and that storage is filled with some rather curious things Jiji has collected over the years.

Oh, and thank you for your compliment on my latest book. I'm so happy you enjoyed it.



P.S. I LOVED the white day gift and I'm wearing that pendant every day. Which your mother must have mentioned to you, since she keeps noticing it every time we meet her.

P.P.S Do you have ANY knowledge of what's going on with Jak? Or Him, for that matter. It's been suspiciously quiet lately…

A/N: Please read and review. Feedback is our fuel to write. Let's get those muses back on the road. Thanks so much!